This is so long overdue and I am so, so sorry! I don't really have any excuses other than feeling uninspired, but I promise I'm still here, and I promise that I will finish this story. This chapter is a little on the shorter side because I had a hard time getting back into the swing of things but I'm hoping that the next chapter will be longer.
Without further ado, here ya go!
Disclaimer: I don't own Scandal or its characters.
"Well, well, well..."
Maya, Elizabeth, Eli and Gerry all stood around waiting for their children to wake up after Maya had spoken. However, it would appear that Olivia and Fitz were out cold.
"Olivia, Fitzgerald, you both need to wake up, now," Eli boomed, quickly losing his patience. He needed answers as to why his baby girl was naked in bed with Fitzgerald Grant.
Fitz was the first to wake up. He was disoriented and half asleep, but all of that quickly changed when he realized that there were four very confused and angry adults hovering above him. Then, the panic set in. Fitz noticed that Olivia was still asleep and began to nudge her gently. What started as a gentle nudge soon turned into an almost frantic shaking as Olivia took her sweet time opening her eyes and becoming oriented.
"Fitz, what?!" Olivia spat grumpily at Fitz as he shook her. She had just fallen into the deepest, sweetest nap, and he knew waking her could unleash a beast.
"Livvie, you need to wake up now,"
Throughout the whole exchange, all four parents were standing there glaring at their naked children with their arms crossed and looks that could kill.
Olivia finally opened her eyes. "Fitz, what?!"
It took her all of two seconds to realize that they were no longer alone.
"Oh fuck meeee," Olivia whispered under her breath.
"Excuse me, young lady? Language," Maya quipped, sufficiently displeased at this point.
"We want you both downstairs, fully clothed, and ready with a damn good explanation in five minutes," Gerry said calmly and evenly.
That was how Olivia and Fitz new they were in serious trouble, because Gerry was a yeller. When Gerry wasn't yelling, all hell was about to break loose.
Olivia clutched the powder blue sheet close to her small, naked frame as she watched their parents file out of the room.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, we're beyond screwed, Fitz. There is no way out of this? How did they even find out? They were supposed to be drinking themselves into a coma by the pool for at least another hour. We set an alarm and everything. Fuck!"
Olivia had gotten up, thrown on a sundress and was pacing around the room. Fitz was feeling equally as stressed and blindsided was still sitting on the bed in shock, running his hands through his extremely disheveled hair.
"We've gotta lie to them, Livvie. Let's tell them we both just had too much to drink or something tonight and that it just sort of happened. We cant have them on our trail and up our asses like this."
Just then, Fitz's phone buzzed with an incoming text; it was Connor.
Connor: Dude, I'm so, so sorry! I messed up and said something about you and Liv to your parents. I didn't know it was a secret, I swear. I'm so sorry. They're on the way to the villa if they're not there already!
Fitz: It's ok man. We just need to know what you said so we can plan our next move.
Connor: I blurted something about us giving you guys the house because you hadn't had sex in a few days and it was a record.
Fitz: Shit, ok. Thanks for the heads up.
Connor: I'm really, really sorry dude! Please let me know if there's anything I can do.
"Fitz, Fitzgerald, hello? What's Connor saying? Is it urgent? Because if not, he needs to wait. We have bigger fish to fry right now," Olivia rattled off impatiently.
"Oh sorry, Connor said that he was the one who accidentally spilled the beans. Based on what he said to them, there's no possible way they don't know that we've been together for at least a month, So there goes lying."
"We're definitely not going to lie, Fitz, there's no reason to. I say we tell them the truth, the whole truth."
Fitz stood there looking at Olivia incredulously. Was she serious? She was the same one who had pointed out that letting their parents into the relationship made it a relationship of six, not a relationship of two. Yet, here she was, saying that they should do the very thing she had warned against.
"Are you kidding me?"
"Baby, think about it. They're certainly not going to be mad that we're together. This is their dream. I feel like we're in a strong enough place now to handle having our parents poke around in our relationship now. I want to be with you, I love you. But the only things they're going to be mad at is 1) the fact that we've lied to them and 2) the fact that we were just ass naked in bed together under what is technically under their roof, even though we're in Jamaica."
"So we tell them the truth?"
"We tell them the truth and then roll with the tide."
Fitz put on his pants and a t-shirt before leaning down to give Olivia a tender, yet reassuring kiss. He extended his hand to her hoping that by walking down the stairs they would present some sort of united front. "Let's go do this."
Meanwhile downstairs, Elizabeth's and Maya's initial anger had subsided a substantial amount. In its place was a feeling of budding excitement. While their husbands seemed to be brooding on opposite couches, the wives were huddled together having the first of many wedding and grandbaby conversations.
"Will you two please be quite?" Gerry spoke. "They lied to us. I want to know why. I want to know how long this has been going on right under our noses."
"Fitzgerald and Olivia were naked an entangled together in that bed, naked as the day they were born. I want answers, and I, too, want to know why they lied," Rowan echoed.
"Can you both lighten up," Elizabeth started. "This is something that we've wanted forever. These two were going to end up married one way or another. At least this way, we, don't have to be the ones to push them into an arranged marriage."
"Yes believe me, I am elated; but Beth, I agree with the guys, why would they lie? I mean we've only ever wanted this for them forever; I don't see why they wouldn't tell us right away."
"Has anyone taken a moment to consider that this is why they lied to you?" Addison chimed in, suddenly appearing in the doorway with a panic stricken Conner by her side.
"What do you mean, Addie?" Maya asked.
"Addison Emily, this is none of your business," Gerry said through his clenched jaw. "Why don't you and Conner just go on a - "
"I'm just saying," Addison cut him off "I think you all should take a minute to think about the pressure that you guys have put on those two young people basically since they were born before you go ahead and rip them a new one. Not only in terms of getting together, but in general. They've done everything you've asked of them and more. Maybe just hear them out before you all rip into them. They're still just kids."
The adults all sat there seeming to actually internalize what Addison was saying. The air in the living room was tense and emotions were still running high. Gerry, it appeared, was still too mad to even begin to listen to anything Addison had just said; but, Rowan, Maya and Elizabeth were starting to think that Addison might actually have a point.
"But its none of my business, so we'll just go," Addison concluded before turning on her heels, taking Conner's hands and walking out of the room.
When Fitz and Olivia got into the living room, their parents were all crowded on and around one couch that faced two arm chairs that sat side by side. The atmosphere was so tense that Olivia and Fitz felt like they were about to face judgment before the highest court in the land.
Fitz knew that Olivia was masterful with words, especially in stressful times, so he let her be the one to take the lead. It had been her idea to hold hands throughout the whole talk to show their parents they were serious, committed and on the same side.
"We would like to start by apologizing," Olivia began cautiously.
Before she could continue, she was interrupted by her mother.
Olivia was already starting to get annoyed but she kept her composure as she continued more confidently.
"For sneaking around behind your backs and for hiding this relationship, but we had our reasons. Very legitimate reasons."
"And those were?" Rowan was starting to get annoyed at his daughter's vague and slow responses.
Fitz looked at Olivia and gave her hand a quick squeeze, indicating that he would answer Rowan.
"With all due respect, we hid this relationship from the four of you, because when it comes to Olivia and me, you tend to meddle. Whether that meddling has to do with school, sports, and especially our futures."
"A tendency to meddle?!" Gerry started to boom. It was the first time anyone had heard him raise his voice at all since Olivia and Fitz had been discovered naked in bed together. "We're your goddamn parents, we're supposed to meddle in your lives. There was no way I was going to let you marry that tramp Melanie Atwater because everyone knows that her father is a snake who has been embezzling money from firms like ours for years, and because she wasn't good enough for you. Quite frankly, the longer Olivia stayed with that Davis nobody, I began to question whether or not she was even good enough for you."
Olivia was seething at this point. She loved Gerry like a second father, but sometimes he had a tendency to go just a little too far. Maya and Rowan both looked like they were about to jump in defend their baby girl while also ripping into Fitz.
"Now Gerry," Elizabeth started,
"No Elizabeth, I'm not finished. I want answers and then quite frankly, I'm ready to put this discussion behind us. How long have you been together? How did it start? And what are your plans going forward?"
Olivia and Fitz had agreed that lying again would only hurt them further. Olivia was the one who spoke. Despite being very angry at Gerry for his previous comment, her tone was composed and even.
"We've been together for almost five months. Unfortunately, our relationship didn't start in the most ethical way: we both cheated on our significant others at our end of summer party. At first we weren't sure if what happened between us was just a hook up, but we quickly realized that we both wanted more. Fitz realized that I was in fact good enough for him," she paused to look Gerry directly in the eye, before continuing, "and we've been together ever since. And the future? Who knows? We're just having fun. Today we could be together and next week could be an entirely different story," she finished flippantly and defiantly.
Her comment was meant to piss off their parents and maintain an ounce of autonomy in what she was sure was about to turn into a giant wedding planning session, but Fitz didn't see it that way. He slowly slid his hand out of Olivia's, feeling as if she had just driven a knife into his gut. Olivia was so angry by the end of her little speech that she didn't even notice.
"Thank you for being honest, honey," Maya said, visibly calmer. "I think we've heard enough to understand where you two were coming from. You two aren't just "having fun," that's no longer an option for you two. Five months seems like a long enough time for you both to know that this is something you actually want."
"I agree," concurred Elizabeth, "and I don't think that there's any point in being upset about this or discussing this any further. Clearly everyone is happy because this is something we all want. We should put this behind us because Addison and Conner just got engaged, Christmas is coming, and Olivia and Fitz, you can spend your vacation in the sun with us and not worry about hiding the relationship from anyone. I say we have a group hug and then head to bed. We have a long day of jet skiing and tanning ahead of us tomorrow."
Elizabeth stood with her arms wide open as the room somewhat begrudgingly stood for the group hug. As everyone embraced they breathed a collective sigh and things seemed to leveling back to normal.
"Olivia," Gerry called as Olivia started to head for the stairs, "I'm very sorry for my under-the-belt comment. It was unacceptable and I didn't believe what I said."
"Thanks, Gerry," she replied as she gave Gerry another hug, "I know sometime it can be easy to get caught up in the heat of emotions. I really appreciate your apology."
Olivia turned towards the steps again, following Fitz.
"Kids," Rowan started. They both turned. "we're very proud of you."
Though Fitz's mood downstairs had seemed normal enough, upstairs, it was a different story.
Fitz was up the stairs and into his room with the door shut before Olivia even knew what happened.
She was confused but went into her room, intending to walk through the adjoining doors to debrief with him. To her surprise, that door had also been shut and locked. She knocked.
"Fitzy, let's talk please,"
"I'm going to sleep, Olivia. It can wait."
He sounded annoyed.
"Well can you please let me in because I'd at least like to cuddle."
"Not tonight, Olivia."
She saw the light go off.
"Fitz what's wrong? Please talk to me," Olivia knocked on the door once more, resting her head against the cool wood, slow realizing what Fitz was probably mad about.
The door suddenly swung open.
"What the fuck was that 'we're just having fun and next week could be an entirely different story' bullshit?! Fuck, Liv. I thought we were in this together. In this together for the long haul, and then I find out that you're just "having fun"?! Well that's not what this is to me," Fitz finished with a pained exhale as he ran his hands through his hair.
Olivia wrapped her arms around Fitz's strong, bare upper body and placed a soft, tender kiss over his heart.
"Oh Fitz, I'm so, so sorry," she started as she looked up at him. He wasn't hugging her back yet and his head was turned, looking out of the window as if he couldn't bare looking at her. Olivia traced the outline of his jaw before gently turning is face to face hers. "I'm so sorry baby, I was so angry at what your dad said about me not being good enough and I was feeling so out of control with the whole situation. I wanted to somehow make it known that you and I were the ones who had the power to make any decisions regarding our relationship and I went about that completely the wrong way."
"You could've at least warned me that you were going to say something like that. You have no idea the dread I felt thinking that's how you actually felt. Wait, you don't actually feel like that right, Liv?"
"Oh my god, no Fitz. Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III, you are my forever. I love you and only you. I promise to love you forever and always."
"You are my forever, too, Olivia. I love you, baby."
He leaned down to kiss her and their tongues twirled languidly and sweetly for a little while. The love between them was palpable.
Suddenly Fitz picked Olivia up and threw her over his shoulder in fireman's pose. He slapped her butt gently and walked them towards her bed. "Ok missy, time for bed." She squealed and banged her fists on his back. "Let me down, you big monster, you."
"Let you down? Ok, sure thing ma'am," he dropped her onto the bed with a thud and they both dissolved into a fit of giggles.
He hopped into bed after her and they got cozy.
"I think we should take a moment to thank the gods up above that we were not murdered tonight," Olivia laughed. "They could've just killed us and left our bodies here and no one would've ever known."
"You have such a wild imagination, Livvie," Fitz laughed, "but yes, that could've gone so much worse."
They were both silent for a while, reflecting on the events of the day. It wasn't long before Olivia heard Fitz's gentle snoring. She curled into him and whispered, "I love you forever and always," and soon, she was fast asleep herself.
Please leave your reviews! Where would you like to see Liv and Fitz end up? What did you think of the conversation? Thank you so much for sticking with me, guys! There's definitely more to come.
Until Next Time.