God this chapter took so long to go anywhere…I had an idea for the longest time for this chapter, Itachi was going to have an impressive role to play in it, and I just totally couldn't do anything with it! Ugh, more at the end, and please forgive me for updating over a year late! I'm really sorry!
I don't own Naruto, or again, Gaiden. Babies, more babies…Babies for everyone!
A lone dark eye scanned the horizon before him, watching, waiting, feeling next to nothing. How long had it been that he last moved? Possibly five minutes, or it could have been an hour and half, probably the latter seeing as the small figure next to him kept shifting its weight on its paws impatiently. His mission was done, but he had yet to still turn in said mission to his superiors. He just wanted to sit and relax a bit before he found his way back to his home and back to the dark pit of his life.
He had been happy going back home after a long mission only a few short years ago. He had a team of Genin under him, and it had become a daily ritual, listening to the three of them bicker and yell at the other while he lounged sleepily in a tree nearby. Taking in a slow, deep breath, the small animal next to the man shifted, knowing they were about to get moving again.
"Let's not keep everyone waiting, Pakkun."
The small dog gave a snort as he turned, watching his summoner stand and stretch out his legs and back. Pakkun knew they wouldn't get scolded for taking their time, but it was the fact that they were still in enemy territory. It sickened the dog greatly, 'enemy territory' yet they were only a few hours travel from Konoha.
"We're not being followed; perhaps we can take it slow back to the village this time. I'm too old to be trying to keep up to you, Kakashi."
A dry chuckle left Kakashi as he shook his head, giving the small dog a halfhearted smile beneath his mask. The dog wasn't old by any means, and Kakashi felt guilty at what he knew Pakkun really meant. 'You're pushing us too hard.'
"You've done well today; I can handle the rest on my own."
"Are you sure?" Pakkun's ears lay back as Kakashi stuffed his hands into his pockets.
"Go rest, you deserve it. If anything happens I'll summon Bull."
The small dog gave a sour grunt. Bull was large and strong, but Pakkun doubted he could help if Kakashi actually needed help. Not saying he could do better, Pakkun knew better than that. He might be small and fast, but all of them were exhausted.
"Be careful Kakashi." With that said, Pakkun disappeared into smoke.
Without waiting for the smoke to full disperse, Kakashi launched himself into the trees and towards his village. He needed to figure out what to do with missions if his dogs were so tired. A small voice in the back of his head quickly mentioned taking a break, before he smashed down the thought. He needed to keep busy, have his mind focused on a mission.
The last time Kakashi remembered taking even a day off, was almost two years ago now, and it had been horrible. After a certain young kunoichi's funeral, Kakashi hadn't known what to do with himself. He tried to keep things moving, excepting missions for his team, but there wasn't much he could really do with only two genin. So, he reluctantly accepted another into their group, or else they would have been disbanded completely and have totally separate teams.
To say things hadn't gone well was an understatement. They had been given a girl, the same age as Naruto and Sasuke, and nothing like the former kunoichi they were all used too. She was mean, brought Naruto down on his lack of doing much but being a spur of the moment kind of guy. Had labeled Kakashi a worthless sensei; and Sasuke for being a stick-up-the-ass prick. She was gone in two days. Another member was brought, who had actually gotten along rather well with Naruto, but Kakashi had been the one to toss the boy to the side.
It was too hard; they wanted to basically replace Sakura with another version of herself. The Hokage had actually made them take a few weeks off missions so he could find someone more suitable, and had actually found someone much like the pinkette. But then Sasuke happened. It could have been guilt, grieving, anything. But he had lashed out on the young girl in such a bad way on a simple mission.
Kakashi's stomach twisted at the memory. He had let the boy yell, say anything he wanted when he should have been stopping him. He felt the same. Sasuke had told the girl she was worthless, that this wasn't her team, it'd never be. They were nothing more than fellow shinobi completing the necessary missions needed to receive a pay check and experience needed to survive. It wasn't until Sasuke had told the girl to do what their original team member did and 'just die' already that Kakashi knew he had let things go too far.
Naruto had gone for Sasuke while Kakashi to the girl home as she sobbed. He had retired not long after that incident, unwilling to watch another hopeful genin was placed on their team only to be sent away because they weren't Sakura.
It wasn't until the village had fallen ill a few months later Kakashi began taking on missions again, though not as a jōnin. He joined ANBU again, following a small team to try and find a lead that could have possibly have made such a disease. Nothing came up. Every lead on Orochimaru came up empty, with how violent it was they were sure he was behind it, but the mad man had been lying low with no activity at all…
All they wanted were answers, answers as to why such a thing had to happen to them, to innocent people. But alas, as Kakashi had noticed painfully early on, there weren't going to be answers. There never were any.
With a slow sigh, Kakashi pushed chakra through his legs and feet, kicking off branches harder to move himself faster. Perhaps he did need a break. He was sure if he requested it, he would be allowed to do something small, but something he could keep his mind busy on at least.
That was what was good about ANBU. If you didn't want a mission but not a break, they'd give you something to research on. Whether it be a person, place, or anything else of the sort, they'd let you have a crack at it. Kakashi gave a nod, yes that sounded like a good idea. He'd do research for a few days, sleep in a few hours each morning, get a few large good meals into him, and be on S-rank missions again.
"You're going to drop dead suddenly if you keep doing this!"
Kakashi's slipped at the voice, a whisper in the back of his mind. Hand latching out and grabbing ahold of a tree trunk, Kakashi stopped himself from falling to the ground far below, a cold shiver crawling up his back.
It was like with Rin's death, only this time there was no blood on his hands. No, he just heard her, heard her voice speak to him when he was most vulnerable. He could see her now, standing before him with her small hands on her hips, thin eyebrow furrowed worriedly with a frown on her lips. Sakura did the same with Naruto and Sasuke all the time.
Breathing slow and deep, Kakashi calmed himself, his heart having tripled its pace at the words floating around his mind. Pushing his gloved fingers under his hitai-ate, rubbing them against his closed Sharingan eye. 'Her voice is my guilt…'
He knew she wasn't alive; the odds were against them the moment she was taken. That only multiplied with the find of a dried pool of blood on the forest floor. He had spoken to doctors, and they all agreed it was depression. The Godaime Hokage, Tsunade had tried to take him off the mission roster. But he had assured her he was fine, and he was for the most part.
'I'll visit her…Bring her some flowers, I forgot to get her some last time.' With a nod, Kakashi sped off. He had been neglecting his visits recently. Perhaps that was another reason he was hearing her voice?
There was so much to do, and so very little time to do them in. Tonight was the anniversary of the Red Death being cured, and as much as the young woman loved today, she hated it at the very same time. Swiping platinum hair away from baby blue eyes, a sigh came from between glossed pink lips. Over three years now her mother was dead, two years, four months and two weeks actually.
Yamanaka Ino's mother had been one of many to first be diagnosed with the illness, but one of few to have put off the progression of stage three. With her mother being a civilian and co-owner to their families flower shop, it wasn't unusual that her mother drank herbal tea from their garden to help her body try to heal. It was probably what kept her as healthy as she was for so long.
Currently, Ino was at the hospital, sitting on one of the many benches sitting below a window. She was in the critical care unit, though not exactly during her shift. Ever since her mother's death and the cure have been developed by Tsunade, Ino had begged to become the woman's apprentice. Her mother's death hit her hard, and she was afraid she'd be left in such a helpless situation again. After a few months of training, Ino had begun to work within the hospital, and slowly rose within the ranks from a basic helper, to an actual nurse.
Today was her day off from missions and the hospital, but then her time was spent with little free time in the flower shop. She was filling orders at the moment, delivering pre-made orders to those within the hospital. Though sadly, had been asked to help with a patient whose body finally gave in. He had been suffering from the Red Death's after effects for years, and his system finally shut down. He was a kind man, always complimenting the blonde on her perfume; he said it was like a flower starting to bloom, sweet but not overly so. It was why she worn it all the time now, she found those in this ward loved it and it made them relax.
"He's gone now…" Ino's voice was barely a whisper.
She held his hand as he died, as the medics in the room eased his pain so he wouldn't panic. She told him about how the Rosemary he had requested for his wife and daughter were in full bloom, he had smiled. He asked that she lay down one of the flowers meant for his wife into an extra paper like boat for him that night. She had cried, and promised she would no matter what.
On the anniversary of the cure, that night the village would gather at the larger river within the village, write the name of family they had lost onto a small piece of paper, light a candle, and place both within a small boat, watching the current of the water carry them away. The man Ino had stayed with as he died; there was no one this year. He was the last of his family, his young daughter having died first followed closely by his wife. Why did such good people have to die so horribly…
"Ino!" Said blondes head lifted, watching as an orange ball of energy ran down the hall waving.
Smiling at the sight of two dark hair men behind the blonde, Ino stood and made her way towards the three, her heels clicking the whole way.
"Sasuke-kun~!" Ino through herself at the brooding Uchiha, her arms wrapping tightly around his neck as she kicked her feet into the air behind her.
Out of reflex Sasuke's hands shot out, grabbing Ino's waist so she wouldn't fall and pull him after her. He scowled, how many times had he told her to NOT touch him like this? He pushed her back, her feet touching the ground as her arms finally freed the man, a pink blush on her cheeks as she gave a girly giggle.
"Oi! Where's my hug huh!?" Ignoring the blonde Ino turned her head to the tallest for the group, giving him a shy smile.
"Hello Sai-kun! What brings you here today?"
"Ino, you look well today." Sai gave a small bow of his head, ever so polite.
"What do you think? We only ever come here for one reason." Sasukes voice was full of annoyance, whether it is from the situation or the pouting blonde whining by him, Ino wasn't sure.
Sasuke was right; there was only one real reason as to why they ever came to the hospital, to this unit actually. Mebuki was a patient here. The past few years had been difficult for her. She knew what her fate was, she was going to die. The woman had actually refused the cure, saying if she were going to die anyway, she might was well do it quickly so she could see her daughter.
The three visited her often, though Mebuki did not like Sai at all when they first met. Thankfully, Sai was rather understanding. He knew why Naruto didn't warm up to him, why Kizashi was rather quiet around him, and why Mebuki glared at him. He was not Sakura. Sai knew about what happened, and knew Naruto believed Sakura was still out there. He had done it mostly to humor the boy, but he had told him that though the odds were against it, if Sakura were alive, he'd help Naruto find him…As you can imagine Sai became pretty cool to Naruto after that.
It was harder for Sakura's parents though. It was around a year ago, on the day Sakura had gone missing, that Sai had painted them a picture. He had seen the pinkette's picture enough he knew what she looked like, and from those who'd actually speak of her, knew mostly what the girl was like.
He had painted Sakura sitting in a small meadow full of flowers, the wind gently blowing her hair about her. It was rather simplistic in its style, but it had melted Mebuki's cold attitude towards him. Every time Sai visited, he'd paint and draw for her, anything she wanted, and of her even. The older woman had all of them, often looking through them, they helped her feel calm she told them on several occasions.
Pulling herself from her mussing, Ino gave Sasuke a large smile, patting a brown satchel resting against her right hip as she spoke.
"I'm filling orders for tonight. Perhaps we can go see aunty together?"
"Yosh! I'm sure Mebuki-kaa would love that, let's go!" Ino gave a small flinch as Naruto suddenly burst next to her. There's no other way to describe it, he was sulking quietly one moment, and then the next just burst with joy.
"Chill it or you can sit outside during." Sasuke's eyes thinned on the blonde man, watching as Naruto gave him a disproving look.
"I'd like to see you try and make me sit outside."
There was silence for a moment, Ino taking a step to the side away from the other blonde. It was a small chance, but the two might just chill on their own and start walking down the hall. They did this often, stare the other down for a bit, and either nod and go on their way, or one would punch the other in the nose and then be on their way. The two had gotten rather odd with their friendship since Sakura died. They definitely acted like brothers anyway.
"Sai, make a few snakes."
"EH!? No no I'll be good!" Naruto stumbled back, hands in the air defensively as he backed down from the Uchiha. Using Sai this time, new tactic, nice.
"Let's just go for crying out loud!" Ino gave a sigh, fixing the strap of her satchel and walking past the two men. "You two give me a head ache sometimes, you know?"
Sai gave a small chuckle, following behind the blonde woman quietly. He could of in a lot of ways understand where Ino was coming from. Sai had seen a few fist fights between the two, watched as they go at each other wanting to hurt them badly, then dust themselves off and calmly tell the other where they needed work.
Sasuke stuffed his hands into his pockets, Naruto's arms crossed behind his head as he followed next to the Uchiha quietly. It was hard for them, seeing the Haruno family in such a way. Naruto felt lucky in some ways, he never knew what it was like having his own family, so having them not there didn't tear at him like it did Sakura's parents…But that was it, he never felt that love of a family. He was envious, he wanted that. He had Mebuki and Mikoto welcoming him into their home, and he was grateful for that. But it wasn't the same.
"You're thinking too much again." Sasuke's voice was low, doing so from letting Sai and Ino in on the conversation.
"I'd rather think too much on it then not at all Sasuke." Naruto's eyes met Sasuke's from the corner of their eyes.
Sasuke's jaw clenched as he looked away. He thought about it…He just banished such thoughts out of his mind quickly. It didn't happen to him, so there was no reason to think about it. Sasuke was lucky he never lost anyone close to him, and that's as far as he'd let his mind go.
It was a little embarrassing, having her two teammates following her to the kimono shop, picking up a handmade kimono for tonight. Though, Hinata supposed it could be worse. They could be going with when she had to try it on. Letting out a tired sigh, Hinata rubbing at her forehead, her bangs stuck to her face from the sweat. It was sweltering out, and not because she was dressed so warm.
With Ino as a close friends of hers now, the blonde had kind of taken over her wardrobe. She had her sweater yes, but it was tied around her hips to try and help her cool off. But along with it, shorts and a netted top that showed a small bit of her stomach. She'd be cooler without leggings on, but Hinata was sure running around in a bathing suit wouldn't help.
"Shino-kun…Are you sure you're not too warm?" Hinata glanced worriedly at her taller teammate, who had taken off his jacket but was still dressed warmly.
"Aa, thank you but I am alright."
"How!? I'm pealing layers off and it just gets worse." Kiba's voice was a whine, and he wasn't wrong.
It was humid, extremely so. It was probably going to rain tonight, even though there weren't any clouds out right now. Akamaru gave a small whine as his head lowered; his mouth was open with his tongue hanging out as he panted. Feeling bad since they were helping her with errands, Hinata gave a small smile to the white dog as she gave him a pat on the head.
"Once we get my kimono, let's go gets some ice tea. There's a place nearby that'll let you come in too Akamaru."
The dogs head shot up, giving an excited bark as he put a little oomph into his walk, moving slightly more head of the three. Turning to look to the two, Kiba gave Hinata a tired but greatly thankful look. Smiling and nodding once, Hinata walked slightly faster, knowing they all just wanted out of the heat. All the restaurants and stores were actually allowing Ninken and other Shinobi animal companions in and out of the heat. Already there had been several people who had gone to the hospital because of the heat, and it wasn't even noon.
Once they had made it to the shop, Hinata was pleased to find they indeed allow Akamaru inside. Though to avoid having his hair all over, asked if it was ok if he stayed near the entrance. The dog hadn't minded, he flopped himself onto his side away from the door, and stretched himself against the cool tile floor. Not wanting all of them to go back into the heat so soon, Hinata took her time getting her kimono. Looking at a few things she could buy along with it. Avoiding looking like she was indeed stalling on purpose, Hinata suggested they leave, but to the giant dogs' disproval, seeing as he refused to get up the few times Kiba attempted to lift the dog.
"The tea shop isn't far correct?" Hinata gave a nod to Shino's question.
"Hai. Its right down the street, only a few shops down." Hinata pointed down the road to their left as they walked outside, Shino and Kiba both slouching as it felt like all four walked into an oven turned on high.
"As much as I want to run there I don't even want to move…" Akamaru groaned in agreement as he nodded his large head to Kiba's statement.
"W-we mustn't!" Hinata's hands grabbed onto her teammates arms gently, pulling both down towards the shop. "Too long outside and we'll be placed into the hospital."
Both Kiba and Shino gave a groan, neither sounded like a good idea. But both allowed the Hyūga Heiress to lead them to the shop, which was surprisingly not as busy as they thought it would be. Perhaps everyone was choosing to stay inside where it was cooler? All they knew was it was amazing inside. Windows were firmly closed; the air conditioning was on, with a few fans circulating the air within.
"Is it just the three of you along with your ninken?" A young woman appeared from nowhere, making Hinata's heart start up with a small squeak of surprise.
"Aa! Could I have some cold water? Akamaru's pretty hot…" Kiba reached down to scratch the dog behind the ear gently.
"Of course! Take a seat and I'll bring out some cold water for all of you."
Muttering a shy thank you, Shino lead the way to a small table next to a window. They had placed paper overhangs on the windows, allowing people to look out or in, but not let sunlight inside. Once seated and leaned back, Hinata gave a content sigh, the cool leather of the bench seat instantly cooling her over heated body.
This was nice, even though very unplanned. Sitting down for a cool cup of tea, possibly a salad for her and her friends, and today would be a pretty good day. Though today was sad, Hinata liked this day. Hanabi, Hinata's little sister, had started showing symptoms the day before the Godaime Hokage announced the cure. Though the girl had suffered, coughing up blood and wheezing, she was better within days.
Though wishing she could do more to show her appreciation, Hinata did little things for her Hokage. Nothing too big, but when she'd take lunch to Ino every so often, she'd make enough for Lady Tsunade and her apprentice Shizune. The busty blonde loved Hinata's homemade sweets, so she'd make sure to sneak an extra or two into her bento.
"I hope they don't mind us hanging out for a bit." Kiba leaned back as he spoke, crossing his arms over his chest.
"I doubt they'd mind, they are a restaurant. Plus it's too hot to be making people leave so they can serve more people."
Kiba rolled his eyes at Shino's response. That wasn't what he had meant, though he supposed it didn't matter much. People came and went around them, a few being sat behind them. Akamaru jumped onto the bench next to Shino, said man giving the dog a softly pat on his back to let him know he was welcomed next to him.
"What should we order?" Hinata voice was soft, looking over the daily specials on the table next to the napkins.
"Nn, hard to say. What's gonna not kill us when we go outside?" Kiba leaned over, looking along with the heiress as she browsed.
"Well…There's a few different salads, shaved ice in several different flavors. Mostly it's all cooler dishes."
Handing Kiba the menu, Hinata knew what she wanted. A spinach salad would do it for her, her family was going to have an early larger supper tonight, and she didn't want to eat anything to heavy before going back out.
"The spinach tamagoyaki is the only thing that seems good…" Kiba gave a sigh.
The hair on the Inuzuka's arms stood on end and he took a breath in. There was this…Smell that was so very hard to ignore. Flinching out of a daze, Shino took the small menu from his hand.
"Were you not done?" Shino stopped at the look on Kiba's face, a frown pulling at his lips.
"Yeah I just…Caught a whiff of something."
"Of what?" Hinata's face grew worried, Shino placing down the menu.
"Nothing, it just seemed familiar is all. Right Akamaru-" Kiba's words cut short, Akamaru's head tilted up as he sniffed deeply at the air.
Kiba's face grew serious, ignoring the looks from his two teammates. He wasn't imagining it then if Akamaru picked it up as well. But he shouldn't be smelling it, was it the 'you smell someone who's gone when their spirit is near' that he's heard about? If so then he doubted Akamaru could smell it, and they were never particularly close to the person either.
"Akamaru…You can smell it too." The dog's ears perked up. "Where."
With a bark Akamaru jumped off the bench, standing alert as he looked towards the entrance to the restaurant. Kiba was on his feet, pulling his jacket on as Hinata and Shino both jumped up.
"Kiba-kun?" Hinata's voice was filled with worry as she laid her hand against her chest.
"Akamaru and I caught a sent; we're going to check it out." Shino frowned as Kiba began walking.
"Who's sent?" Slinging his own jacket over his shoulder, Shino followed after.
Kiba didn't respond, only walked through the doors and gave a snarl. It felt hotter outside, which might be true for all he knew. Taking a sniff himself, Kiba confirmed a bit of the sent he did indeed know, but without seeing the person it belonged too, he could be one hundred percent certain.
"Kiba-kun!" Hinata hurried outside, having apologized to the waitress about the sudden leave.
"Kiba what did you find?" The brunette took a moment to reply to Shino, Akamaru giving a chuff in confirmation that they were more than likely right.
"I think…I think we just located Sakura's sent."
Silence came from his companions; the only sound was Akamaru's panting and the buzz from the village around them. Kiba didn't want to say anything, but when Akamaru had told him he smelled exactly what he was, it was lowering the chance it might not be here. Especially with where Akamaru said she was heading.
"Kiba…Sakura's been gone for-"
"I know!" Kiba cut Shino off quickly, clenching his fists a little. "Just humor me…The scents going right for the hospital. If we hurry we might be able to debunk it's her without an issue. It's just…It's her scent!"
Hope suddenly swelled within Hinata's chest at Kiba's words. He could smell Sakura's scent! Grant it, it could be a mistake, Kiba was voicing it could be one, a lot of people had similar scents, and one person's scent never stayed the same. She would be home, with friends, family, people who loved her! Then doubt clawed its way into her mind. If it was her, would she be the same? How would she take the news of her dying mother, her team having replaced her with another member? Hinata shook her head, grabbing Kiba's shoulder lightly.
"Let's go!" Screw the what if's at this point, they had to catch up to the scent before anything else. With a nod, Kiba launched himself to the roof tops, followed by Akamaru with a firm bark.
"I would like to set up an appointment."
It was busy within the hospital, people going to and fro, and carrying flowers about, ushering patients to the correct care unit for their needs. From what the young woman standing at the receptions desk could piece together, it was a very important day.
"My I take your name?" The young man at the desk with brown hair looked to the woman expectantly, pen held above paper to take her responses down.
"Sakura." A nod and the man jotted it down.
"May I ask the reason for an appointment? And who would you like to see if you know?"
Sakura was surprised, when did the nurses began writing the information instead of the possible patient? Tucking a stray strand of long pink hair out of her face, she looked over to the desk to the paper, finding the name of the physicians she wanted to see.
"Does Tsunade-sama have any openings? I can wait if needed, but I was told to come see her." Straightening and rubbing her right shoulder she gave a sheepish smile. "My shoulder is shot; I'd like her to see if there's anything she could do to fix it."
A smile and the man were checking boxes for physicals and a little side not of the right shoulder specifically. Again, why were nurses handling paperwork like this?
"I've marked a full physical and work up if that's alright?" The pinkette gave a nod. "Have you been tested recently for RD?"
Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. RD? Rabid disease? How could you ask someone if they've been tested for something and not say the name of it? At the confused look on her face, the man gave an apologetic smile.
"Forgive me; the Red Death is what it's called. It's very contagious, and many people within the hospital are susceptible to it."
"Oh!" Sakura blinked in surprise. "No…Where is it from, how long has it been around?"
"Over two years now? A lot of people within the village got it, the country quarantined itself for a while…Are you not from here?"
The man's face turned from understanding to worry. If this girl didn't know about it, then it could be possible she caught it, though a little unlikely. There were still some reports of people catching it, especially those who had it before. Even if she were lucky enough to not become ill, she still had a chance to carry it to people.
"I'm from here yes, just not in the village for a while. How does one get tested for it?"
"Blood test mostly. I can set up an appointment for you, though it might take you a few hours or until tomorrow to be seen. A lot of people have been coming in with heat stroke." A small nod was his response. Turning to a chart to his left, the man flipped through, placing notes on two separate days on it.
"You can come in tomorrow at 8 AM, and Tsunade-sama has an opening in a few day. Next Thursday at 3:40 PM. Does that work for you?"
The pinkette gave a large smile, sighing in relief. She'd get her arm looked at, maybe even fixed so she could really start training. Watching the brunette make her appointments down, he handed her two pieces of paper with the appointment times, smiling brightly.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"There is actually, I'm looking for someone." Placing the paper in her pockets, the man waited patiently for her to speak. "I'm looking for Haruno Mebuki…I was told she's been ill?"
The man's face fell slightly, giving a soft nod at her question. Perhaps the girl was a family friend, and she hadn't heard Mebuki was one of the ones ill with RD. Lacing his fingers together, the man leaned against the desk, suddenly feeling tired. It was never good breaking news to someone like this, especially when they obviously have no idea what's been happening. Seeing the solemn look on his face, Sakura grew rather serious suddenly.
"Yes, Mebuki-san is here. She's in the critical care unit."
"…Can…Could I go see her?" A sigh was her response.
"Ma'am…With you not having been tested for RD I can't allow you to visit her. She's ill because she's been suffering the side effects of the disease for a long time now."
Sakura's breath caught in her throat, her mother had it!? This couldn't be right! If any of them would have gotten it, it would have been her father or herself. Her mother was healthy, always had been, this couldn't be right!
"If you have a message I'm sure I could give it to her for you. But until tomorrow I cannot let you in to see her. Both for your own good and hers."
Sakura said nothing, only lowered her head and bit her lip. She knew what the unit was for, it was for people who were dying slowly and painfully, and more than likely violently. To think her mother was lying in some bed, probably alone right now was sickening. Not only that but…What if she died before Sakura could see her again?
"Thank you." Sakura lifted her head and gave a soft smile. "Hopefully the test tomorrow comes back I'm ok, right?"
The man was relived, nodding and wishing the pinkette good luck. Luck…She wouldn't need it. Waving and turning to walk towards the door, Sakura's face became blank. The people on this floor weren't shinobi that much she knew. No way would they have a shinobi down here taking appointments when they could be upstairs in surgeries or healing someone.
She knew, if the roles were reversed, Mebuki would do anything to come see her, and that's what she was going to do! Just as she was about to follow a small group of people being lead from the waiting room and through a door, the front doors to the hospital opened, Kiba and Akamaru hurrying inside. Sakura tensed, both of their eyes landing right on her.
"Sakura!?" Kiba's eyes grew large at the sight of her, it was really her! The scent was different, but there was no mistaking it was Haruno Sakura.
Growling lowly, the pinkette turned and bolted. She did not want to see any of them! Pushing past a doctor coming from a set of doors, Sakura ran into the hall, sparing a glance to a picture on the wall indicating where to go for the critical care unit. Pushing chakra to her feet and kicking off, she launched herself down the hall as people dove out of her way, the shouts of 'Security!' doing little to frighten her.
They had changed, she noted darkly. Just from what little time spent in the tea shop, and how quickly she left after they had arrived, both Akamaru and Kiba had been able to pick up her scent, which she sure was completely different now. Skidding around a corner Akamaru barked loudly, slowly gaining ground. Not only had his nose gotten sharper, but along with his huge size the dog had gotten faster. 'He's shown more improvement then I have!'
With a curse Sakura skidded to a stop, threw a door open, and bolted up flights of stairs. Elevators were too slow compared to a shinobi's speed, and would trap her. The door banged once, twice, and several sets of feet were following her.
"Sakura-chan!" Hinata's voice rang out within the narrow cramped stairwell, but the pinkette didn't reply.
The hospital had grown, that was for sure. Going up several flights that were rather unnecessary, Sakura knew she'd have a very slim chance of getting a bigger lead on the three behind her. Grabbing the riling and throwing herself over, Sakura let gravity pull her down past the three, amusedly watching them trip over themselves and the dog to stop, and launched herself onto the platform of the proper floor.
Seeing the three climb onto the railing, the pinkette threw herself against the door, pushing it open and slamming it closed, panting lightly from the humidity within the building despite the air being on. Hissing at the sounds of thumping from behind the door, Sakura turned, and froze into place.
She was shocked to say the least, seeing all of them there before her. Sakura paid no mind as the door opened, Kiba and his squad coming out of the doorway and blocking off the hall behind her and the stairwell they had all come from. There was a dull ache in her right bicep as she stared them down, her old team and friends.
"H…He was right." Naruto's voice was barely audible to her, but she could still make it out, hear the tears in his voice.
"Sakura…" Kakashi's voice felt heavy almost as he stood in front of her with Ino, Sai, Sasuke and Naruto next to him.
Kakashi had been about to report to ANBU about his mission when he saw Kurenai's squad tearing ass through the village. Worried, he had stopped them to see what was wrong, especially when he saw they were heading to the hospital. To say hearing they mention Sakura was like a stab to the heart wasn't even close, it's what he imagined his Raikiri felt like ripping through his chest.
Kakashi followed them and went right for the CC unit floor, pulling the teenagers in Mebuki's room out and telling them what was up. He could feel their chakra coming for the floor that was why he told them. He was going to pass it off on he was going to ask the kids something, and ask what to give a grieving mother on such a day. Stupid, but he wasn't about to tell them their dead friend was in the hospital without some kind of proof. Sakura coming right here was that proof he needed.
"Why are all of you here…" Sakura's voice was low and lacking emotion, her eyes cold.
"Why are we…? Why are we here!? What about you!" Sakura's body tensed at Ino's words, her eyes thinning.
"Ino…" Kakashi voice was full of warning. He saw the hurt flash through her green eyes, even if it was brief, Ino's response hurt the pinkette.
"I'm here to see my mother." Sakura's voice grew colder, her left hand clenching into a fist.
"Your mother…She thought you were dead Sakura! We all did, where the hell have you been where you haven't tried to come back sooner!?"
"Where…" Chills ran up Ino and the other's backs at the sound of Sakura's voice, becoming almost unnaturally dark for her old bright demeanor.
Her green eyes slowly slid from Ino, past Sai, only to land on Sasuke. He stiffened at the look in her eyes. They were so cold, so empty, but so full of hate! His stomach twisted as a smirk pulled at her lips, realization slamming into him like a brick wall that the Sakura he knew hated his guts.
"Tell them, Sasuke-kun. Tell them how you let me die!"
GOD this was a pain in the ass! I was going to originally have Sakura run into both Naruto and Sasuke at Ichiraku, but…I don't know, after that point I couldn't get anything out. I was stuck. So I wrote the bit with Kakashi, and the rest just followed. Next chapter will have Itachi in it, I promise! I tried also to fill you in on Ino and Kakashi's squad a bit. The rest will be filled in next chapter. I really don't know what else to say…I couldn't make this chapter any longer, I almost stopped it at the bit with Kiba and his team, but I pushed for the hospital bit too. So yeah, reeeaaally short chapter this time, I'll aim for my usual upper teen chapters next time. The first 2 will be re-written at some point to flow better. Also, I'm working on fan-art settei (character model sheets) of everyone. I'm changing a few, some not much and others very much so. Once I have some done I'll post a link on my profile so you can see how everyone looks. If you can come up with something cool you'd like to see, please let me know! Or, if you don't like something or ever think I go too far somewhere (I'm rather dark sometimes and try to not show that side but fail) just let me know in a review or a PM. You the readers are what keep me going with my stories, and knowing you guys like it is a major confidence boost! So until the next chapter, I shall stop rambling here. Please fav, follow and review! Ja-ne~
PS: Spinach Tamagoyaki is basically an omelet full of spinach. It can be used in a bento, so it can be cold/room temperature. It looks sooooooo good!