Cordelia hopped out of the shower relishing the fact that all the girls were gone for the weekend. Zoe had planned a trip for them to go out and learn more about their powers, how they were going to do that without looking suspicious was a mystery to the supreme. Walking across the room from the bathtub to the bedroom door, Cordelia swayed her hips while singing along to one of Britney spears' songs. She walked into her bedroom and pulled out her top draw, searching for some underwear. Her eyes scanned through the array of deep reds, whites and blacks before deciding that she should probably go with a plain black bra and lace panties to match. She was going to be wearing an all black outfit after all.
The music stopped momentarily before switching to the next one. Nobody knew this about Cordelia but Britney Spears was definitely a guilty pleasure of hers, the beats that accompanied her songs were something that made cordelias energy levels rocket and her walk have a little bounce to it. Cordelia continued to dance around her room while singing along and making up little dance moves here and there. Oh boy was she glad the girls were gone, she really could do with some alone time.
"All the eyes on me in the centre of the ring just like a circus"
Cordelia continued to sing while putting little nik-naks in her draws and picking up some clothing that wasn't entirely in the laundry basket, her hips still swaying to the beat as she walked.
Meanwhile down the corridor a certain swamp witch starts to stir, the sound of music flooding the academy corridors. Wild blonde hair spilled over the crisp white pillow case that supported the swamp witches head, Misty rolled over and rubbed her eyes. Blinking multiple times until they adjusted to the light. Misty had faked an illness to get out if going on that little trip with Zoe and the rest of the girls, she really didn't feel like walking around all day learning about her powers. Especially since she knows her favourite teacher is staying home, wouldn't want Cordelia being lonely all weekend. The Cajun girl sat up slowly, her ears starting to adjust and listen to the music. "Oh good lord. That definitely ain't stevie." Misty started to pull herself off the bed, as soon as her feet touched the floor something ticked inside of her. Suddenly registering the voice that was singing 'Thats that Britney girl Delia likes' she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She brushed her teeth and ran her fingers through her wild her, trying (and failing) to tame some of her wild curls. Misty walked, practically ran down the corridor until she got to Delias room. 'I just knew it.' The music was definitely coming from her room. Misty placed her hand on the door handle, she pushed down rather hesitantly, trying to make as little noise as possible.
The sound of the door handle moving Misty thought was sure to disturb Cordelia, she was certain the sound was loud enough for her to hear. The door slipped open just enough for Misty to slip through the gap, her bare feet making barely any noise as she adjusted her view to get a better view of Delia. When she saw she only had her underwear on, Misty re thought her plan. Was she really going to walk into the head mistress' room, listen to her sing and dance around her room wearing only her underwear and then... Exactly, what will happen when she sees her. 'Ive had enough of this damn waitin', Im stayin'.' Mistys want overpowered her knowledge of knowing what the best thing to do was, she let her body lean against the now shut door of Cordelias bedroom.
The headmistress completely unaware of the new presence in her room continued to sing and shake her hips to the beat of the song, she ran her hands along her stomach and flipped her hair as she moved. Seeming to be blind to the fact that her dance moves were extremely provocative. Misty was holding her breath, incredibly turned on, the way Delia was moving was too much for her to handle. The way her black underwear looked against her alabaster skin, was making Mistys heart jump a little inside.
"Im like a fire cracker, I make it hot."
Misty gathered her courage and took a step forward, "Ya sure do Miss Delia" Misty said with a satisfied smile spreading across her face.