Not good enough?
Author's note: All right, this fanfic is dedicated to pokeyspot, because it's her birthday! Happy birthday, sweetie!
Now you may have noticed that there is a part 1 in the title: that's because the fic was becoming quite long and I wanted to at least post a part of it before it would take me even longer to finish it. So Part 2 will be up soon.
Warnings: Slash; angst; drama; crossdressing; for this chapter an implied lime (so nothing explicit); AU; first point of view; foul language. Eh, I think I have all warnings covered for this chapter.
Also, similar to another story of mine, this fic consists mainly out of various scenes that follow each other up. Just thought I would say this in advance.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto - Kishimoto owns it.
Dedicated to: pokeyspot.
Please enjoy the first part!
Part 1
It had started out as a precaution against his parents.
Sasuke's parents had always dreamt of both their sons marrying some girl from a high class family and giving them grandchildren. So of course any notion of either one being gay was immediately banished; Fugaku had told his two sons that if they ever dared to turn gay, they would be disowned without a second glance.
Itachi, being the perfect son he was, found himself a beautiful blue haired girl named Konan who always walked around with a flower in her short hair. They married when they were twenty-five and one year later, they had their first son Deidara, named after a close friend of Itachi who unfortunately had died when experimenting with his homemade bombs. He always had said he wanted to get out of life with a bang and he did exactly that. Now they were expecting their second child.
His brother Sasuke was five years younger than Itachi and always felt like he was living in his brother's shadow. Constantly trying to beat his aniki and impress his father, he had been shocked to his core when he discovered he had feelings for his best friend Uzumaki Naruto. He had tried for months to get rid of those feelings, not wanting to acknowledge them and certainly not acting on them. He had tried to distance himself from Naruto, thinking that with time, his feelings would disappear when he didn't spend time with the blond haired boy anymore. It had worked brilliantly … the first three weeks.
The fourth week had started with Naruto banging on his door, demanding to be let in and have his questions answered. Sasuke did his best to avoid his friend, but Naruto was the most persistent boy he had ever met and it hadn't been long before he had been spending time with the blond again.
Two months later during a heated argument in which they debated whether or not it was a smart idea to skip Kakashi's lesson, Sasuke had kissed Naruto squarely on his mouth to shut him up. It had worked brilliantly if Sasuke had to say so himself.
They had stood frozen for five minutes, staring each other in the eyes, until Sasuke bolted, not believing he had really just kissed his best friend. Naruto had let him go, not knowing how to react.
One week after that incident, just when Sasuke had resigned himself to a life without Naruto when the boy hadn't talked to him after the kiss, Naruto had dropped down next to him, ignoring his shock and had boldly told him that he wanted a huge box of ramen for his Valentine and that if he was just playing around with Naruto, he would kick his arse and break every bone in his bastard body.
Sasuke had just smirked and shook his head. From that moment on, they formed a couple.
But then, one day when Sasuke was twenty-three and had just started working at his father's law firm, Sasuke's parents told him they had found the perfect girl for him to marry. In his panic Sasuke told them he had already found someone. His parents requested a meeting with the girl. And that was where Sasuke was stuck, and that was the moment everything started to go in a down spiral.
"You want me to do what?" I asked incredulously and stared at my boyfriend, as if he had grown a second head. He might as well have grown one, because that would at least explain a bit of his odd request.
"I want you to dress up as a girl so that you can meet my parents officially," Sasuke repeated slowly and rolled his eyes. "They won't believe me otherwise and then I'll have to marry some unknown girl my parents approve of." He scowled. "I would have brought you like you are, but you know how my father is."
And I knew that ice prick very well. He had never approved of Sasuke having me as his best friend and after countless tries of setting Neji up as his best friend, Fugaku had given up but he had never accepted me. That was the reason why I almost never visited Sasuke at home. I could deal with the occasional glaring, but having someone glare at you on a daily basis for doing nothing but existing and befriending his son, that would even put me off.
So I as a best friend was a big no no, but if Fugaku knew Sasuke was gay, then all hell would break loose. Sasuke was one of the most stubborn people I have met in my life, but he still followed all the rules his daddy set upon him. That was why his parents didn't know we were a couple and that he was essentially living with me. On the rare occasion his parents decided to grace their son with a visit, instead of demanding one of him, they visited the apartment that Sasuke kept for that reason.
It hurt a bit that I couldn't come out with Sasuke as my boyfriend, but I didn't complain. I knew how difficult his life would become if the truth came out and that was why I never pushed for officially coming out. Some of my friends knew, but luckily they knew how to keep their mouth shut. That wasn't to say they approved, but they knew they couldn't do anything about it.
I loved Sasuke with everything I had and I would happily die for him if that meant he was safe, but what he was asking of me now, was a bit too much.
"Please tell me you're joking. You can't honestly expect from me to dress up like a bloody girl," I deadpanned, but Sasuke just stared at me with a blank face. I hated it when he did that. He was already hard to read as it was, but with that emotionless mask on, it was practically impossible to know what he really thought.
"I'm not joking. This is the only way," he repeated. "Unless you want me to marry a girl?" He raised an eyebrow.
I cursed inwardly and looked out of the window with a frown. Of course I didn't want him to marry a girl, but I was a guy, for fuck's sake! Guys didn't dress up like girls, even when they were gay.
"Is there no other alternative?" I asked hopefully. Everything was better than girls' clothes.
He shook his head and destroyed all my hope with that one shake.
"So what is it going to be, Naruto?" he asked, taking a sip of his black coffee.
I grimaced. "Fine, I'll wear the damn clothes. But," I pointed my finger at his face, "I'm not going to do it regularly, so you just have to find a way to break the news to your parents," I snapped; pissed off at myself for agreeing.
"Hn." He smirked and stood up, placing his empty cup in the sink and disappeared into the room he had designed as his office.
God, what had I gotten myself into?
"Excuse me, Naruto-kun, but I'm afraid I didn't hear you correctly," Haku said carefully after I had presented him my request.
I shifted uneasily, feeling my cheeks reddening in embarrassment. Haku was one of my oldest friends; when I first met him, I had thought him a beautiful girl, but later it turned out he was a boy who just looked really feminine. It also didn't help that he had long soft brown hair and wore androgyny clothes. He had a slender built and a soft looking face. He was also gay, and together with a big tough looking guy named Zabuza.
The reason why I went to him with my request was because Haku liked to wear girl clothes every now and then (something Zabuza apparently enjoyed too, but that was something I didn't want to particularly think about) and I trusted him enough to show me how to dress well enough so that nobody could guess I was actually a guy.
I cleared my throat and repeated my question. "Can you dress me up like a girl? So that nobody notices that I'm actually a guy."
His big brown eyes blinked in confusion. "But why? You're not into that kind of thing – or did you change your mind?"
I hesitated, not knowing for sure if I should tell him the truth, but I needed his help and he was one of my oldest friends – he deserved to know the truth. "Sasuke's parents want to meet the girl he's together with, but obviously there is no real girl. So we came up with the plan that I would dress up as a girl and meet his parents that way, to avoid him having to marry a girl his parents picked out," I muttered and rubbed the back of my head, looking away. I still loathed that plan, but it was only for a little while. As soon as Sasuke told his parents the truth, I could throw those clothes away and could finally be together with him in the open.
He pursed his lips and frowned. "Why can't he tell his parents that he's gay? You're together for a few years now, right? It's time he comes out of the closet."
"You know how his parents are, Haku-kun," I mumbled. "His father is the worst when it comes to his sons being gay."
"But Naruto-kun, are you planning to dress up like a girl for the rest of your life?" he asked incredulously and shifted on his couch, his mug with hot tea resting on his kimono clad knee.
"No, of course not." I shook my head. "Only until Sasuke tells them the truth."
He looked hesitatingly.
"What?" I frowned and took a sip of my own tea.
"Do you think that is a good idea?" he asked softly. "Why do you need to dress up like a girl to meet his parents if he is going to tell them the truth eventually?"
"Because otherwise his parents are going to force him to marry a girl they picked out. If they meet me, then they know he has someone already," I explained. "After that, he can ease them into the idea of him being gay."
"Are you sure he's going to tell them the truth?"
I furrowed my eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Listen, Naruto-kun, I love you. I care about you and I don't want to see you hurt," he began, making me confused. "If you start with this plan, I'm almost a hundred per cent sure that you're going to end up hurt."
"Why? It's just for a little while. Sasuke promised me he would tell them the truth," I answered stubbornly. "Come on, Haku-kun, you know how his parents are. Sasuke is risking a lot to stay with me."
"He's risking a lot? His parents don't know you're together, he has a separate apartment for when his parents visit him and you're practically forbidden to enter his house," Haku answered, sounding disapprovingly. "He doesn't risk anything, because he is too afraid to lose his father's approval. He's a grown man; he should learn to stand up for himself and not force you to go along with silly plans."
"Are you going to help me or not?" I bit out. I wasn't here to get a scolding; if I wanted one, I would go to Sakura. "If not, just say so and I'll leave."
Haku sighed and threw me a troubled look. "Fine; I'll help you. I just hope you're right and Sasuke will come clean to his parents."
"Of course he will," I replied stubbornly. "He just needs a bit more time; that's all."
I ignored the look on his face that seemed to resemble pity and instead followed my friend to his bedroom.
Sasuke could act really cold and aloof, but I knew he would keep his promise in the end. It would just take a bit more time, but soon I would be able to be with Sasuke in public and then all my friends would have to admit they were wrong about him.
One week after Sasuke's request, I was putting the finishing touch on my outfit. Fiddling with the dark blond coloured wig, I made sure it covered my bright blond hair completely. The wig consisted out of wavy hair that reached a bit past my shoulders and a fringe that stopped right above my eyebrows. The highlights in it caught the light and made the hair shine softly.
Taking a few steps back, I cocked my head slightly and studied myself in the mirror.
I was wearing a dark blue dress that fell loosely around my hips, hiding the obvious bulge. A wide brown belt around my waist and a padded bra offered the illusion of womanly curves. Small flowers were stitched on the cloth; the wide sleeves hid my muscled arms and a thin, light blue scarf wrapped around my throat hid my Adam's apple.
My feet were encased in a pair of – thankfully – flat, light brown boots that reached up to my knees; the dress covered the rest of my legs.
I had never been overly muscled and the outfit covered all the muscles I had and it disturbed me a bit how well the dress made me resemble a woman.
Haku had not only taught me how to dress to hide my masculinity, but he had also shown me – to my great embarrassment – how to use make-up to hide the sharp angles of my face.
The face that stared back at me through the mirror had powdered cheeks, tinted a pale rose. The lips were coloured a dark rose and blue eyes stood out thanks to a thin, black line of liquid eyeliner and dark blue eye shadow.
The dark blonde hair – feather soft to the touch – was swept over my shoulders and softly swayed back and forth every time I moved.
Taking in the feminine look, it struck me that I couldn't recognize myself anymore. The person in the mirror was not a blond man, but a blonde woman with bright eyes and soft curves.
The three thin scars marring my cheeks – a memento from a failed prank in the past – which would have betrayed my real identity, were completely covered by the make-up and I didn't know what to feel, confronted with the sight of an unknown woman staring back at me with unmarred cheeks, who wore my face and yet didn't look like me.
"I guess it's show time," I muttered and scowled at the small purse, waiting for me on my desk, in disdain.
Keeping Haku's instructions about walking like a woman in the back of my mind, I grabbed the white purse – Haku had called it a clutch, whatever that meant – and crossed the bedroom to meet Sasuke, who was waiting in the living room.
"And? What do you think?" I asked with a small grimace.
Sasuke turned around and his eyes widened a fraction. While his dark eyes roomed over my body and studied me, I took the time to study him.
He was wearing a dark green button-up shirt, paired with black slacks and black dress shoes. His outfit was completed by a black tie, a black jacket and an expensive golden watch.
Once again, I wondered earnestly whether the Uchiha family was allergic to bright colours.
"Who would have thought you would make a realistic woman?" Sasuke smirked and approached me.
I rolled my eyes and scowled. "Shut up, bastard," I mumbled and resisted the urge to pout.
"Seriously, you surprise me," he continued and his hand reached out to softly tug on my fake hair. "I thought you would look like a guy wearing women's clothing, but you actually look like a girl. If I didn't know better, I'd think you are a woman."
"Is that supposed to be some weird, fucked up compliment?" I asked flatly. "Because I'm not feeling flattered."
Sasuke chuckled softly and before I could stop him, his hand ceased touching my hair and he suddenly squeezed one of my fake breasts.
"Even that feels realistic!" he said surprised.
My jaw dropped and I slapped his hand away. "What the hell, bastard!" I spluttered and backed away.
He looked amused. "Never knew you could impersonate a girl that well."
"Go to hell, asshole!" I growled and glared at him.
"Let's go before we're late. Mother wouldn't forgive us if we are tardy for lunch." He shook his head and beckoned me to follow him to his car.
I gritted my teeth, swore to myself I would kick his arse later for daring to cop a feel and followed him.
After I had put my seatbelt on, Sasuke backed off the driveway and he waited until a red car had passed by before he joined the other cars on the road.
I started fiddling with my sleeves and bit my lip, looking out of my window. "Who is going to be there?" I asked curiously.
"My parents, obviously, and my brother said he would show up with Konan and Deidara if he could take some time off," Sasuke replied, speeding up now that we were on the highway.
"You mean if he manages to escape Kakuzu's tirade about their financial expenses," I retorted lightly, but couldn't repress the shudder raking over my spine when a memory of Kakuzu – Itachi's head of the financial department of Uchiha Corporation – resurfaced. The man seemed like a calm, rather boring businessman, but appearances were deceptive. His love for finances combined with his stinginess made him a dangerous person to cross when money was mentioned. His assistant Hidan was frequently a victim of his tirades if the man dared to spend more money than Kakuzu had put in his financial plans.
Practically every week Kakuzu could be found raging in Itachi's office, demanding him to boot Hidan out of the office and I had heard Itachi mutter darkly about the financial head various times before – at this point, I didn't know who scared me more: Itachi or Kakuzu.
Scratch that, practically all the heads of the departments in Uchiha Corporation were certifiably insane. I actually speculated that to become a head of a department, you had to prove you were insane enough in front of the Board.
Sasuke grunted and took a left, uttering a quick curse when we got nearly cut off by a light blue car. "Normally he should be safe from Kakuzu – he complained earlier this week to him, so he should be staying low for another five days or so," he snorted and the look on his face was a mixture of amusement and weariness.
I stared at him surprised. "How do you know that? Did you call him?"
"No, the dickhead called me." He scowled and slowed down when the traffic light jumped to yellow. "I was in the middle of preparing a case when that son of a bitch decided I should be the one he complained to about his lousy, deranged co-workers. As if my workload wasn't bad enough already."
My lips twitched and I glanced out of the window again. "How did you get him off the phone?"
"I told him I would honour Deidara's memory by introducing his spawn to the 'art' of bomb making," he smirked and an evil glint shone in his eyes.
"You're evil," I said, but couldn't stop the smile spreading over my face. Leave it to Sasuke to threaten his brother instead of making excuses or, god forbid, ending the conversation in a polite manner. "I assume he didn't take well to that threat?"
"It wasn't a threat. It was a promise," Sasuke declared solemnly and took a right. "And no, no, he didn't take well to that. But he did stop whining."
Sasuke slowed down once more when we turned into the street where his parents lived. He found an open parking space right in front of his parents' house on the opposite side of the street. He killed the engine and turned to look at me; his eyes conveying to me how serious he was.
"All right, Naruto, you have never met my parents or anyone else before, so I'm going to introduce you to everyone. For the love of god, please don't act too much like yourself. This whole act will be ruined if someone is able to guess who you really are." He grabbed my hands and squeezed rather harshly in them. "If you can, try to avoid hanging out with Itachi – of them all, he is probably the one who would be able to figure out the quickest who you really are."
"It's not like I'm that fond of Itachi to start with," I mumbled slightly annoyed. I knew what was at stake here; I didn't need Sasuke reminding me once again that even one mistake could mean trouble for the both of us.
"Let's rehearse for the last time. What's your name?"
"Namikaze Manami."
"How old are you and what did you study?"
"22 years old; I studied languages and am working as a translator."
"Where did we meet?"
"I bumped into you at a small café, spilling my coffee on your shirt. I apologized, offered to clean your jacket and after a few more accidental meetings, you asked me out for lunch," I recited and sighed.
Sasuke nodded distractedly. "All right, that should be enough to tie them over. They'll probably won't dig that far for more information just yet."
Once again, I reminded myself that I was doing this for Sasuke and that it wasn't that bad; all I had to do was have a bit of patience and Sasuke would inform his parents about the real truth. I could handle playing a girl until then. Really. It wasn't like I would meet his parents that much in this particular get up.
With that reassurance in the back of my mind, I stepped out of the car and walked next to Sasuke to his parents' house.
This would be some very interesting hours to say the least.
"Thank you for welcoming me in your home," I murmured and bowed, mindful to keep my voice soft.
Mikoto, Sasuke's mother, smiled softly and squeezed both my hands in hers. "My husband and I are very happy to have met you, Manami-san."
Fugaku, his father, nodded coolly, but I thought I could see a glimmer of approval in his cold eyes.
Amazing what a change of gender can do, I thought sarcastically.
"Yes, it makes me wonder where my foolish brother found such a fine lady as you," Itachi smirked.
Sasuke growled and a hand came to rest on my lower back. "Itachi …"
"Behave, boys," Mikoto said sharply.
I just smiled weakly, not knowing how to react to Itachi's remark. I didn't think the older brother despised the real me, but he had always been difficult to read. I guessed his comment meant he approved of me.
"It was a pleasure to meet you," Konan murmured and bowed slightly, her rounded belly preventing her from bowing further.
Their son, Deidara, smiled shyly at me from behind his mother's skirt and ducked away when I returned the smile, making me stifle a chuckle.
We said our goodbyes and Sasuke guided me back to his car, still with his hand on my back.
I had just buckled my seatbelt when Sasuke suddenly grabbed me by the back of my head and hungrily pressed his mouth against mine. A surprised moan escaped my throat and I returned the kiss with equal fire.
As sudden as he had started kissing me, just as sudden did he release me, resulting in me falling back in my seat, wide eyed.
Taking a big gulp of air to steady my breathing, I asked – still a bit breathless – bemused, "What was that for?"
"You were amazing back there," Sasuke replied and his laugh sent a jolt of shock through my body.
I had never heard him laugh so happily before; not that he was always in a bad mood, but his good moods usually showed themselves in the form of smirks, smiles and the occasional soft chuckle.
I hadn't expected him to be so happy about my acting.
"Thanks, I guess," I murmured, not really certain how to accept that particular compliment.
"My mother adores you already and even my father accepts you. This went even better than I had hoped," Sasuke continued and backed the car out of the spot so that we could return home. "Hell, even Itachi doesn't know who you really are."
"Yeah, yeah," I grumbled and looked out of the window. "Just don't forget to tell them the truth."
Instead of getting irritated like I had expected he would be at the reminder of his promise, he grabbed my thigh and gave it a quick squeeze. "I won't," he replied calmly and then smirked, glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. "Where do you want to eat? I'm not in the mood to either prepare dinner or do the dishes tonight."
I perked up at the mention of food. While lunch had been delicious, it had not been much and I started to feel hungry again. A glance at my cell phone informed me that it was already nearing five thirty; no wonder my stomach was starting to cramp up from hunger.
"I'm allowed to choose?"
Sasuke nodded. "Yes, consider it some sort of thank you for putting up with my family today."
"Ramen," I stated and grinned. "And not the cheap store kind either. I want ramen from Ichiraku."
He rolled his eyes. "Fine, though do try to control your inhalation of that disgusting thing you call food."
I ignored the insult for once and replied, "Let's go home first – I don't want to eat ramen in these clothes."
"What a shame. You look so nice in those clothes."
For the first time since I knew him, I couldn't decipher whether he was sarcastic or not and so I kept quiet.
Two weeks later, I woke up on Sunday morning to find Sasuke standing in his boxers in front of the window, talking to somebody on the phone.
I yawned and stretched leisurely, shifting until I laid on my stomach; the sheets trapping the warmth around my body, creating the sensation of being cocooned in the heat. My head leaning on my fist, I gazed at Sasuke and waited for him to end the conversation.
He shifted his weight from one leg to the other and murmured, "On which evening have you planned to have dinner?"
A smirk appeared on his face when he received an answer and he replied, "I am certain she'll have clothes fitting for that particular restaurant."
I furrowed my eyebrows; was he talking about a female colleague? Had I forgotten that he had dinner plans? I could have sworn he hadn't mentioned anything of that sort.
Then again … I shifted a bit and winced when a bolt of pain shot up like a spark through my back. If Sasuke had mentioned any dinner plans last night, he had thoroughly screwed that information out of my memory.
I looked up when I heard the sound of the phone being put down and saw Sasuke slipping back into the bed. His cold hand slid up between my legs and I shivered, feeling him squeezing my thigh firmly.
His nose – slightly colder than his hand – pressed underneath my left ear and his warm breath caressed my skin, raising goose bumps, when he murmured, "Did I wake you up?"
I turned my head and accepted the kiss. "Not really," I told him and tried to ignore the sneaky hand caressing my thigh and lower back. "Who were you talking to?"
"Mother," he answered and a kiss was pressed on my shoulder.
I folded my arms underneath me and lowered my head on them. "What did she want?" I turned my head to look at him and grunted when he pushed my legs open and filled the gap with his body.
His arms appeared on either side of me, effectively trapping me with his body. I was so distracted by the feeling of his cool skin against my warm one and lips repeatedly descending on my neck and shoulders that I didn't catch his reply at first.
When it finally registered in my mind, I tensed and attempted to throw the bastard off of me, but he merely pressed down on my back. In the position I was in – legs spread, on my stomach with his weight on my back – I had to give up my struggle soon, because all it did was tired me out.
That didn't make me less pissed off.
I gritted my teeth and glared at him. "Why the hell did you say yes to that dinner?"
Sasuke rolled his eyes and clucked his tongue, which only served to aggravate me further. "Because they are my parents and I can hardly refuse them when I barely see them."
"But why the hell do I have to dress up again?" I hissed and clench my fists tighter.
"Because they are fond of Manami and want to meet her again," he replied laconically. "I dare say they like Manami more than Konan." He sounded gleeful, happy that he had managed to be better than Itachi; at least that was what I assumed.
That assumption only angered me more. "I don't fucking care who they like more! Manami doesn't even exist! I'm not going to dress up like a girl again, so you can go on your own to …"
I was abruptly cut off by a hand snatching my hair and pulling my head up; before I could protest, my lips were covered and a tongue snaked inside my mouth. While his tongue was practically ravishing my mouth, Sasuke's remaining free hand trailed over my shoulder, down my chest and lingered on my lower stomach, his teasing fingers forcing a whimper out of me that was quickly muffled by his lips.
Lazily his hand trailed up and down and my mind grew foggy, all my attention directed at the hand teasing me. My breath hitched when Sasuke pressed closer to me and his harsh grip on my hair loosened up in favour of trailing his fingers over my swollen, bruised lips while his mouth left behind vivid marks in my neck. I swore I could feel those marks throbbing long after his lips stopped worrying that patch of skin.
A soft moan escaped my mouth when Sasuke shifted slightly; his hand never stopped caressing me.
"Please, Naruto," he breathed against my cheek. "Will you please go as Manami again? Just a little longer and then I'll tell my parents the truth." Smouldering, black eyes caught my eyes and I felt trapped like a helpless bird in front of an hungry cat.
"It's just that I …" I stammered. I really didn't want to give in, didn't want to dress up as a woman; it was humiliating. But I could feel my resolve crumbling with each fleeting caress, with each feather light kiss.
"Please, Naruto?"
That was the final blow to my resolve; with that one word, spoken in that particular tone, my protest shattered like fragile glass.
Sasuke never begged – not even in bed. For him to actually use the word 'please' and use a begging tone … He was serious about it.
Turning my head away in shame, I let out a sigh and mumbled, "Yeah, sure. I'll ask Haku-kun to give me new clothes."
Even without looking to confirm it, I knew Sasuke was smirking triumphantly.
"Thank you, Naruto. You have no idea how much this means to me," he whispered against my skin and he manipulated my body to turn around. He looked at me with a teasing glint in his eyes. "Let me show you have much it means to me."
While most of my mind shut down, accepting the waves of pleasure assaulting my nerves, the small coherent part of my mind couldn't help but wonder whether Haku would end up being right about Sasuke.
The echo of my yelling out his name was still fading away when Sasuke plopped down next to me with flushed cheeks, gathering my body in his arms while I tried to control my breathing.
He pulled my chin so that I faced him and kissed me softly. "I love you," he whispered against my lips.
Cheeks burning, I hid my face in his neck and wrapped my arm around his chest. Sasuke wasn't one to confess his feelings often, so whenever he did, it somehow made me feel embarrassed. But …
"I love you too," I smiled and forced the suspicious part of my mind to shut up. Why should I feel suspicious? After all, Sasuke had proven multiple times before that he kept his promises.
Yes, I had nothing to worry about.
"I hope we did not interrupt any plans you had for this evening. This was the only evening my husband had time off," Mikoto apologized after a waiter had refilled our glasses.
"Oh no, I have completed a project yesterday and the next project is due in three weeks, so I was able to take time off today," I lied and sipped from my red wine, hiding my grimace at the bitter taste. I was not a fan of the bitter liquid.
"You look very nice tonight, Manami-san," she told me sincerely.
"She does, doesn't she?" Sasuke smirked and pecked my cheek.
Startled I glanced at Fugaku, knowing he was not a fan of public affection, but he didn't seem to mind: he continued to eat while asking Sasuke about one of his cases. Bewildered, I turned back to my own plate and tried to ignore the hand creeping up my leg. I clenched my thighs together when the hand slipped underneath my dark purple dress, but of course that accomplished nothing but bring his hand into contact with my bare skin.
I threw him a warning glare, but all the bastard did, was curling up his lips in a quick, taunting smirk, before his face went blank again.
So he wanted to play this game, huh? Well, two could play this game.
While I spun a tale about my non-existing finished project to Mikoto, I placed my hand underneath the table on Sasuke's thigh and felt a muscle twitch in response. Sasuke threw me a quick glance, but I ignored him, keeping my attention both on my conversation with his mother and my hand.
When I didn't move my hand for a while, I felt Sasuke slowly relax and his hand retreated from underneath my dress. I grinned inwardly.
"What was your first impression of Sasuke, Manami-san?"
"My first impression," I mused and slowly slid my hand higher up Sasuke's leg. "I thought he had to be someone important."
"Because he was dressed well?" Fugaku raised an eyebrow and I could practically hear his derisiveness dripping off his voice.
I shook my head and smiled blandly to hide my more triumphant grin when I felt Sasuke stiffen. "It was in the way he carried himself," I replied and before Sasuke could make any attempt to stop me, I grabbed him roughly between his legs and squeezed while simultaneously saying, "I thought he was rather aloof and hard to read."
Sasuke made a choking sound and his knee banged against the table.
Quickly I retracted my hand and patted his back instead. "Are you all right, Sasuke?" I asked innocently.
"I'm fine," he replied and narrowed his eyes, throwing me a warning look.
I shrugged and pulled my hand back. I barely hold myself back from sticking out my tongue at him; he should have known by now I was not above playing this game. He should be glad I wasn't doing anything worse.
"I assume you have met Sasuke's friends?" Fugaku suddenly inquired.
Lowering my fork, I stared at the older man and tried to discern where he was going with this particular topic. "Yes, I have," I replied after a short moment of silence.
I could practically feel Sasuke's eyes burning in my skull when his father asked the next question.
"What are your thoughts about Uzumaki Naruto?"
Focusing on keeping my breathing regular, I answered flatly, "He seemed like a nice person, fun to be around."
"Really? It seems he was able to mature then," he said idly, but the corners of his mouth turned up in a sneer.
"Father …" Sasuke started warningly and Mikoto threw her husband a disapproving glance.
The rather serene atmosphere made place for a hostile one and suddenly I couldn't stay at the same table as that stuck-up bastard. I wasn't about to listen to the bastard sprouting his speech about why I was not good enough for his son – even if he didn't know who he really was talking to – and I shoved my chair backwards.
"I'm sorry; I need to use the bathroom," I mumbled and hurried out of the dining area.
My heels – thankfully not too high – echoed in the corridor and I abruptly halted in front of the bathroom area. Right, in which one was I supposed to go? I was a man, but I was disguised as a woman. I could hardly go into the men's bathroom in this disguise, but I wasn't about to enter the women's either.
"Fuck," I cursed and resisted the urge to kick the wall. I clenched my fists tightly and glared at the tiled floor. Where the hell could I go? If I went back now, I probably would punch that prissy asshole in his face.
Something told me that punching that prick would not go over well, no matter how justified I was.
So, if I could not go back for now and I couldn't cool off in a bathroom, where could I find a place to let me calm down?
A hand touching my shoulder made me whirl around, ready to last out until I saw that it was Sasuke.
"What?" I snapped.
He nodded towards something behind me. "The restaurant has installed small rooms for the customers to do what they want," he answered calmly and led me to such a room by grabbing my elbow.
The room was very sober decorated: it simply contained a small glass table and two leather chairs and offered a view on the small patio of the restaurant. Chocolate brown coloured carpet muffled their footsteps.
"Are you okay?" Sasuke asked and studied me with unreadable eyes.
I shrugged and walked over to window, staring at the patio. "Just got a bit frustrated at the way your father talked about me."
"You know how he is," he murmured and the shuffle of his feet on the carpet let me know he was approaching me.
I stiffened and bit my lower lip, glaring at the small tree outside. "That doesn't mean I like the way he talks about me," I bit out.
His arms came around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder. "My mother and I told him off," he answered and his thumbs started to rub soothingly over my hipbones. "I told him that you had become good friends with Naruto and didn't like the way he spoke about him. I also told him I didn't appreciate the way he talked about my best friend."
"He probably didn't like to hear that," I muttered darkly, but relaxed slightly, mollified by the fact that he had stood up for me, even if it was indirectly.
He chuckled humourlessly. "No, he did not like that at all. Especially not when mother started scolding him. I left right when she was berating him for being so impolite and childish."
A smile tugged at my lips. "I like your mum," I confessed.
"You just like the fact that my father gets scolded by her," Sasuke said half amused, half warily.
I turned around in his arms so that I could face him and placed my arms around his neck. "While that is indeed fantastic of her," I said smiling, "I just like her in general; she reminds me of my mum."
My parents had died when I was six years old; a drunk guy had rammed his car straight into theirs when they were on their way back to our house. The guy had gotten away with various broken bones, but my parents had died almost immediately after the impact. After six months of being shipped back and forth between distant relatives, I was adopted by a kind teacher named Iruka. Another six months later and I met the guy I would end up fallen in love with.
The few times I had been brave enough to visit Sasuke at his house, his mother had doted on me like I was her own son and her doting, protective manner had reminded me of my own mum. I was happy to hear that she had stuck up for me to her husband, even if I felt guilty for deceiving her now.
"Good to hear," Sasuke muttered and then suddenly his demeanour changed and he stared at me with half lidded eyes. "Considering you like my mother so much, would you be so kind as to not grope me again? I don't mind you doing that in the car or at home, but it is rather awkward to get turned on while your parents are staring at you."
I snickered. "You started it, bastard. Don't start something you don't intend on finishing."
"Oh?" Sasuke raised an eyebrow and pulled my hips against his, clearly showing me how affected he still was by my teasing. "Follow your own policy, dobe: you started this, you finish it."
"What, here?" I asked surprised. I wasn't particularly against doing something here; it wouldn't be the first time we did something inappropriate in a semi-public setting. I was just surprised that he was willing to risk his parents becoming suspicious if we stayed away longer.
He brought his head down and gave my lips a teasing lick. "Yes, here. Unless you're too much of a coward?" he smirked.
I snorted and placed my hands on his belt. "I wasn't aware refusing to do something in public with your parents near would make me a coward."
"It would make you a bloody tease at the very least," he retorted and then hissed when I slipped my hand inside his trousers.
I palmed him through his boxers and hummed. "Well, I can't have you calling me a tease, hm?" I winked and pulled my hand back so that I could open his belt and unzip his trousers. As soon as the air was able to touch his skin, I sunk down on my knees; at the same time I pulled down his trousers and left them rumpled around his knees.
His dark eyes looked down at me and I grinned back before I brought my hand around him and took him in my mouth. My hand squeezed the part of him that I couldn't take into my mouth and I slowly pulled back, letting my tongue stroke him.
One of his hands tangled itself in the hair of my wig and I hoped that he wouldn't pull too hard; it would be a hassle to get the wig right again.
I started to move faster, because while we both loved to draw out this sort of activity as long as we could, this wasn't exactly the place to take it slowly. I started to hum softly every time I went down and when I pulled back next, my eyes shot up and I couldn't hold back my moan when I saw the picture Sasuke presented me. His other hand was clenched between his teeth, muffling his groans; a dark flush decorated his pale cheeks and his eyes shone with lust while they took in the sight of me on my knees. His breathing was starting to sound very laboured and he sank a bit against the window, his trembling knees making it difficult for him to stay standing straight. I felt proud of myself for eliciting such a reaction.
"Fuck, Naruto," he groaned and his hips started to move forwards with more urgency.
Recognizing the signs that he was nearing completion, I took a deep breath, removed my hand and then slid forwards, taking him completely in.
His hand wasn't enough to completely muffle the curses and praises for me that poured out of his mouth and he held the back of my head until he was finished.
I swallowed and pulled back, leaving his hand to dangle next to his side while he was still panting. Licking my lips, I pulled his trousers back up and zipped them, helping him with the belt.
"So, did I follow my own policy?" I raised my eyebrow and grimaced a bit when I stood up, feeling my knees protest a bit. The carpet was apparently not as soft as I had expected it to be.
He grabbed my head with both his hands and pulled me forwards to kiss me harshly. "God, you're amazing," he rasped and his eyes glittered as if he had a fever.
I couldn't contain the smug smile that spread out on my face.
"Need some help?" Sasuke asked and one of his hands slid across my stomach, skimming over my dress.
I batted his hand away and took a deep breath. "No, your parents are probably becoming suspicious and I don't want to ruin this dress. I don't want to anger Haku-kun."
"Too bad," he smirked and gave me another kiss. "Let's go then."
I nodded and followed him back to our table, where I continued my conversation with Mikoto. The entire time, however, I couldn't shake off the feeling of being dirty, because I had went down on Sasuke in this outfit. For some reason, it made me feel uncomfortable. I shook off the feeling before it could take me over completely. So what if it had been wearing women's clothing while doing that? I was still myself, no matter the clothes.
Yes, I was just being an idiot.
AN2: So here was the first part. What do you think about it?
See you all in the next chapter!
P.S. For readers of SOTF: I am working on the next chapter. It's just taking me longer due to real life interfering