20 short drabbles for all sorts of couples. I don't own anything.

Ben X Molly

1. Flowers

It would had been a sweet gesture. Now if only Molly wasn't allergic.

2. Hand holding

"You got to be kidding me?"

"W-w-what do you mean?"

"Your getting all red faced just from hand holding?"

3. Hangover

Molly watched in amusement as Ben vomited into the toilet from the previous night of drinking.

"Wow, you really are a fucking lightweight."

4. Height

She hated how tall he was, it meant she had to stand on her tip toes to kiss him.

Not that he minded of course.

5. Sweater

A small smile appeared on Ben's face as he looked at the sleeping blonde. He took off his sweater and draped it around her shoulders.

6. Sex

Long story short, Ben wasn't going to die a virgin.

7. Music

No matter how much he stuttered when he spoke when he played that guitar she could listen to him for hours.

8. Bitten

"Ben..." She weakly called as his blue eyes widen at the bite mark on his beloved's shoulder

"No...Molly..." He said breathlessly in disbelief.

9. Falling.

She heard his cries as he fell.

She wondered if he heard hers?

10. Cooking

"I-it looks great." Ben stuttered.


An hour later Ben had to go to the ER for food poisoning.

11. Tattoo

"Ben, It's spelled M-O-L-L-Y not M-O-L-L-E-E."

"What?! You mean I have to get this re-done?!"

12. Movie

Movies nights would always end with Ben holding Molly close in fear of those horror movies that gave him nightmares.

13. Candy

She frowned unamused as her crossed her arms, a frown on her face as Ben smiled weakly, his teeth stained with chocolate.

14. Mirror

They were like a shattered mirror. Jagged, unwanted, unloved and broken beyond repair... But still a mirror.

15. Misery

He witness losing his classmates.

She witness losing her sister.

They supposed misery loves company.

16. Madness

Because it was pure madness that once the world gone to shit they found each other.

17. Tree

She giggled as she waited in the tree's branches as he had a poor (and painful) attempt to climb up the tall oak.

18. Lips

He tasted like candy.

19. Blush Only Ben could make Molly's cheeks blush such a rosy red.

20. Embrace There was no place they felt safer when they were in each other's arms.

Well there's some Ben X Molly for ya. I think I might do Carlee next, maybe Chromid... Oh well, please review and fave it means the world to me.