Hey guys. So this story will probably have at least 30 chapters or so but definatly more than 20 chapters. I hope you enjoy!

Warning: Mildly dark themed, mild cursing

A/N: I do not own these fabulous characters.

He was a boy.A black haired, blue eyed boy. He didn't talk much. People thought he was weird and a freak because sometimes, he would start laughing or screaming out of the blue for no obvious reason. Every teacher and student was too scared to try and give him some help. No one knew what his problem was or if he had one. Not him, not his siblings, not his parents, no one. But someone, someone very unexpexted was about to find the story behind this little mad boy.


Alec walked into the school building. He was wering dark jean, and a shirt that was black, but it was so worn out that it turned kept his head down as his sister, Isabelle, and his adoptive brother, Jace, walked in with him. They went their seperate ways as they went to their lockers. As Alec walked, with his head still down, people looked at him and started whispering to their friend. Alec ignored the stares and whispers, the got his books for first period and walked down the hall. His head was still down so he didn't see when the schools guidance counselor, Mr. Bane, walked into him.

Alec looked up from the place on the floor where he had fallen, and looked at the hand that was offering him help.

"I'm so sorry" Mr. Bane apologized.

"No it's... my fault I wasn't looking"

Alec didn't wait for Mr. Bane to answer, but just kept walking the same way he was walking.

"Everything is my fault, always my fault" Alec muttered to himself.

He went through first, second, and third period like a zombie. He walked slowly in the halls. He only greeted people with small shy sounds. And he looked completly miserable. When lunch came around at 5th period his sister and brother came and sat next to him. He gave them a rather confused look but let them sit since they were the few people he actually liked. His brother he always liked a bit more because Alec used to have a little crush on Jace, but he was over that now seeing that dating your brother could just make you a bigger freak.

"You're looking more miserable then ever" Isabelle commented

"Thanks, I've been trying really hard to lately" Alec retorted back to her.

"Yea, but seriously dude what's up?" Jace asked with only a hint of concern in his voice.

Alec just shook his head "Nothing, I'm just a little down is all."

Before Jace or isabelle could protest, the bell rang. Alec got out of there before he was able to be questioned any further. Despite what Isabelle and Jace had said about his appearance today, Alec was much more happy then usual. It was his last year at the school and he couldn't wait to get out.

He walked into his 6th period class, which was social studies, and sat in the back, where he usually sat in almost every class. He sat there trying not to call attention to himself while looking at student and judging them while they walked in. But only in his mind. Slut, bimbo, stupid, black head, racist. It was one of his favorite pass times. But, when Mr. Bane walked in he was very confused. Ms. Baywright, the usual teacher for the class, mush have been out.

"Settle down, children, settle down. Ms. Baywright is out today with a nasty cold, she may be out for a few days so, you'll be with me" he said rather cheerily. After he said that, he turned to his the computer and pulled up some slides.

Alec soon found himself staring at Mr. Bane's ass. He wasn't surprised about this since he was a gay boy. He had known he was gay since he was 14 and just wasn't as attracted to girls as he was to guys. Even though he had never dated a guy. His sister and brother knew, but his parents didn't. He wanted to keep it that way.

"Okay, so your teacher left some work for you to do", he started "And she also left some slides for me to show you so, lets get to work."

He passed out the worksheets and pulled up the first slide.

"Okay, so you guys are learning about World War II right?" Everybody nooded their heads yes. "Fabulous! So, can anyone tell me the name of the terrorist group of that time?"

"The Nazis Party" a girl with a short blonde bob answered.

"Correct!" Mr. Bane cheered. "Now, can someone tell me the countries that were teamed up to create the Axis Powers?" he asked "How about you?" he said while looking at Alec. Alec stared at him blankly.

"I don't know" he answered bluntly

"Of course you know, you've been in this class all year" Mr. Bane said "So, tell the class what the answer is." Everyone turned to look back at him. He hated when people looked directly at him.

"What the fuck is your guys problem you don't have to fucking stare at me?!" Alec screamed. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, but they were still staring at him.

Alec threw everything off his desk while screaming incoherent nonsense. The class and Mr. Bane jus stared at him with their mouths hanging open. Alec had now moved to the bookshelf behind him and started throwing the books on the floor.


Finally Mr. Bane walked to the back of the classroom, but very cautiously. "Alec, Al-Alexander dear stop this, stop!" Mr. Bane exclaimed. He tried to get a hold of Alec. Even though Mr. Bane was older than Alec by 7 years, Alec was obviously well built o he had a tough time. Eventually, Mr. Bane had pushed Alec down to the floor, in fact he took so much time trying to get him down, that by the time he had the bell rang and they student fled, almost running, out of the class room.

"Alexander, dear, can you come to my office with me you obviously need some help" Mr. Bane said to him.

Alec looked at him for a second, the reluculantly agreed "Fine" he said through clenched teeth.

Mr. Bane then helped him up and walked Alec to the guidance office.

Okay so, Magnus Bane is a guidance counselor in the school and Alec is a student that had a mental disorder that nobody knows about so people think he's strange

I hope you enjoyed that but Iwon't be posting as often witht his story as I have been with Candor or Dauntless? Anyway please favorite/follow/review/tell your friends/dance with unicorn/tell me what you think about the story (please be honest even if you didn't like it and you think I should change something)