The Broken Man

A/N Well, this is the last chapter of this story. A little bird is telling me that my favorite couple is about to be jossed, but I am giving them a proper send off here. Be warned, this chapter is MATURE. Let me know if you all want more Skye/Coulson or if you'd rather I stuck to canon relationships in my stories. I will still write these two characters either way.

Chapter 5.

The Bus sat on the tarmac of a small airfield. Coulson had given the team some time to go off and take care of needed business. They were all travelling under assumed identifies so as not to call attention to their true ones. Fitz and Simmons had headed to Europe to check on family and to let them know they would be out of touch for an unspecified time. Ward and May had actually decided to talk, much to Coulson's surprise. The two were now taking a few days in a private, ski lodge. Only Coulson and Skye had remained on the plane to take care of details, and at the moment, Skye was napping contentedly in her bunk.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The noise startled Skye awake. She lay silently wracking her brain, trying to identify the familiar noise. Finally, she decided it wasn't dangerous and went to investigate.

"AC, you here?" She called as she looked around the empty plane. Not finding him, but still hearing the noise, she walked down the ramp to the sunny day outside. She didn't see anyone, but continued following the thumping noise. As she rounded a corner, she was brought up short by the scene in front of her.

Someone had set up a basketball court on an area of concrete behind one of the hangers. And there was her boss, in shorts and a sleeveless tee shirt, playing in a pick-up game with a lot of really macho looking guys. Skye stood back and studied the game. It was three on three, but they were playing full court and there was a lot of running. She felt a swelling of pride as she watched Coulson easily keeping up with the others, who she noticed were being tentative about giving him the ball.

Coulson saw that he was going to have to do something more to be accepted by these guys, but it didn't bother him. His shorter stature had only been a positive for him in this game over the years. Players discounted him, and that led to them not guarding him closely or caring if he tried for outside shots. He decided to take advantage. His team had scored and they were backing up on the court to go on defense. The guard on the other team was very busy trying to line up a pass to his forward, and he didn't see Coulson as he swept in silently and stole the ball. As the shorter man got possession he put on a burst of blinding speed that left the other man behind. Coulson completed the layup easily and returned to his position. The opposing player stopped for just a second with a "what the hell?" expression on his face. Skye smiled as she saw Coulson smirk slightly.

"One minute!" A guy on the sidelines yelled. "Shirts are down by two!"

Coulson's team got the ball back and he took it down the court with precision, never letting the opposing guard close to the ball. He passed off to the tallest player, but he was being guarded. Skye watched as his team passed the ball around, Coulson weaving in and out of the other players with ease. Finally, knowing their time was almost up, one of the guys passed him the ball where he stood outside the three-point line. Coulson smiled to himself as he watched the opposing team realize that they had left him open. With a seemingly effortless flick of his wrists, he sent the ball swishing through the net just as a whistle blew.

"Shit." "Where did you come from, old man?" "Nice shot!" Came from the other players as they plopped in lawn chairs that had been set up on the sidelines. The biggest player came over and shook Coulson's hand.

"Never underestimate. That's what you told us when we decided to let you play." He shook his head in amazement at the older man. "Lesson learned, Phil. You up for another game?"

Before he could respond, Skye came over to them. There were some appreciative looks and comments when she did, as she was wearing a string top with very short shorts. Coulson gulped when he saw her.

"Well, hello young lady." Said one of the players. "I was just going to get some lunch. Go with?" He eyed her appreciatively. She noticed that Coulson looked down. He was giving her the go ahead to join the man if she wanted. She smiled at his continuing disbelief that she had chosen him, and only him.

Picking up a towel she walked in front her AC and stood between his knees wiping the sweat from his face and neck.

"Sorry." She said. "I've got other plans." Then she tilted Coulson's head up and kissed him deeply in front of them all. And it wasn't just a peck. It was a "I want you in my bed now!" kiss.

Coulson smiled then. It was one of his boyish and innocent ones that she loved so much. They walked back to the plane hand in hand. After closing the cargo door and cranking up the air, they almost ran up to his office and pulled out the bed. Skye yanked his damp shirt off taking full advantage of the view. He wasn't stacked like Ward, but his muscles were strong and defined in the same way. And, he had hair on his chest, like a man. This was Skye's secret turn on. Most of the boys she had slept with had skin as smooth as hers. She reached out and smoothed her hands over his chest and stomach. He shivered at the sensuous touch.

"Shower." He blurted out eventually. "Skye, I need a shower first." She smiled seductively.

"I like the way you smell." She said softly as her hands slipped under the band of his shorts and folded around him. He made such a soft growl that she almost missed it and pulled her to him. She continued to stroke him as he kissed her passionately. Having her touch him like that while he was kissing her felt unbelievable.

"I want to be inside you." He said it softly, but the passion flared in his eyes. He wanted to take her and make her his, and his only. Even though she already was, he just didn't know it.

Skye gasped in surprise when he twisted and effortlessly picked her up and placed her on the bed. Clothes were hastily disposed of and Skye felt the hot pulse of passion blossom through her body as he kissed her all over. She wasn't used to being loved like this, and she was amazed that even though AC was achingly ready for her, he still took the time to please her first. But, there was that one thing she wanted more than anything, and that was to feel this man inside her. As she kissed him, she reached down and held him where she wanted him. Their eyes met as he pushed gently into her and it felt like heaven. She raised her hips to his as they rode together in passion and, she hoped, love.

Afterwards, Skye was pleasantly sore, because Coulson definitely had some superpowered equipment on board. She felt whole somehow. It was a feeling unlike anything she had experience until now. It was…. It was home, she realized. As she snuggled into his arms and laid her head on his chest, she fell asleep listening to the thump of his heart.

The End.