Albus Percival Wolfric Brian Dumbledore was angry. Not that it showed. Dumbledore was very good at covering up his emotions. So while Minerva fretted, Severus glowered, Hagrid stared and the rest of the staff reacted in varying degrees of emotion, ranging from shock (Professor Sprout) to glee (Filch) he appeared quite calm. The good natured twinkle never left his unerring blue eyes,and his face remained calm and placid as he seethed.
Dumbledore had shared the letter from the Ministry with the staff mere moments ago, and whilst they processed the news, his mind raced, searching desperately for a solution. The ministry was sending in one of their own as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. Dolores Umbridge. An idea came to him. Perfect. Dumbledore stood.
"Where are you going?" Minerva asked tightly. He turned, eyes sparkling mischievously.
"To visit an old friend."