The Fallen


Feeling my way through the darkness

Guided by a beating heart

I can't tell where the journey will end

But I know where to start

The cemetery is silent, aside from the light squawks of crows flying overhead. The grass is glistening from the rain fall the night before.

There is a fresh pile of dirt, in front of a newly planted tombstone.

Allison Argent

1997 - 2014

"Nous Protégeons Ceux

Qui Ne Peuvent Pas

Se Protéger Eux Mémes"

As a black crow perches itself atop the tombstone, a white rose grows from out the dirt.

Below, in a satin filled coffin, chocolate brown eyes burst open, as a strangled gasp escapes the dry lips of a dead girl.

And miles away, in a darkened bedroom, Lydia Martin shoots up in her bed, her body covered in sweat as she breathes out a single word.


Disclaimer: I do not own "Teen Wolf", nor do I profit in this story other than the satisfaction of becoming a better writer. I do not claim to own any of these pre-written characters. All belong to the creator Jeff Davis and various copyright holders!

A/N: Hello everyone! It's me again. Let me just start by saying, I know this was short, but it's simply the prologue the next chapter will be longer! Anyways, this story is going to be hard to write seeing as I never in a million years thought I would be writing or reading a Ghost!Allison fanfic, and I wish so badly that it was Canon for Season 4. However, I'm really excited to get this out to you guys! I hope you enjoyed this prologue and I can't wait to start this journey with you. Again, I just want to say that as we know, nothing can ever hold 100% to the show when it comes to fanfiction so I do ask that you bare with me in terms of my writing style towards it, along with my ships and ideas when reviewing. I understand everyone has their own opinions, and I'm open to them, but keep in mind we don't all share the same ideas/ships/theories, and that this is my version, so please respect that. That being said, please review! Although this is fan fiction, I am an aspiring writer. Therefore, your feedback is not only appreciated but very helpful to me! I'd love to hear what you guys think! As always, thank you for reading, and I will see you all again very soon! x