Me: *Dragging myself across the room*
Axl: Um...You alright?
Me: UGH.
Axl: ...Is that a no?
X: She hasn't been feeling all that great. Just let her be with her Pizza Hut (c).
Cinnamon: W-Well at least NF-chan is relaxed for the time being.
Zero: Yes so let her start the chapter and DO NOT say anything that involves doing anything else.
Bass: Like what? College work?
Me: *Twitches and starts anxiously growling*
Spider: Oh CRAP!
Axl: ABORT ABORT! *Grabs Cinnamon and crashes through a window*
"So...What do you plan to do now Minus?" The said Reploid pondered the question for a minute,
"I might head out. Truth be told I don't like staying in one place for too long." Axl's expression turned to one of sadness,
"Oh I see..." Minus flinched a little,
"Oh no, don't pull that little trick..." The copy reploid gave the puppy dog stare as Minus looked away, "STOP IT." Axl added tears and his old comrade shut his eyes tight, "YOU CAN'T MAKE ME." All the while, X and Zero looked on in amusement and Cinnamon was giggling. Finally, Minus sighed in defeat,
"Oh my God FINE. I'll stay for a few weeks..." Axl immediately smiled triumphantly,
"Great! Glad you changed your mind!" Minus rolled his eyes,
"Ya ya. You're lucky you're so cute." Axl blushed before pouting in embarrassment. Just then Cinnamon giggled a little,
"I prefer to call him adorable." Everyone looked at the nurse reploid as Axl's face turned into a new shade of red that painters were trying to create for centuries. Cinnamon tilted her head, "What?" Minus looked at her, smirked and turned to Axl,
"Wow Axl. Didn't expect you to bag such a cutie" Axl screamed a little as he pulled a blanket over his head. Cinnamon blinked,
"He didn't 'bag' me, he'd never do that." Minus stared at her for a minute before smirking and patting the lump under the blanket,
"Well THIS should be interesting when you two decide to get it on."
After the amusing scene had died down, Cinnamon remained to change Axl's bandages. He couldn't look at her since he was still embarrassed and the nurse became concerned,
"Axl-kun what's wrong?" Axl shook his head a little,
"N-Nothing Cinn." "My head won't shut up and heart won't calm down is what's wrong..." Cinnamon looked down a little, a tinge of sadness in her eyes,
"Did I upset you?" Axl shook his head again, still averting his gaze,
"Of course not." "You're upseting my thoughts in a impure way THAT'S for sure."
"Then why won't you look at me?" Axl held his breath,
"Because..." "I am not sure what I'll do..."
"Because what Axl-kun?" Cinnamon placed a hand on Axl's hand and the reploid froze.
"Please don't touch me Cinn..." "I don't think I can take much more of this..." Cinnamon gave a hurt expression and looked down sadly, placing her hands in her lap,
"Am...Am I not nice to look at?" Axl went wide eyed and finally looked at the nurse,
"No!" Axl placed his hands on her shoulders, "You are absolutely beautiful Cinn! You're sweet and cute and make my day when I see you! I don't think I could handle you NOT being around me! I-" Axl felt himself stop as he realized what he was saying. Cinnamon's face was a deep crimson as Axl let her go shaking a little, "I...I mean..." Axl averted his eyes. "Crap Crap CRAAAAAP. Shoot me now..." In the next moment, he felt something soft and warm on his cheek. As he realized what it was, his mind went blank. Cinnamon gave him a small kiss on his cheek and in the next moment his mind started to fill with thoughts he couldn't control. He was finally at his limit and yelled a little, causing the nurse Reploid to jump a little, "Screw it, I can't TAKE it anymore!" He grabbed Cinnamon and pinned her to the bed. The girl looked up at him with confused, yet curious eyes as Axl stared at her with, slightly shaking as he gulped. "This...This is ENTIRELY your fault Cinn...I can't control myself around you anymore. I want to hold you and kiss you...and...I like you Cinnamon. I love you." The nurse blushed, her eyes wide, before smiling the sweetest smile Axl had ever seen. She slowly freed her hands and placed them on both of Axl's cheeks.
"I love you too Axl-kun. I have for a long time." Axl went wide eyed, before smiling, slight tears forming in his eyes. He lowered his forehead onto Cinnamon's, his eyes closed in content,
"I'm glad. So so glad." He opened his eyes slightly and found himself looking at Cinnamon's lips. He slowly brought his face even closer and kissed her; something he had been waiting to do for so long. Cinnamon returned his kiss, placing her hands on his chest. This sent a slight surge through Axl as he deepened the kiss, placing one hand on Cinnamon's shoulder and the other on her head; slightly petting her hair. Cinnamon moaned slightly, wrapping her arms around Axl's neck, sending a chill up his spine. He broke the kiss to stare at his newly attained girlfriend, seeing her looking at him with her big, teal eyes. "She too cute." He then kissed her chin, moving down to her neck, causing her to whimper a little. Axl gave a soft chuckle, happy that he made the nurse feel this way. "Cinnamon..." He whispered her name causing her to tense up as a blush covered her cheeks; it getting darker with each passing moment. "I love you Cinnamon." Axl nuzzled his lover's neck, slowly moving a hand across the side of her body, resting it on her hip. Cinnamon whimpered again as Axl looked at her, "You feel ok?" Cinnamon nodded quickly and Axl chuckled before kissing her on her mouth again. Cinnamon slowly moved her hand to Axl's hair and undid his ponytail, causing his hair to fall down. He stopped the kiss and looked at her. Cinnamon giggled a little,
"I really wanted to see what you would look like with your hair down. You look very handsome." Axl blushed a little before smiling mischievously,
"Oh really?" He brought his face closer again, to which Cinnamon's cheeks turned red once again before nodding,
"Y-Yes really." Axl gave her a soft smile as he kissed her forehead.
"She accepts me for me, and gives me so much to live for." He kissed her again, a little more rough, but still soft and sweet. "I love her so much I don't know what I would do without her." The thought made Axl nervous and he deepened the kiss moving his hands to her hips again, slightly caressing them with his thumbs. "No...No I don't want to think about that..." Lumine entered his mind for a second, but Axl erased his image from his thoughts. He wouldn't let himself be disturbed by Lumine; not now. He slowly moved his arms around the girl and held her close, kissing the middle of her neck making her gasp. "I want her to always be by my side." A slight kiss lower then the previous one, "Sometimes I actually think about locking her away from everyone." A kiss nearing the top of her chest, "But that's selfish and would upset her." Slowly, he nuzzled her chest, making Cinnamon shake a bit, "I don't want to ever make her unhappy. I want to see her smiling. I want her to smile the very same smile that saved me..." He sighed softly; his breath making Cinnamon shiver, "I love you Cinn. I absolutely adore you." He started to undo the top of her uniform, but Cinnamon gently gripped his wrist causing him to look at her, the nurse averting her gaze,
"A-Axl-kun. I-Is it really alright to be doing this? I-I mean...You're still injured." Axl blinked. Even now she was concerned about him. His heart pounded slightly faster as he gave the nurse another soft smile.
"It's alright Cinn. I'm perfectly fine." He took one of her hands and kissed it, "Especially when I'm with you." Cinnamon smiled brightly and placed the same hand on Axl's cheek,
"I'm happy then." She then remembered what Axl was doing before blushing a little, "Um...I-If it's alright with you, can you take off you're shirt f-first?" Axl blinked, his cheeks turning pink before nodding,
"If that's what you want." He sat up a bit and took off the white shirt he wore. Cinnamon's face was somehow a deeper shade of red as she took in the sight in front of her. Axl smirked, "Like what you see?" Cinnamon gave a small yelp and remained silent for a minute before nodding,
"Yes." The sudden answer left Axl feeling kind of shocked. After all, he never did this before and having someone like Cinnamon compliment him made him feel not only embarrassed, but quite happy. Axl looked at zipper which he started to unzip just a moment ago. Swallowing a large lump in his throat, he slowly moved his hand back to it as he looked at the nurse,
"You...You sure you don't mind?" Cinnamon nodded her head, but Axl could clearly see she was nervous. Her eyes were shut tightly and her hands slightly clutching the sheet of the hospital bed. Axl placed a hand on her cheek causing Cinnamon to open her eyes to see a concerned stare from Axl, "If you're scared Cinn, we'll stop." Cinnamon stared into his eyes, trying to figure out what exactly she wanted. She had read about things like this, even receiving "The Talk" from her father figure Professor Gaudile. She fully understood the concept; as a nurse she had to know this stuff. She was naïve but she wasn't stupid. Admittedly, she was nervous, scared even. She never thought about doing this until recently, and finally doing it made her unsure of what would happen. Then, remembering that she was with Axl, all her fears melted away. She shook her head,
"I'm fine Axl-kun. I'm with you, so I know I'll be ok." Axl smiled; happy that she trusted him. He took a deep breath and slowly unzipped the top of her dress. Looking down at her, he realized just how lucky of a man he was. The nurse's dress covered up the actual size of her chest and Axl found himself staring. Cinnamon noticed and decided to cover herself. Axl gently removed both arms blocking his view, giving her another soft smile,
"It's ok Cinn. You are...You're just so beautiful that I can't help myself." Cinnamon blushed slightly before smiling back,
"I'm happy I'm beautiful to you." Axl nodded, giving a brighter smile,
"You always were. Always will be." Axl then lowered his head and kissed her chest, causing Cinnamon to squirm a little,
"A-Axl-kun..." Axl froze. Hearing Cinnamon call his name out of pleasure made him feel just a little bit more nervous, but it turned him on even more. He took a slight breath before moving his hands onto her stomach, slowly raising them to the sides of her chest,
"I love you so much Cinn." He kissed her deeply, making her mind go numb from pleasure. She begun to use the tips of her fingers to slowly make up and down patterns on Axl's back, making him shiver and moan in delight. Then, as he was about to go further...
"Hey Axl, did I leave some paperwork for Alia in he-" Both Reploids looked up to see a stunned X, Zero, and Alia in the door. No one said anything for a while before X broke the silence, "We'll come back later!" The door then shut quickly, leaving both Reploids frozen; staring at the door in shock. Axl saw Cinnamon cover face with her hands,
"O-Oh my, h-How embarrassing." Axl sighed, mentally cursing that the moment was interrupted,
"No kidding..." He sat up, placing his shirt back on as Cinnamon zipped her dress up.
"Axl-kun?" Axl looked her,
"I-If it's alright with you," She paused, averting her eyes and her cheeks turning red once again, "Um...M-May we continue this later tonight?" Axl stared at her with a bright red face. He could've sworn his mind was shooting off fireworks while a mini version of himself danced joyfully in his head.
"Y-Ya sure! If you want to." He scratched the tip of his nose, "So you will, uh, come back tonight right?" Cinnamon nodded, blushing but giving a bright smile,
"Mm-hm!" Axl smiled back and suddenly tackled her, causing her to yelp. He held her tightly, her head against his chest as buried his face in her hair. Cinnamon smiled and hugged him back. "I love you Axl-kun." Axl kissed her head, completely and utterly happy.
"I love you too Cinn.
Later that night, the group had gathered in the break room, Minus joining them. They decided to welcome Minus by playing some card games. It sounded simple, but the hunters genuinely enjoyed playing such games.
"So you're a master repairman Minus? Good thing cause Massimo likes to damage a lot equipment." Spider joked as Massimo had waterfall tears streaming down his face,
"I don't do it on purpose!" Everyone laughed and Spider looked at X and Zero, noticing that they were unusually quiet.
"Hey guys you alright?" Spider asked and the two jumped slightly before Zero nodded,
"Ya we're fine. Just...Thinking about something." Marino titled her head a little,
"Something? What something?" Zero and X looked at each other then felt a bit of a chill as they turned to Axl. He gave a look that had just a slight hint of murder in it. Massimo blinked and looked at the two older hunters then to the younger one,
"Did something happen guys?" The air grew more tense as X shook his head, fully aware that Axl was still staring at him,
"No nothing happened." X drew a card, it being the 2 of hearts. "Oh come ON!" He threw the card away from him as everyone jumped. Spider picked it up, it landing near him, and looked at it,
"It's just a simple card with hearts X. What's gotten into you?" X sighed heavily and said,
"I just saw something I shouldn't have is all." X froze as he realized what he had said. Zero made an 'X' with his arms as Axl's stare grew more and more menacing. Minus shrugged and said,
"Come on X, it's not like it means any...thing..." Minus, suddenly getting a feeling what was going on, look at Axl, who looked back at him. The repair man went wide eyed before smirking, "Well well well. It seems that my old teammate has grown up more than I thought!" Everyone looked at him in confusion then turned to Axl, who at this point was beat red, as was a certain lady reploid sitting next to him. Everyone then realized just what Minus implied and stared at Axl and Cinnamon whilst yelling,
"WHAAAAAAT?!" Axl yelled in frustration as Cinnamon hugged a pillow; covering her face.
"Dammit Minus! We were trying to keep quiet about it!" Zero cursed, but Minus just smirked,
"Well you weren't doing a very good job."
"I second that." Spider said, laughing as he did. X squeezed his temples as he turned to Axl,
"Look Axl, I'm sorry about ear-" A dark aura surrounded the copy reploid, "...lier..." Axl then immediately stood up, picked up Cinnamon bridal style, and started to walk out of the room. Just as he approached the break room's exit, he stopped in the door way,
"If ANY of you come within mere INCHES of my hospital room," He turned, a menacing look in his eyes, "There WILL be consequences." Everyone, even X and Zero, shuddered. With that, Axl left the room, leaving the rest of the team silent.
"Ok guys! I brought some sna-" Alia walked in to see the team with slightly disturbed looks on their faces, "Um...What happened?"
"Oh, nothing." Marino said,
"Dear God that was terrifying...Especially coming from him." X said, as Alia looked on in confusion.
I had a LOT of fun with this chapter! I have never written intimate scenes before, but I think I did pretty well!
Me: Because I got the idea whilst writing the chapter, SUE ME!
Bass: I'll do MORE than that if you two DON'T SHUT UP.
X: Enough already!
Zero: Y'know what? I'm...I'm just gonna turn this off. R&R guys. *Ends Chapter*