A/N: Oh Doctor! Why must you be filled with such angst? Gah! Hopefully these little minisodes will make up for all that. Enjoy!

Tales from the TARDIS Minisode : Repopulating

"You okay?" Amy asked the Doctor. He looked up from the console and sniffed, wiping the wetness still on his face.

"I'm the King of Okay, remember?"

"Where's Phoenix?" Amy asked coming up the stairs, having changed into fresh clothes,

"Lying down in her new room. It's been a hell of a day." The Doctor said giving her a small smile.

"Yeah. So how's it feel? Not being the last of your kind anymore?" Amy asked leaning a hand on the console.

"Still absorbing it all. I often dreamed of finding someone else. Never thought it would actually happen." The Doctor said.

"And that someone is a Time Lady." Amy said beginning to put her plan into motion.

"Yes she is." The Doctor said.

"A pretty Time Lady." Amy added.

"Suppose so." He said getting distracted with flying the TARDIS.

"Who's nice."


"Who smells nice." Amy grinned.

"Hmm." The Doctor nodded.

"Someone to repopulate Gallifrey with yeah?" Amy asked.

"Yes...wait. What? No! I mean...shut up!" The Doctor blushed fiddling with his bow tie.

"Doctor she's a Time Lady and you're a Time Lord. You're literally the last of your kind. You've got to get started on those Time Babies." Amy said, unable to resist teasing him a bit.

"Time babies!? I just met her!" The Doctor cried.

"But the thought did cross your mind yes?" Amy asked.

"No it didn't." He said.

"Oh come on! You're a bloke! It had to." Amy said.

"I'm not a bloke." The Doctor said.

"Hey I'm not the one smelling her am I, Raggedy Man?" Amy asked.

"She's too young for me." He said.

"Meaning you've been trying to convince yourself that. But let's face it Doctor. You got the mind of an old man, but the body of a young one. Time to let nature take its course. Besides I would think Time Lords of all people would consider age just a number." Amy said.

"Well yes, but she didn't even finish the academy." The Doctor insisted.

"So? She's not stupid." Amy shrugged.

"No of course not. She's brilliant. But...she's an innocent. She's been trapped in a palace all of her life. Cut off from her own society. She doesn't know the ways of her own people let alone the thousands of other cultures that the academy prepares you for. It's up to me to teach her all that. I can't think of her in any other way besides a friend and a companion." The Doctor explained.

"Meaning...that part of you, a very small part, (or a very large part, who knows what's under that tweed)..." Amy said.


"Part of you wishes you could think of Phoenix in that way." Amy theorized.

"Amy listen to me. I have no interest in...repopulating. I'm a Time Lord. We don't think that way." He insisted going around the console.

"But blokes do. And you're such a bloke." Amy said following him.

"Am not!" He whined.

"Are too."

"Am not. Infinity." The Doctor said sticking out his tongue childishly.

"Are too, double infinity!' Amy retorted, sticking out her own tongue.

"There's no such thing as double infinity." The Doctor said.

"Whatever. So where we going?" Amy said.

"Phoenix's father wanted her to go to Earth. So we're going to show her Earth. I can't wait to see the smile on her face." The Doctor grinned.

"Hmm. Her beautiful smile?" Amy asked.

"Oh yes...wait. Stop that!" The Doctor said.

"You are in such denial." Amy chuckled pushing herself off the console.

"I am not!" He cried.

"Denying denial!" Amy said heading down the stairs.

"Am not!" He groaned.

"Are too. Now set course for a mall Raggedy Man. If we're going to teach Phoenix anything, she's going to need a new wardrobe." Amy called over her shoulder.

"Wardrobe? Amy!" The Doctor called after her.