Final Fantasy 9

Kuja's Return

Chapter 1

A Cry for Help

Zidane Tribal woke to the sound of Queen Garnet singing. Nothing in the world was much more pleasant than listening to her. Zidane threw on a shirt and buckled his royal pants. He walked up to the top of the castle and listened to the sweet sound of her voice. He then walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Good morning Zidane." She said. She turned her head to look at him.

"Morning." He replied with a kiss. Zidane then unwrapped his arms and leaned out looking over Lindblum castle.

"Did you sleep well?" she asked. Zidane shook his head.

"Kuja's still out there and he is pretty upset about something." Zidane replied. "I never figured out what…" He trailed off.

'ZIDANE!' A scream came through his mind. Zidane jerked up and looked around. 'ZIDANE! Please, HELP ME!' It was Kuja.

"Kuja…" Zidane said. He ran back to his room and picked up his Sargatanas. Garnet followed close behind him.

"Zidane! What's going on?" She asked.

       "It's Kuja, he's in trouble." Zidane said.

       "Why are you worried about him?" Garnet asked, Zidane was about to say something when he stopped himself.

       "I'll explain later." Zidane said.

       "I'm coming with you too." Garnet said.

       "Something wrong?" A voice asked. Zidane turned around to see Vivi standing in the door.

       "Kuja's in trouble. He needs my help." Zidane replied. He pulled on a tunic that he wore when he traveled the world.

       "Damnit what are you waiting for?" Amarant asked stepping over Vivi. "Let's get going." He said.

       "Your Highness, the Regent…." Steiner said bustling in before he stopped himself. "What the hell is going on?"

       "Kuja's in trouble and we're going to find out what he's done this time." Vivi replied.

       "Your Highness, is this true?" Steiner asked.

       "Yes Steiner, I must go." Garnet said.

       "I will assist you as I have done in the past." Steiner said.

       "Well, I can't stay here any longer. Kuja's in trouble and I need to haul ass. I'm outta here." Zidane said. He walked out of the room and down to the Dragon's Gate. Everyone else followed closely behind.

       Freya woke up to the sound of rain as she always did. From what it was two years ago, everything was now back in order. Sir Frately had been proclaimed King of Brumecia and Freya as the Queen. Freya got up and put on her robe. Something about today was… not right. It must have been Zidane. His presence must have shifted from Lindblum to somewhere else. Frately woke next to her and looked up.

       "You're troubled, my Queen." He said.

       "It's Zidane. He's moved from Lindblum. He's on the move again, I don't know why though…" Freya said. Frately got up and walked over next to her making her look into his beady eyes.

       "If you must go… I shall assist you." He said. He kissed her. Freya nodded and rushed to grab her traveling tunic. She took her Dragon's Hair lance from its resting place while Frately grabbed his long battle-axe. Frately ordered that his trusted guards protect Brumecia and watch over it as well. In the distance, an airship flew by. Freya and Frately ran towards it and jumped high into the air and climbed aboard.

       Zidane looked up from his steering to see two figures climb on board.

       "What the hell! Who are you?" He shouted raising his Sargatanas.

       "It's us: Freya and Sir Frately!" He heard a voice say. It was Freya.

       "Hey! Long time, no see!" Zidane said spreading his arms out in surprise. He placed the sword on his back and rushed over to greet the two. "I heard you two are king and queen of Brumecia. Congratulations!"

       "Thanks, now would you like to tell me why you're on the move again?" Freya asked.

       "It's Kuja…" Zidane said trailing off. It was unlike him to do that, he usually was very sure of himself.

       "That scum bag? I thought you left him and you two went your separate ways." Freya exclaimed. "Why of all the nerve… why should he be calling you for help?"

       "We're brothers!" Zidane responded in a shout. Everything became real quite except for the working of the airship.

       "You're brothers with that gay freak?" Vivi asked.

       "Shut up…" Zidane said and he went back into the captain's lodge. Soon, the Forgotten Continent came into view. Garnet walked into the room and sat down in front of Zidane.

       "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. Zidane straightened up and rubbed the back of his neck.

       "I was sorta wanting you to... Marry me." Zidane said looking at her. He took something from his pocket and got down on one knee. "Garnet 'Dagger' Til' Alexander, will you marry me?" Zidane asked opening the box he held to reveal a ring. It wasn't highly decorated, but it didn't look cheap either. Garnet's jaw dropped open. It slowly turned to a smile.

       "Yes, I do." She said flinging her arms around Zidane. Zidane seemed shocked at what he had just done and what he got out of an answer.

       'I thought she wouldn't want to be a sister-in-law of the guy who tried to kill her.' He thought.

       'You're marrying Garnet?!"  A voice screamed in his head. Again, it was Kuja.

       'Yeah, now where are you?' Zidane shouted in his mind.

       'Right below you!' Kuja shouted. Zidane pulled away from the hug of Garnet. He looked her in the eye and said three of the most daring words in his life;

       "I love you..." Garnet smiled and kissed him. The kiss was long and well lived. Zidane pulled away and smiled. The airship slowed to an abrupt stop. It began to descend. The two looked around, no one was in the captain's lodge and no one was steering the ship.

       'KUJA! What the hell is going on?' Zidane shouted in his mind. There was no reply; there was only a laughing sound. They were trapped with nowhere to go. They had fallen into the trap Kuja had been planning in his years of exile. He was back and with a vengeance, was going to destroy Alexandria and the entire world.

Chapter 2

Trapped in a World of Illusions

       Zidane woke to find himself in a room with walls forming in a circular pattern. He lie there on the ground, he turned his head and saw Garnet. He got up and scrambled to her.

       "Dagger! Are you alright?" He asked lifting up the seemingly lifeless head. Dagger opened her eyes only to reveal red slits. "What the?! You're not Dagger!" Zidane shouted reaching for his sword. He jumped back. The evil replica of Dagger turned into a snake-faced monster. Zidane attacked it with great speed and agility. One by one, he chopped off the little snakes that uncurled from the hair. Finally, he had defeated it with ease. Zidane flicked his wrist and folded up his sword. The lifeless snake-headed body disappeared in a flash of green flames. Then, the door opened and a figure stood before Zidane. It was Kuja.

       "Zidane, my brother, how are you?" Kuja asked spreading his arms out in a friendly gesture.

       "You bastard!" Zidane shouted. He ran at Kuja raising his fists but was knocked back by an invisible push.

       "I would say congratulations on your proposal to Garnet but soon, she will be dead and you and I will rule Gaia like brothers." Kuja said. Kuja was dressed like he was when Zidane left him. The only thing different about his appearance was he wore pants that flowed over his ankles instead of the sick thong he wore back two years ago. He didn't wear the Haltom top, instead, he wore a white flowing shirt with a cape.

       "Looks like you decided to change back into a man." Zidane said looking over Kuja.

       "The articles I wore were getting rusty and uncomfortable so I decided to change my wardrobe." Kuja replied.

       "I must ask you Kuja; 'Why?' Why are you doing all of this?" Zidane asked. Kuja smiled.

       "An exclusive question for you to ask." Kuja replied. "The reason why I'm doing all of this is because of the same reason I tried to kill you and your friends two years ago: Power. Power is the only way to the top."

       "It's also the way that'll get you killed faster." Zidane sneered.

       "Likewise," Kuja said. He seemed to be growing angry. "By this time tomorrow, Garnet will be dead, and I shall have the Eidolons that I need to conquer this world."

       "I will die before you touch one hair on Dagger's head." Zidane growled.

       "That can be arranged." Kuja said. He grabbed Zidane by the throat and started choking him. His grip was strong and firm. Zidane started choking and gagging. He tried to release himself of his grip but the grip grew even tighter. "I never expected you to be this defiant, but if it must come to this, then it shall." Kuja said before Zidane blacked out. Then, Zidane's world was filled in complete darkness. He dreamt that he was running towards Dagger.

       "Dagger! Please, you're in danger!" Zidane shouted holding up his hands to trty and catch her. "DAGGER!" he shouted. He woke from his dream and sat up straight. "DAGGER!" Zidane shouted again. A surge of energy rushed through him. He felt his anger turn into a never-ending supply of energy. Strips of light emerged from him as he went into a Trance. A bright light engulfed him and he emerged glowing a soft steady purple. He turned to the door he had faced Kuja at and sent a blast towards the door. It blew open. He ran through it and ran to find Dagger and the others.


       Two clowns emerged from the shadows of a statue as Kuja walked in.

       "Ready, the ceremony is." One clown said.

       "The ceremony is ready." The other said.

       "Good, Zorn and Thorn. Within three hours, Garnet Til' Alexandria will be dead." Kuja said. Zorn and Thorn shouted in joy.

       'Over my dead body!' Zidane's voice came through his head. Kuja turned around and saw no one. 'I saved your life once, I gave you the second chance. Now, I will finish you off like you were meant to be!' Kuja smiled to himself.

       'Tell me, my brother. Is it really worth going through all this pain for one person? If you join me, we'll rule Gaia and bring order to it.' Kuja thought.

       'I find it worth my time and effort to save my friends you sick bastard. I choose a way of pain if you were to capture me and make me rule with you.' Zidane's voice screamed in his head.

       'Then your fate has been decided: you shall die.' Kuja thought.

       'So be it.'  Zidane replied. Kuja laughed to himself.

       'Fool, you know not what you are getting yourself into.'  Kuja thought.

       'That might be, but whatever it is, I won't be sticking around to find out.' Zidane's thought came through.

       "Fine, let him be killed." Kuja said with a shrug. "My younger brother shall be killed with the rest of those fools." He started laughing. The two clowns Zorn and Thorn laughed along with him.

       "Our day of triumph has come!" Zorn and Thorn said together.

       Zidane ran through the seemingly never ending halls of Kuja's palace and finally found Vivi.

            "Vivi are you alright?" He asked. The mage nodded. "Okay, let's move." They ran down the halls looking for the others.

       "Zidane!" A voice came in from overhead. Zidane looked up and saw Beatrix.

       "Glad you could make it." Zidane said.

       "I must protect her Highness and my love." She said brandishing her 'Save the Queen' sword. Zidane did everything to keep himself from laughing, much less shake from humor.

       "Let's roll." Vivi said. They came to a room and found three cells. Zidane and Vivi blasted them open with their magic attacks. Inside the three cells were Sir Frately, Freya, and Steiner. Behind Steiner came a groan. Everyone looked behind Steiner and found a small six-year-old girl.

       "ZIDANE!" She said leaping at him. Zidane was caught by surprise and held her off.

       "Eiko?" He asked. She nodded. "How did you get here?" He asked.

       "I followed Rusty here." She said.

       "Why you snot-nosed…" He started to say when Zidane held up a hand.

       "Don't even go there." Zidane warned him. Steiner shook in his armor from rage. "Where's Dagger?" He asked. There was a scream from down the hall. "DAGGER!" He called and followed the sound of the voice.

       Dagger tried everything to keep Kuja from laying a hand on her.

       "Come now, my canary. You shall die if you don't do as I say." Kuja said offering her a hand. Dagger looked at it and spat on it.

       "Zidane gave you a second chance." She said.

       "A brotherly second chance…" Kuja said spreading his arms.

       "No, he left me because he wanted to save your life. And you choose to live your life on a second chance?" Dagger exclaimed. "I waited one entire year of pain watching for him to return. I will not let him be taken away from me, especially by his sick older brother!" She held up her fist and bobbed them.

       "…You choose death?" Kuja asked innocently. Garnet didn't reply. "Then you shall RECEIVE DEATH!" Kuja exclaimed he drew his sword and held it up.

       "NOOOOO!" a scream came. A flash of light came and defended her against the blow Kuja was about to deal. It was Zidane! "You bastard!" He shouted. He swung his sword and stood ready.

       "Ah, my younger brother." Kuja said while they circled each other. "Tell me something, why did you give me a second chance?"

       "Call it brotherly love. But I won't show the same mercy twice. I will give you one last chance. Release us, or die." Zidane replied. A warning flash came from the energy surrounding Zidane. They circled each other in silence.

       "Let me think… No." Kuja said. He lunged forward at Zidane with great speed and brutal strength but Zidane matched every last ounce of it. They jumped back from attacking to catch their breath.

       "GRAND LETHAL!" Zidane called. An emblem formed at the bottom of Kuja and something like a spear from hell came up and stabbed him. But Kuja was still standing.

       "HAHAHA, I cannot be defeated by mere magic tricks. Now let me show you real magic!" Kuja raised his arms. A black storm formed overhead and lightening struck. "Baumaut! Arise from your eternal sleep!" There was a rush of wind that passed Zidane. He looked back and saw nothing. When he looked forward again he saw the legendary dragon, Baumaut.

To be continued…..