Hey guys, I'm sorry this chapter took so long. It got into December and then school started back and I was all over the place. But anyways, this is my chapter 9 and I hope you like it :) Stuff gets clearer in this chapter and there are new people that will play a pretty good role in here later on! I hope you guys like it, again I am very sorry it is so late, and as always sorry for any spelling and grammar mistakes! Please leave me a comment so I know what you think or where you want me to go with this :D

Charlie sat in shock with tears streaming down her face in confusion as she looked at the man that looked like Paul Briggs. The man stood tall before her with pride on his face and evilness in his eyes. She shook her head as if she could clear her mind and the man would no longer look like Paul, but it did nothing for her.

"Paul?" She asked tentatively. "You answer me!"

"I am not Paul, mi cariñita, but you are close" the man said smiling. He knew a lot that she didn't and all that knowledge had him on a high. "Ay mi amor, you are so beautiful. If only you would've remembered more of sooner, then sending you back would have been more successful."

Charlie was obviously part of a bigger plan and she hated it. She had no control over anything that was happening or was being done to her. She was part of something pretty darn big and no one was going to brief her on it.

"Marco, get her some water" the man said as he saw Charlie about to drift into unconsciousness again. "You will be awake for everything" he said through clenched teeth. Charlie watched as a man walked out of wherever they were underground and closed some door above them. As she looked around she noticed the two headstones again. Looking up she saw that she was in some type of man-made underground room that had dirt as the floor but a proper roof and walls. "Charlie, mi amor, I am going to tell you a story."

"Why do you look like Paul? How do you look so much like him?!" She exclaimed, observing the man's features. He had Paul's eyes, build, length, and short, brown hair. They both carried the same air of dominance and leadership around them.

"Mi cariñita, once upon a time there was a happy family. This family consisted of two boys, a mother and a father. The mother and father had trouble keeping a roof over their heads and those of their children so they got into some…sketchy…business. They got onto the bad side of things and when their eldest son became 12, he started helping on small jobs. The eldest son always wanted to protect his younger brother, but one day, it wasn't enough. No matter how hard the eldest son fought, he couldn't keep his little brother safe when his parents made a big mistake. Their parents had made a mistake on the job, and the consequence was their youngest son being taken from them. Now, the eldest son, having to be a hero fought his heart out but there was nothing he could do. When the eldest son turned 17 he found his little brother, who was then 15, and fought for his freedom. His brother's freedom would only be granted if in the end, his little brother chose to go home with him but you know what, it was too late."

"You tell this story like a memory. Was this your screwed up life? Look I'm sorry your life was screwed up but it isn't my fault!" Charlie exclaimed.

"Understand, mi amor, that the youngest boy had an amor of his own. When the time came for him to choose his path, he wanted to take her with him. He knew that she would get hurt without him around and he wanted to protect her, but his brother wouldn't have it, nor would the man who ran the neighborhood. The boss at that time said that the eldest brother came for his little brother, fought for him, and could only take him. The eldest brother didn't want to take any chances so he told his brother to hustle so they could go home, but his little brother wouldn't leave his love behind. When time came to choose, the little brother chose to stay and work for those who had threatened his family the moment they joined the business."

"So you're telling me a 15 year old boy decided that the girl he thought he loved came first?! He let his big brother fight for no reason? What kind of asshole is that?" Charlie almost yelled. She just could not comprehend how someone could let their older sibling fight for their freedom, only to reject it and say that they weren't leaving.

"The eldest brother was angry and felt betrayed. The little brother offered that he stay with him, and that they work together. He knew that they would make a great team, but the older brother said no and walked away. A perfect opportunity wasted. "

"So where's the happy ending huh? What, the little brother and girl stayed in love for a long time and are still together while the elder brother got killed?" Charlie said sarcastically.

"No mi cariñita, the girl left the youngest brother for thinking that taking her with him would have been what she wanted and the little brother was respected by the gang he was in. He was respected until his brother got in the way and he helped him get to safety. That was the end for him. He was thrown out of the gang that had become his family and was told never to come back. Do you know how that feels?" The man yelled. The man punched the wall hard, anger radiating from his hands. "That boy had found a family, a place he belonged, but because pf his love for his brother he was kicked out of that family and left to figure everything out on his own. His elder brother was nowhere near as grateful as he should have been!"

Charlie sat as she watched the man pace up and down the room infuriated. She studied him carefully for a while before it dawned on her.

"That boy, that younger boy was you" Charlie said slowly, not daring to say anything else.

"He worked hard and he played fair, but the world would not help him. This God that everyone says helps all because all are his kids was not there!" The man continued to rage. "I saved my brother and he gave me NOTHING in return. NOTHING!"

The guy that had been sent off to get Charlie water had just come back with a water bottle and stood watching his boss pace.

"Give her the damn water" the man suddenly yelled at him. The guy holding the water quickly moved forward towards Charlie. He sat down next to her, opened the water bottle and put it to her lips for her to drink. Charlie drank greedily before saying she had enough for now. She thanked the man but he stayed seated next to her.

"So you're telling me you took me because you are angry at your brother, whom I don't even know?! What kind of crap plan is that? What am I supposed to do, find him?" Charlie asked incredulously.

"You already know him mi amor, you live with him" The man said through clenched teeth.

"Paul…That can't be." Charlie said quietly shaking her head. "He would have told me, he would have helped you when you were struggling. He is a good man."

"Help his disgrace of a brother? Never."

"I know Paul, he is kind and caring and he would never leave his family behind!" Charlie assured the man, though it was also for her own benefit.

"BUT I AM NOT HIS FAMILY ANYMORE! YOU ARE! YOU AND EVERY OTHER AGENT IN GRACELAND APPARENTLY!" The man yelled at her, again punching the wall. Charlie then realized why he took her. It was to get back at Briggs for his girl. When Paul went to get him, he was ify about his girl and now he has taken what he believes to be Paul's girl.

"If you think I am Paul's girl, I am not" Charlie exclaimed. She knew that what she had just said was part lie but she wasn't ready to admit that to herself either.

"Feisty little liar you are mi cariñita. Paul cares about you. You get to learn the history of my family. You get to learn what made Paul just a law abiding citizen!" The way the man said it, it almost made it sound as if he was about to tell Charlie all of Paul's dark secrets and it was not looking good.

"I don't know your name" Charlie whispered, head down. "Tell me your name."

"Why mi cariñita? So you can call for me when you want me?" The man said with a voice as deep and creepy as ever.

"I would never want you" Charlie said in a promising voice.

"Careful mi amor, you don't know what you're in for. My name, cariñita, is Rafael, Rafael Rodriguez. My brother, the one you claim you aren't involved with, is Paulo Rodriguez. Paul Briggs my ass mi cariñita."

Charlie said quietly not knowing how to continue. She had just learned one of Paul's secrets that she knew he probably did not want anyone to find out. He had changed his name, never mind the fact that he had a long lost brother. Not that he was still lost, obviously he had found his way, but this changed things. She was learning about a past that Paul refused to ever talk about, a past that was his secret and not meant to be a shared one.

"Rafael huh. Well Rafael, a true gentlemen wouldn't tie women up without their consent" Charlie snarled at him.

"But mi cariñita, I never said I was a gentlemen, that is an act my brother keeps up but I feel no need to" he laughed. "Miguel, you get to babysit tonight. I think me and cariñita here are done for tonight."

"You're leaving me here?" Charlie asked shocked.

"Ay mi amor don't complain, you have Miguel here to keep you company! Play nice Miguel, tenemos que mantenerla viva " Rafael winked, gave Charlie a strangely gentle kiss on the cheek, and then walked away. Charlie could hear the door close behind him as she sat alone in silence with Miguel. Miguel was tall, had tanned skin and black hair that curled around his ears. He had grey eyes that looked like they could look into someone's soul.

"Miguel, why do you work for him? Does he have me for someone else?" Charlie asked, wondering what that last bit was about. He said that they had to keep her alive. Why would he say that unless he had kidnapped her for reasons that were part of a much bigger picture.

"That is none of your business" Miguel said, not looking at Charlie.

"NOT MY BUSINESS? I AM TIED TO A POLE IN A DARK UNDERGROUND, SOMETHING, AND IT IS NOT MY BUSINESS?! ARE YOU KIDDING?!" Charlie yelled, not able to control herself. The guy Miguel finally looked up at her from where he was sitting next to her on the ground.

"Look, this is not how I thought this was going to happen. You weren't supposed to come back here. You were supposed to remember…." Miguel said but then was stopped by someone walking into the room and getting angry at him.

"Miguel, shut your mouth" the man said in a loud voice. He looked a bit like Miguel so I figured they were related somehow. "Rafael told to me come watch her with you. He wants to make sure she has no way to escape."

Miguel nodded at the man and watched as he came to sit down across from Charlie, leaning against the wall. Like Miguel he had grey eyes and black hair, but his hair was cut short, army short. He was also tall and had tanned skinned. He wore a black shirt and jeans, and a tattoo of a tiger peeked out from under his shirt. The tiger, outlined in black, was probably partially on his bicep and followed onto his shoulder, maybe even his back.

"So you're Catherine DeMarco, "Charlie" if you will" the man said in a matter-of-fact way as if he was impressed. "My name is Adriano and I am Miguel's younger brother. Do you see the resemblance everyone says we have?" He smiled.

"There has to be more to this. All this work to take me, twice. To wipe my memories of this and Rafael, to get into my head. This cannot just be revenge!" Charlie concluded, looking deep into Adriano's eyes.

"You are right, Charlie, this is much much bigger than the three of us in this room."

So? Was it alright? Please let me know :)