Fandom: [K]
Character(s): Yata Misaki, Fushimi Saruhiko
Pairing(s): Yata Misaki / Fushimi Saruhiko
Genre(s): Domestic, Romance
Rating: T (may go up to M for subsequent chapters)
Disclaimer: I don't own [K]; such is property of GoRA and GoHands. Cover image belongs to 浅井西/pixiv id=407664.

A/N: Hello~
Each chapter of this story will cover a particular setting/prompt (or a continuation of another chapter) starring Misaki and Saruhiko in an established relationship, featuring their everyday lifestyle or, you know, some 'domestic' scenarios. My previous story Considerate (/s/10092301/) would also fit in this series, so consider this as a continuation, or part of the same universe. ^^

Therefore, as always, expect certain OOCness (since a context where both of them share a romantic relationship would only be happening in an AU, or a non-canon setting, right?). Also, I should clarify that most situations could be considered Misaru, rather than Sarumi.

That being said, enjoy the really brief introduction ahead~

Saruhiko likes biting.

Misaki isn't really paying attention.

What a weird topic to start a conversation. Even coming from him.

"By the way, you've certainly heard of how they say you can actually bite your fingers off..."

"Hah?" Misaki listened, or made at least the minimal effort to not let Saruhiko's voice go unnoticed, but that didn't stop him from smashing the usual combination of buttons of his videogame console, while the taller's eyes quickly wandered through the lines of a stupid book he would always read after lunch, in Misaki's own words.

"If... you bite hard enough. But your brain prevents you from doing so."

"... hah?!" Ah, yes, Misaki didn't lose his time. Straight to the point, then.

"I'm saying that you can actually measure how much force you put when you bite."

"Well, yeah... who the hell thinks about that?" Not him, for sure, there was an obstinate boss that demanded his immediate attention.

"Who knows," Saruhiko might have gotten a barely audible 'hmph' for a response, but it was enough to elicit a chuckle from the sly grin that curved his lips as he lifted a feet to the couch and rested a pale cheek on his knee. "... bite me."

"What... you want me to bite your finger off?"

"... you're so unromantic, Misaki."

"Well excuse me. You're the one who comes up with the dumbest things." As he continued with his video game. Saruhiko clicked his tongue and resumed a proper sitting position, tilted his head and rested his temple on the ginger's shoulder. Misaki eyed him from the corner of his eyes, noticing he had closed his book.

"It's not dumb."

Misaki thought Saruhiko's last sentence came out as a whine.

Yeah, this was really short. Has a point though. Promise!

Aaaaand, I don't know if any of you are going to read this, but .w.)/...

BeyondMyReach: Thank you for reviewing! He's a bit contemplative isn't he, so I too think he can be a bit... poetic with... some of his actions, heh. (?)

Saru: Don't worry about it! Who isn't a bit lazy~ I'm glad you liked it. c;

AtomicCrayon: Aaaah I'm a sucker for domestic stuff too ;;, mostly because it doesn't look like a big deal if it's something we do everyday, but if it's, uh, fictional characters doing it then... it's all the more interesting? Also, I guess this would count as a continuation, so here you go! ;3

TheAwesomePandaChan: He's more of an action man than a words guy sometimes, right? Thank you! ^^