"I can't believe she said yes."

"I can't believe I said yes."

"I can't believe you two are up at six in the morning!"

Asuna, Setsuna, and Negi stood outside the train station, looking up at the big entrance. Across Asuna's shoulder was a travel bag and Setsuna was holding a bundle of daffodils. They looked at each other. Asuna glanced down at the flowers in the crook of Setsuna's arm. "Daffodils? Why daffodils?"

Setsuna shrugged, fighting the flush in her cheeks. "They mean respect."

"Really?" Negi said. "In the west they mean chivalry or unrequited love."

Asuna laughed as Setsuna turned even redder. "That's so perfect! Oh man. Wait-" She glared at Negi. "How do you know that, you little playboy?"

Negi laughed, waving away her evil eyes. "I used to pick flowers for my sister all the time. She would tell me what they meant." He checked his watch. "Konoka-san's train should be here soon. Mine will be too."

"Where are you going?" Setsuna said.

"I'm meeting with some friends from back home. Where are you going Asuna-san?"

Asuna's face drooped. "Ayaka's place."

"Oh good!" Negi smiled. "I'm glad you're going visit her. You two are such good friends."

"Indeed. Such good friends, Asuna-san," Setsuna said, giving the redhead an uncharacteristically evil look.

"Shut up. Both of you. Now, let me look at you." Asuna stepped back to admire her handiwork.

She had originally dressed Setsuna in the suit she wore when she guarded Konoka during big events, but decided it looked too prom-like. So she'd removed the jacket, the sunglasses, and the tie. She'd taken Setsuna's hair down and unbuttoned the top three buttons of Setsuna's button-down. Then, as a finishing touch, she rolled Setsuna's sleeves up to her elbows and gave her a few rope bracelets for each wrist, and exchanged Setsuna's dress shoes for a pair of her own army boots. Asuna nodded. "It's official. I'm a genius."

"You do look quite handsome, Setsuna-san," Negi added.

"Handsome!?" Setsuna's face was now close to catching aflame so Asuna slapped her on the shoulder.

"You look great. Let's get in there. We don't want to miss her getting off the train."

"Or you getting on it," Setsuna reminded her.

Asuna ignored the swordsman.

Negi led the two girls through the turnstiles, waiting while Asuna bought her ticket after he did. Then he waved and headed down the platform to where he would be boarding his own train. Setsuna followed Asuna to the place where Konoka would be getting off the train. They chatted for a few moments about how quiet it was since school had ended.

"So," Asuna said. "I have one more addition to our little deal."

"Oh no. No more. I-"

"Hear me out." Asuna grinned. "It's a small thing. Very small. Tiny even."

Setsuna narrowed her eyes at her friend.

Asuna flashed her a thumbs up. "So, when Konoka hugs you, you have to say, 'I missed you, Kono-chan'." Setsuna turned so red that Asuna was pretty sure the swordsman's brain had just caught fire. She even checked to make sure tendrils of smoke weren't coming from the girl's ears. "What, Setsuna? Can't handle that?"

Setsuna mouthed wordlessly for a few moments, wiping her forehead. "No, you know what? I'll do it."

Asuna was shocked. She hadn't expected that.

"But," Setsuna added, her blush fading now as she grinned. "When you get to Class rep-san's place tonight, you have to call me, put me on speaker, and put me in your pocket so I can hear when you say the same thing to her."

Asuna stared at her for a moment. "You wouldn't make me."

"I do it, you have to do it."

Asuna turned away, crossing her arms. A few minutes passed in silence. The old man in the ticket seller booth snored audibly. Then Asuna turned and shoved her hand toward Setsuna. "Deal!"

They shook again, sealing the new part of the deal.

"There's the train," Asuna nodded down the tracks, yawning.

Setsuna straightened, tugging nervously at her shirt. Then, trying to get her mind off of it, she turned to Asuna. "Why are you taking such an early train? That eager to see Class rap-san?"

"Hell no," Asuna huffed. "Just had to come along and make sure you held up your end of the bargain. Figured I'd be here anyways. Might as well."

And now there was no subject changing or distracting. The train was slowing down in front of them, hissing so loud it cut off all conversation. It stopped and a moment later, with a softer hiss, the doors opened. Setsuna stiffened as she heard Konoemon's voice. "Trains. Hmph. We could have gotten here so much faster with magic. And we could have slept later."

"Come on, Grandpa. The train's fun. Plus it's safer. Not as many evil mages."

At the sound of Konoka's voice, Setsuna turned like she was going to run away. Seeing Asuna there, she stopped, turning back with a growl.

"Is Setsuna-kun coming to meet you?" Konoemon's voice carried out the door. A second later he followed it, hefting two suitcases that Setsuna recognized as Konoka's. He spotted them and his beard turned up in a grin.

"I doubt that, Grandpa." Konoka stepped out behind him. "It's so early. I wouldn't expect her to-"

Asuna gave Setsuna a shove. Konoka stumbled to a halt, looking completely shocked, as the swordsman stopped a few feet away. "Setchan?"

Setsuna's face was on fire. She cleared her throat and shoved the flowers in Konoka's direction. "I-uh-I..."

Konoka took the flowers, her own face turning red. She smelled them. She touched a soft petal. Then she handed them to her grandfather, who had to quickly put one of her suitcases down to grab them. And she launched herself into the swordsman's arms. "Setchan!"

Setsuna's face was still beet red, but she managed to lift her shaking arms and return the hug.

"I didn't expect you! It's so early!" Konoka hugged the swordsman tighter.

"I-I-miss-um-" Setsuna stammered.

Asuna moved closer, not believing her ears.

Setsuna gripped Konoka's arms and pushed her back, clearing her throat. Konoka looked confused. The swordsman took a deep breath, then ducked her head, half hiding behind her bangs. "I-I missed you, Kono-chan."

Konoka's face rapidly turned to wide-eyed disbelief, then to happy surprise, and ended in the most shy smile Asuna had ever seen on the outgoing healer. "I missed you too, Setchan." She threw her arms back around the swordsman, squealing happily.

Asuna turned as her train pulled into the station. Setsuna caught her eye over Konoka's shoulder. Asuna flashed the blushing swordsman a grin and a thumbs up. Setsuna returned the thumbs up. Konoemon waved as Asuna hurried to her train and boarded.

As the redhead's train doors closed, Konoka finally released Setsuna.

"What a wonderful reunion," Konoemon said. "Asuna-kun looked like she thought so too."

Konoka blinked. "Wait, Asuna was here?"