Gary and Dee were both standing on a deserted road under a semi deserted highway. The sun's evening rays starting to disappear into night but you can still easily see the nerves unsettling Dee. Gary stands right behind her, his smile creeping on his face then Dee asked,
"O-okay, we just take the cars out like our usual spin?"
She turned and looked up at him with her trusting eyes then he shook his greasy head then he said in his husky voice,
"Yeah, just like we're racing each other like we do all the time then when on the third run your car just happens to hit a slick and you spin out, your car goes in the air and lands on the side and you try to crawl out but the car explodes."
She then asked him, "I don't know...what about my body?"
That's when his smile turns more sinister then he points over at a van then said, "I got a body...we got in luck, she was small like you but the clincher of it, why I got her body was that she was somehow mangled to death. You can't even see her face so whoever finds "you" will really find her and nobody won't know."
Dee's heart beats rapidly then she said, "All r-right, let's just get this over with."
He gave her a "good luck" kiss on the top of her forehead then they went to their cars, Dee took a deep breath as she slid in her seat then she took a look at herself in the mirror. She looked into her blue eyes that had a fleck of gold in them and...she saw herself laying in a coffin. Her hands over her chest and her eyes closed. She gasped then shook her head then started the car.
Gary started his car then screeched out on the tires. All he could think of was of his arrogant self sitting in a hot tub with nearly naked beauties around him. The plan goes perfect...Dee thought they might do it but...when she thought she had control of the car...she didn't. She realizes to her horror that she had no breaks...she can't do anything. When the car does go flying in the air and lands on the side, she can't crawl out; the seat belt is stuck ! There is barely any room for her to crawl out even if she could get free. She screams for her husband to help but the next thing she hears is a gunshot to the engine then the car does burst into flames.
Gary stands on top of a dirt mound fifty yards away with a .45 pistol. He smiled as he puts the gun in his pants then slowly walked away..he said to himself. "Sorry Dee but I don't have to split the insurance now."
The flames go high into the sky and Dee's screams and cries fade.
The next day, Gary stands in the middle of a Man's shop getting measured. Worker's take measurments on his legs and arms then Gary asked, "Are you sure it'll be ready by tomorrow?"
A grey haired man in a dark three piece suit nodded his head then said, "By noon will be the latest sir."
Gary straightens his sleeves then steps over to a three way mirror to admire himself and fix his midnight black hair then said, "Good, my wife's funeral is set at 4:00. I only want to wear the best."
The men that were taking measurements walk over to a desk then one of the men look around then whispers in a low voice,
"His wife dies and he wants a new suit?"
The other guy scowls up his face then whispers back in a harsh voice, "As long as he wants to pay 2000 bucks, he can get whatever he wants."
The guy shook his head then they went about their work.
Just as Gary steps out of the men's tailor shop, a guy across the street pulls out a cigarette from his mouth and threw it to the ground. He grinds it into mulch with his foot then he goes across the street quickly so he won't lose Gary.
"Mister Peters?"
Gary turned around to see this man, about his same height with blue eyes ,brown hair and a three day old beard growth then he asked, "What do you want?"
The man told Gary, "My name is Gavin McRae, I work for the L.A. Sun; I was looking into your wife's accident."
Gary snickered then said, "Must have been a short piece, it was a quick accident; the car did a quick skid then caught on fire."
Gavin did a quick shurg of her shoulders then said, "That's just it. I don't think it was an accident."
Gary asked him, "What makes you say that?"
Gavin looked at him then said, "Just a hutch."
Gary turned to walk to his condo building then he said, "Don't waste your time or your papers. I was there. It was cut and dry."
"Don't you want this cleared up?"
Gary then said, "There's nothing to clear up."
Gavin then said, "Well..."
Gary then said, "Goodbye"
Gary walked into his condo building then up to the mail boxes then put the key in then pulled out some mail then the first thing he saw was an eviction notice. He turned and walked over to the desk then rang the bell then a man came out in a red and black three piece suit then Gary said, "I want to see the manager."
The man sighed then said, "That would be me sir."
Gary slapped the notice on the desk then asked, "What's this?"
The manager looks down at the paper then he said, "It is what it is sir, you're being evicted."
With anger boiling inside of him, Gary asked him through clenched teeth,
"Why am I being evicted?"
Very calmly, the manager said,
"Because you haven't paid your bill in three months sir."
With his anger only getting higher and higher then he said, "My wife died."
Again, still calm and cool, the manager told him.
"I'm sorry sir for your wife's death but we still need our money."
Gary stands straight up then knocks over a golden vase with many colorful flowers in it then he shouts out in a very loud voice:
"I'll be out after I bury my wife!"
Everybody else in the large lobby turned their heads to look at Gary as he stalked over to the elevator. Just as he steps out, somebody hollers out:
He turned his head to the right and he saw his friend Ray. They slapped each other on the back like men do then
he asked, "Hey man! What are you doing man? Haven't seen you in a while!"
Ray smiled then said, "Well, I'm getting married."
Gary's eyes widen then he asked, "What?"
He nodded his head then said, "Yeah...I guess I'm doing something like when you got married to Dee."
Gary looked around then he leaned into his best friend then said, "Marrying the broad for her money?"
Ray smiled then he "hit" Gary on the chest then he said, "Yeah but I think I might be really falling in love with this chick, she's loaded all right but she's a beauty and everything."
Gary smiled then he said, "Good for you man."
Suddenly Ray said, "Oh, I better get going, I have an appointment to go get an engagement ring ! Hey, you give me a call sometime to tell me how things are going with you and Dee!"
Ray runs down the hall while Gary's smile faded away.
Later that night, Gary stands at an open window in his bedroom and he thinks about Gavin looking into the 'accident', about the building evicting him from the condo. He feels the cool night air going by him, then he turns and he said, "I'm getting out of here."
Sand n' Sable