Chapter 2: Tremble

Your first thought that ran through your mind was "Idiot." as you bolted from the kitchen, not looking behind you. You were stupid, you felt, as you skidded across the floor, your socks nearly taking you out when you slid.

You didn't know what he was capable of, heck you didn't even know what he truly had on his mind, but with your more dominance of FLIGHT over FIGHT you knew to take off, and you still wasn't sure of what the consequences of that might be.

The best place you thought to yourself was to lock yourself away in the storage down in the basement, you knew there was a phone there to where you could call some one for help, or even get a hold of Jane since she knew more of this stranger Loki than you did.

Completely coming to a halt, and yanking the dead bolt on the door you yanked the heavy metal door open, dashed in and only caught a quick glance of Loki slowly walking down the hall casually before slamming it shut and locking it back into place.

Quickly you pile down the heavy dark wooded stairs as you flip on a small light bulb by pulling a small string, just giving you enough light to see your way down the stairs. The basement, though furnished had that small damp smell to it. Here and there were file cabinets and records of different events that Jane had been studying since her early college days.

Down at the base of the steps on a pole was a switch that lit the basement up even more as you rounded the base of the stairs to go run for the phone. In which you found something that made you gasp.

On the floor was the phone, pulled from the jack on the wall, and had looked like it had been smashed, the cord, frayed and pulled apart curling and leading up to a small rotating stool onto where you saw him, Loki sitting on the stool turning himself side to side, his boots sliding along the floor.

In his hand was one of the brown file folders as he was reading it, seemingly intrigued. His gaze never looked at you, but only stared at the documents in his hand.

"It's quite interesting what Thor's midguardian, has learned about all the other realms." Loki states, still keeping his gaze on the papers, "I guess I find it quite pathetic that all the other ones knew of Asgard and each other, but yet, this puny Midguard knows only so little."

His eyes turn up to you, frozen in place, shutting the folder and tossing it onto the lone cold metal desk that was behind him.

He slowly stands as you hold the knife back out threateningly towards him, getting a fake sense of bravado you slash at him, "Stay back!" you warn, "I'm not afraid to use this!"

Loki starts walking toward you slowly his boots clicking lightly. He holds his hands up in a defensive position as you still hold the knife out. The blade is clearly shaking.

In which you tell he notices. A grin comes across his face as he stares at you, piercing you with his eyes.

You quickly decide to back up and you turn to run, but instantly you notice the Loki that was in front of you fade away and suddenly you feel true fear as you feel your self trapped, and quickly dearmed by Loki once again.

Magic was new to you even though you knew it existed, how could you not figure that was a mirage? Then again how did he get here in the basement in the first place when he was behind you when you ran from the kitchen.

So many things had come to your mind as you heard your knife clatter to the ground, as Loki pulled you up tight against him, restraining you from moving, not even an inch.

"When I was here last time, I could tell people were fearful of me. With you I can sense that fear. Is it true, do I really put true fear into your heart? Is that whats making you tremble?"

You had to admit, he hit that nail on the head, you were scared, NO, terrified of this man, god, thing... heck you really didn't know what to call him, all you knew what that you were frightened of him.

"I...I... I'm not sc-scared of you." You lie.

You hear a light chuckle come from his lips as he spins you around slamming you against the wall to where he holds your wrists tightly against the flat surface.

"Are you sure about that?" he grins once more.

"L..Look... P-Please I'll give you what you want." You stutter, "Just... don't... K-Kill me. Pl-Please."'

"Kill you?" A full blown laugh escapes from his mouth, "I travel across dimensions, to get even a LITTLE taste of what my brother has on this Earth, and your first thought is that I'd kill you?"

Still shaking you have a hard time taking your mind off of his face, "Then...wh-what are you asking...f-for?" you ask, "I'm N-Not like Jane..."

Heck you worked for her, though a bit jealous of her status with Thor, you wished you had someone of your own, but for this to happen, and for him to want a piece of what he had, through you, you felt that it was an absurd thing to ask for.

"You are a simple, weak, mortal human that seeks out something further in her life, am I not right?" Loki states eying you.


"Still terrified of me." he states, "Well, let me help you with getting over that fear of me by fulfilling something you haven't...had. Two birds... One stone as you Midguadians state."

"What are you-"

You feel Loki press his body against yours as he takes one hand off of one of your wrists, you go to move it, but he takes it grasping it with his other hand. Taking his loose hand, he runs one of his long cold fingers up under your chin under your ear and moves it along to under your lips, sending a chill through your body.

"I don't-"

"Shhhhhh..." he places his finger in front of his lips with that gesture and instantly you shut up.

Leaning forward, still with his body pressed against yours he leans into you, breathing hot down your neck causing your body to shake, not only with fear but a sense of terrifying pleasure that causes your mouth to gape open and a sigh to come out.

You can feel him grinning in your ear as he chuckles lightly under his breath, "You Midguardians do give in to easily."

You had so many thoughts going through your head. How can you let this stranger do such things to you? Your mind was telling you this was stupid beyond belief, but your body... you confused and frenzied body was telling you to just let this whole thing go, just give in.

"Tell me." he whispers in your ear, "Tell me what you are thinking. Do you fear me still?"

You knew that he could read your thoughts. You nod returning your answer, "I...I am... terrified."

"Good." Loki's voice got deeper and turned to a small hum, as you jump slightly instantly feeling the sensation as his lips grazed at the skin on your neck. First with small kisses then, small nips where be began toying with your neck biting at it, sending a most welcoming sensation through your body.

Instantly a moan escapes from your lips as you close your eyes. You hear him chuckle darkly as he takes your chin making you stare deep into his is emerald green lust filled eyes.

"Just exactly what I wanted to hear." He states, "Submission."

Then he pulls your face close,"You midguardian, now belong to me."

Then without hesitation he pulls his lips close, then crushing his against yours he kisses you deeply.

You knew, that this was either going to end very well, or very bad, but at the moment you quite literally didn't care what the outcome was. You just knew, that this night, would be quite the interesting one, and you did what most people wouldn't have normally done in a situation like this, which would have been to fight off the temptation, but you felt you made the better choice for you both.

With that. You do what he wants. You simply give in.