President Vivian Snow had always enjoyed the games, her grandfather would often watch them with her. In recent years President Cornelius Snow had died, and the legacy of brutality was left to Vivian.

Vivian stood among a crowd of capitol citizens who were eager to here what brutality this year's tributes would face. A young girl no older than eight walked up to the president and presented a solid oak box that was full of possible quell ideas. The president opened it and a grin split across her face as she read the card. "To prove that even the old and frail can't escape the wrath of the capitol we are extending the tribute ages to 12-80." The audience busted out into laughter and applause.

All throughout the districts people were sobbing over the fact that their grandparents would possibly be subjected to the games that they already survived through during their younger years, but this was quite different for the Lèpou family. They were all together in the matriarch of their family's house, and many of the twenty and thirty year old cousins of Ursula rejoiced and were ecstatic that they could get a chance to participate in the games. Most of them were screwed over by people who simply were able to volunteer faster than them.

Ursula immediately had a grin on her face, all the victors that had ever come from the Lépou family like her dad, grandfather, grandmother, and older sister. None of them had ever won a quarter quell. That would make her different and unique from the average victor who happened to come from her family, she immediately stepped up her training regimen and pushed her body to limits that she'd never thought possible. She knew that she'd have to step it up if she was to volunteer in less than a week.