Hey everybody! I hope you like this story, though it might start out a bit slow.

Enjoy! :D

Batman beckoned for Robin to follow him, treading silently through the abandoned car yard. They had reports of a robbery, and that the League of Shadows was involved. If that was the case, then ordinary policemen wouldn't have stood a chance.

Robin's tech had scanned the yard and revealed that whichever assassin was responsible had rigged the place. The car yard was a death-trap to anyone who wasn't prepared.

Ducking behind a truck, Robin whispered, "Any sign of him?"

Batman shook his head. "No, but nevertheless, we need to disarm these bombs."

The two of went off in different directions.

As Robin was disarming the last explosive on his side, and smooth voice carried itself towards him. "Hey, Boy Wonder. You certainly did that quicker than I expected."

"Cheshire." Robin was immediately on alert. Cheshire was one of the Shadows' best assassins, up there with Sportsmaster, even Ra's al Ghul himself. Her eyes shone with glee behind her grinning cat-like mask as she drew one of her three-pronged swords, a sai.

Robin flipped back as Cheshire flung the weapon, knowing that the blades were covered in poison, and even a scratch could potentially be fatal. Dodging another sword, Robin threw a smoke bomb, sending up a cloud of smog.

Concealed, Robin threw birdarangs in the direction of any noise he heard. Knives and swords came right back at him.

With a surprised gasp, Robin dodged the blades, putting his awesome gymnastic skills to use.

"ROBIN!" A familiar voice shouted from the other side of the yard, accompanied by the sound of a fight. Batman was occupied. Robin would have to take down Cheshire on his own.

"Boy Wonder?" Cheshire called as if they were playing hide-and-seek. "Come out, come out, where ever you are."

Robin lunged towards her voice, knocking her backwards with a jump-kick. "Here I am!" He said in the same tone.

Unfortunately, she didn't land on her back as Robin had hoped; she did a back-handspring before she could lose her balance, flinging a sai as she did. Robin deflected with a birdarang.

Just as he was about to throw it, it was yanked out of his hand. He watched as an arrow zipped clean through the centre and was pulled back by a string.

"Cool, souvenir," The archer said as she caught it. A girl stood on the hood of a car, a bow in hand. She was wearing black clothes, but even if she wasn't Robin would've have been able to see her face, concealed in shadows. The only defining feature, her long blonde ponytail, shifting in the wind.

She sprang backwards as Robin launched a gas-bomb at her, but she knocked it away with her bow.

"This isn't why we're here, Cheshire. Let's go." The unknown girl said, shooting a grappling hook at a nearby building. As it pulled her away from the scene, she caught Cheshire's outstretched hand, taking her alone too.

"Damn it!" Robin cursed as the two girls flew out of sight. Who was that girl? She clearly had a chance to kill him- he hadn't seen her coming- but she hadn't, and yet she was just as obviously with Cheshire. But that didn't and up, she couldn't have been much older than him, and the League of Shadows didn't hire kids.

"You let them go?" Batman demanded, snapping Robin out of his thoughts.

"So did you." Robin retorted. "Who was that?"

Batman frowned beneath his mask. "I don't know. But we'll find out."

Cheshire dropped to the roof, letting go of her little sister's hand. "I don't see why you had to ruin my fun."

Her sister rolled her grey eyes. "Oh, get over it, Chesh. We didn't have to kill them, besides Batman was gonna get there any moment."

"You're just soft." Cheshire replied, taking off her mask and tossing her wild hair back.

"Please. Don't act like you didn't love leaving Dad behind."

She was right. While Cheshire and Sportsmaster distracted Batman as his side-kick, her sister had gotten all the information they needed, as well as the birdarang-a perfect tracking tool. And of course Cheshire loved ditching Sportsmaster, that man had been nothing but cruel to her and her sister when they were kids, so Cheshire had ran away, leaving her eight year old sister to their father's mercy, to be trained as a killing machine, an assassin, like the rest of them.

"Whatever kid, let's just hope Sportsmaster can get himself out, because we're not going back for him."

Her sister laughed in agreement. "Not a chance."

Together, the two girls ran into the shadows, disappearing in the night.

Sorry that was short. Most chapters will be a lot longer, but I guess who can just call this an introduction.

I hope you liked it, please R&R! ;D