A mysterious writer who returns to duty after almost four years of waiting – I am the worst! D:

…and I decided to return just to finish this fanfiction! It has been bothering me a lot and I want to finish it – maybe I will even continue it later with a sequel of some sorts now that my writers block is over! :) In the meanwhile I wish to write something completely new because I have some great ideas in store ;)

And I am also willing to write one shots upon request if somebody is interested - related to this fanfiction or One Piece in general! You can send me your requests with PM or review :)


"So...what happens now?" Zoro asked, staring at his colleagues packed into his small hospital room. He was the only one who was forced to stay overnight and just one night because everyone at the hospital knew he wouldn't stay for longer anyways.

"Well, we have gathered just few statements from possible witnesses but we don't have anything else..." Usopp sighed.

"What? Isn't that enough of a proof?!" Luffy gasped, disappointed.

"All the ruckus must be explained properly and we have to have some convincing evidence of what was going on," Sanji pointed out. "And if we start to dig deeper into this they might find out the connection between Arlong and Nami-san..." he realized and shared a look with the said woman.

"One suupeer situation we have here!" Franky admitted which managed to lighten up the atmosphere at least slightly.

"So, what shall we do, Luffy-san?" Brook inquired.

Luffy fell silent for a while, scrathing his head and probably using his brains more than ever. "So, we need some papers to proof our point?" he asked with a dumb look on his face.

"Are you really our captain?!" Usopp wondered out aloud. "That's basic knowledge!"

"Sorry you guys!" Luffy apologized with a foolish grin on his face.

"And we don't have any proof to go with," Nami sighed deeply.

"I have some mystery papers!" Luffy suddenly gasped and reached out to get a folder out of his shirt.

"He has mystery papers?" Usopp inquired, not really sure what to expect of their boss.

"Something suupeer?" Franky wondered.

"Here, let me see!" Nami pulled the folder free from Luffy's reach and the black-haired man started to sulk.

She browsed through the files and her eyes brightened up. "Yes, this is all the evidence we need! Luffy, how did you get your hands into these?!" Nami asked curiously.

"They were just on top of one desk and I thought they looked a bit mysterious so I took them!" Luffy explained and everyone shoke their heads in disbelief.

"That's our captain!" Brook cheered.

"Good work, boss-man!" Franky praised their captain who didn't really understand what he had done but the main thing was that his underlings were happy.

"Way to go, you second-grade idiot!" Sanji teased and smiled at the foolish crew.

"As expected!" Usopp admitted but realised something they hadn't thought before. "But hey, what if one of Arlong's men opens their mouth and tells about Nami to one of the interrogators?" He pointed out and everyone fell silent until Sanji grinned widely.

"Well, I remember reading something about Arlong having record with drugs so…who would believe a drug addict? And with these evidence he will also be known as drug dealer." Sanji noted. "Besides, our Robin-chan might be able to gather us some further evidence about the case if our captain only allows her to break into Arlong's personal computer…"

"Yosh!" Luffy cheered happily. "Then Robin, I leave it to you!" he said while grinning at the said woman.

"No problem, Captain-san," Robin assured.

They discussed the case for a bit longer and then continued chatting about everyday topics. The mood was relaxed and Nami smiled gently at her co-workers. She had never thought she would be freed from Arlong and now suddenly she felt at ease – not only was she freed but so were the villagers of Cocoyashi village.

"So….no punishment for me?" Nami asked softly. Of course she knew any other cop from any other station would have lost his job for sure but she wasn't too certain about this one.

"Punishment? What punishment? What is a punishment?" Luffy asked stupidly, tilting his head and causing every person in the room to sigh deeply.

"A punishment for her betrayal and behavior," Brook decided to fill their captain in.

"Ooh!" Luffy chanted and fell deep in though for a while before he grinned widely. "I have a perfect idea!"


It was a casual new week at Strawhats police station. Everyone had returned to work even though their doctor had insisted on taking few more days of rest ( especially for Zoro ). And Knowing most of the officers there, they would love nothing more than take a day of work. But this time was different – they had another inspection coming up so soon after the other and they were having even more trouble than before.

"I can't do this, I can't do this,…" Luffy repeated his mantra over and over again, laying on his desk.

"Just stop complaining and do your work, sergeant!" Sanji shouted and shuffled his hair nervously.

"SHUT UP!" Everyone else yelled back at Sanji who had a dumbfounded expression on his face.

There was a moment of silence before Usopp fell victim to similar kind of pessimism. "We are done for, my career is over – what am I gonna tell to Kaya and the kids?!" he whined desperately.

For few minutes there was only the sound of papers turning and pens writing in hurry before Chopper opened his mouth.

"By the way, where is Nami?" he asked worriedly, not having seen the young officer that day yet.

"Do not worry!" Luffy said. "She is taking care of some official business!" he smiled gleefully, making everyone wonder what was going on.


"So let me check with you, miss," the cashier said uncertainly. "You just ordered 57 dougnuts, 14 of them with strawberry flavour, 22 of them with chocolate favour and rest 21 with meat flavour?" he spelled out the order.

"Yes!" the frustfrated orange-haired woman told the cashier and tapped her foot unpatiently on the floor. "And now, let's talk about the discount!" she said and grinned widely – this was not the kind of punishment to expect anywhere else but the infamous Strawhats Police Station.