Doug X Carley

1. Back in the day

During his teen years Doug wasn't good with talking to women...

He still wasn't even to this day,

But he knew damn well how to save one from a herd of hungry walkers.

2. Crush

It just a silly crush,

But it kept Carley up all night.

3. Wondering

He would always wonder why the world chose him over Carley?

Guess he would never know..

4. Story

No matter what... love would always end in death.

5. Same

He was eaten alive by walkers,

She was shot and left at the side of the road.

Both forgotten about...

6. Go on

She felt guilty to love another man...

But she knew Doug would want her to move on.

7. Cute

"He's kind of cute... in a parent's basement sort of way..."


8. Another day

Just another day without Carley...

9. Why?

He would always wonder why Lee chose him over her.

10 . Fever

No illness, sickness or wound would compare to the lingering sickness of losing Doug.

11. True

The true death of Carley was a broken heart.

12. Knight

Dough was Carley's knight in shinning socks and sandals.

13. Never know

You're never know who the heroes will be,

You're never know who the one you fall in love will be,

You're never who the dead ones will be.

14. Bullet

It took a few bullets to save her life, but it would take more then a few bullets to save her heart.

15. I can dream

Doug knew he wasn't Carley's type...

But who's to say he couldn't at least dream.

16. Horror

It all happened so fast...

But Carley's death would always replay over and over again in his head...

17. Replay

What killed Doug wasn't the walkers, it was the not knowing.

18. Voice

His cheerful voice always echoed in her head.

19. Here

If he was here... she wouldn't be wondering why.

20. Angel

She was an angel sent by heaven,

Then she had to return.

It's been awhile huh? Right now I'm all about The wolf among us, great game. And one last thing...

STOP ASKING FOR CLEMENTINE X GROWN UPS PAIRINGS! I DON'T CARE IF YOU TELL ME TO JUST AGE CLEMENTINE UP, ITS STILL PEDOPHELIA EVEN IF YOU AGE HER UP! AND I HATE THAT MOST OF THE WALKING DEAD FICS ARE CLEMENTINEXLUKE! its pedophilia and GROSS! So shut the fuck up about it and don't even think about bringing it up on a review on this fic. Even if you only like them as a friendship and request it, it's not happening. These are for romantic pairings only.

Flame me if you want, but I don't give two shits. I refuse to write Cluke, Click, Clee, or any pedophilia pairings out there, fucking deal with it!