Throughout the streets Shadow caught glimpses of the feral human mob; they were burning posters and pictures of him, some were gathered in large groups listening to a speaker, all were armed. The hedgehog was grateful for his speed as he crept from building to building; the only clue to his destination was a tight pulling at his chest. His maker calling him home? Or just his natural ability to sense power sources? The hybrid wasn't sure.

Shadow wasn't surprised to see his route taking him out of the city and towards the misty wilds of Mystic Ruins; the thick fog would render G.U.N's soldiers helpless. It would also conceal any Black Arms present; they had the advantage of their body temperature adapting to match their surroundings, a fact Shadow had conveniently forgotten to mention the Commander.

"Seems I've been on your side all along." Shadow gave a dark laugh as he thought of how the alien overlord would interpret his actions.

He wouldn't admit it to Black Doom but the hybrid felt a thrill of pleasure at the thought of the high and mighty commander of G.U.N stumbling around in the mist filled marshes with his thermal imaging cameras. The hedgehog imagined those mismatched eyes darting wildly from side to side as the terrified screams of his men echoed through the gloom. The Commander trapped in a prison of his own making and his despised rival would hold the power…

Ruby eyes blinked and Shadow quickly shifted his thoughts; the last train too much like those of his alien kin to be comfortable. The mist proved insignificant to the hedgehog, his superior alien vision allowed for almost perfect clarity. It alarmed the hedgehog that he assumed that his sight was owing to his black Arms heritage; it meant Doom, not a simple hybrid like himself, would know he had achieved a victory over Shadow before the hybrid glimpsed his creator. Perhaps he was walking straight into a trap; for Black Doom had been certain that his hedgehog form came with limitations. Shadow steeled himself as a large mass appeared amongst the fog. He neared… and laughed. Only Black Doom would have expended such vast amounts of energy to restore the Black Comet from its shattered, fragmented remains, never mind the energy it would take to bring the rock to the planet's surface. It was a display of defiance that such a hated object now rested so close to G.U.N's main headquarters. The hybrid flattened his ears when he considered the statement the return of the Comet made about his role in the life of the Black Arms.

As if his thoughts had summoned them the red and black creatures emerged. Their eyes gazed out at him, filled with hatred for the one who had almost destroyed their very existence but they did not attack.

"You came sooner than expected." The rasping voice of the Black Arms leader came from behind him and Shadow spun round.

Doom looked as he remembered him although he appeared slightly tired. As ruby eyes returned to the Comet, Shadow decided this was to understandable.

"You seemed desperate for me to arrive," The hedgehog's irritation with his creator caused a surge of arrogance that Shadow usually associated with his blue counterpart, "were you inviting me to a housewarming?"

To Shadow's surprise Black Doom laughed, "Hardly. I am not sure I'm inclined to let you enter yet."

This behaviour was, well, alien to Shadow and his distrust showed on his face as he spoke, "Why did you summon me?"

All three of Black Doom's crimson eyes narrowed as he floated closer to Shadow, "I told you that I would not allow one of mine to fall into servitude, and specifically not under the command of such a pathetic and primitive race such as humans."

The Hybrid felt his own gaze narrow, "I don't suppose you recall Black Doom but you allied yourself with that primitive race to create me."

"Yes I did," Doom's voice filled with venom, "and such a grateful creature you were for life I gave you. Tell me traitorous rat was destroying your own kind worth it?"

This was the Black Doom Shadow knew and the hedgehog smirked, "I am the Ultimate Lifeform and I have no regrets over teaching you your place."

The expression in the alien's eyes was unreadable but his mouth was twisted into a cruel smile, "How grateful those humans are to you. How fondly they must think of you their saviour as they hunt you down like the animal you are."

Shadow was unable to suppress the growl that escaped his throat and Doom laughed again, "Poor little hybrid, rejected by the home you chose and the race that made you." The alien watched as his project trembled with rage, "Let me tell you something Shadow; I aided Gerald because I thought he would never succeed. It was the ultimate test of my powers, to render the impossible possible. I never expected a soldier despite my deal with the human. Yet here you stand."

"Make your point Doom!" The hedgehog hated how vulnerable he must look with his quills raised and his fangs on full display but the alien seemed to have a power over him that Shadow didn't understand.

"Impatient child!" The alien overlord was clearly new to interruptions and Shadow smirked as the calm façade wavered before Black Doom recomposed himself, "I would be a fool not to utilise an asset Shadow and therefore I am willing to overlook your past indiscretions and offer you another chance to assume your rightful place with the Black Arms."

The hedgehog scowled, "If I refuse?"

"Leave." The rasping voice was cold, "You surrendered your haven at G.U.N when you came to me. The humans will have blood Shadow… It doesn't have to be yours."

When he had slipped free of the Commander's cage Shadow had been resolute about joining his alien brethren and little had changed. He would exchange captivity for servitude but at least his master was a worthy opponent.

With a gentleness that surprised the hybrid, Black Doom spoke once more; "If it eases that pathetic conscience of yours or that human girl you liked then I will spare those Mobian friends of yours."

Shadow's ear twitched, "Spare?"

Doom's three eyes narrowed dangerously, "You think I would let such an insult against one of my own go unpunished?" The alien allowed Shadow a moment to absorb this information before continuing, "However if it pleases you I won't lay a finger on those irritants that aided you in your last fight against me… even Gerald's descendant if I must."

As Doom's anger blazed from his form as he talked about the injustice of the humans Shadow was unable to stop the rush of warmth at the thought of someone whose anger stemmed from a desire to protect him. Not since the Ark had Shadow known someone value him in such a way; Gerald in his final days had reverted to the military's view that Project Shadow was simply a weapon. Rouge and Omega were his own real ties to the government and if they were safe…

"Very well Black Doom," Shadow moved to stand by his creator's side, "You have my skills at your disposal."

To end what was the strangest exchange ever to pass between creator and creation; Black Doom reached out one of his clawed hands and petted the hedgehog's quills, "Good."

Sadly Black Doom seems extremely out of character and so does Shadow. Not my best work on reflection.