Disclaimer - I don't own Sailor Moon or any of the character's belonging to Naoko Takeuchi (the creator of Sailor Moon).


Thank you for reading my story. I'm sorry to be MIA but I'm back. I try to write more chapters since I no longer have to go to school. Is chapter has NOT be beta by Princess Moonie of the Moon. Since she is sick I will post the edited one when I get it. I'm sorry for any mistakes that might be in this chapter. Thank you so much for reading my story and I hope you enjoy it.

Jessica (Moon Kingdom)

Chapter 8

Taylor's P.O.V.

When I get to the finish line I see people crowning around a building and I see parts of a motorcycle. I look around and see that Amara, Maximums, the twins and Jaz are here by the finish line.


I quickly get off my car and run to the crown of people. As I walk the people start to make a pathway for me. I see that Rena's motorcycle crashed into the building.

I couldn't move and I only look at the building in horror. It's just like want happens to one of the rival leader.


I walk toward Maximums car and he's already walk toward me. I can feel my blood boiling by just looking at him and I can feel as my nails are cutting into my palm.

"What did you do?" I demanded as I shout at me.

"He didn't do anything, his was the one that got in Rena's way," said Jaz as she points to Aiden.

"They're only following his orders," I said angry and glare at Maximums.

"You have to calm down," said Jaz as she put her hand on my hand.

"How do expect to calm down he's the one who did that to her," I said while pointing at the building.

Firefighters and police are by the building look around to see the damage.

"Why did you do that?" asked Jaz pleading.

I couldn't take it anymore and I feel my fist colliding with his faces. And I see at it suspires him that I hit me in the face.

"You have to calm down," said Jaz as she tries to hold me back and I can see Amara coming over here.

"He didn't do anything. It his fault," said Amara point at Aiden.

"Still it the one plan it fault," I said as I glare at Maximums.

"He's right it his fault," said Jaz.

I can feel her let go and I start to put my hand up unfortunately Amara stopped me and holds my back.

"You had a chose to follow or not," I hear Jaz shout.

Then I see that she punches Aiden in the faces and on the stomach.

"I think it should be Jaz that needs holding back," I said to Amara.

"Well that girl can sure punch," replied in shocked Amara.

"Jaz put that poor man down," shouted Jess.

"He's the one who cause Rena's accident," replied Jaz as she holds Aiden by the color his shirt.

"Accident?" asked Lily.

"That on over there," replied Amara as he points to the building. I can hear gasps and I feel the atmosphere it darker.

"I didn't know you swung that way," Blaze said smirking.

I look at him confused.

"Amara!" shouted Michelle as she looks at us in horror.

"What?" asked Amara and Michelle points at our hands.

I quickly move my hand way once I realize he was holding hands.

"It's not what it seems I was only holding him hold since he was about to hit him," said Amara and points at Maximums.

"Why?" asked Matt as he walk toward us.

"He behind everything," I replied.

I can see that Matt understood what I told and it surprise me when he hit in the stomach. I always thought that he was more of the logic one not a fighter.

"How could you?" shouted Lilly. "You're a monster!"

She goes to Maximums and hit him on the side were it hasn't be punched.

"Lilly, calm down," Matt told her.

"You're parents will be disappointed in you if they found out," said Jess.

"You better hope than Rena isn't injured or you will not be able to walk or reproduced," Lilly said angry.

"That won't be necessary but I can see that you love me dearly," said a familiar voice from behind us.

"Rena!" shouted Lilly and go to hug her. Lilly almost push Rena to the floor. Lilly takes Rena's helmet off.

Her long hair is in a high ponytail and you can see her black highlights. It doesn't seem like she's hurt.

"That was perfect," said the director.

"After all it was my plan. I just didn't expect your friends to punch me," replied Maximums as he's holding on to his stomach.

"You call that a punch?" asked Rena raising her eyebrow.

"Is it not?" asked Maximums confused

"Nope," Rena replied smiling.

"Is is a punch," said Rena and punches him right in the stomach and he goes down on his knees in pain.

"Why did you do that?" asked the director as he's check Maximums to make sure he's okay.

"He almost killed me," Rena replied angry and swiftly runs to the twin who were try to run away and punch them too.

"That for making me late," replied Rena and go away.

"Oh no!" exclaimed Lilly what seem that she realize what Rena meant.

"The audition!" shouted Jaz.

Lilly and Jaz as running very fast and left their friends confuse.

"Does she mean what I think she means?" asked Mary worried.

"Amara, I have to leave. The White Rose Fine Art orchestra region is today," said Michelle to Amara.

"Mr. Burris is going to be mad at us!" Jess exclaimed.

"We have to leave," said Matt and run with him friends trailing behind him.

"I wonder where they have to go?" asked the director.

"They said auditions and orchestra," said Aiden as he holds his stomach.

"Now I remember they have all-region audition for orchestra," said the director.

"I didn't know Rena could play an instrument," said Maximums.

"I sorry about the punches that they give you," said the director.

"I deserve it after all Rena was almost killed in the stunt," replied Maximums.

"You're saying that this was all planning?" I asked as I'm shocked to hear that.

"Yes, I want this movie have the highest rating," replied the director happily.

"You'll just have to have Amara as one of the characters. He's very famous amount racer fans," I said as I walk away from them.

They have to be crazy. They would risk Rena's life just to have the highest rating. Unbelievable.

"Where are you going?" asked the director.

"It was nice working with you. Thank you for the wonderful experience," I said as I look at the director.

"Thank you for your hard work," said the director when he realize that this was the last shoot for me.

Looks like Maximums hasn't change since the Silver Millennium. I wonder if he remembers anything about he's past life and the Princess. Where could the Moon Princess be and would she look like her past herself?

Once we find who the Sailor Scouts are we can work together to find her. Maybe Sailor Moon will know. Now that I think about I didn't remember that we had Sailor Moon. The Princess was beginning to be trained when Beryl attacked. Could the Princess be Sailor Moon?

Rena's P.O.V

I changed out off the outfit and rush toward my motorcycle.

"Nice motorcycle," I someone say. When I turn I see that's Amara.

"Thanks," I said and put my helmet one and turn it on.

"How long have you been driving motorcycle?" I hear Amara ask.

I slide the front up and say, "About five years. Bye."

I speed away in my motorcycle and go to White Rose Fine Art Academy when I get there I go the restroom. One I change into a pink dress and black pumps I leave quickly

"Incoming call from Mr. Burris," said a robot voice causing me to stop halfway to the orchestra room. I try to grab my phone from my back pack but couldn't. I kept digging around until I finally give up.

I seriously need to clean my backpack out. I thought as I rushed toward the orchestra room.

I take my violin case from my locker then took my violin and shoulder rest out. Rushing toward the auditorium as fast as I could possibly could.

"Rena, you arrived five minutes pass the time," said Mr. Burris.

"Got stuck in traffic," I replied as I tune my violin.

"Where are the others?" Mr. Burris.

"Probably got stuck in traffic," I replied.

"Miss Rena Moon, please follow be to the stage," said a lady.

"Break a string," said Mr. Burris.

"Thank you,' I replied and left to follow the lady toward the stage.

I walk slowly toward the center of the stage. The bright light blinds me for a while but quickly my eyes get use to it. I slowly pass my violin my shoulder and put my bow gentle on the D string.

"Miss Moon could you kind enough to wait for a while. It seems that Michelle Kaioh has been stuck in traffic," said an elderly woman.

The way she empathize her name it seen that she is try to let me know how important she is.

"Would it be fine if I warm up until she comes?" I asked.

"Of course you can," replied an elderly man.

"Thank you," I replied.

Quickly checking my violin to make sure it's in tune before I start to play. Once I did I start playing my solo of a competition later in the year. I close my eyes after I while I play and get the music flow and I play throughout the whole music piece without hard the door open.

"I sorry to be later, it looks like I missed the audition," said Michelle.

"You didn't miss I was just warming up and practicing my solo of other competition," I replied.

"I remember playing that when I was eighteen about your age," said Michelle.

"Now if you please can start," said the elderly woman as Michelle sits down.

I did as I was told to and start to play. And I just let the melody run free and I fell like if it was the music itself controlling me and keeps me for making mistakes. After a long time I got to the end and let the last note ring out but not longing the length of it.

"Thank you and have a wonderful day," the elderly man after a while, it seem that it affected.

"Miss Moon if you place follow me out," the lady from earlier.

"I would like to hear the rest," I replied.

"I'm sorry put that might distract them," said the lady.

"If be being is so distractive that they shouldn't be competing since people will be staring all the time when they play." I replied.

"Miss…," she started.

"It's okay it will help her grow as a musician by watching others," said Lily.

I go and sit in the chairs and listen to her play. We listen to the rest of our group until it's only Ash that is left. Once she finish we leave quickly. We all pick our instruments and head to the break room. We hang out there for about two hours or so then we head to the elevator. We all are having a great time until the elevator doors open.


"I defiantly think that the first twelve contestants," the elderly man.

"You are right. They're all talent but somehow I feel like Miss. Rena Moon is holding back," said the elderly woman.

"Holding back?" asked Michelle.

"It was like the music that she choose is very easy and some parts of where slightly change to make it sound better when she played," said the elderly man.

"Hello, I'm Mrs. Walker, sorry to interrupt. I would like to thank you for coming to our school. I know that you're busy and I grateful that you took time for your schedule and came," said Mrs. Walker.

"We're happy to be here with such talented students. It a privilege to be here and thank you for inviting us," said the elderly man.

"Indeed. I was wonder if you could tell us about Miss Rena Moon," said the elderly woman.

"How can I help you?" asked Mrs. Walker.

"I would like to know which level is she," replied the elderly woman.

"She in our advance orchestra which would be chamber," replied Mrs. Walker.

"How long has she been playing the violin?" asked the elderly man.

"It's been three years since she has attendant this school. She could have be taught by a family member or a teacher because she is the concert master for every concert we have," replied Mrs. Walker.

"I would happy recommend some schools that have higher expectations," said Michelle.

"I have recommend other schools but she refuse. I have see improvement in the students since she was come. Everything is easy for her that must students work very hard to bet her. The only time she someone bet her was when she injured her fingers but she was able to get second chair which is remarkable. It shows her dedication to the violin," replied Mrs. Walker.

"It seems like she's a prodigy. When I was her age I couldn't play the whole music piece that well. Might have taken me half an year to be able to memorize and play without mistakes," said Michelle.

"Dose she play another instrument?" asked the elderly man,

"Yes, I believe that she plays the flute which is in honor band," replied Mrs. Walker.

"Has Miss Rena Moon always had black highlights?" asked the elderly man.

"No, one time she had blonde haired," replied Mrs. Walker.

"Is her real name Rena?" asked Michelle.

"I believe that it Serena but likes to be call Rena," replied Mrs. Walker.

"It seems that her name is English," comment the elderly man. (A/N: Remember that the story is taking place in Japan. I will be using English names throughout the story since I didn't really know Japanese names.)

"I think that her mom has relatives in America," replied Mrs. Walker.

"She remains me of a girl that I listen to when I was in New York," replied the elderly man.

"Mrs. Walker why did you seem that you're not effect by us asking personal questions about Miss. Moon?" asked Michelle.

She chuckles and replies, "Many before you have asked the same question as you."

"Do you know why she refuses to go to another school?" asked the elderly woman.

"Quoting her, "I want to people to select me because the way I sound when I play not by experiences and I want to found someone that will bet that's on the level I'm right now," said Mrs. Walker.

"As I prodigy myself I understand partly but it will affect her in the long run. I know that she was to be challenge but she's too advance to be here," replied Michelle.

"Know that I think about it she stays here because she wants to learn how to play the piano," said Mrs. Walker after a while.

"I still can't get over the fact that is very odd," said Michelle suddenly.

"What do you mean?" asked Mrs. Walker.

"Earlier today I saw her she seems like a "bad girl", a rebel because she knows have to ride a motorcycle and wore cloths that did match with some one that would be In an orchestra," replies Michelle.

"It's just like the girl I was taking about earlier. I hear that she would hung out with people that had family related or they themselves did drug or drunken alcohol," said the elderly man.

"It's not nice to talk about someone behind their back" said a calm voice.

"Amara, what are you doing here?" asked Michelle.

"Practice ended early so I came here to pick you up," replied Amara.

Before Michelle could reply someone came in, "Mrs. Walker!" exclaimed a girl as she runs inside the room.

"What's wrong?" asked Mrs. Walker.

"She here," said the girl worried written on her face.

Mrs. Walkers face paled and she runs out the door with the girl in toll. When they get there Crystal and her mom are arguing. They saw Rena trying to help crystal's mom shouted at her.

"Mrs. Swift how many times do I have to tell you that you're not allowed to step into this school?" demanded Mrs. Walker.

"She's my daughter," yelled Mrs. Swift.

"Only when it benefits you!" exclaimed Crystal.

"Please don't come here. Your daughter is going through a lot concerning your divorces, Your also have not right to be within 100 feet of her," said Mrs. Walker to Mrs. Swift.

"Please go before we call the police," said Rena.

"Crystal do you want me to leave?" asked Mrs. Swift innocent.

"Leave I didn't what to see you anymore. You never treated me as a daughter. I'm just a trophy to show off when I do something right," said crystal.

"I'm only doing what's the best for you. You have been playing the violin for a long time. Promise me that you will keep play. We have to bet that little bitch," said Mrs. Swift and pointed at Rena at the last part.

"You will not talk to her that way. I never wanted to play the violin. You force me and now that you and father are divorce I didn't have to obey you," replied Crystal.

"You ungrateful like whore. You can't! You worked as hard to get it go to waste. Image what my friends will say! All their daughters are obedient and classically training and perform with famous violist and composers," shouted Mrs. Swift, her words made Crystal eye's watery.


"How dare you say such thing to your daughter? She your flesh and blood! You are to support her not crash her dreams. You shouldn't discourage her," said Rena calmly to Mrs. Swift but one can tell that her voice was cold.

"Alize!" shouted a male voices.

Rena turn toward the front doors and there stood a man with a business suit. He was his hair came to the bottom of his ears and he wear rectangle glasses but not the thick ones.

"Stay away from her. You no longer have control over her. Go away before I call the police," said Mr. Swift.

"Your such a disgrace. You will never be anything but a whore. Didn't think I know. You have been sleeping around with anyone that looks your way," said Mrs. Swift said to crystal.

"That's not true. I should since I was have bodyguards around her," replied Mr. Swift.

"They could be lying. She could offer her body to them so they won't tell," said Mrs. Swift.

"Her bodyguards are women. I want you out of my house within 12 hours and I will make sure you didn't take anything of value. At least she didn't end up like you. You're the one that sleeps around and spread your legs to everyone," said Mr. Swift.

Mrs. Swift leave angry and I can see that Crystal relax and so did her dad.

"Mr. Sift, would it be okay if I take Crystal?" Rena asked.

"Crystal do you want to go with the young lady?" asked her dad.

"Sure," said Crystal in a mumble.

Rena takes her hand and the rest of the students and staff stop and got back to normal. They have been shocked about the argument that was going on earlier. When they was Rena and Crystal waking out the school together and the fact that they were holding hand shocked them even more. It wasn't a secret that they both have a rivalry. They understood that what had happen has affected Crystal too much.

"I sorry to cause such a scene at your school, it will not happen again," said Mr. Swift.

"I understand that your family is going through a rocky point in life. Didn't worry about Crystal and we inform you if Mrs. Swift is seen around the school," replied Mrs. Walker.

"If you excuse me, I have a meeting to attended," said Mr. Sift and walks away.

Rena's P.O.V.

"Are you going to be okay?" I asked once we were outside.

"Yeah, I just glad that she can't control me. I'm finally free and I can be myself. I sorry for the way I been acting. My mother got very angry when she found out that you bet me to first chair. She wanted be to be rude to you so that you would stop," said Crystal and looks up at meat the last sentence. "Thank you Princess Serenity."

"Would you like to come over to my home?" I asked while I came out of shock.

"Sure," replied Crystal and wipes her tears.

I drag her toward my motorcycle and throw her a helmet. I take off my dress since I have shorts and a tank top underneath.

"Is it safe?" asked Crystal looking at the motorcycle.

"Yes. You might want to change," I said as I look at her.

"I didn't have anything to change into," replied Crystal.

She has a black and white tribal print maxi skirt with a pinkish and a white light knit cardigan with long sleeves. I search into my bag and find my extra pair of shorts that I keep in case of emergencies. I throw them to her and careful puts it on and the take off her skirt.

"Hope on," I said and she careful gets on and wraps her arms around my waist.

Making sure that there wasn't any car going towards before I drive home. I took the route that few go on and speed toward home before my mom get home. She would explode if I get home last. Throughout the whole drive Crystal kept a strong grip on me.

"We're here," I said once we got to my home.


"Where have you been!" exclaimed Sammy was he walks out the house.

"Who's that? *GASP*What happen to you hair" asked my daddy.

Shit! I forgot to change my hair.

"Hello, I'm Crystal," she said in a whisper.

"She knows," I simply said.

"Mother called earlier saying that you won't answer her back," said my daddy.

"Rena, dad keeps on saying that you're not my sister," whined Sammy, which was fun since he's twelve.

"Sammy we may not be siblings but I know you since you were a baby. I'm your cousin but firstly I'm your older sister. You can come to me and tell me your problems," I said as I wipe tears from his face.

"But you always been with us since I could remember," replied Sammy.

"Your grandparents on daddy's side are my parents. They're always busy and when I was little I been fond of daddy who's my oldest brother," I said.

"You promise that you'll always be my sister and be there when I need help?" asked Sammy.

"Of course," I replied with a smile which causes him to smile also.

"Hello, I'm Samuel but everyone calls me Sammy," said my little brother.

"I'm Crystal but I didn't like that name. So you can call me Jade, which is my middle name that my grandparents gave me," said Jade.

"Come in. You must be in shock since you rode on a motorcycle which is drove my sister," said Sammy, he leads the way in and my daddy is the last one in.

"Young lady, you still haven't explained why you hair has black highlights," said my daddy in a demanding but calm voice which I cringe when I hear it.

"I didn't want them to figure out who I am. It's just a disguise which the crystal helped me with," I replied.

"You better change it before your mom comes home," said my daddy as he looks at his watch.

"Come Jade I'll show you my room," I said and I drag her up the stairs to my room.

As I get to my room I change my hair. When I open my bedroom's door you can see the room which fits my cover. I take the crystal and change it to fit 'Rena' personality. Soon my room has multiply bookshelves that reach the ceiling. There's some Black Veil Brides poster and other bands also which are the total opposite of BVB. The two top shelves are with movies and CDs which some are classical or modern music. The rest of the shelves are full with books including some of my school textbooks that I review over once in a while. Above my bed are my photos of family and friends and some of the people that I have meet that once lives in the moon kingdom and they remember me (exclude my scouts, Rini and Darien because they're not close friends) in a heart shape which is a canopy bed. At the end of the bed is a chest/sit.

"I like you bed sheet," said Jade.

They're purple with some kind of design on the left.

"The design is a bit to girly for me but since my mom picked it out it's okay," I replied.

"Your mom or you brother's wife?" asked Jade.

"My brother's wife," I replied.

"You're such a bookworm," said Jade as she looks at my bookshelves.

"I rather be a bookworm than me like John," I replied.

"Who's John?" asked Jade.

"Um…. He's…. m-my brother," I replied and turn to my photo on the wall.

"Which one?" asked Jade as she also look at the photo.

"Do you see the one with all the men with the same tuxedos?" I asked.

"Yes, they're all good looking specially the one with the Draco Malfoy blonde hair from Harry Potter," said Jade.

"That's John, my parents wanted them to go into the family business but he likes to race. I remember that he raced against Amara in an unofficial race and won. He loved the speed he felt free, sadly because of it he died during one of his race. He died doing what he loved the most. He won but the car got out of control and both drivers died. It felt some unreal. We run to the car but they try to stop me but it stopped us. I fought all of them and when I got to his car he had blood all over his body," said as tears came down.

"You didn't have to tell me," said Jade as she wipes tears of my face.

I ignore her and say, "I sat down as cried and he whisper to me, "Wipes tears off. I didn't what the last people I see crying," I stopped and smile as held on to his hand. He closed and I start to cry again. They separated us. The next thing I knew I was at a hospital the doctor told us that he's in a coma and may not wake up. The other driver's family was there and apologizes but we were too busy crying. My brothers and sisters took they anger at them until I stopped them.

I paid the bill and give them money since he was the only on that worked since his wife had to take care of the little ones. The oldest was only thirteen and I knew that there money might not last them since she has a three year old which unable her to work. She didn't truths her child with strange and she and her husband are the only child just like their parents. I see them time to time. I was right there money did last that long and I saw it. I found them a small house with a huge yard and it didn't cost must. Last year she won a fashion contest and without knowing it was my mother company that held that contest. I didn't know until I came back to the States and I saw her in the lobby. We both were shocked but she knew that she won on her own."

"Do you see that picture of me with the white dress?" I said after I while.

I heard her gasp and she say, "It looks like your dress from the moon kingdom. Is that her and her family?"

"The twins would start to call me princess once they were seven. They remember me but I didn't which they did that I will remember soon. The oldest and the youngest didn't meet until the party and they called me Princess Serenity and kneed to me. When they did that I remember that they're we orphans during the moon kingdom.

They were place into the Lunar Guard Force. Since we didn't really have orphanages so the kids were observe for a while and then it's decide where to place them. The oldest were usual put into the military and sorted into jobs. The youngest take care of the elderly and the baby where given to people that couldn't have baby and that include same-sex couples since we all believe that they should me happy no matter whom you love. Those two were the youngest guards ever and they were the best at their job and beat the older kids and some adults which cause them to be mad. They met me would I saw them fight against the others they out most of them. Raye once challenge them since the soldiers where saying that they were better than the scouts. The scout went against them even Saturn and Pluto but Amara couldn't since she got in trouble with her parents for causing too many fights. Throughout this I was hiding and I saw that they dodge the attacks which affect the scout only. I transform into Amara since the scouts though that she was talking to mom instead of being sent back home. I stepped in and we fought hand-in-hand combat. Since I was not sure if the crystal can copy her power and I wanted to see if they could doge the punches.

They where fast but not quick enough and I were able to hit them. And soon they got very exhausted but keep going. We fought for a good hour or so until they drop to the floor with was a disappointment since I wasn't tired and I was just warming up. They scout were happy and bragging about how powerful they are. Which got on my nerves," I said.

"Why did you fight them?" asked Jade.

"I wanted to know why they up them in the Lunar Guard Force when they should be in the military. I soon found out that they can last longer than must soldiers and they know where to hit to cause lots of pain I swear that I can still feel the pain every time I remember the fight," I said as I grimaced.

"So how did the scouts react when they found out that we were the one that didn't win?" asked Jade.