Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson and the Olympians or Heroes of Olympus
Well guys, I'm back again. After the major flop of my last story, I'm considering abandoning it, at least temporarily. To be honest, I really don't want to, I love the story personally and where it'll go, but hardly anyone even read it so… I don't know. Please go check it out and let me know what you think about it. It's called Comin' Up.
But, on a happier note, this story is going to be Caleo! I've read a lot of fics where Leo is paired with Reyna or an OC, and I get annoyed by that for some reason, so I'm doing it the way it should be. This is going to be a fic where Leo goes back to Ogygia to rescue Calypso. I hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1
Leo's POV
A year.
It had been an entire year since the end of the Giant War had ended and he still hadn't finished repairing/figuring out the astrolabe.
When the Giant war had been won, there was celebrating by everyone, the Gods allowed the demigods to Olympus for a day for festivities, which we dancing, eating, joking around with friends, and anything else you could think of to be happy. Everyone had gone… well, except for two people. Immediately after we were told about the celebration on Olympus, Nico had vanished through the shadows, probably to the Underworld, and I had gone to Bunker Nine. I knew I was missing out on the party of a life time, but I had an oath, and I wouldn't put it off for even a day.
I'd blown off activities, training, any kind of social life, and even jokes to work on the astrolabe, and when I wasn't working on it, I was thinking about it, trying to conceive some way I could fix it, and make it guide me back to Ogygia.
I'd spent countless nights pacing the floor of Bunker Nine with the partially complete astrolabe in hand, staring at it, wondering how I could fix it. I fiddled with it, using various tools to take apart small bits of it, but putting them back almost immediately to make sure I didn't break anything necessary that I couldn't replace.
It had taken me about 8 months to figure out how I could fix it, and now I was finally nearly done.
I'd had to manipulate the pieces like a puzzle into the correct places, use my fire to superheat the metal and shift it to where it needed to be, and inserted the crystal into the area where it would be stable and wouldn't fall out or break. All that was left for it to be complete was final adjustments. Something is delicate needed to be exact and completely precise on every single part to make sure it worked perfectly.
My cabin-mates had come into the bunker while I was working and forced me to put off finishing it until the next day, literally carrying me out kicking and yelling at them to the cabin. I hadn't slept for about 3 days this time, and I guess they're worried about me, but I have to finish it.
When we got back to our cabin, they put me down and none of them let go of me except for one who went to the back of the cabin. He came back with some rope and flame-retardant.
I gave up struggling and knew I wouldn't be getting out of this.
They tied me down and covered the rope with the retardant, then went back to their various projects they were working on or simply went to lay on their beds.
I stared at the ceiling, feeling severely uncomfortable because I could barely move. I twitched my fingers, drew patterns on the sheets, and even started toying around with a small ball of fire in my right hand, but stopped when the sheets next to it started to smolder.
I stared at the ceiling again for a few hours, twitching my hands until my eyes finally started to get heavy. No matter how much I didn't want to sleep, I had been awake for 3 days, so I couldn't really help myself. After a few more minutes I dozed off.
I opened my eyes to find myself laying on a beach of white sand. I knew immediately that I was dreaming about Ogygia, it was all I ever dreamed about anymore.
I stood up and walked towards the center of the island where I knew I would find Calypso's cave. I looked around and saw all of the familiar things, the trees, furniture, plants, and various benches around the island. This place really was a luxurious prison.
Once I reached the cave, I walked in, but there was nobody there. I turned around to leave the cave, but stopped when I saw Calypso at the mouth of the cave.
"Calypso!" I yelled. I knew it was a dream, but I couldn't help myself.
She didn't answer. She simply smiled at me. I took a step towards her, but couldn't get any closer. I was going to call her name again, but the word died on my lips as I looked up and saw her vanish into a puff of vapor.
I woke up with a start. I found that my ropes were off of my wrists, and everyone was gone. They must be at breakfast, I thought to myself.
I walked out of the cabin and towards the bunker again. I knew everyone was at breakfast, but I wasn't hungry. I had more important things to do.
I entered the bunker and found the astrolabe where I always left it, in the specific spot on a workbench that had nothing else on it, tools or otherwise.
I picked it up and walked toward the forge area of the bunker. Today would be the last day of working on it, then there would be no more improvement to do.
I worked for somewhere around 14 hours at the forge. I'd heated the astrolabe, and painstakingly gone over every single detail with various tools to make sure everything was perfect. Sweat poured down my face from the heat and tension as I'd focused on my work.
And finally, it was done. A year of work was finally over. I put the astrolabe into what would be considered by most people hot water, probably around 90 degrees Celsius (Trying to be politically correct for everyone) because I didn't want the cooling to warp the tool or change anything from being put into cold water.
Once I pulled it out again, I looked it over. Everything was absolutely perfect.
It was already late at night, so I didn't really have any choice except to wait for the next day, but as soon as the sun comes up, I'll be leaving on the Argo II to rescue Calypso from her island.
I walked back to my cabin, leaving the astrolabe in a hiding place of mine in the Bunker. I couldn't bring it with me because if anything happened to it now, I wouldn't be held responsible for injuries that would be potentially fatal to the people surrounding me.
I made it to my cabin and laid down on the bed, thinking about what it would be like to finally return to Ogygia for Calypso. Would she remember me? Doubtless. Would she still love me? That was the real question that he was apprehensive about finding the answer to.
There was nothing else he could do though, so he shut his eyes and waited to be overtaken by sleep.
That's chapter 1! Do you guys like? The first chapter is always slow, so it'll improve. I hope you guys liked this one, please review and let me know what you think. Also, don't forget to check out my other story, Comin' Up, I really want to know if anyone would enjoy reading that. Well, that's all for now.
I hope to see you in the next one!