Hello everyone, welcome to this MrFuzz derp derp thank you chapter!

As everyone know how bad of a writer I am with all these lame ass grammar and writing style, well because I mostly write it at the same time I was thinking of the plot so I never bother check what I write lol.

Ahem, well I know my other story is still pending but I like to inform you all that I'm one lazy prick, so I won't update very fast unless I'm really free and nothing t do (which is undoubtedly because I will be busy starting next year.

Ahem, so I might write a one shot story chapter which is random just for laugh whenever I got some ideas, so if you want some laugh look for it. Or you have any ideas, let me know!

I know everyone is dying to read a smut of Tsuna & Usagi but know this that I'm not good at it simply because I got no girlfriend, lame right? But that's besides the point.

By they way...is anyone interested a story with Usagi and his siblings? I tried to make one but I can't find a better story to write, if any ideas please let me know. Can be anything.

PS: this is unrelated does anyone know a good and easy recording software for laptop? I'm trying to record some gameplay but the current one I use, Open Broadcast software it just won't co-operate with me. If anyone know pls PM me. Thanks.