31 December 1907
"Cora, I'm glad I caught you." Rosamund hastened toward her sister-in-law.
Stopping just outside her bedroom door, Cora asked, "Where is Marmaduke?"
Rosamund lifted a hand in a distracted wave toward the main staircase. "He's already gone downstairs." She touched Cora's sleeve. "Listen, I bought this gown for tonight, but I don't really have the right tiara for it. I thought –"
"- the sapphire one that Poppa bought me a few years ago." Having already taken in the color of the new dress, Cora supplied her best guess.
The redhead laughed. "Yes, that's the one," she agreed, nodding. "Would you mind if I wore it tonight? I have my eye on another one at a shop at home, but I wasn't able to procure it before our trip to Downton."
"Certainly, Rosamund. Would you like me to get it for you?" She moved as if to open the door.
"No, no. You go ahead downstairs. I'm sure Mama is already stamping at our tardiness." Rosamund rolled her eyes. "Where is it?"
"Middle drawer of my jewelry case, back right."
"Lovely – thank you, darling." Pressing a light kiss to her sister-in-law's cheek, Rosamund passed around her to the bedroom door while Cora started toward the stairs.
Perkins came out of the washroom with an armful of used linens just as Rosamund entered. "Good evening, Lady Rosamund. Is there anything I can help you with?"
Smiling at the little woman, Rosamund shook her head. "No, thank you, Perkins. Her ladyship told me where to locate what I need."
As Perkins busied herself gathering more items to launder, Rosamund perched on the edge Cora's dressing table chair, pulling out the middle drawer.
"Excuse me, my lady," Perkins said before sidling up to the dressing table and twitching a pair of soiled gloves off the top of a pile of books. She bid Rosamund goodnight as she quietly exited the room.
But Rosamund hardly registered the maid's exit. She blinked several times at the book that had been exposed when Perkins took the gloves. The slim red volume sported a title in gold letters.
She knew that title.
Opening the book, Rosamund began to chuckle softly. "I never knew Cora would have such scandalous tastes," she murmured. She put the book aside and looked at the one underneath. Another familiar title – The Kama Sutra – with equally familiar illustrations. In the pile were several volumes, all containing a variety of positions that Rosamund could not imagine that her brother would – or could – do. She couldn't stop laughing.
Cora did own a title or two with which Rosamund found herself unfamiliar. Making a mental note of these, she also noticed that a couple of her own favorites weren't among the books. As she calmed down, reassembled the stack, and reached finally for the tiara, Rosamund smirked. She didn't care that her mother would most likely admonish her for being late. Giving the tiara one last adjustment, she swept out of the room, already planning something.
A week after all their houseguests had gone and Downton was once again relatively quiet, a small package arrived for Cora. Perkins brought it to her during her afternoon rest time. Attending to small things around the room, the lady's maid turned when she heard a sharp gasp come from her mistress. A few seconds later, Cora began to giggle, running her finger along the cover of a book that sat in her lap, still half covered with brown paper wrappings.
"Everything alright, my lady?"
Glancing up, Cora shook her head. "Yes. Yes, everything is fine, Perkins. It's just that Lady Rosamund sent me an amusing gift."
Perkins nodded and went back to work while Cora reread the note Rosamund had included.
Dearest Cora,
I noticed that you have a few volumes missing from your very interesting "collection." Please accept this one as a late Christmas gift. I do hope you – and Robert – enjoy it.
P.S. Thank you for the loan of your tiara.
Cora could almost imagine the mischievous look on Rosamund's face as she wrote this note and wrapped the book. If anyone else in the world had found Cora's books, the reaction would have been very different.
But Rosamund was… Rosamund. And Cora was grateful for it.
A/N - I can't believe it's been FOUR years since I wrote the first drabble in this series. Let's hope it's not another four before I write another. Shout out to GranthamGal for the prompt she left all those years ago in her review!