Standard Disclaimer

Wanting to have another odd funny story as I've two serious stories going on. So this is going to be a hodge-podge of things. Try not to take it to seriously and get a nice laugh on. Work is going well, I've a mentee that is kind of useless but maybe in time she'll get better. Oh well that's life.


No Alternatives

Chapter – 1

Getting out of the bath, Shinji Ikari dried and dressed himself under Misato's hanging undergarments. When he first moved in seeing the provocative and alluring bits of cloth, all tantalizing colors and only a few cotton based, left him frazzled. Now he just saw them and realized he'd have to hand clean them again soon. Misato wasn't good at homelife, left it all to him. He didn't mind though, she was one of the only reasons he stayed in this city. Putting on his school cloths, he let plans for what to cook for breakfast fill his mind.

A solid two weeks after the last angel, they called it the Fifth for some reason, Shinji was getting used to his life again. Tokyo-3 wasn't a good place, but he had nothing else. Friends were few, but he enjoyed talking with Touji and Kensuke. Misato was the closest thing to family, his father wasn't going to change into a loving man anytime soon or at all. But Misato was fun to be around, when she wasn't to drunk and teasing. Rei…well Shinji didn't want to think much about the mysterious blue haired girl or her bewitching smile. "Gods she should smile more," or he wished he could have gotten a picture of it.

"You're not doing anything indecent in there are you Shinji-kun?" Misato's voice wafted through the door. It was teasing-voice number three, subtle ribbing of hormones and sexuality. Misato had many teasing voices, Shinji started counting them. Some he could deal with, while others were…well he was a growing boy. This wasn't that bad of a tease though, still it flustered. "Want your Misa-chan to come in and help?" Misato ramped it up to five, blatant offerings just to mess with him.

Throwing the door open, face red and warmed to the point he felt light headed, Shinji found Misato in her morning cloths waggling a beer can. "Misato-san don't say things like that! And you know I wasn't doing anything so stop teasing," Shinji stammered. Green top that just barely covered her ample chest, tiny short shorts with hints of the pink lacy bits sticking up…yeah a great role model. Rolling his eyes, Shinji tried to reign in his hormones, "Misato-san you need to be careful. What if we got a morning visitor or something?"

Walking past the lad, accidentally or not brushing against his side, Misato just waved him off. "I've got you to answer the door and protect me," she giggled as she used her foot to shut the door. "Going to take my bath if you left me warm water and you did clean the tub after you finished right?" the sound of her flimsy clothing hitting the ground was apparent.

Breath in and out in steady cycles, don't let her jokes get to you, just realize in the end its all in fun. Hard, but doable, Shinji didn't take the bait. "I'll get started on breakfast while you get ready. And you have to stop hanging your delicates like that or they'll tear again," he didn't want to go through THAT again. She had left a few choice pieces in his room with a note to patch them up. Why he had told Misato he could sew he never knew. Now he was at her beck and call as a seamstress.

"You're no fun, Shin-chan," Misato cracked the door and stuck her tongue out. "What is wrong with a woman trying to keep the spice in her relationship. I have to keep your attention or you'll fall for those teenagers that are throwing themselves at you," she shut the door again.

Girls, Shinji didn't want to think about girls. No real reason to think about them, best to not get his hopes up. He waited for another comment or joke, when he heard the water he knew Misato was done teasing for the moment. Going about making a simple breakfast, his thoughts turned dark. Stupid depression, Misato didn't know her comments hurt sometimes. Girls…they'd not really like him for him. Who would? He was plain looking, a little scrawny, and all he really had going was he was a pilot. Even that wasn't something he wanted but was thrust on him. No, that avenue of life was barred from him. But it gave him time to do other things at least.

Turning the burner on low, best to let the broth simmer while Misato took her bath, Shinji retreated to the living room. Turning on the news, he checked the little ticker on the screen and saw he still had two hours before he had to leave for school. Misato had the morning shift at Nerv, so they'd eat breakfast together. A good way to start the day. Touji's comment about Misato showing him 'her real self' made Shinji clear up a little. So what if his life sucked, he wasn't alone anymore. Chores and teasing were a small price to pay to stave away the loneliness.

"Another report of violence on the streets today. Eye witnesses say a monster attacked several young women only to be fought off by a group calling themselves the Sailor Senshi. This makes for the fifth time…" the news reporter droned on but Shinji turned off the station.

Attacks from monsters? Was that even possible? Shinji had been paying attention to those reports more frequently. In the small town he lived before with his teacher, they hardly got news of these 'magical girls' and the debate if they really existed raged on. He doubted it, why would monsters keep attacking Tokyo-3? What was so special about this town other than Nerv, and none of the attacks were aimed at the base anyway! Still, it would be interesting if they did exist, monsters aside. Sailor Senshi, Pretty Cure, Knights Sabers, and many others just kept popping up in the news. Urban legends, had to be.

With one last look at the black screen, Shinji chortled as he wafted back to the kitchen to finish cooking. "It's all a joke. Has to be," he just couldn't accept it. People in costumes trying to be criminals and others matching to be freedom fighters or something. Setting down a nice plate of smoked sardines for Pen-Pen, Shinji scratched the bird's head just as Pen-Pen liked. A deep throaty wark that almost sounded suggestive made Shinji pull his hand back fast. That's when he felt the arms around his waist and water dribble on his back, "Misato-san you're going to get my cloths all wet."

"But you looked so deep in thought I had to try and see what you were up to," she cooed softly into his ear. Lifting herself up and dragging Shinji up with her, Misato demonstrated she wasn't just a pretty face and had a good amount of strength in her. "So what's for breakfast, and why are you so pensive this morning?" the switch was flipped and Misato went from flighty to serious. She always got serious when Shinji had 'that look' as she called it on his face.

Fixing both plates for them, Shinji set the table with a small shrug. 'The look' was just him concentrating or a little depressed. How she could tell was mystifying, but Shinji wouldn't comment. "Just another news report about an attack on teenagers by 'monsters'. Two girls the same age as me, they said they were saved by the 'Sailor Senshi'. Nerv know anything about that?" he'd not put it past Nerv. They did some really odd things, maybe it was some attempt to distract the populace?

Scooping Pen-Pen off the floor and setting him in her lap, quite the enviable position, Misato rested her chin on the birds head. "That's all bullshit, Shinji-kun. Not worth our time. Some stupid freaks are playing dress up games in the street to get their rocks off is all. And all those reports of various groups fighting them are thrill seekers if they even exist. I've seen enough crap in my life to know shit like that is all lies. Media just wants to distract us from the real matters," she came off angry, reproachful. Picking at her food, she popped the can of beer Shinji had left for her and shuddered as she drank it.

"I thought so too, but thought I'd ask," and Shinji wasn't going to ask again. He had seen Misato angry before, had been the cause of it after the Forth angel, and she had that devil in her eye. It threatened the unpleasant and cruel teasing if pressed or worse genuine fury. It was just a silly news story, yet Misato was fuming and destroying her food without her normal banter. Shinji just watched as Misato dissected her fish with a cold and calculated wrath. Best to let her go, "S-so how are things at work? U-unit-00 repairs going well?"

Sadly Shinji's attempt at changing the topic failed, as Misato slammed her chopsticks down. "And to make matters worse people are really buying to that whole fucking bullshit! Can you honestly tell me you believe there are women running around in power armor, or able to create magic to fight tentacle monsters? Its stupid! And yet Fuyutski is asking me to keep tabs on them! I'm all for cosplay, but it supposed to end in the bedroom or conventions! Not dumb kids in the street playing hero, they're going to get hurt or worse!" Misato wasn't looking at Shinji anymore. Pen-Pen warked and patted the woman's thigh…lucky bird.

Gathering up his plates and Misato's, Shinji just nodded and busied himself. "That must be annoying," escape route three, agree with everything! Misato rarely got this fixated on anything, well when sober, and Shinji wasn't tempting the whirlwind. Just smile and nod, say 'yes' and 'you're right' until those chocolate eyes lost their edge and the smile returned. If it got worse he'd use escape technique number two and run. Running the faucet his conscious got the better of him, "Anything I can do to help?"

"Not unless you know who those kids are and can tell them to knock it off," Misato's rage deflated, the balloon untied and allowed to fly about the room. Wood on tile scratched as Misato got up, "I should get headed in early, if you did see a report it means they'll want my opinion of it. And if these attacks are real you should stay in at night for awhile. No going to your girlfriends houses or your friends place."

Scrubbing the pot, stupid cooked on sludge was terrible to get off at times and Shinji almost swore at it, he dropped it in sink and splashed himself. Great, where Misato hadn't gotten him, he got himself, "The reports say they're only targeting girls, Misato-san. I think I'll be fine." Yes he was a little feminine looking, but nobody would confuse him for an actual girl. Right?

"But you're so cute, they might make an exception," Misato ran a finger down Shinji's spine. He dropped the pot again and finished the job of taking a second bath. "But in all seriousness Shinji-kun, don't go out at night for awhile. It's not monsters, but somebody is doing something, and I can't…we can't afford to lose you," the genuine sincerity in her voice went to her eyes that shined with concern.

How odd was it, that a few months ago Shinji wouldn't have cared if people acknowledged his existence, but now somebody cared. With a nod, his throat was a little clogged all the sudden, "Sure thing, Misato-san. You be careful to. They might go after you too, you know." Misato was an achingly beautiful woman, any freak that would attack a teenager would attack her. But Misato was armed and a capable fighter.

"Ah, you really are a charmer Shinji-kun," Misato's voice echoed through the apartment. "Keep talking like that and I'll have to worry about walking in on you with somebody. But I'll take the compliment. See you tonight." A few warks from Pen-Pen later and the door shut leaving Shinji alone to change again.

Yup, another wonderfully confusing morning with Misato. A slob, couldn't cook, teaser, and with a foul mouth that was filled with booze, if only Touji and Kensuke could see their goddess as Shinji did. They'd not care, Shinji was aware of that. They just saw the body and were swayed by that, while Shinji saw Misato as a person. A flawed and strange one, but one he'd gladly live with. Until she lost her need for him, or he messed up, so he tried his best to not get TOO attached. But he failed miserably, he wanted some affection in his life. Was starved for it, but would never admit that. To admit he wanted something was the first step in losing it.

After pouring Pen-Pen another beer, how the bird lived was Shinji's wildest guess but who was he to blame, Shinji changed his shirt and headed to school. Talks were going on about the latest attack, mostly boys gabbing about it. A picture from a security camera was being passed around by Kensuke. Who else would have hacked into secure areas for pictures. Shinji was tempted to ask if Kensuke tried hacking Nerv for pictures of Misato, but sagely didn't. Anytime Shinji mentioned a girl it was open season for his friend to pounce. He was still living down the time the caught him 'peeping' at Rei. Rei…Shinji wanted to talk to her, but the elusive girl was still at Nerv under observation.

"You see the news this morning, Shin-man?" Touji was amped up as usual. Passing Shinji the print-out the moment the boy sat, Touji was leering at the quartet of girls across the room. "New troupe showed up, five of them! And man they're all lookers. Me I'd take that blonde without the twin-tails," Touji slapped the linoleum covered image. His finger smudged over the forth girl in the picture, clad in a strange parody of a sailor fuku with orange trim, the woman in question had long flowing blond hair. The others were in equally short skirts and color coated.

Well that answered that question, Shinji wouldn't even bother asking. Yes his friends believed in these so called magic girls. But Shinji wouldn't lie, his friends were more lead by their crotch than anything. A trait Shinji was glad he didn't share with them, he'd never have to worry about failing to please a woman. His little friend would likely never see anything but solo-practice, and Shinji was ok with that. Not having that fear was good. "I heard about it. Misato-san thinks its all lies or thrill seekers. Just hope nobody gets hurt," nobody deserved to get hurt.

"Well Misato-san will have to accept it as true once we get some real proof of them. I mean you can't fake those mass suicides that are going on. And did you hear that a lot of military grade weapons were stolen a few days ago?" Kensuke was in full conspiracy mode. And what all good theorists love is a captive audience, and Kensuke had two of them. Soon Shinji was affronted with tales of the plethora of named groups in the city. Some were magic, others technology based, but always female. And of course Touji bet that all of them were lookers…it was stupid. It was impossible. Shinji wasn't falling for it. The more he heard the more he thought it was just another strange city thing he'd never get used to.


Driving in to Nerv, Misato was torn. She hated lying to Shinji, she really did, but she didn't really have a choice right now. They didn't know what those things were that were attacking the city, had no clue at all. Nor did Nerv know much about those that were fighting the oddities, only that they had access to things Nerv desperately wanted. To tell Shinji about it though would just complicate matters. If those new forces became enemies of Nerv, he'd have to fight them. If he thought they were people, kids his own age, he'd balk and falter. Misato couldn't let that happen, even though she'd want to.

"Images of one of the so-called Sailor Senshi has been circulating around the net as of this morning. Adding this to the artist rendering of the Jewel Knight, it brings the count of physical…" the woman on the radio prattled on, but Misato turned on a CD. A peppy J-Pop tune started playing, Misato's fingers danced along with the beat as she swerved her car about. A couple of near hits and heavy stops on the counts of those around her, Misato put the fear of the driving gods into people.

Aiming at cans on the ground, Misato continued to keep score of her crush count. "What are those damn kids doing, what are they?" she grit her teeth down shifted. Abominations and freaks, Misato wanted to know what they were and what they were really after. Nerv had suppressed nearly all of the captured footage of all the known groups. Magic, martial arts expertise, super advanced technology, the gambit of powers went the full spectrum. None of it made sense to Misato, or what they were looking for. Hard breaking, Misato's car spun in a wide arc nearly clipping Makoto, she parked perfectly into her spot. "Friend or foe," she wanted to know.

Wiping his brow, Makoto was pale and trembling from his near hit, yet he stayed waiting for Misato. Waving shakily at the woman, "Katsuragi-san, g-good morning. Did you hear the news about the latest group?" The parking garage was empty so felt it acceptable to stand closer to the woman. Re-affixing his collar, it had popped when he fell back from the oncoming car, he wasn't disheveled. "Ibuki-san said the Magi were able to get most of the footage commandeered," he had that smugness about him. Makoto had been involved in the algorithms used in the media black-outs of these groups.

"Most is not ALL footage, Makoto-kun," Misato's finger curled under the man's chin. Any details getting out was bad, and here Makoto was gloating about failing! They could cover the fact that the Eva's accidentally caused three unfortunate cases, yet they couldn't keep images of skimpily clad women off the net. Pinching the man's waddle, hard, Misato felt that rush as he winced and tears came to his eyes, "It was on the radio and the news already. What are we going to do about that lapse?"

Trying to be manly, Makoto was fighting his natural inclination to tear up and break away from the pain. Misato's nails bit deep but not cutting, so Makoto kept pace with her…more he was dragged along side of her. "It's just a picture and blurry if I recall. We don't have to worry about it. But personally what do you think of this new group? It's another group of five," he freed himself as he hit the elevator button.

Wimp, Misato's mind teased mentally. Makoto was a good man, but he just was too easy to goad. While she had endless fun playing and teasing Shinji, Makoto just didn't have the same appeal t her. Makoto tried to hard to get into her pants, and Misato could see it seeping off of the man. Shinji though, Misato couldn't figure the boy out at times, but that just made it more fun. Odd how didn't think she was going to enjoy living with him at first, he was so pensive and worried all the time. But that just made their time together more enjoyable! He was a puppy that responded to everything! Maybe she teased him to much because she loved watching him squirm and hoped it'd help bolster his confidence.

"So you two finally decided to show up?" Ritsuko was in the elevator cab when it opened. Hair dripping with water, feet bare, and her swimsuit on under her coat, it wasn't a question where Ritsuko came from. Doing Misato a favor, Ritsuko stood between Makoto and her, a human shield. Shaking her head like a dog, getting both wet, Ritsuko took pleasure in their annoyance. That snideness was evident as she continued, "Any reason you two are late when we have a minor emergency going on? Ibuki and Aoba's little media blackout plan seems to be failing."

Going rod stiff, Makoto's heels clipped on the ground as he rocked back hard. "W-we didn't do anything at all! I was late because I had to help my landlady with her garbage," his glasses started to slip down.

Praying some girl realized Makoto wasn't a bad guy and took up the man as a boyfriend, Misato felt sorry for him. "I can vouch for him getting in at the same time as me. I had to have a little talk with Shinji-kun about these magical girls. The news won't shut up about them, and they had that image to show about this morning. He's…getting nervous and asking questions," she dreaded when things got out of hand. What if they WERE evil and they had to use Unit-01 against them? Normal humans seemed to weak to stop them. Bullets didn't stop some of them, as per the videos they seemed. Without some drastic changes, the Eva were the only option.

"T-thank you Katsuragi-san," Makoto's earnest confession was palpable. They all fell into silence as the elevator descended deeper into the underground base. The same song Misato heard in the car played over the intercom just without lyrics. Tapping his foot along with the song, he bobbed his head, "S-so what did you tell him? Ayanami-kun knows about them, shouldn't we tell him as well?"

Whirling on Makoto, Ritsuko advanced in her patented silent stalking. A heavy thud of head on metal, Makoto backed up against the wall as Ritsuko stood disapprovingly right in front of him. Either ready to kiss him or rip his face off with her powerful jaws, Ritsuko was a praying mantis. "What did we tell you about mentioning that? You are not to speak about how Ayanami knows about that. Do we have to have a disciplinary hearing again?" why did Ritsuko say the would discipline with such affection?

"Ok, Ritsuko put it back in the bag or I'm going to tell the commanders why you're late for this emergency meeting," Misato rolled her eyes. Having known Ritsuko in college, she knew of her odd tendencies. Kaji never knew what hit him when Ritsuko broke out the whip, a little sadism went a long way. Professor of Pain Ritsuko Akagi loved to watch men squirm… Making a mental note to NEVER have Ritsuko watch over Shinji without her around, Misato didn't want to explain the marks.

Without turning away from Makoto, Ritsuko just flipped her hand over and her shoulders sagged just a tiny bit. "You're no fun sometimes Misato, no fun at all. But seriously Makoto-kun, be careful when talking about these things. Only the command staff and Ayanami know about these aberrations. And you know what they say about loose lips," NOW Ritsuko turned to look at Misato and her eyes went south of the border.

"Oh you're just being a bitch! You know that isn't…" no Misato wasn't going to take the bait. She was tight as a teenager, at least the told herself that. Leaving the frazzled Makoto in the cab, the door shut and he was still lost in some fugue in the corner. "I think we broke him a little bit. Funny how Shinji-kun can handle those better than he can," she hiked her thumb at the door.

Shaking her head again, more water splashing everywhere, Ritsuko's feet slapped on the ground. "I think Shinji-kun is just desensitized to it. With how you are at home, he's built of a tolerance I bet," she grabbed a sucker and put it in her mouth. Oral fixation going wild as it was oft to, Ritsuko chewed the red candy hard, "So what did you tell him about those girls?"

Finding the meeting room empty, Misato let out a sigh of relief, being late for these was tantamount to a citation. "I told him they were lies, that they were likely just odd people in costume. What else could I really tell him now?" Misato hated hackers. If she ever go her hands on the person that got those pictures and let them out, she'd squeeze until the eyes popped out! Finding a nice seat at the end of the table, never good to get flanked by people, Misato hoped the meeting would be over fast so she could get a coffee. Her eyes felt heavy as she sat, stupid late nights on the net, she rested her hand on her palm, "I did tell him not to go out at night though."

More crunching, Ritsuko wasted no time in destroying her candy, "Guess that's safe to say. Even if you say they're just perverts, they still go out at night. But he is a boy…a cu-feminine boy, but he could be a target. Unlike you or I, they don't seem to be aiming for people older than eighteen." The door swished open and Maya and Shigeru entered, both with cups of coffee that made Misato green with envy and hate. "Hey you two, did you see Makoto-kun anywhere?" no hint of shame was ever entertained.

"He was muttering something in the elevator. Best not to get involved with that," Shigeru sat down just a little to close to Misato. The woman leaned over and snatched his coffee, when he went to take it back, she laced him with a stare and he wilted back with a shrug. Now coffeeless, "Ran some damage control on these Senshi. We got their names off the same video that the leak came from. Named after planets this time, better than those zodiac ones and the color ones."

Sipping the pilfered drink, Misato blanched at its bitterness. Who took their coffee black anymore? With sugar and cream so cheap and available nobody should have this nasty tasting stuff! But she took it so she would have to drink it. "So we have planets, fruit, color, zodiac, and those battle suits. Why are they coming to this city anyway?" Misato really wanted to know. Threat analysis was something of a specialty of hers, and from first blush none of these groups were working together or for a common goal.

"That is why we are here right now, Katsuragi-kun," Fuyutski said as he entered the room. As per standard when the magical girl debate came up, Gendo was not around, Fuyutski was the one that cared the most. Flipping on a screen and shutting off the lights, "It seems Aoba is not here, no matter. We're going to be changing our stance on these groups soon." He pulled up the full video from the previous night and played it.

The video was brief, only three or four minutes long, but it was full of mind numbing facts. A young girl, short black hair, was leaving a grocery store with bag of food. As she walked, increasing her pace as the lights started going out, a shadow trialed her. As she got to an alley, a lumpy armed purple monstrosity had its arms elongate and wrap around her. The girl went into the air, her groceries fell to the ground. Sadly the creature's speech was to garbled to understand, but its intents were pretty clear. Tattered clothing soon rained down, but then the five newest oddities made their presence known. Various elemental attacks rained out, and the creature soon was reduced to some sort of crystal that the group took and left.

When the lights came back on, the video froze on a blond girl with a massive twin-tail holding the crystal, Misato tried to fathom the practicality of that hair. So much hair would be so hard to manage! From head to near ground, how much time was spent maintaining it? Couldn't they find the girl just on shampoo purchases alone? And didn't those girls get embarrassed with those short skirts? When the blown haired one, Jupiter apparently, kicked it showed everything! Plus those kids had way to large of busts for their height. Maybe a magical girl's powers came from her bust or something. Would explain a lot.

"So what are we going to do about these girls, Fuyutski-san? We don't know what they're doing or why?" Misato asked as handed Shigeru back his empty cup. It took effort to choke down all that vile caffeine but she had needed it. "Friend or foe, what do we consider them?" she wanted friend or nothing, not foe. How would she look in one of those costumes? Wouldn't it be a laugh to dress up like one of them and just startle Shinji with it! Pretend to be one just to see his reaction, he'd hemorrhage!

Drumming her fingers over the desk, Ritsuko was reclining back heavily in her chair, one hand behind Maya's chair, and another around Shigeru's. "I say we try and capture one of them. While we are still denying they exist try and capture them to talk to them. If we openly admit they are a thing, we could put an open letter out to them. Until we understand their goals more, its best to keep this hush-hush," she had another sucker in her mouth and was crunching.

Nodding the old man smoothed back his silver hair, "We have to assume they are enemies until proven otherwise. With those powers we have to be careful. I'm ordering Section-2 to start additional patrols until we learn more. Both pilots will have an additional detail on them at nights. Though it is unlikely needed for the Third Child if trends continue."

"Can we try bringing in the girls that were attacked so we can question them? Maybe we could find a theme or trend between them?" Maya rubbed her back against her chair. Rolling her own cup between her hands, she didn't seem quite comfortable in the room, she was the newest member to be brought into the fault. "Y-you never know if they might have learned something from those creatures might have said something. Or maybe the girls said something to them after saving them," Maya's eyes were frantic and danced from person to person looking for acceptance.

Throwing Maya a bone, Misato knew how it was to be the new girl in the power meetings, "That sounds like a good idea. You two get started on that, and if you can find Makoto get him to help you. I'll keep working on Unit-00's repair requests. Ritsuko you give the press release a look over, no doubt they want to know Nerv's stance on this new group. Our stance is we don't have one until we have definite proof." Man she hated being serious in the morning. She joined Nerv to get revenge on the angels, not to deal with these odd girls that started popping up. A long day was ready for her, she'd call Shinji and tell him she'd not be back until late. Maybe she'd ask him to make something good for her to eat when she got home. He'd not mind.


Walking at a brisk pace, Shinji tried to remind himself that he was being silly. All of the attacks were against girls, and he had nothing to worry about. Though it was the first night that Misato had told him to be in by dark and he had already broken that little rule. Not that it mattered, he kept telling himself, he had those Section-2 people watching over him! Didn't calm his nerves as he walked under the street lights though. A good day turned a little fearful from his ignorance and wanting to please.

Touji and Kensuke wanted to hang out after school. Nothing super important, some arcade time, a meal out, and finally some television at Touji's. That all went good, well except for Kensuke's insistence they eat at 'Anne Millers' a maid café. Such places weren't really Shinji's cup of tea, he didn't want to lust after impossible figures of older girls like his friend did. And boy did they, Touji and Kensuke were practically salivating over their buxom blonde haired sever, who looked about ready to bolt. Thankfully Shinji kept the peace and insured the poor girl that his friends were harmless.

After the tokens were spent, the food was eaten, and the shows watched Shinji returned home to see Misato's message about food. Since the meal at the café had been rather wanting, places like that weren't known for quality of food rather the servers, Shinji hit the street again. With the nearest grocery store a good thirty minutes away, Shinji thought he had time. His luck was not to be though, as a special sale made the lines extraordinary long. Misato would understand if he didn't cook her requested food, she even said as such, but Shinji wanted to make it for her. It was how he could show he cared, words weren't his forte, but doing the chores were good for it.

"And now I'm almost out of money for the week. Those two need to pay more often," Shinji swung his bag as he hustled. They meant well, but his buddies didn't have jobs so often let Shinji pay for everything they did. And after their abhorrent behavior toward Karin their server, Shinji felt the girl earned a larger tip than normal. Poor girl really was near tears with all the attention. Laughing a little to try and ease his troubled mind, "Girl like that shouldn't be working at a place like that." Touji said something about her being a year ahead of them and actually in high school.

The silence of the evening was broken when several trash cans fell with a mighty clang. Shouts and guttural sounds vibrated in the empty night air. Not far away, down an alley back towards the shopping arcade.

Drawing his hand up to his chest, Shinji felt a chill go down his spine and lock his feet in position. "A-a fight? I shouldn't get involved," he wasn't a fighter, not out of his Eva anyway. He'd just get in the way, best to just forget he heard anything and head home.

But he couldn't, and soon found himself much against his perceived nature going down the alley. "This is stupid! What am I thinking," he whispered hotly to himself yet kept walking. The voices were still to soft to make out, but more banging of trash bins were heard. Not the small cans he used in the apartment, no these were the large metal bins he dumped his trash into outside the building. Anything that could move those things was far outside of Shinji's weight category. And yet his feet kept moving forward…one after another…step…step…

"Nearly got me, woman. Never fought a human as skilled as you, lucky for me you tripped," it was a heavy and gravely sound. Not a human voice, far from it. "Now though, you're more my liking…going to have some fun with you before I bring you in," the sound of tearing cloth filled the stillness.

A weapon! Shinji knew he'd need something, anything to fight off whatever was doing this. "I should call for help, get Section-2 or something," but what happened while he ran? There wasn't time for him to go for help, he had to act now or forever live knowing he let somebody get hurt when he could help. "I mustn't run…I-I," but he never wanted to run more than he did right now. The pipe, half the size of himself, felt like it weighed a ton as he held it with both hands. A part of his mind realized he was back at 'Anne Millers', just behind the establishment not in front.

"Help! S-somebody help! Damn monster, you'd never win in a fair fight! Don't…don't touch me!" a voice, powerful yet energetic was full of disdain and hate.

That one voice broke Shinji's desire to run. A voice came from a person, not a nameless idea in his mind. It made this even real to him, and so he ran down the alley towards his fate. Climbing up a trash bin, he vaulted the wooden fence that separated the café's back from the adjoining street. Whatever it was, Shinji knew it was big, green, naked, and appeared to be made of moving bits of rock. The girl saw him as he landed but didn't say anything, surprise was still on his side.

The green rock-strocity just laughed and let its mighty shoulders ripple as it did. "You humans think you're so strong, but you're nothing. I went easy on you, no good to rough up the potential prize. If you are the one we're looking for then I'll get a promotion, if not…" the creature laughed again deep throaty and terrifying. Advancing on the prone girl, her head propped against the red bin had traces of blood on it, it reached for her pink skirt bottom again.

Easily a full two feet taller than Shinji, he realized now he was doomed. Even if he hit the thing, what good would it do, but he was committed now. Fear coursed through ever fiber of him, his lungs failed to draw in air, but he readied his attack. Already he could see what happened before he arrived and what made the sound. A bottle had fallen from the trash, smashed now under the girls foot. But it had offset her and she fell and stuck her head against the bin hard. After the monster finished what it intended for the girl, it'd turn to him and just kill him if lucky, or if unlucky…best not think.

Swinging with all his might against the creatures head, Shinji heard a tremendous gong, as if ringing a bell, and the creature let out a weak guttural sound and fell to the side. "D-did it work?" he dropped the pipe and ran to the girl. Astonishingly enough the creature was on its side, but Shinji could see if it had eyes. It didn't seem to have genitals, but he wasn't risking that anyway. Helping the girl up, he was astonished that she was only a fraction taller than him, "Are you alright?"

Using Shinji as a crutch, the girl walked over to the creature as it labored for breath. "I'm fine, and don't count this bastard out yet. I hit it harder before you showed up. It recovered crazy fast," the girl's massive red pony tail hung limply with her blood marring it. "Honjouji Akira, I saw you in the restaurant earlier with your pig friends. You though," she winked at him, "you're defiantly not like they are. But let's get out of here before it…"

Powerful hands, pincers of rock, grabbed both Shinji and Akira's ankles and lifted the pair into the air. "Fucking bastard! That hurt, but now I get to kill one and take another home with me!" it laughed and swung the two around violently. "Was it fun to attack me like that pipsqueak? Trying to be the hero that saves the girl? Well reality means the hero loses and the girl is either turned over or becomes my slave!" he chortled and slammed Shinji against the trash bin.

"Leave him alone you coward and fight me fair!" Akira roared from her place still in the creatures grip. With a deft kick to the red circle in the being's head, it bellowed in pain as it threw Akira into the air. Spinning expertly in the apex of the pitch, Akira would have landed perfectly had she ground to land on. As it were, she fell in a heap into the trash bin which run and vibrated. Crawling out, she fell to the ground right by Shinji with more blood trickling down her head. "I'm…not out…yet," she tried to stand.

Watching it all, Shinji had thankfully experienced greater pain in his life, complements of the last angel, so he hadn't blacked out. "I'm…good too," but he hardly got up on unsteady feet. They were doomed, Akira seemed far more skilled than he was, and she was wobbling too. Shame, the girl was gorgeous, seemed confident and cheerful, and what was going to come was…NO! "I'll distract it while you run for help. I can't do much else…what it means for you…" Shinji ran with a sense of strength he didn't know he had.

Didn't matter though, as he neared the creature that was laughing at his foolish bravado, a bolt of lighting struck the creature. It fell to its knees, mouth open and eyes glazed over. Landing on the creatures back, a woman in a very short green skirt and brown hair in a ponytail stood confidently. "Not this evening you damn monster! Not when Sailor Jupiter can help it!" another voice full of confidence and power. Grinding her foot into the creatures neck, "Are you two alright. Sorry I was late, but we've never encountered something like this before so couldn't track it."

Blood was mucking up his vision, his head throbbed in pain, yet Shinji could see the girl was again quite beautiful. "You're…from that news report this morning! You ARE real…what is…was that thing?" he couldn't believe it! He had seen actual magic! Saw a real monster get thrashed by it, and nearly lost his life to it in the first place. A night of firsts, and all he wanted was some aspirin and to forget about it. His heart leapt in his chest as he felt a hand on his back, for a moment he thought the green thing had a friend, but when he jerked he saw a haggard Akira.

"The fact is you came and saved both of us. This guy here saved me first, and would you really have…" Akira batted her eyes quickly and fixed her disheveled clothing. However the revelation was cut short.

Standing up quickly, Sailor Jupiter flying off the creatures back and rolling on the ground, the beast howled in rage. "I'm sick of these stupid suprize attacks! And you stupid bitch, did you think lighting would really hurt me?" he gestured to his skin. Then as an afterthought gave Shinji a backhand that sent him soaring through the air towards and through the fence. "But now I can taste the fruit of one of these magic girls. I hear your powers are delicious!" a deep red tongue uncoiled from its mouth and hung their.

Vision going in and out, Shinji heard the fighting start up again. "Damn it! It can't…can't end like this!" he could see those girls losing. Fists didn't work to well against a creature of stone, and the Jupiter girl's powers were useless against it. "I have to…have to help…" but he could hardly move.

"Do you really want to help them?" a voice asked, high pitched and oddly familiar. "I can give you the power to, but you'll have to do what I say from now on. Or I can leave you here, here to bleed out and fail," small slapping sounds on the ground, familiar in one of those odd ways Shinji couldn't place.

His own will to live flared, his want to help supported and nurtured by that fire, Shinji found himself nodding. "Yes, I want to help them. I'll…I'll do it," Shinji gasped out of his aching lungs. It was hard to breath, something felt wrong in his chest. Then a cold band wrapped around his finger, cold and soothing.

"Then repeat after me, my boy, innominedeorum," the voice chattered out, again with a strange alieness to it. "And don't worry, I won't ask much of you, and you'll likely enjoy this. But I don't know how it will work, you are a boy after all and its only supposed to be used on girls."

Shinji didn't care what the voice said, or why, he just repeated the odd words, "innominedeorum" The moment the last syllable left his voice, Shinji's vision was replaced with the damp wet street with pure white light. The pain left him, replaced with radiant energy and power he'd never felt before. When his vision cleared, he was standing and had a strange red lance in his hand. At the moment that didn't matter, he had a weapon, felt like the world was on his side, and rushed! "Don't you touch them you bastard!" Shinji vaulted the fence in a single bound.

Turning around from the fallen Sailor Jupiter, her face a mask of red, the creature cackled again. "More? Coming out of the wood work! I'll have my own harem after tonight! A little small, but I don't mind that," the creature lunged. But it didn't have the reach of Shinji's lance, and it pierced through his armored hide as if it were paper. The twin forked lance pierced the creatures arm and then chest. No blood came out, just purple light as the being was sucked into itself and fell to the ground as a glowing crystal.

"D-did I do that?" Shinji couldn't imagine how he'd done it, but he had won! Rushing to Akira and Jupiter's side, he checked her injuries and found them both to be light but in the right places to render unconscious. "A-are you alright?" he noticed for the first time his voice sounded off.

Nodding and getting to her feet, Jupiter grabbed the crystal before anything else. "I'll be taking this if you don't mind. And yes I'm fine, that attack of yours is something else. If my friends were here we'd have won easily, but I was at a drastic disadvantage. Oh! Did you see a cute boy out in the alley? He tried to help, but from what I've heard of him, he's not really a fighter," Jupiter took a few steps towards the fence Shinji had flown through.

About to say that it was him, Shinji stopped for a moment. This girl knew about him? He'd never seen a woman like this before in his life, and why would a magic girl know of him personally? To many questions, and that's when he saw his reflection in a puddle of water on the ground. His hair was longer, two feet longer yet the same color, his legs were exposed outside of some strange purple armor that clung to his upper thighs, arms, bust, and a strange face mask that went above his head and down the side of his face. It was as if Unit-01 had been used in some parody armor set to offset his features.

Wait…bust…he had breasts?! Shinji's hand went to his crotch and felt for his little friend. Gone…it was gone! What he felt sent ripples of pure pleasure like a spike of bliss upward from legs to skull. "I'm…I'm…" Shinji stammered as Akira started waking.

"Run now questions latter!" that voice that offered him power decreed, and Shinji followed it. Jupiter was distracted by his sudden flight, and Akira's return to wakefulness. "I'll deal with this," Shinji ran from the voice. Finding the bag of groceries where he dropped it. The lad picked them up and ran full force down the street, faster than he knew he ever could before. He had to get home, had to see himself in a better mirror and insure it wasn't just a dream!

But when he got home, the mirror in the bathroom didn't show his endowment it showed something he'd never seen outside of Kensuke's magazines. "I'm…I'm…a girl?!" Shinji screamed and fainted. When consciousness returned to him, he was in his bed, the alarm sounding it was time to wake. He rocketed out and quickly pulled his pants down…it was there! A dream! Just a dream! Of course…he drank from the wrong pitcher again and had some of Misato's sake! Just a dream…oh god he had to think so. He'd question the ring on his finger after consciousness returned to him.


Walking to school, Shinji wasn't even sure if he was really there. Last night's dream seemed so real, but at the same time so surreal. He was glad it was a dream, that was for sure. While Shinji admitted he wasn't the most masculine of guys, but he sure as hell didn't want to just turn into a girl, a magical girl. "I need to pay less attention to the news," he muttered under his breath. To much stress, and to much attention given to those odd news reports must have flavored his dream. Sadly, having not cooked Misato's request, Shinji snuck out while she was in the shower.

Being as early at it was, Shinji took a small walk about town. He didn't want to notice he walked towards the café just to see if anything had happened. Nothing was there when he got there, no police, no damage, nothing. "A dream, it really was just a dream," he was beyond relieved. Just a stupid mistake and drank some of the Misato Special again. "I'll need to be more careful," he did NOT want more phantasmal dreams. With nothing else to do, Shinji made his way back towards the school with an extra bounce in his step. Everything was fine, yup, no ring on his finger, nope that was just something that it wasn't important to think of.

Standing outside the gate to the school, Shinji just stood there watching it for a minute. "Never knew I was so imaginative," Shinji could have written it down and sold it! Lost in his revelry over the dream, Shinji just stood about leaning against the fence. When one of the approaching students collided with him, sending him stumbling forward, Shinji mind went right back to that dark place. Whirling around, hands drawn into fists, he was expecting that horrible green monster. "Houjouin-san?" Shinji gasped out when he saw who actually run into him. But she was a high school student, why was she here?

"Oh you…wait…" Akira's smile was wide but then to confusion quickly. Bouncing back a step, her school uniform jiggled with the motion, the girl put a finger to her chin. "You were at Miller's yesterday right…with two other guys?" she didn't sound sure of herself. Reaching out for a moment, Akira drew her hand back at the last second before touching the lad. "S-so you go to school here huh?" she tugged on her collar, looking about awkwardly.

Why was she here? Why was she talking to him? It was a dream, just a dream! When he saw her looking at him then suddenly looking away, Shinji had a small revelation. She didn't know why she was there either! Bowing slightly, he wanted the thick and strange air to dissipate, "Yes, that's right. I was there yesterday with my friends Touji and Kensuke, I'm Ikari Shinji if you didn't know." He would never put any faith in his minor celebrity from being a pilot. "Did you need anything here? I could go get it for you if you did?" he ventured a guess for her intent.

"N-no I don't need anything. Just an early morning walk is all. Oh! I do have these though," Akira reached into a pocket of her skirt. For a brief moment she flashed a hint of thigh, a muscular yet still smooth looking bit of flesh. Pulling out a slip of paper, she handed it over with a brilliant smile that made her ruby red eyes glisten. "A coupon for a free meal. Supposed to hand them out to drum up some business. But this time if you come, keep those friends on a short leash alright?" slapping Shinji's shoulder, the girl turned and ran off with a powerful wave.

Just looking at the tiny slip of paper, Shinji forced the dream out of his mind and went into the classroom. Thankfully only the class-representative was there getting ready for the day. They exchanged polite pleasantries, Shinji didn't know Hikari well enough to try talking to her. No reason to talk to her anyway, what good would it do? He just sat down and set the coupon on his desk and stared at it. "Why had she really come here?" his imagination was working overtime again! Maybe she remembered, maybe it wasn't a dream, and subconsciously she sought him out to insure he was safe. She seemed the type to check up on people.

"You doing alright, Shin-man, you're looking a little pale," Touji asked as he plopped down. Tossing his books into his desk without any care, the jock was logy and yawned showing his pearly whites. "What you got there?" he asked as he swiped it out from under Shinji. After a brief read, Touji's fatigue vanished as he held the paper with both hands, "Y-you got a ticket? YOU!? How'd you get one of the fabled tickets for one of HER free meals?!"

Bewildered at not only Touji's arrival, but his comments, Shinji just stared blankly for a few moments. Why was he so tired today!? He'd drifted off into a semi-daze and the class had went from empty to nearly full. "I…uh…well Houjouin-san was on a walk or something this morning and ran into me. Said it was just to bolster business or something," he hadn't put any real importance on it. Yet Touji was glaring at him with envy pouring off him like a noxious perfume.

"Ken! You'll never believe who got one of Akira-sama's free meal tickets!" Touji slapped the paper and held onto it covetously. At the mention of the name, half of the boys in the class turned towards Shinji. It felt like being outed as a pilot again, what was the big deal? "Boy you really are lucky. First Misato-san, and now Akira-sama, how you do it Shin-man?" Touji asked to Shinji's failed recollection.

Rushing over to them, Kensuke took the paper and held it to his chest. "You're taking us with you when you go right? RIGHT?" Kensuke continued to hug the paper. Joining the pair, they eventually calmed down enough to tell Shinji why it was such an honor. Shinji had no idea that Akira was quite the well-known martial artist, having won many tournaments, and having a fan club a mile long that wanted the ticket Shinji got for free. Before class started not less than three boys and one girl asked to buy the ticket from him. Tempted as he was, Touji and Kensuke prevented such a sale from happening.

As his fatigue worked its way on his mind again, Shinji knew he was going to try sleeping in class. He knew it was bad to do, he wasn't stupid but he did need to pay some attention to learn. Right now though, sleep was more important than hearing about Second-Impact again. Setting his book up to mask his face, Shinji saw Rei was in class again yet peering out the window as usual. Nothing different there, but he was glad she was healthy enough to come to school. Maybe he'd try talking to her.

Yeah right, and maybe he really had summoned a red lance and dispatched a monster the night before! As sleep fell upon him, Shinji shifted his head to the side. A quartet of girls sat in his field of vision. A close group of friends, at least that's what Touji said, and quite the popular sect of them. All Shinji could think was that the one with brown hair seemed familiar somehow. Then he blinked again…and Hokari was standing over him angry. He'd slept all day!? Some friends he had, didn't bother trying to wake him.

"I expect such acts from Suzuhara and Aida, Ikari, but not from you. We covered for you today, but don't do it again," Hikari was cross yet fair.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Shinji was beyond embarrassed and wilted under the fierce gaze of the girl. "Sorry, I don't know why I'm so tired. Maybe I'm coming down with something," he fibbed. Tired yes, but he didn't feel sick at all. It seemed to work though as the anger disappointed from the girl and was replaced with a compassionate worry. Cute girls, they were just such a weakness for the lonely boy, and he didn't like seeing her so concerned. Waving his hand, "I'll get some sleep tonight, d-don't worry Hokari-san."

A warmth exuded from the girl who just nodded as she started cleaning the room. "You better not Ikari-kun. Somebody has to set a good example for those two idiots or they'll try to get away with it to. I'll do your cleaning today, head home and get some rest," she said in such a way to tell him it was an order not a request.

"Sure thing, Hokari-san," Shinji quickly departed less Hikari change her mind. Liking cleaning as a way to keep his mind busy, he had no real need for such at the moment. The print-outs for his missed work in hand, Shinji ran home evading those boys that wanted to acquire his ticket from somehow less noble means. Some boys were desperate and needy things, and wouldn't have found problem with a trade of a knuckle sandwich for a free lunch ticket with a busty and charismatic high school girl. With a luck the boy oft lacked, Shinji took the correct path through the illusionary maze of angry boys and got home without encountering a single one. Kicking his shoes off, "Misato-san, I'm home. S-sorry about this morning!"

Sadly nothing greeted the boy other than silence. Oh well, it wasn't the first time Shinji returned to an empty apartment and it wouldn't be the last he reckoned. Finding a note on the table, Shinji read it and then had to re-read it after he finished.

'Going out drinking with Ritsuko. Thanks for the supper last night, even if it wasn't as good as you normally make. Be home late or tomorrow if Ritsuko drinks to much. – love your Misa-chan'

"But I didn't cook for her, I passed out," Shinji balled up the note and threw it away. Must have cooked it in his stupor or something, sleep cooking! "Yeah I must have cooked in my sleep or something. If people can walk, why can't I cook?" he pulled out several cans of soda and set them all on the counter. His hands were working over and over pulling out implants to cook with, yet he didn't stop. Of course he'd need eight knives and four bowls for his supper. "I need to calm down, just calm…" Shinji watched as Pen-Pen walked into the room.

Instead of a wark of familiar, the bird's mouth flapped up and down and the same voice from the night before spoke again, "You didn't cook I did. Have to keep Misa-chan in the dark of our little arrangement." Waddling into the room, Pen-Pen grabbed a can of Yebisu Shinji pulled out on accident and popped the top. Taking a deep drought the bird's shrill voice whooped happily, "Man this is the life! And I figured it best to let you have the day to let it all sink in. Not every day you get drafted to fight monsters. Well maybe you do, it is the second time for you." Pen-Pen pulled a chair out and jumped up into it, spilling just a little of the golden brew.

"Ok, I've officially snapped and have gone insane. So this is what insanity is like. Talking to a warm-water penguin. So tell me o' magic bird, what is happening to me?" grabbing a soda, Shinji opened it and took a drink. What else could it be, the dream, his sleep spell, and now talking Pen-Pen. Yup welcome to crazyville. The sunlight was streaming through a window making Pen-Pen's collar shine.

Plopping down into the best seated position he could, Pen-Pen's eyes barely crested the table. Head twisting in that odd manner only birds could, he spoke, "I need you to get me crystals from monsters. You nearly got one yesterday, but that damn Senshi got it first. Right now you don't need to know what they're for, would only confuse you. In return for your service I've given you powers to fight them, and if you wanted some powers for when not in your…um…alternate form. I do apologize for that too. I was told to only give the powers to girls, so I didn't know what would happen to you when I did."

Pen-Pen's flipper slapped the ring on Shinji's hand and it glowed a deep purple. "Why should I do any of this for you and not just flush the ring down the toilet? Why are you here anyway if you're a magic power distributing bird that wants crystals?" Shinji started giggling. It was so stupid and crazy to even say the words, but if he was insane he might as well go along with it. Memories of his dream, the girl in the short skirt, was super imposed with Misato…Shinji blinked. "Did you give Misato-san powers too?" he didn't want to think to deeply of that thought. He was a man after all, and even he had a libido.

"I was supposed to, why I came in the first place. BUT Second-Impact put a damper on that. Hard to get a comatose girl to accept into the arrangement," Pen-Pen's warble died down as he took another drink. The light of the room made the bird's eyes shimmer like dolls eyes, fake and yet still calculating and hunting. "You're not crazy kid, far from it. And if you lose that ring Misa-chan will start losing things, and who will she blame? Me her cute lil penguin or you…the boy she took in turned pervert? "

Was he being blackmailed by Pen-Pen?! "You can't do that! I'll just tell her…tell…" tell her what? Telling Misato that it was Pen-Pen doing anything would get him shipped off to a nice padded cell! If this was real…really real he was at Pen-Pen's mercy to be some sort of geologist! "But why are you here if Misato-san isn't any use to you anymore? If you couldn't turn her, why stay? H-how long do I have to do this?" he was starting to think that maybe just maybe he wasn't insane.

Snickering a little, it came out high pitched and hurt Shinji's ears, but Pen-Pen just held up his can. "Kid are you sure you're not gay? Have you SEEN that woman? Misa-chan is the picture of loveliness and when she's drunk…well she likes to hug her lil pet in her sleep. I've seen things…and if you play along kid, I can tell you things to. Get you a girl of your own, or even Misa-chan. If you haven't noticed I'm not really suited for humans, but I don't mind watching. Misa-chan has a few videos that she hasn't had the chance to watch since you moved in. So…since I'm not moving out cause I won't leave her, and I've nobody else I could use…you're my knight Shinji. But buck up, you'll get magic powers, get to get stronger, interact with a lot of girls. And I'm sure we can get you some confidence," Pen-Pen prettied it up as much as the bird could.

Pinching his cheek, Shinji winced at the pain as he had been harder than intended. "I'm not crazy, right. This is real?" he touched the ring and felt that cold smoothness again. Recalling the little phrase to shift into his 'alternate' form, Shinji again found his vision whited out, and when it cleared he sat in his sick parody of Unit-01 if Kensuke created it for a girl to wear. "A-and this will end and not have lasting repercussions?" Shinji didn't want to look down at himself…herself.

"Wow you're a hot little mama," Pen-Pen's can dropped from his little flipper. Shaking his head free of whatever bird thoughts filled it with oddness, Pen-Pen waddled over the table. "That I don't know for sure. Like I told you I was originally here for Misa-chan, and I don't know what it means to use it on a boy. It SHOULD go away when you revert to your normal form. So don't worry. But hey! Side bonus right? You get to know how a girl feels! So make the best of it! You and I are going to be working together for sometime, Shinji-kun, might as well get used to it. Now lets start your training," Pen-Pen helped himself to a touch of Shinji's bust.

Damn perverted bird, Shinji realized after the flipper hit tender flesh. It was that sensation though that started to make the reality of the situation congeal and fester. It was a new sensation, something he'd never felt before. He didn't know if it was good or bad. "Wait…you sleep in Misato-san's room all the time, Pen-Pen! What are you doing to her in her sleep?" Shinji chased after the bird! At least once a week Shinji would drag a black-out Misato to her room to sleep and Pen-Pen oft went in with her. "Pen-Pen wait! Don't tell me you…do things!" the skirt rode high as Shinji chased Pen-Pen.

Training had begun with that, Pen-Pen was deft and hard to catch. So Shinji ran about the apartment trying to get ahold of the slippery bird. When Pen-Pen was capture, Pen-Pen confessed that he didn't do 'much' other than watch her sleep. On a rare occasion he'd find his head stuck under Misato's shirt, not his fault, he swore on it. Then Pen-Pen had Shinji summon the lance again, and swore "Once you get the hang of this, I think you can get more powers…I'm rusty with this. Been watching Misa-chan for a good long time now, forgot a lot."

Not the best start to his new task in life, but Shinji was relieved when the shift happened, he was truly a 'he' again. He slept good that night, homework safely forgotten.


"Are you sure you're doing alright Makoto?" Ami asked as the pair headed down the semi populated street. Ami had an ice cream while Makoto had a bottle of tea. Nobody said patrol had to be boring or without food. Leaning forward a little, getting a better look into the taller girl's face, Ami scrutinized as best as she could without offending, "You seem a little off today. Something you're not saying about the fight yesterday?"

Makoto wanted to confess the truth, but she didn't want to appear weak to her teammates. "I'm fine, just a little sore is all. It was one of those rock monster types, and you know how hard they hit," she flexed her bicep and gave a cheeky grin. Truth was she didn't know HOW she had won! The pain was truly minor, their powers buffered them from much of it other than shock, but the mental game was different. Memories of the night before, how she got the Senshi their third crystal, were hazy and murky. It was a fight at a restaurant, a boy and a girl where their but she couldn't recall the faces. Next thing she knew she was walking away from the battle with the crystal in her hand. Somehow she kept thinking she saw a penguin, but that was stupid.

Jotting down more details in her notepad, always the studious one, Ami nodded just once. "They sure do. The fact you beat one on your own is more proof that I need to improve. If Rei hadn't been there with me I'd have been beaten. And you know what those type claim they'll do," Ami shivered a little and it wasn't due to her treat.

Yes, this time the stakes weren't set in stone. Unlike the Senshi's other battles, these new foes didn't seem to be unified. Hell they didn't even seem to know of each other. All they wanted though was the same. An unknown girl of unknown age, great bit of details to go on. Makoto had another shiver of memory, it was her on her back with that green bastard over her. But she had won, so that couldn't be right. If she lost…those monsters claimed they'd take girls back for something Makoto wasn't wanting to think about.

"So have you learned anything from the crystal, Ami? Maybe what they are looking for or how we can hunt them easier? Last time it was soul gems that hid the Outers weapons. This time I've not the foggiest," Makoto was the brawn not the brains. And yes the Outers were more powerful than them, they were off doing god knew what. Pharaoh 90 had been driven back, and they had thought their would be peace. Now they had a new assailant AND the city was being attacked by things they couldn't even HOPE to fight.

Licking the dessert that was dribbling down her knuckles, Ami had neglected it to long and the heat was melting it fast. "Luna has some theories, but I'm not ready to accept them yet. But she thinks we could use the crystals to find the girl we're hunting for. That doesn't tell us about those other Senshi going round. Or the nature of our foes. Minako said they found a new type yesterday…summoning people together to commit suicide. They found a group calling themselves Puella Magi and that they were fighting witches. It's strange. This is so different than what we faced before," Ami gave up and tossed the mush away.

When Ami didn't know, Makoto just gave up and waited. "Well you'll get it eventually. And until then we can hope those others don't get in our way. Even better they might be allies in the end," might as well be positive. Not wanting to dwell on the negative, it made her depressed and a little afraid, Makoto looked at the passing men. "Is your mom still planning on staying and working for that Nerv place?" Makoto couldn't keep the worry out.

If Ami's mother moved, it might mean Ami moved too. Same went for Minako and Usagi. Parents weren't wanting to stay in a war zone, and Tokyo-3 was just that. Slipping her notebook back in her pocket, Ami actually smiled for the first time in awhile. "She is. She's been appointed the head doctor over the pilot corps apparently. And you know who that is right now…" Ami could tease like the others could.

Coming to a stop, Makoto bristled and felt her cheeks warm. "Don't say that out loud Ami or I'll have to punish you!" Makoto lightly rapped her knuckle against Ami's temple. The pilot boy was something of a crush, strange for her as she was normally into the bigger guys. Maybe that was why it never worked out for her with them. Motoki couldn't be with a girl bigger than he was, Ken was to wanting a physical relationship, and the few others had been the same. "Its just a stupid fixation is all…I'm not sure if I like him or just imagine he'd be better," she lied. It was more than fixation, she watched the boy at school a lot, helped keep her awake. He was cute, considerate, and kind all made for great starting blocks.

"Well if you don't hurry somebody else might make a move," Ami slowed her walk and leaned forward. Scanning something in the distance, she held her hand out for quiet. Pointing discretely into the park, Ami nodded once and they adjusted paths. Not trying to appear off stride Ami did her best to keep the conversation going, "While Ikari-kun isn't the most sought after in our class, I have heard a few rumors. Even Minato mentioned him the other day, but just in passing."

With the other boys in their class being quite…different, Ami wasn't just passing idle gossip. Ami and gossip didn't even belong in the same category, Ami dealt in facts not half-truths. The timid boy wasn't the highest on the hunt list, but that's because he was so shy. And Makoto never dated a shy boy before…maybe…maybe it would work this time. But romance would have to wait, they could see signs of a struggle as they went deeper into the darkened park.

Plants cut in odd angles, deep gouts in the earth, and the faint sound of heavy weight hitting the ground. A fight was going on, and if they didn't hurry one of the other groups might make off with their prize. Transforming as she ran, she hoped Ami was doing the same. Bursting into a clearing, small animals sat on heavy metal springs for kids to ride on circled the area, Makoto yelled out, "Stop what you're doing right now scum!" It worked sometimes to get the monster off stride, others she just gave up her element of surprise.

This time it worked in her favor as the bulbous and plant-like monster turned and faced them. It had green accents over its dark brown earthen body. "Whaa…" slick! A red lance pierced its chest and it pitched forward. In a burst of light, it condensed into a gem and fell.

Scooping up the small diamond shaped object, a new girl stood uneasily and sweating. "Oh…I…hello. Thanks for distracting that thing. I'm, well I'm new at all this," the girl appeared ready to run, her hand clenched her weapon tightly. "I should be leaving now, g-goodbye?" taking a few steps towards the woods, the girl would run in a moments notice.

"Stop! Tell us a few things first before you go! Why are you collecting those crystals, what's your name…and do I know you?" Makoto couldn't help but think she'd seen this girl before. The odd colors reminded her of that giant mech, which made her think of its pilot…but this was a girl no doubt about it. That was unless Ikari was hiding breasts the size of Ami's and nobody realized it. Flinching her head subtly to the side, if they could flank the girl they might get her to hand over the crystal.

Pushing her hands together, the red lance vanished between her palms as if it was never there, the girl took two more steps back. "N-name? My name is Sh," a crash in the distance distracted them, something fell over, "Shiki" The name was blurted out quickly and then she quickly covered her mouth.

Corpse demon? This girl was named corpse demon?! "Are you our enemy?" Makoto would attack now and ask questions later if needed. Ami was slowly moving around, the strange girl's attention was solely on Makoto. "This city has become quite crowded with rivals. I'd hate to have to add you to that number. So why don't you just hand that crystal over and show us you're our friend?" Makoto felt the pre-battle burst of energy working on her.

"I'm not…I don't…where is your frien!" Shiki yelped and jumped back as Ami's blast hit right where she was standing. Rushing into the darkness, quite nimbly Makoto realized, the girl vanished leaving more questions than answers. A new rival or maybe just a novice to the trade? They'd have to keep their eyes open for that one. So much was going on around them, so little understood, but they'd have to work together to get answers. If they failed, who would protect the city?



Yeah this one is going to be more comedy and dark comedy than Friends was. Not going to keep a big running cast either. People will come in and go on to other things. Planning more of an arc approach to this one so…just wanting to have some fun. My two other stories take so much effort to plan and script out, this is my nice little funny story. Hope you enjoy it and can support quite an oddity.

