This is the first fic I've ever written and out on a website, hope you enjoy! I will say that the story will mostly revolve around Levi-Eren. But, there will be a few more stories thrown in. I hope to make this last as long as I can, enjoy!

I in no way own Attack on Titan/Shingeki no Kyojin!

Eren righted his jacket, and straightened his shining belt buckle while looking in the mirror.

'This is it', he thought. 'Graduation day. Fifth in my class. This is really it, I showed them , I showed them ALL. Even Mikasa had doubts about me. Everyone that ever told me I wasn't strong enough or talented enough will be proved wrong in mere hours.'

He glanced at the clock on the wall of the room he shared with Jean Kirstein. He still slept noisily In the twin bed across the room from his own.

6:55 am

He continued to preen for a few more minutes before finally deciding this was the best he could do. He walked to Jean and gave him a soft shake on the shoulder, rousing him from his reverie. Jean smiled a sleepy smile and thanked him then he got dressed as well.

Eren made his way for the Mess Hall.

The dining room was alive this morning and teeming with excited chatter, beaming faces, and warm food. The latter was a luxury only afforded since today was the last day they would share a meal here.

Eren glanced around for his usual spot and took a seat with Armin, Mikasa, Annie, Reiner, and Bertolt.

The group exchanged good mornings and smiles. Eren joined in their conversation about which regiments they would choose after they graduated from the Academy.

Annie rolled her lazy eyes, "I already know I'm in the top ten. It would be idiotic of me to not accept my position with the military police in Sina."

Reiner cut her a look of contempt and gave a heavy sigh. "A Life of safety is a life for me." He said mockingly with a chuckle at the end of his ditty. "No," He started then cut himself off, unsure of his next words. "I... I'm going to join the scouts. I want to be there when the last Titan in existence has the back of his fucking neck sliced off. I want to be the one holding the blade." His face turned hard and he looked down, his jaw clenched.

Eren broke the uncomfortable silence, "I'm with you, Braun. We can end this together." A steely look of determination came over his face and a small, dark grin curved his lips. Reiner's golden eyes met his own emarald green. They exchanged a knowing smile.

Armin piped up and he agreed that he, too would be joining the scouts. "We planned on seeing the world outside these walls." He gave Eren a soft look, and added with a smile, "that's the only way I'll ever be able to see what's out there."

Jean sat down beside Mikasa with a loud clatter of his metal tray and gave a huge, uncalled for yawn. "Well, if anyone wants to join ME I'll be safe behind my desk doing paperwork by tomorrow afternoon."

Eren gave him a hard glare and stood up to retrieve his tray without a word. Jean knew how to press every button Eren had with little to no effort.

Mikasa pursed her lips in contempt at Jean and shook her head. She stood as well and followed Eren to the line.

"Don't mind him. He's an imbecile." She said flatly to Eren' s back.

"I don't." He began, then thought of how to put into words what he was feeling. "I just don't want to be alone when Commander Erwin calls for the new Scout recruits to step forward." Mikasa ' s eyebrow furrowed as she mulled his statement over. "I'll be beside you, that's all that matters. " she said matter-of-factly. Eren couldn't help but pull his lips into a tight smile and nod.

They finished their breakfast with mostly pleasant conversation.

"Attention 104th trainees squad," the loud speaker in the corner of the mess hall rang out over all conversation. "All personnel will convene in one hour, at nine am sharp in the grand room on the first floor. The graduation ceremony will commence then; led by Commander Erwin Smith, Captain Levi Raiville, and other high ranking officials of both the Garrison and Military Police regiments. Congratulations to all graduating members, may you leave here today with your heads held high. That is all."

Chatter rose again, excited and hopeful. Then, the double doors to the Mess Hall busted open and Commander Erwin along with Captain Levi entered. All conversation stopped. They walked in silence until they reached the middle of the huge room and both stood in a small open space.

Erwin parted his lips to speak, and his eloquent words and deep, commanding voice filled the room.

"Good morning trainees. I trust you all are very excited and rightfully so. As most of you know, the top ten in your graduating class have already been notified as of last night. I deeply apologize to anyone who did not receive a letter that expected one. " Levi noticeably scoffed at this and put a curled index finger in front of his lips. "Be that as it may, other than the Military Police, you will have two options to pursue. The Scouting Regiment, serving under myself and Captain Rivaille. Risking life and limb In order to take back our Titan-claimed walls, and further the success of humankind."

Eren was on the edge of his seat and couldn't contain his excitement. A hot ball formed deep in his stomach and it was excruciating keeping it down. A small, twisted smile curved his lips.

Erwin continued, his voice commanding attention. "The other, the Garrison regiment. Ensuring the safety of our citizens and the security of our walls. God speed be with you in your choice. Nine am sharp." He added and turned on his heel to exit the way they came in.

Eren couldn't peel his eyes off of the amazing duo and watched every movement as they walked passed each table, nearing his own.

Eren locked eyes with Captain Levi as he was within feet of his table. Levi' s lips pulled in a half smile and Eren swore he saw the Captain wink an eye at him.

Eren' s jaw dropped with a soft pop and the hot ball in his stomach grew, but with a different emotion. 'I must be fucking dreaming.' Eren thought to himself, and ignored the soft press of his slacks against hardening skin.