27th Character – Sakurai Ryou

Galaxy-Eyes11: Hey everyone! –Smiles- Let's start off this chapter by saying. . . .PLEASE TELL ME YOU GUYS HAVE BEEN READING THE EXTRA GAME STORY!. . . . .-heavy breathing-. . . . . .

-Door slowly opens-

Sakurai Ryou: -peeks inside looking nervous- Umm. . . .GalaxyEyes-Chan? Are you alright I heard someone screaming!

Galaxy-Eyes11: -Eyes Widen- RYOU-CHAN!

–GalaxyEyes screams and grabs Sakurai's arm and drags him inside the room-

Galaxy-Eyes11: RYOU-CHAN! HAVE YOU HEARD OF THE NEW SPIN-OFF/STORY THEY ARE DOING FOR KUROKO NO BASKET! . . . . . . .-notices Sakurai is shaking- . . . . .Ryou-Chan? Is something wrong?

-GalaxyEyes leans down as Ryou drops his head-

Sakurai Ryou: AHHHHHHHHHHH! I'm sorry GalaxyEyes-Chan! –Raises head quickly-


Sakurai Ryou: Oww. . . .-Rubs his head- I'm sorry GalaxyEyes-Chan are you alright?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Sakurai Ryou: GalaxyEyes-Chan? –Looks up towards GalaxyEyes-

-GalaxyEyes is lying on the floor with a large lump on her head-

Sakurai Ryou: . . . . .AHHHHH! GALAXYEYES-CHAN! I'm sorry! –Crying-

-GalaxyEyes slowly gets off the floor rubbing her head-

Galaxy-Eyes11: -Rubs her head with a laugh- It's alright Ryou-Chan. It's not your fault I shouldn't have startled you like that. Are you alright?

Sakurai Ryou: -Repeatedly Bowing- No it's my fault! I'm sorry GalaxyEyes-Chan! I'm sorry!

Galaxy-Eyes11: It's alright Ryou-Chan! –Pats Sakurai on the back-

Sakurai Ryou: Are you sure? –Looks scared-

Galaxy-Eyes11: Of course Ryou-Chan –Smiles-

Sakurai Ryou: -Smiles but still in the bowing position-

Galaxy-Eyes11: -Deadpans- You can get up now Ryou-Chan. You don't have to keep bowing

Sakurai Ryou: Ah of course! –Straightens up-

Galaxy-Eyes11: Alright then let's get this questionnaire started with the first question from . . . . .KERA-CHAN! \(TUT)/ I've missed you too *Glomps Kera-Chan through the screen* Anyways onto the awesome questions that Kera-Chan has left you, Ryou-Chan!

- Why do you apologize so much? (Sorry, I really can't resist!)-

Sakurai Ryou: I'm sorry! –Bows- I don't mean to it just happens. . . .I'm sorry! That sounds so stupid! –Bows again-

- What do you feel about being called an "apologetic mushroom"?-

Galaxy-Eyes11: Is it weird that I think that's actually a good nickname for you Ryou-Chan?

Sakurai Ryou: I mean if that's what you guys want to call me. . .it's what everyone else calls me. . .

- Who's scarier, Aomine-ganguro or Imayoshi-evil glasses?-

Sakurai Ryou: . . . . .-Looks scared- . . . . .is both an option? Cause both of them are scary. . . .

Galaxy-Eyes11: I don't know I think I would be scarier of Yoshi-Chan. . . I mean I feel like he knows what you thinking before you even know

Sakurai Ryou: But Aomine-Kun is scary to! Just a different kind of scary. . . more like physically scary

- Can you teach Momoi how to cook? Will you be successful if it does happen?-

Sakurai Ryou: I'm sorry! –Bows- Sadly that would require a miracle unfornuatly I am not one. . . . . .


Galaxy-Eyes11: Ryou-Chan. . . . was that supposed to be a pun?

Sakurai Ryou: Yes, why GalaxyEyes-Chan? –Looks Confused-

Galaxy-Eyes11: -Sighs- Let's just leave that Izuki-Chan

- Do you always get annoyed at shooters from other teams? (And who are you annoyed at the most?)-

Sakurai Ryou: Of course! –Looks Determined- It's important to challenge yourself! Though you do. . .get a bit annoyed when the other player seems a bit stronger than you. But out of all the shooters I believe Hyuga. . .no Midorima. . . no wait Mibuchi. . . . .

Galaxy-Eyes11: Basically everyone one of them at some point has annoyed you

- Do you think you'll make a lovely wife?! (Hahahah, Sakurai-kun is adorable!)-

Sakurai Ryou: -Blushes and shyly looks away-

Galaxy-Eyes11: Aww look how cute –Quickly snaps some pictures- You are too adorable Ryou-Chan! In fact, I seen this questionnaire in advance and I couldn't stop myself from buying this for you!

-GalaxyEyes brings out a cute frilly pink apron with a mushroom on it-

Galaxy-Eyes11: Seems pretty fitting huh Ryou-Chan!?

Sakurai Ryou: . . . .-Blush Intensifies x100- I'm sorry!

-Bows and runs out of the room-

Galaxy-Eyes11: Aww wait Ryou-Chan you forgot your apron! Well I guess I can just give it to Yoshi-Chan after this. . . .

-Puts the apron away-

Galaxy-Eyes11: Anyways! Thanks so much for reading this chapter XD I guess I'll see you guys in the next chapter and for the next chapter I'm going to be questioning Imayoshi Shoichi! The Megane Master Mind of Touou! Bye Guys! Oh and thanks so much for leaving some questions Kera-Chan! It's been forever I missed you!

Kuroko Tetsuya: . . . .Aren't you forgetting something GalaxyEyes-Chan?

Galaxy-Eyes11: . . . . .-Looks over at Kuroko-. . . AHHH! Tetsuya-Chan! When did you get in here?

Kuroko Tetsuya: Alittle after Sakurai-Kun left blushing. But don't forget you called and told me you had a question for me too –Deadpan Look-

Galaxy-Eyes11: Ah yeah that's right! Thanks Tetsuya-Chan! This question comes from Nesrine-Kun! They only have one question for you but it's quite interesting –Laughs-

- How would you react when most people ship you with Akashi?-

Kuroko Tetsuya: . . .-Blinks- . . .I thought people shipped me with Kagami-Kun?

Galaxy-Eyes11: Well yeah they do but people ship you with everyone! Come on Tetsuya-Chan have you really never heard of AkaKuro?

Kuroko Tetsuya: -Looks down and slightly blushes- AkaKuro?

Galaxy-Eyes11: -Evilly Laughing- Maybe I should ask you this question again afterwards. . . .come one Tetsuya-Chan I have some things you need to see

Kuroko Tetsuya: What is it GalaxyEyes-Chan?

Galaxy-Eyes11: We're going to go look up AkaKuro on Tumblr and some other websites really quick! See you guys later! I'm going to go teach Tetsuya-Chan all about shipping!

-See You Soon-

I just hope you guys that used to like this still kind of like it enough to leave a review and don't forget to favorite and follow me for future chapters! And don't forget the next chapter is going to be about Imayoshi Shoichi! Please leave some questions for him!

A special Shout-Out to the awesome reader that left some questions for this chapter: Thanks so much Kera-Chan, Nesrine, and an extra special thanks to Heart-Chan for suggesting this character XD

Love you guys!