I do not own OUAT. Sigh. Hope you guys like it. :)


A cold breeze nipped at my coat as I sat in the forest. It was peaceful. Even though Storybrooke wasn't anywhere near the hustle of a city, it still came with its own chaos. There was always something terrorizing, and turning the town into a war zone. Always someone out to do no good. I could help but count all the times it had been my fault. It wasn't always me, but I took the lead in numbers.

I held the letter tightly to my chest. Mary-Margaret, and Emma wouldn't have known this, but I was looking for this letter specifically. It all made sense now. This letter belonged to my mother. It was among her things when I sent her through to Wonderland.

The sound of breaking twigs made me turn my head. I had my hopes up that it would be Emma, but I was mistaken. Robin Hood was looking at me through the sight of his crossbow, then he dropped it upon seeing me.

"We need to stop meeting like this."

"Did the Charmings send you to give me a pep talk?" I asked hiding the letter in my pocket.".., b'cause I don't do well with pep talks."

He sauntered up behind me. "No, nothing of the sort. After Zalena's threat, I decided to patrol the woods. In case she decided to build the ranks of her simian army." He took off his gloves, and sat beside me on the log. "How're you holding up?" I was shaken by his forward sincerity.

"I'm not a flying monkey if that's what you mean?" He smiled at my comment.

"So, are you going to tell me what's in that letter you've been staring at?" He was being coy.

"What letter?" I really just wanted to avoid talking about anything that involved my mother. He didn't understand. Emma would.

Robin Held up my folded letter between his fingers. "This one?"

I took it back quickly, and stared at him angrily.

"I'm a pick pocket by trade. I spent many years learning how to rob from magicians." He was being very talkative. Could he not see that I was waiting for someone?

"You're lucky I'm saving my strength for that Witch." It wasn't cute. Stealing things from my pocket. Even if it was for fun.

"I think deep down you really want to talk about what's in there." He looked down to my hands. At the letter, then back at me with his green eyes.

I challenged his nerve. "What makes you think you know me so well?"

"Well for one thing I think I would be charred to a crisp by now if you didn't." He was right.

I smiled at him. "True."

We sat for a moment. "So, can I read it?"

I sighed and looked away. "I'm not stopping you."

He read aloud the words I had read alone many times before.

Cora Dear,

I finally got my hands on your first born. I never thought I'd find her did you?

Now I know why. She's the most powerful sorceress I've ever encountered.

Even more powerful than you. Stunning in every way.


Robin was turned towards me now. Regarding me fully. "It's rather complimentary, I'd say. Why is this troubling you?"

I couldn't look at him. "I've seen that letter a hundred times before. In my darkest moments I would go to it for comfort. For solace. A boost when I needed it..because.. I always thought it was about me."

He shifted his gaze away from me. "It's about Zalena."

"Rumplestiltskin thinks shes more powerful than I am." It was hard to swallow.

"Why care what that Imp thinks?" Robin leaned towards me.

"If the man who taught me everything I know about magic thinks she is more powerful? There is no way I can win." I kept my stares even. He had to know that no amount of encouraging words from him was going to help, but instead of egging it all on Robin stood.

"Well, then I suppose I should keep patrolling. I apologize if I interrupted your prepping."

I graced him with a genuine smile and nodded. "I guess some focusing exorcises wouldn't hurt."

We both chuckled at my attempt at a joke, then robin took my hand, and kissed the top of my knuckles politely. "Farewell, M'lady."

I was speechless. Then I wasn't. ".., and too you, kind Sir." I don't know where it came from, but such niceties hadn't come from my lips in so many years that it almost felt like a foreign language.

I watched my lion tattooed gentleman trek off into the forest, and once he was out of sight I released a breath I didn't know I was holding.

Though the forest was quiet once more I could feel the faint pulsing of magic near my own. Magic was like an aura, and I could distinctly feel Emma. It was blue, and bright, and full of a kind of wonder that I would suspect only a "true love" based magic could hold. I looked around hopefully, but I didn't see anything.

"Emma?" I said out loud. I didn't get a response back, and got worried.

With a swift wave of my hand a sky blue streak of blue appeared nearly fifteen feet away from me where Robin had been standing before. It wouldn't surprise me if Emma had seen us from here. Is that why she left?

I followed the magic trail out of the forest. I smiled inwardly at how thick the cloud of blue was. It was a reflection of how strong the blonde's powers were. Her novice knowledge of magic practices were apparent. I wondered if it drained her emitting this much magic all the time like it would me?

I found myself walking down Main Street, and across town square. I was surprised to find that it lead right to the front doors of the Sheriff's Station. I opened the doors and stepped in. It was cold from lack of use over the past few days, so I pulled my coat around me tighter.

"Hello?" I said. There was no answer. I walked down the hall to the office/cell room, and opened the door. Emma sat inside facing away from me at her desk. Her long curls draped over her shoulders, and she had a pair of headphones on her head. No doubt blaring some kind of noise I wouldn't much care for.

I extended my hand out, and tapped the former Sheriff's back.

"Oh my god!" I jumped back startled just as much as Emma, who fell to the side out of her chair. It was hard for me to hold in my amusement, but I succeeded.

"Shit, Regina! You can't just sneak up on people?" Emma huffed.

"I announced my arrival Miss Swan. It's your fault you didn't hear me." I grinned playfully.

Emma stood up, and dusted herself off. She hung her head phones around her neck, and looked up at me. I could see it then. In her eyes.

"What's the matter?" I asked stepping closer unconsciously.

Emma's mouth was pulled thin, and her eyes looked sad. "nothing." She sighed.

"Don't lie to me?" I said trying to get her to open up. "As strong as your super power is Miss Swan, it does not make you a better liar."

I walked closer to her, and we both sat on the edge of the desk facing forward.

Emma looked to be thinking of the right words, so I gave her the time.

It had been nearly three minutes before she spoke again. "I saw you with Robin earlier, and I got upset that he got to you before did. I mean.." Emma leaned behind us and grabbed a cup of Granny's coffee. "I stopped to get us these, and everything." I took the cup from her, and smiled. "You got me coffee? Why?"

"Because I.. you're my friend, and I knew you must have been cold, and I wanted to go the extra mile for you. Then he showed up, and shot an arrow right through my good gesture. With his "M'lady" crap, and his hand kisses" Emma was breathing deeply, and I felt bad for not telling Robin I had been waiting for her. I couldn't help but notice though, that these were the words of jealousy.

"It's just his customs. He's more used to the ways of the Enchanted Forest, than the ways of this realm." I tried to rationalize.

"It doesn't matter." Emma was pouting now. "Even if that were the case, he shouldn't be calling you M'lady. You are not a lady in his

"I'm not?" I didn't really know where this was going.

The sheriff crossed her arms. "You're a Queen. Not a lady. It's not proper."

She was right actually, but I felt right now Emma needed more than just validation.

"Well Robin is just a thief, He wouldn't understand titles, and such. You however, are Royalty. A princess to be precise, but you aren't just that are you? No, you took on a role of a warrior, so you are most certainly a Knight. Mmm, let us say a White Knight?" Emma blushed at my words. I smiled. "Don't worry so much about how other people address me. There are only a few opinions I truly deem worthy of my time."

I remembered suddenly my whole point for seeking out the savior, and took the letter out of my pocket, and handed it over to Emma, while also taking the cup of Coffee gratefully. "Now to business. Here, read it, and I will explain."

Emma's eyes scanned the paper. I took a few sips of my luke warm coffee.

When she handed the paper back to me she asked "This was with your mothers stuff, right?"

I nodded. Emma smiled sympathetically. "You don't have to explain anything. I understand."

This took me by surprise. "H..How could you know?" I said in disbelief.

Emma motioned to the paper, then looked away. "The water marks from tears, and the wrinkles from constant folding, and unfolding. This letter is about Zalena, but you didn't always know that. Did you?"

Tears clouded my eyes, and I shook my head. The cold from my memories began to flood back, and I was ready for the slow ache in my chest, but it never came. Instead I felt a comforting hand rubbing circles on my back. This wasn't the first time we had been in this position, but it was nice to be on the receiving end of the comfort.

"If it means anything… You're more special than Rumple gave you credit for. You're worth more than a pawn in someone's grand scheme, and if that's something that Zalena is jealous of, then she has no clue what you had to deal with to get to the point where you had no choice but to curse everyone." Emma smiled.

I looked up, and pondered the sentiment. Zalena didn't have a clue what lead up to the curse emotionally. Why on earth would anyone be jealous of me?

When we exited the station Emma stopped me from walking off. "Be careful okay? If she hurts you I swear.." Emma's words trailed off.

I inhaled deeply. "No, Emma this has to be my fight. I can't, and won't let anything bad happen to you, or your family, or even the people of my town."

Emma smiled brightly.

"What?" I asked lifting an eyebrow.

"You know you like us." Emma's smile was growing. I snorted a laugh.

"Tolerate, and like are two very different things, Emma."

The blonde's smile reached her eyes, and my heart started to melt. I'd only seen Henry make her this happy before, and I can see now why he tried so often. His birthmother was truly beautiful when she smiled. She began to chuckle. "Hell, even I only tolerate my parents." We both shared a laugh, and it felt like ages since I had done it last. ".., and I like when you call me Emma, by the way."

"That is your name?" I knitted my fingers together, a little unsure of what to do with my hands.

"Yes, I know that, but you don't call me it often, and it sounds… it.. it feels.." Emma seemed to have crossed into a part of her mind she didn't mean to, and she was stumbling now.

I reached my hand out suddenly, and took hold of her hand. "Then a fresh start is in order."

I stood back from Emma. I hadn't noticed how close we were standing. Then I held out my hand. This wasn't like me, but it felt nice to not always be the emotionally closed off one. I could be charming too.

"Hello. My name is Regina Mills. I am the mayor of this lovely, but witch infested town."

Emma watched me with a skeptical expression, but shook my hand in return. "Hi, name's Emma Swan and I am the Sheriff here. Guess it's my fault about the witch thing. I shoulda been doin' my job right. My apologies Madame Mayor."

I couldn't help my laugh. "Please, call me Regina?" Emma chuckled. "…, and you, Regina, can call me Emma. From now on?"

I nodded.

"Bye, Emma." I said.

"Bye, my Queen." I rolled my eyes, and Emma gave me a sweet wave, and turned to walk in the direction of Snow, and Charming's apartment.

I only had a few hours to prepare, but I didn't know for sure what to do.

I knew for a fact that Zalena was more powerful, but I wasn't sure what I could do to prevent any harm to myself. Then it hit me. I would need to hide my heart. That was the only piece of advice my mother ever gave me that held even an iota of meaning to me. Never take your heart to a magic fight.

But what to do with it?

ELLO BROS! I guess I should mention this is gonna be slightly slow burn SQ, but I think I'm gonna start taking this plot, and changing it a bit to fit my story. I WILL definitely be turning some OQ scenes to SQ, that's why I'm not updating with each chapter. Thank you so much for the reviews, and follows. IT MEANS sO MuCH!