Disclaimer: I don't' own or make money off HIMYM.

Now we're back to the present time to see how the group will handle Robin and Barney's big news. Hope everyone has enjoyed the story so far.

Chapter 6: Elli

"Oh would you guys just tell us what's going on! I'm dying!" Lily screeched.

All of their friends were huddled around them listening closely to their story so far.

Robin and Barney smiled at each other. Robin took one of Barney's hands, linking her fingers with his. She nodded at him which made Barney grin.

Barney's hand went to the breast pocket of his suit and pulled out a picture. He'd kept the picture on him at all times since it had been taken.

The picture was of Robin, taken from behind so she was looking over her shoulder. In the photo she was smiling as she looked at the camera. In her arms was a baby who was reaching over her shoulder toward the camera. The baby was a girl with a head of dark wavy hair. Her big brown eyes seemed to be filled with happiness as she was giggling when the photo was taken.

Barney held the photo up for everyone to see. The room stayed silent as they tried to process what the picture meant. Barney cleared his throat to bring everyone's attention to him.

"Guys we would like you to meet Eliana Stinson or Elli for short. In a few weeks the paper work will be finished and we will go back to Argentina to pick her up. She's our adopted daughter." Barney's chest was puffed up like a peacock by the time he was finished. It would have made Robin laugh at how proud he was to tell everyone if she wasn't so nervous.

Would her friends think it was a good idea?

Would they accept a new little person in their group?

"Woooooooooo!" the silence was broken as Lily raised her arms and wooed louder than any woo girl before her.

This reminded Robin of the time the group found out her and Barney were sleeping together and Lily assumed they were a couple.

"Whoa baby use your inside woo we just got the kids to sleep," Marshall said in an alarmed hush tone peeking over the couch to try and see if there was any movement from the children's room.

"Oh sorry, woooo," Lily said bashfully. "But this is not what I expected at all!"

Everyone in the room mumbled their own agreements.

Robin laughed nervously and looked at Barney for support.

"Well it's not what we expected either when we went to Argentine. It's especially not what I expected when I started the fight with Barney, but well, what do you guys think?" Robin's hand tightened its grip on Barney's as she looked around the room. Her eyes landed on Ted.

Ted had always been honest with her. God he couldn't help but blurt out the truth around her since the day he met her. If anyone was going to tell her the truth it was going to be Ted.

Ted's eyes widened as he realized Robin was waiting on an answer from him. After a pause he sat his beer down took the picture Barney was holding to examine it.

"I think," Ted paused dramatically, rubbing his chin as if he had a beard. "I think I'm going to have to start searching now if I'm going to find the perfect gift before she gets here. I am the Gift Master after all," Ted finally said and looked away from the picture to smile at the nervous couple before him.

All at once everyone in the room started talking.

Robin caught small pieces of each conversation but couldn't understand what exactly everyone was saying. However, she could tell everyone was excited and happy for them.

Suddenly Marshall jumped up and held his glass high above his head.

"I declare a toast! Never in our right minds did we think Robin or Barney would want children. Not after the way Robin screamed when babies were shown on T.V. or how Barney celebrated Not a Father's Day every year since he made up that stupid holiday. Although he did make a good turn around on the themed merchandise." Marshall bent over to high-five Barney before he continued.

"None-the-less our friends have decided to become a family which in turn makes our family as a group a little bigger and even more special," everyone lifted their glasses as Marshall finished and said their cheers.

Robin felt a lump form in her throat as she watched all her friends celebrate their news. Barney had jumped up to try and high-five everyone but ended up being hugged instead.

Robin picked up the photo Ted had sat down on the table. The photo had been taken the last day they had been in Argentina.

They had spent an extra month in Argentina getting to know Eliana and starting the adoption process. They had visited her every day with the excuse that they wanted her to become accustomed to them, although it was more so that Robin could become accustomed Eliana.

When it came to a child as happy and loving as Eliana though, it didn't take long for Robin to completely fall in love with her.

She and Barney had to return to America so they could finalize the paperwork for the adoption state-side. Trying to explain to Elli where they would be going had possibly been the hardest thing Robin had ever had to do. They left a cell phone with Elli's caretaker and talked to her every day. Even if the child didn't really understand what was going on she always started laughing when she heard their voices.

Robin had prided herself with being independent her whole life. Only once had she ever felt as if she was incomplete without some else, which had been filled when she finally allowed herself to love Barney. Now she knew her life could never be complete without this little girl in it.

As she looked around the room Robin felt her heart swell with joy. Her, Barney and Elli were a family now and she couldn't wait for Elli to meet the rest of her new family.


Thanks for reading.