It wasn't your decision to run away from your land, but in order to survive, you had to quietly escape the city that is turning into a ruin, taking your niece with you, the two of you sneaked out of your mansion taking most of the available gold coins that your brother can fit into the bags that your horse can carry.

Your family isn't the richest, but you have extras in case of emergency. And that emergency had arrived...your city fell into the grace of darkness. You've heard the story of the legendary Magi and his king Alibaba and also the great King of the seven sea alliance Sinbad that they are fighting to NOT fall into depression and the darkness.

You rode your horse for three days until you reached a certain city that has a port. You need to cross the sea to reach the kingdom of you Homra where your family had resided before they settled down in the city of Honan.

You took your niece, Shunki down from the horse and the two of you begun walking. You went to different shops to buy new clothes to fit in with the crowd.

Also you didn't forget to equip yourself with a sword and a small knife for protection. Your niece shunki, who is an 11 year old, you gave her a small knife for protection.

You have learned to use sword from your brother's wife, Shouka. And you will also have to teach your niece soon. Then, you went straight to an inn where you can stay for a couple of nights until the boat to Homra arrives and carry in passengers.

Normally, you will get if of the first class ones, but you don't want to waste money. So you took a normal one, enough for the two of you.

That night was the first night after leaving the City of Honan, where you got a proper sleep, you almost didn't wake up but Shunki was already hungry. And you can't slack anymore like how you did before, from now on, you are Shunki's mother since she had lost her parents already...though you wish they're in good hands.

You took Shunki to eat breakfast at the main city. You had your sword hidden inside your clothes at your back. Since you are wearing a thick outfit, it wasn't noticeable.

On your way back to the inn, you noticed a certain purple haired man lying on his back on the alley.

You pitied him. Your mother always told you to help those who are in need. And the man looks like he hadn't eaten anything at all for days.

"Shunki, go tell the old lady at the inn to prepare something for this man here." You told shunki who nodded and walked to the inn. Moments later she had bread on her hand and she handed it to the man on the floor. Followed by a cup of water.

"Come Shunki." You called your niece and started to head back to the inn. "We will try your techniques." You said to her and the two of you headed inside...

That same time 2 men came out of the inn, one silver haired, wears a long drabe that covers his entire body, and a green Arabian keffiyeh on his head. The other was a tall muscular man with red hair and eyes.

You noted their appearance, because it was your first time encountering them. Since you left your city, you became a very alarmed person; you just can't let your guard down. You have to protect the only family you have...Shunki.

"Damn that Shin!" Jafar cursed as he stepped out of the inn. Masrur is right behind him. Then they walked past an aisle where there was a man eating the brea and leaning his back on the wall while watching the clouds,

Jafar the smaller male, turned and his eyes widened.
"Aaah!" He pointed angrily as he halted his step. "There you are you piece of-!" Jafar begun his beautiful words while Masrur just watch Jafar scold the purple haired man.

"And why are you eating that!?" He demanded.

"I don't know. I was just lying here, drunk and letting my head get nice air and when I woke up, there's a beautiful lady standing in front of me, she has the most beautiful glare-and she offered me," the purple haired explained.

"You idiot!" Jafar scolded again, "You are the king of Sindria! So act like one!"

The purple haired just laughed it off. "Jafar, you're too uptight" he said to the latter, who is still giving a sermon about how he should act.

This man here, is King Sinbad he has a very long, purple hair tied in a ponytail. He wears floor-length purple and white robes, a white turban with feather decorations, and pointed red shoes.

"Don't call me king, Jafar." Sinbad finally spoke silencing Jafar on his sermon, "right now, we're here for vacation. Vacation." He repeated.

"Now, where did that lady went off?" He said, looking around.

"What lady?" Jafar asked.

"The lady who glared at me and gave me bread." Sinbad said, "I told you earlier."

"I didn't see any lady here." Jafar glared, "you must've drunk a lot to hallucinate like that Shinn!"

Sinbad reason that he wasn't drunk. And only Masrur believed him. They went back to the inn. They don't want Sinbad to be stupid more in public.

When they began walking back to their room when they began hearing clinking sound of swords. It sounded a beginner.

"Where is that coming from?" Sinbad stopped, and looked around.

"It's coming from the back gardens." Masrur said. The three decided to look and see who it was. They stood at the end of the hallway, and found a large space-a garden.

"Hit harder!" You called out, "you won't be able to protect yourself if you hesitate!" You barked out. Holding a sword blocking the attacks of Shunki. "It's your life we're talking here!"

"Auntie~" Shunki whined dropping the sword and panting. "Tired..tired..." she breathed out.

"Already?" You smiled at Shunki, "When I was your age, mom made me go to the forest on my own to hunt...though I wasn't able to bring back anything, I was able to slay a giant bear." You said to her.

"I know that already, you have told me a hundred times!" She whined, "let's rest. And continue this tomorrow. Please?"

"Okay fine" you smiled at her and she went to hug you.

"Yay!" She cheered. "You think you can teach me to use your bow and arrow next time?" She asked, you smiled widely.

"Of course." You beamed, "but I prefer to have you master sword fighting first. You really really need that."

"Mm...okay." she nuzzled her face on your stomach and you chuckled. But that moment your moment you felt a terrible presence behind you, it is someone who had already fallen into depravity.

Your hand tightened around Shunki, and the next thing you did was swing the sword that you have on your side, taking Shunki with you, you growled pointing the sword at the purple haired man with golden eyes who was fully surprised on your sudden actions.

Sinbad was meter away from where the dark lady had been standing, he had admired her skill in swordsmanship for a woman...and aside from that she has a very nice body...well even though the lady seems to have that much chest...(Sinbad can figure) there is something in er that attracted him to her...but fuck...

And fuck! she just suddenly swung her sword at him and the meter distance turned into more...first Sinbad saw was the sword then her glaring black orbs...then she's back away more than a meter from him...radiating a deadly aura.

"Shin!" Jafar was surprised, as he jumped to where Sinbad was frozen in spot.

"Y-you! Don't come near!" You shouted, your heart beating fast, you can feel the fallen grace around him.

A red haired muscular man stood protectively in front of him together with a white haired average one.

"W-wait!" Sinbad managed, "its fine." Calming Jafar and Masrur.
"It's my fault." He admitted as he stepped closer to her, and she stepped back.

"I'm sorry did I startle you?" He asked, "I apologize-"

"Back off, you half fallen!" She snarled "don't come closer!"

Sinbad's eyes narrowed a bit, but it immediately changes into his normal ones. Jafar was surprised to hear that coming from a normal human.

"Shin!" Jafar warned. Sinbad raised his hand for him to stop, and he did.

"I apologize, young lady." Sinbad said. "I just wanted to thank you for the bread earlier."

"I just wanted to thank you for the bread earlier." He said, you blinked at the strange man.

Your heart clenched in pain. You winced, but you hold your position. You've been using too much of your energy to sense the depravity around you.

"You look like you're in pain, are you okay?" The strange man asked, trying to come near you.

You pulled Shunki behind you protectively, she held into your loose tunic and your skirt.

"Please don't come near." You responded, slowly, you can feel the depravity to lessen...and eventually you slowly lower your sword.

"I just want to return the favour in helping me, earlier." You closed your eyes then opened them again this time, staring at the golden eyed man.

"A simple thank you is already enough."

*thump* you winced internally; you can feel your heart tightening. You're starting to catch your breath.

"I'm not going to harm you." He said. This time you didn't realize he was already in front of you, until you felt Shunki's nails digging your waist in nervousness.

Your eyes widened as he reached for your shoulder and that moment you forgot everything...a blinding light erupted from your hand and a series of electrical current came out of your body and you can't control it anymore-

"Abunai!" You heard a voice of a man followed by the feeling of someone's hand ripped from your waist.

"Auntie!" She heard a scream.


The land shook and everything was filled with smoke, you noticed that your upper body was releasing small electric current...the grass around you were already burnt...but...

But there was still a hand on your slowly looked up.

"Are you calm now?" He asked, his eyes boring into yours.

"Sh-shunki-" you whispered.

"That was a very dangerous shot you got there." He said "don't worry her, she's okay, Jafar here managed to take her off of you..."

You looked at your right and found a white haired man carrying your niece

"Shunki..." you tried to walk over to where she is but the man stopped you.

"You let out a large amount of dangerous electric current, you have drained your energy…you should rest."

"Who do you think is the one responsible for it?" You muttered, "Please let go-" before you could finish, you have already blacked out.

Sinbad caught your body before it managed to hit the ground.

"Shin!" Jafar called, "are you okay?" He asked worried of his king.

"Yes. No harm done." He responded as he carried you in a bridal style. "But she," Sinbad looked at your face, "isn't."

"It was your fault, you know?" Jafar said, carrying the also fainted Shunki. Marsur went to Sinbad to take your body, but Sinbad didn't give you to Marsus. Instead, he motioned to Jafar, Marsur took Shunki from Jafar who let out a sigh of relief.

"Yes, but I can't really stop myself from not getying near her," Sinbad said finally.

Jafar sighed, "Why must you piss her off?"

"I didn't. But she sensed the fallen grace and suddenly, she pointed a sword at me and then she suddenly exploded when I tried yo reach her."

"From what she showed us just now I believe she's from the Kingdom of Homra." Jafar said, "they said that there are those who can manipulate electric current through their bodies,"

"The kingdom is not big enough so nobody tried to invade it,"

"I can see that."

"What's your plan now, Sinbad ou?"

"Take her with me of course."

"Eh!?" Jafar almost choked, "why!?"

Sinbad stopped on his tracks, and his narrowed eyes turned to the large wall of the garden-no he was looking through it.

"Can't you feel them?" He asked.


"The people of Honan who have fallen into depravity," Sinbad said, "they are after them." Sinbad's face was serious and this alarmed Jafar and Marsur.

"Then I shall prepare the ship." Jafar said and bowed at Sinbad before he went to the different direction, probably to the port,

Sinbad stared at the young lady, resting on his bed. She has the most beautiful skin. And his face looks so innocent like those of the angel.

It was a first for love at first sight.

And aren't you lucky it was you?


What do you think? I just finished watching Magi – The Labyrinth of Magic…And I'm just waiting for The Kingdom of Magic to end before I start watching it. And last night I was spoiled by a post on tumblr, it was really…I don't know, it gave me hell of feels. That damned Hakuryuu leaving the shit and all.

Anyway, I haven't touched any manga of Magi, so I'm not quite sure if I can capture Sinbad here. Let me know if Sinbad is OOC. I just love Sinbad so much. So I'm sorry. Let me know if I should continue the story or not,

Thank you.