Ok guys I was up in the middle of the night and couldn't sleep so I started listening to my iTunes and this was the first song that came on and this random idea popped into my head and I couldn't go back to sleep without writing it so, I hope you guys enjoy this little one-shot!


Inspiration: Say Somethin' By Austin Mahone

Title: Tell Me

Word Count W/O Authors Notes :1106

DISCLAIMER: I own absolutely nothing, not the song, not the characters, only the idea for this little one-shot! T_T

'Today's the day.' Gajeel thought as he began walking the streets of Magnolia on a hot summer day. 'I need to talk to her about the other night, I need to know why she's been avoiding me lately.'


Gajeel sat at the bar during one of Fairy Tale's infamous rowdy parties, as he snuck glances at a little script mage as she danced on a table with Bunny Girl and Titania. All three being slightly intoxicated thanks to Fairy Tale's one and only female drunken, Cana.

Gajeel shook his head and continued to drink his beer just as the self-proclaimed 'match-maker' came within his proximity. "Love problems?"

Gajeel blushed lightly and scowled down at the counter top. "Why would I have 'Love Problems'?"

Mira chuckled softly, sending an eerie shiver down the iron dragon slayers spine. "You're just as dense as she is."

Gajeel's ears perked. "Who? Wait, What?!"

Mira waved her hand in the direction of a tipsy Levy and smirked. "Our drunken Script Mage over there."

Gajeel snorted. "As if, she's the smartest person here." Gajeel's cheeks flamed as he realized he had just given Shrimp a compliment, although involuntarily. "I'm gonna go get some air."

He stood and walked haughtily out to the back door, completely unaware that a little bluenette with hazy chocolate eyes followed behind him slowly. He practically ripped the door from its hinges as he pushed it open forcefully. He growled as he came to stand beneath a large oak and punched its trunk, the iron scales that covered his hand made the wood groan and break away in certain spots. He was so distracted that he didn't notice that the girl- or rather woman- that plagued his mind as of late was standing just behind a different tree, the alcohol slowly disappearing from her system as she breathe din fresh air.

Gajeel leaned against the tree and fisted his right hand into his hair that began to become unruly while he drank. He slunk down the trunk, his other hand joining the other in his hair. His knees were brought up almost to his chest as he mumbled things beneath his breath, barely audible for Levy 's weak hearing compared to Gajeel's.

"Why do I even try, for one she's got her lap dogs, what would she want me for." The memory of pinning her to a tree came back, a wave of guilt following. "For crying out loud I pinned her to a fucking tree. I wouldn't blame her if she just stopped talking to me entirely, I'd deserve it."

Levy crept closer, standing a mere 5 feet from him, Gajeel still too deep in his own little pouting party to notice her.

"Words can't explain how I feel, if only she knew how I felt, how she makes me feel when she smiles at me, she may have forgiven me but I cannot forgive my own damn actions." He let out a deep sigh. "It won't matter anyways, she probably doesn't feel the same way, but hell, I'd give anything if she did."

Levy, in her alcohol induced thoughts, crept over to him, being surprisingly quiet, when she was led than a foot from him she got to her hands and knees and crawled between his knees, her hazed chocolate eyes looking directly at his scrunched up face.

Her petite hand carefully placed itself on his iron-studded cheek, the metal feeling cool on her heated skin. Gajeel's eyes snapped open with surprise, his face becoming a small shade of pink as he realized that she had probably heard all of it.

"Levy I-"

But he was cut off as her index finger pushed against his lips, only to be replaced by her own. He was caught off guard as her lips brushed against his, sending little electric volts through his body. He kissed her back almost instantaneously after the shock had warn off, his hands finding a place to rest on her hip and her cheek, while her tiny hands tangled themselves in his jet black hair.


Gajeel smiled at the memory, recalling just how sweet and soft her lips had been that night, making the cat beside him give a sour look and go deep into thought. As they continued to walk to Fairy Tale a familiar scent hit Gajeel's senses and without a single thought he rushed off into the direction it came from, leaving behind a very confused, not to mention pissed, exceed.

Gajeel found what he was looking for sitting beneath a sakura tree in an uninhabited area of the local park, book in hand and her hair tied back into a messy bun, hairband completely absent from her mess of blue waves.

Gajeel walked over to her, not caring to be quiet. He knew her better than that, when she read a book, it was like she no longer existed in the real world, she was in a whole other dimension, a different world. He knew only one way to get her attention, and he planned to do just that.

He skillfully snatched her book out of her lap and held it up just above his shoulder, being just barely out of her reach. She looked up, rage burning in those beautiful brown eyes, dimming to what seemed to be a twinkle of irritation when she recognized the person who was brave enough to steal her favorite book.

She stood and reached up; her fingers so close to it, but yet not close enough. "Gajeel give me my book please. I was almost to my favorite part!"

He smirked at her as he noticed the pink tinge to her cheeks, making her look all the more pretty in his opinion. Without hesitation he leant down and crashed his lips to hers as she tried reaching again, his unoccupied arm winding itself around her petite waist. She didn't kiss him back right away, making him doubt her actions from a few nights ago, but quickly threw those doubts away as she brought herself closer to him and kissed him back with feverish passion.

Her hand reached up to the book and tossed it to the ground, obviously not caring at the moment. She then pulled them both backwards until her back was once again against the tree and their bodies were so close, that there was absolutely no room for air between them.

Alright guys that's it for now! Suggest songs if you want and I might just end up using one for my future chapters! I have officially decided to make this into a one-shot collection!

So loved it? Hated it? Want more? Want me to stop? Leave a review, any advice would be great!

~Queen Of Ai