Okay… it's me again! I bet y'all are tired of me by now, right? I hope not… So, this is my new story, Unknown, and I hope you guys like it. It's AU, I got the idea while watching a Doctor Who episode called Dalek, but it's not like Doctor Who really at all. Oh, and it's all Mikayla's POV. But anyways, on with Chapter One….
It started off like a normal day. I woke up in my tiny bedroom in the bunkers at 6 a.m. sharp, like always, and started to get ready. My room looked pretty much like every other room in the bunkers, about eight square feet with gray concrete walls and floor, the only furniture being a single cot pushed against one wall. Well, it had looked like that when I'd moved in. But it didn't really look like that anymore. It was still pretty basic, my old friends back in San Francisco would have totally freaked if they'd seen how drab it was. It was still looked a lot better than it had used to look. I wasn't allowed to change the walls, but I'd hung up so many pictures and poster and drawings that you could barely see the gray, and I'd brought in my little white bookshelf from my old house and filled it with all my favorite books. I'd also laid down a dark blue shag rug and put a blue-and-white comforter on my cot, and my mother's old chest sat in the corner with all my clothes in it.
My dad always said my room was the brightest in the entire bunker, and I knew he was right. I liked that, though, and I knew my mom would've too. The whole place was way too gloomy, in my opinion. It needed some cheering up.
See, me and my dad work for ASSULF, which stands for the Association of the Scientific Study of Unusual Life Forms. Most people have never heard of it, but what we do down here is super important. We basically take into custody any life form (I'd say humans, but most of them aren't human) that's… different and study them. Like one time, a couple of years ago, a meteor crashed in Texas and split open, and there was a creature inside. We still have it in our care and some of our highest clearance personnel are still running tests on it, but I'm way to low in rank to do anything that dangerous. I'm still documenting things and charting test results. I bring some of the refugees (that's what we call them, even though that's not exactly what they are) their meals sometimes, but that's pretty all the contact with them I get.
We're lucky to even get to work here, though. This place is highly top-secret and it's so hard to get jobs somewhere like this. So how did we get these jobs? Basically, when I was in eighth grade and I took my testing to get into high school, my science grade was high. Like, really high. So high that the school system showed it to the government, and they offered me and my dad jobs here. I remember how thrilled I was when we first got here. Most people have heard of it, actually, they call it Area 51, but they all think it's just a story, that it doesn't really exist, and I was one of those people. But the truth is, Area 51 doesn't exist, because this isn't Area 51. But the whole story of it did come form ASSULF, even though we are much kinder to our refugees then everyone thinks, which is mainly where the difference comes in.
We moved here, my dad and I, when I was fourteen, and I'm sixteen now. I'd use to love it here when I was younger, all that high-tech science and alienish creatures had fascinated me, and I still liked it, it was all really interesting. But after living down here so long, with all the concrete walls and underground rooms… I hadn't seen the sun in nearly three years. It didn't feel like a magical place full of wonderful science anymore. It felt more like a prison.
I pushed all those thoughts out of my head for now and changed into my normal ASSSULF issued clothes, sturdy black pants and a navy blue jacket over a black t-shirt. Everything had to be dark down here. I had brighter clothes, but I wasn't allowed to wear them during work. Another thing I was starting to hate about this place. I quickly tied my long dark brown hair back in a ponytail and slipped my feet into my tall black boots (I really hate these clothes), then swung open the heavy door and walked out.
I'd taken a little longer than usual to get ready this morning, so the halls of the bunker were completely abandoned. It was kind of creepy, walking through the dark, empty concrete hallways alone, my footsteps echoing so loudly it made me wince. I sped up and was able to get to Room 200786, where I was stationed, only a few minutes late.
It looked like every other lab in this place, with concrete walls (but they were white instead of gray) and all sorts of cool high-tech equipment. Strangely, it was empty, but I guess everyone else was getting coffee or something.
"Hey Daddy," I greeted my father, who stood in the middle of the room, reading something from a folder and frowning.
"Oh, hey baby girl," he said absently.
"What's up?" I asked. "Is there something wrong?"
"We got a new refugee this morning," he said.
This didn't really surprise me. We got those all the time. Well, not all the time, but it still wasn't unusual. "So?"
"This one's different," he said.
"Different like how? I mean, they're all pretty much aliens, they're all different."
My dad sighed heavily. "Baby girl, this isn't an alien. Well, he might be. But there's just something weird about him, something so… I don't even know how to describe it. But we haven't even run any tests or anything on him yet, and we can already tell that he's special."
"Daddy, I'm still lost. How's he different?"
He shook his head. "Just read the records, Mikayla." He held out the folder he'd been reading from to me.
I took it. "Okay, I will."
Little did I know that this ordinary morning that suddenly become one of the most important days of my entire life.
I don't know if you guys liked that or not, I know it was… weird. But I hope you guys do like it. Please review!