The Royal Heylin Families Visit to the Vehelot Village in the Country of Zorus Part I…

The beginning of this story takes place in The Vehelot Village in the Country of Zorus, in the Royal Heylin Families Carriage where the family is. And where Prince Kanone sees a slave being sold that catches his eye that is Pyria. Who is one of the ones chosen to be the one that guides people to a place that will be safe and free…

"You can do whatever you want just try to stay out of trouble while we are here because I have some business to take care of." Chase said to them from his seat in their carriage.

They all nodded to him in understanding.

"Yes Father." Eyes, Kousuke, Ryoko, and Rio said to Chase.

Kanone just sat looking outside quietly in deep thought not really thinking of anything more like just spacing out. And he got ready to get out of the carriage and walk around the village they are all in and are going to stay in for a while.

30 minutes later…

Kanone walked alone barely paying attention anything around him until he notices a slave auction going on and goes to see what's happening at it.

Pyria stood on the slave auction platform shaking with fear looking nervously out at the crowd while a slave collar identifying her as a slave and with chains on her wrists and waits hoping to be sold while hoping that she got sold to someone kind at least.

Kanone stared at her and bid for her hoping to buy her even though he didn't really need a slave. He wasn't even sure why he wanted her but he guessed it was because of her looks and because he felt a strange pull toward her.

Hiro the slave dealer watched as people bid for the slave girl smiling slightly then after a while sells her to Kanone Young. "Sold to Kanone Young."

Kanone waited for her to be brought to him smiling glad that I bought her and no one else did.

Pyria felt her heart pounding while being taken to her new owner hearing who her new owner is feeling very afraid.

Kanone watched her being brought to me then takes her and heads to the Inn where my family is staying not saying a word at the moment.

Pyria followed him silently with her heart still pounding unsure of what to think or expect now.

To be continued…

Me: Well I hope you all liked this first chapter and if you think it could be better somehow please tell me so. I will get the next one on as soon as I can. I promise.

Kanone: *Smiles sitting back* Yes please do so she will finish this. And I think its going very well so far.

Me: Thank you Kanone. I'm Glad you think so.

Chase Young: Indeed. So far it's good.