D. Gray Man

Author's Note: I know, I'm late haha... Really late... I'm actually going to finish this story first. And then continue my other fanfiction, because it's kind of hard to do two of the same things at the same time. So yea. Also, no, this story is not going to end that soon. It will be about 10-30+ chapters more. So there's that. At least now I can focus on this story. During this chapter I decide to completely say screw it and just write in the past. Because it is a lot easier that way. I have to apologize for this chapter, because I know that Allen doesn't act like this, and also, Lavi is my favourite character in D. Gray Man, just saying. So yea, thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own D. Gray Man and never will.

Unnatural Occurences

Chapter 14: The Horror Part 1


Present Time: July 7th, 16:00 PM, location: Egypt — Lakany District

Allen's POV

You have got to be kidding me, I can't believe we're really going here.

''Al-chan, what are you waiting there for? Just open it already. It can't be that hard now can it. I mean sure, you said he was really awful and stuff, but uhh...'' Lavi stops spouting his nonsense.

Yea you don't know how to cheer me up, you're at a lost for words, on how awful this is.

''Yea, yea. I'll open it.'' I say and reach my hand out to the doorknob as slowly as possible until I get knocked to the side.

''Tch, sprouts are always weak, but this one is way more weaker than most of the other ones.'' Kanda says and reaches out for the doorknob.

I decide to ignore his insult and yell ''NO WAIT! DON'T DO IT!'' He stops and looks at me. ''I, uhh... I forgot my bag, to the boat...'' I say. That's too bad of a lie, quick think of something else to add there. ''To the boat that is in England.'' Good job idiot, there was a slight chance you coulda get away, but now you just completely messed up. You're a genius Allen.

''Tch.'' He starts to turn the doorknob.

''NO WAIT! DON'T DO IT!'' Me and Lavi yell and we grab hold of Kanda and yank him away from the door that should lead to Cross's place. Why is Lavi helping me as well?

''LET GO OF ME ASSHOLES!'' Kanda yells.

''No way, get away from the door, it has a bad aura, an aura full of madness. We shouldn't touch it just in case.'' Lavi says.

''What he said.'' I say. I can't believe he's helping me, but I'm not complaining.

''You guys are idiots.'' Kanda says and with the last strenght he has, he opens the door. The air that comes out suffocate our lungs. It's hard to breathe and we stop moving in general. And then the next second we all are being pulled inside by something invisible. The door closes behind us while we yell and are brought to a living room.

We quickly stand up. ''What the hell?'' Lavi says.

''What happened?'' Kanda asks. They both look at me.

''Don't look at me, I don't know what happened.'' It's true that Cross acts like an idiot, but this... this is not like him at all...

''Umm.. should we just go out then.'' I say and try to open the door, but to no avail. ''A-are we locked in here?'' I say and my voice stutteres a little. It must be because of the smell and horrible sensation that's in here.

''We better not be!'' Lavi says and activates his innocence. His hammer turned bigger, fortunately the place was big enough for Lavi to make it as big as the door and then he slammed it down on the wall, but then it stopped. It didn't even bounce back, it just stopped right when it was about to collide to the wall. ''What the...'' Lavi pulled his hammer back and tried to hit it again, and yet again, nothing happened.

''We are NOT staying in this place!'' I said and try to activate my innocence, but I can't. ''What?!'' I tried again and again, but still nothing. ''Are you kidding me! We cannot stay in this place!'' I said. Then I notice how Kanda was trying to activate his innocence as well, but he couldn't either. Only Lavi could.

''Oh, you are kidding me...'' I said.

''Relax Al-chan, this is nothing hahaha.'' Lavi said.

Nothing? How is this nothing?! I am here with an idiot, an asshole and my drunk ass master, who I don't see anywhere thankfully, but I'm sure I will eventually. And then me and the asshole can't use our powers and the only one who can is the idiot. Well... I guess it's better than Kanda being able to use powers.

''riiight... this is nothing...'' I said.

''Come on, it'll be fun... I hope.'' Lavi said.

There is no way this is going to be fun.

''Let's find a way out of here.'' Kanda said.

''Okay.'' Lavi and I said. I really hope my master doesn't just jump out from a corner and scare us to death.

We all started walking around the room, it was quite dark, but not dark enough to not be able to see.

''So... how can we actually get out of this place?'' Lavi asked and looked at me like I was supposed to know. How am I supposed to know? I know I said that master acts like a demon always, but it isn't this bad...

''I don't really know.''

''A door is here.'' Kanda said from the other side of the room.

''Okay good, we'll come over there in a second.'' Lavi said and started to run, but tripped on a chair and fell face first on the table.

Ow... that must have hurt...

''Lavi you okay?'' I asked. He didn't respond. ''Oh you have got to be kidding me.'' I walked over to Lavi and shook him a bit. ''Kanda, I think Lavi lost conciousness.''

I could swear I heard him mutter ''Idiot'' but it could have also just been me. Kanda walked over to me and picked Lavi up and started dragging him by his collar, hitting as many obstacles that were in the way as possible.

''So where's the door?'' I asked.

''Right there.'' Kanda said. ''Follow me.''

''Fine.'' Kanda opened the door and walked through, I walked in right after him. ''Can you see anything?''

''Yes.'' How can he see? It's pitch black in here. I wish there were windows.

''Really? I can't see anything. What do you see?''

''Not much.''

''I thought you said you can see.''

''You asked if I can see anything, I said yes, I meant I can see the wall.'' You're just asking for me to punch you. I decided to ignore him.

''AAAAAHHHH!'' Lavi yelled and woke up. A bit of a late reaction don't you think?

''You yelled a bit late.'' Kanda said. Don't point it out!

''Huh? Where am I? Oh right, we are in this creepy place.'' He said and sighed. How can you regain your memories this fast?

''You're a bit too fast at remembering things...'' I said.

''Anyway what are we doing here?'' Lavi asked. Kanda looked around for something

''What do you mean 'what we are doing her-''

''I mean, when I was still concious I was in a different place, this place feels different and it's so dark, I can barely make out your faces. It also has this weird and scary aura...'' Scary aura? What does that mean? And why is Kanda looking around so much?

''Well... remember Kanda said he found something right, well he just dragged you here from the other room, the door i-'' I noticed what Kanda was looking for. ''Huh... What..?'' I know that there's no such thing as common logic in this kind of world, but I'm pretty sure even the kind of logic that's in this world is explainable, but doors disappearing from right in front of us is something I wouldn't be able to explain in a million years. ''Gone...''

''Exactly, the door seems to have vanished...'' Kanda said.

''What do you mean vanished? Doors don't just disappear into thin air.'' Lavi said.

''Well... it's not there anymore.'' I said. ''How about you try and activate your innocence Lavi, try breaking the wall where the door was at.''

''All right.'' Lavi walked over to the wall, or at least we assumed that, but we couldn't actually see much. Finally when he was there he activated his innocence. ''Here we go.'' His hammer became quite big and then he smacked it down on to the wall. And nothing happened. Not even a sound came from the impact.

''What the?'' Kanda said. Kanda started walking closer to Lavi while saying. ''Is that a new feature? Not making any sounds while hitting something.'' When he was around 9 feet away from Lavi and around 10 feet away from me then we heard a really loud noise and we could see how a red wall fell down from the roof between Kanda and Lavi, and right as I was about to yell, something came in between me and Kanda. Another wall, this one's blue.

''What?'' I said out loud. I heard a door open behind me. ''What what what?!'' I said. ''No no no NO NO!'' I quickly started hitting the wall with my fists. ''Kanda?! KANDA ARE YOU THERE?! LAVI?!'' I yelled. I couldn't hear anything, finally I turned around and saw something crawling towards me.

''WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!'' I yelled. The thing was getting closer.

''GET AWAY!'' I yelled and kicked towards it. It made a sound of some sorts, like stepping on something squishy and... sticky. ''WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?!'' I yelled and started running towards the place where I had heard the door open. Fortunately for me I found the door, unfortunately I found it by hitting me head against it.

''Crap owww!'' I groaned and held my head. Finally when the pain lessend I stood up. I needed to feel that... Otherwise I would have acted irrationally... Okay I need to calm down and get my thoughts together...

So, I am in a room that is completely dark — with the exception of the blue wall that's for some reason emitting more light than a normal wall should — and a door which I can now see thankfully. Lavi and Kanda are somewhere else, I hope they didn't get crushed or anything of the sorts by the wall that fell down. Although I have seen plenty of horror movies which all suggest that you ABSOLUTELY DO NOT want to be alone in a place that could possibly kill you, then I guess I am in one of those situations right now. And what's worse is that I can't even defend myself that well.

Then there's the choices that I have right now which are

A) Wait here in this completely dark room with a really freaky wall,

B) Go through the door to see what else is there to this or

C)Try breaking the blue wall with my fist, or for that matter break any wall with my fist.

None of those options seem that tantalizing. But I'm still going to go with the choice B, since I need to get out of here one way or another, plus there's a chance I'll meet Kanda and Lavi. I walked through the door and right as I passed the door the room lit up. It was completely white with the execption of a couch that was completely black. There was also a door in the room. Just try to get out of this place. No investigation. I went to the door and reached out to grab the handle, but right as I touched it a hand went through the door and grabbed me by the head.

''AGH!'' His or her or.. it's nails/claws were digging into the back of my head.

''For what purpose?'' A voice came from the other side of the door. It was like a monsters voice, except super hoarse. W-w-w-w-what's going on?! Calm down! Calm down! Calm down! Calm down! My thoughts were going crazy. Okay, okay, okay he said what purpose. Why did I not investigate the room? Why did we come here? Why we are seperated? Why... why what? Just say something!

''M..aster..'' The grip loosened right away, it let go of me and the arm retracted. I didn't hear any footsteps on the other side, nor did I see anything.

I started coughing because of shock, and I felt how some blood was dripping from my head. I don't want to continue! I don't want to move ahead anymore. Whatever is up ahead, is much worse than this. That's a fact already! I'm not going anymore ahead! I stopped thinking and quickly crawled away from the door. I stood up and sat down on a couch.

What do I do...? I really don't want to go on ahead... Maybe there's another door here? I looked around and noticed that I was on the completely black couch. Shit.. Whatever this is, is not good. Nothing bad has happened so far, so I'm guessing something will happen right when I stand up.

I'm going to run as fast as I can to the door right as I stand up. Just in case I'll actually move aside right as I reach near the door. I have to be extra cautios of things here. So any caution can save me.

I readied myself and got up and ran as fast as possible towards the door, and right at the end I moved to the side so I was against the wall. Nothing happened. I guess I'm okay for now. I reached for the handle and pulled it. I didn't see anything. I walked in and just like before the light lit on, only this time the room wasn't so pleasent.

The room was filled with the color red and it had two doors, one was black, the other one was blue. I hate choices. I walked over to the blue door and opened it. And I saw the most pleasent sight in the world, Lavi walking towards the door that I had just opened.

''Lavi!'' I said and ran towards him.

''Allen!'' He said as well and he laughed out of relief I'm guessing.

''I'm so happy I found you, this place is... the worst!'' I said.

''Really? I didn't really see anything too bad. Just a completely white room with a black couch.''

''Huh? I saw one too.'' I said.

''You did? That's weird...'' He said.

''Well at least we are reunited. Oh, we should find Kanda as well.'' I suggested.

''Yeah, let's go, there's nothing towards here.'' He said and pointed behind him.''

''Okay.'' We left the room and walked towards the black door. ''This is the only other door here.''

Lavi opened the door, we couldn't see the room from the outside at all like usual. Lavi said. ''Let's go together. It's quite eery to go alone.'' I nodded and I walked in, Lavi right next to me. Right as we walked through the door behind us closed and then in front of us were five doors. Each of them black, but only one of them had the word ''Dead'' written on them. ''Huh? Killed? What does that mean?'' I asked.

''I have no idea.'' We heard a door open up behind us, it was the same door as before, only the other side of the room wasn't the same as before... in fact, it was completely different, what was weirder was that it looked exactly like the room we were in right now. What the...

''Let's go, I'm not opening another door. So let's go back.'' Lavi said. I nodded and we walked back. When we were in the next room then I saw that we had come out from the last door on the right. ''Let's keep going.'' I nodded.

We walked throught the door that was open again — the one that should have led us to the white room — and this time we came out from the second door on the right. We kept doing the same process. If we walk through this time then we should be coming out of the room that has the word ''killed'' written on it, I wonder what will happen. We walked throught and right when we did I heard a loud growl from behind us and the room behind us had turned dark.

''Lavi! Your innocence, quickly!'' He nodded and activated his hammer. And he had hit the door so it slammed shut. ''Huh? It didn't break?'' He mumbled and laughed. ''Damn that scared me so much!'' He said.

''Me too. But now what do we do?'' I only then noticed that there were no more doors in the room and the only thing that was left was a ladder nailed to the wall that was going up.

''I think we should climb up, since that's the only other option, unless you want to try to open that door.'' He said and pointed to the door he had hit with his hammer. And right after he had pointed the door started to shake and we could hear growling.

''ladded?'' Lavi asked quickly.

''Ladder.'' I agreed and we started climbing the ladder. It seemed to go on for a while. After around 10 minutes of climbing we saw the end of the ladders. When we had completely climbed up we saw a door. We nodded to each other and walked towards it. We pushed the doors open and saw a hole and more ladders that were leading down.

''I've had enough of ladders already.'' I said.

''Me too... but there's no other option but to climb down.'' Lavi said.

''Nope... there's one more.'' Someone said behind us, we turned around quickly and right as we did two hands were shoved into our face, and moments later I found myself and Lavi falling...