Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! GX.

Chapter 18: Death of the Ritual God

"What do you mean we've already lost?" a very skeptical Electra asked. "You may have weakened Lord Zott, but that shield monster of yours can't protect you forever. Once I find a way to destroy it, you and that barbarian hero of yours are doomed."

"You won't get the chance!" Jaden declared as he finally drew his card. "I activate Polymerization! By fusing Primal Neos with Fallen Angel Yubel to create the ultimate ancient hero!"

Neos and Yubel flew up into the fusion vortex that had appeared in the sky above. As soon as they went in there was an explosion of white light. The light faded, and Primal Neos dropped down onto the field in a new form. His long orange hair had turned blonde, and on his head was a black helmet with gold trim and a golden faceplate. On each side of the helmet was a curved golden horn. Neos' upper torso was covered in black armor similar to his helmet with a red heart-shaped gem on the chest plate. His shoulders had become covered with pieces of black and gold armor with long curved spikes. Neos had the same wings as Fallen Angel Yubel on his back, and in his right hand he carried a black sword similar to the Sword of the Supreme King.

"Say hello to Demon Slayer Neos!" Jaden announced. "The monster created by my bonds with Alexis and Yubel!"

"An impressive-looking monster." Zott admitted. "But with only 3500 ATK, he doesn't stand a chance of defeating me."

"That's where you're wrong!" Jaden told him. "When Demon Slayer Neos attacks a monster, that monster looses 1000 ATK during the battle. And he can also attack every Ritual Monster my opponent controls at least once! Which means you're toast!"

"What?" a shocked Electra exclaimed.

"Neos, attack all of Electra's monsters!" Jaden commanded. "Ultimate Justice Blade!"

With both hands, Neos raised his sword and swung it at Zott, Reshef, and Shinato. A massive blade of black energy shot forth from the sword and sliced apart all three monsters. Zott roared in pain before what was left of his body disintegrated. The blade continued on and struck Electra, reducing her life points to 1100.

Electra recovered from the attack and glared at Jaden. "Damn you!"

"It's over, Electra." Jaden told her.

"Far from it." Electra told him. "I activate the secondary effect of Revival of Zott! By banishing this card from the Graveyard, I add a Spell card to my hand!"

"Then I end my turn." Jaden announced.

Electra drew her next card. "It's time you face the full fury of Lord Zott! I activate the Spell card, Miracle Ritual Fusion! I banish Lord Zott's card and my own from the Graveyard to summon Zott, the Ultimate Demon God!"

Electra's skin turned blue and horns grew from the sides of her head. A cord-like tail with a point on the end quickly grew from her rear end. Suddenly a massive explosion of white light enveloped the demon priestess. The light faded to reveal that Zott had reappeared on the field. The demon was now on all fours and a massive pair of blue bat-like wings had appeared on his back. Also growing out of the top of Zott's back was the upper half of Electra's demon form.

"She… just merged herself with Zott!" a stunned Reggie observed.

"This is officially the weirdest duel I've ever seen." Sheila declared.

"Now that Lord Zott and I are one, there's no way you can stop us!" Electra declared.

"Is that supposed to impress me?" Jaden scoffed.

"You may have robbed me of the power I gained from the sacrifices, Supreme King. But not my fury." Zott retorted.

"While in this form, Lord Zott and I have 4500 ATK." Electra revealed. "But we also gain 1000 ATK for each Ritual Monster in our Graveyard. But that's not all. Once per turn, we can reduce the effect of one monster our opponent controls by 1000 points for each Ritual Monster in the Graveyard until the end of the turn."

"Which means your Demon Slayer shall parish!" Zott declared before firing a beam of red light from his eye. Neos was struck in the chest and began glowing with a red aura as he fell to one knee.

"Not good!" Atticus declared. "An attack from that thing will wipe out almost all of Jaden's life points!"

"Feel my wrath!" Zott roared before rearing his head back. "Light of Divine Shadow!"

"I activate one of Demon Slayer Neos' effects!" Jaden quickly announced. "By banishing Fallen Angel Yubel from my Graveyard, Neos can't be destroyed in battle this turn!"

Zott fired a massive beam of white light from his fanged mouth. Neos raised the blade of his sword to block the beam. After a few moments, the attack ended and Neos had survived. Jaden's life points had fallen to 1000.

"You're beginning to annoy me." Zott told Jaden.

"I'll end my turn here." Electra announced. "But on my next turn, you won't be able to save yourself!"

"You aren't going to get a next turn!" Jaden declared as he drew his next card. At the same time, Neos' red aura faded and he rose back to his feet. "I activate another one of Demon Slayer Neos' effects! By banishing Primal Neos from the Graveyard, Demon Slayer Neos gains 200 ATK for each card in my opponent's Graveyard until the end of the turn! Which means Neos' ATK becomes 6700!"

"What?" Electra exclaimed.

Neos' eyes flashed gold as he flexed his muscles. His body began to give off a massive blue aura.

"Any monster that Demon Slayer Neos attacks loses 1000 ATK during the battle." Tabitha recalled. "Which means if this attack gets through, Jaden will win."

"Neos! Attack Zott and end this duel!" Jaden commanded. "Ultimate Justice Blade!"

Neos swung his sword and sent a massive blade of black energy at Zott and Electra. The two merged demons cried out as the blade of energy cut them to shreds. Electra's life points fell to zero, and the destruction of Zott created a massive explosion of light that washed out the entire area. The light faded after a moment, and Jaden and the others saw that they were back at the academy. The sky above had become calm.

Jaden quickly noticed Alexis lying in the middle of the room and ran to her side. As he kneeled down, Alexis began to wake up.

"Lex, you okay?" a concerned Jaden asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Alexis assured him. "Jaden, I…"

"Alexis!" Atticus interrupted as he and the other approached. "Are you alright?"

"I'm okay." Alexis assured him as Jaden helped her up. "Can you guys give Jaden and me a few minutes?"

"Seriously? After what you've been through?" Atticus responded. "No way am I letting you out…"

"C'mon Rhodie. She's obviously fine." Reggie told him as she grabbed his arm and started to drag him off. "Let's just give them some space."

"But…" Atticus attempted to argue as the two of them went into the stairwell that led down from the roof.

"We'll chat with you guys later." Sheila told Jaden and Alexis before leaving with Tabitha.

"…So Lex, you wanted to talk to me about something?" Jaden asked after he was sure that everyone had gone.

"Jaden, I… I love you." Alexis told him. "I have been for a long time."

"I'm in love with you too, Alexis." Jaden admitted. "Sorry it took so long for me to figure it out."

"I always hoped that you would eventually." Alexis responded. "I'm sorry for how I've been acting towards you these last few days. The truth is I was afraid that things wouldn't work out between us."

"You mean you didn't want to risk ruining our friendship?" Jaden asked.

"That's part of it." Alexis answered. "But… I mostly thought that it might not work out between us because, well… because of what you are."

"You mean because I'm not an ordinary human." Jaden responded. "Yeah, I kind of know what you mean."

"You do?" Aleixs asked.

"That was one of the reasons why I was so distant from you and the others during our final year at the academy." Jaden revealed. "I just felt so out of place with everyone else. But hey, it can still work out with us Lex. Maybe our relationship will be a little a little odd, but what relationship isn't?"

"Yeah, I know that now." Alexis replied. "Yubel and I had a little talk while we were fused. Maybe we will have a few obstacles in our relationship, but I'm willing to try if you are."

Jaden gave Alexis a smile. "Game on."

With that, the two of them moved in closer to one another. They looked deeply into one another's eyes before their lips finally met in a kiss. It was a little awkward since Alexis was a bit taller than Jaden, yet at the same time it was perfect.

"Well, it looks like things are getting off to a good start between you two." Yubel remarked as she appeared, startling both Jaden and Alexis.

"Y-Yubel?" a flustered Alexis spoke.

"You can see her now?" an equally flustered Jaden asked.

"Oh c'mon, Jaden. Why wouldn't she be able to see me?" Yubel pointed out. "After today, the three of us have all become a lot closer."

"I think this relationship of ours is going to be a lot more interesting than we thought." Jaden told Alexis.

"No kidding." Alexis agreed.

Only half an hour after the defeat of Electra and Zott, all of the students who had been turned into Sacrifice Maiden cards had been found in an empty lot not far from the academy grounds. None of them remembered what had happened to them. At the same time, Mick, Trent and David had all come out of their comas with no memory of what they did as members of Electra's cult. Principle Mackenzie had returned as well, also with no memory of being Electra's high priestess. It seemed that life at Duel Academy America was slowly returning to normal.

Jaden and Alexis meanwhile had gone into the city to catch up and unwind. Later in the day, as the sun had begun to set, Jaden returned to the guesthouse with Alexis.

"I had a good time this after, Jaden." Alexis told him.

"Same here." Jaden replied. "Except for Electra and Zott, this was a pretty good day."

"So… I guess you'll be heading back out on the road again in a few days." Alexis assumed.

"Yeah." Jaden confirmed. "You know you could come with me if you wanted."

"Thanks, but I still have my own dreams to follow." Alexis reminded him. "But, we can still keep in touch, right?"

"Of course." Jaden assured her. "Heck, I'll make sure I come back here to visit."

"I'd love that." Alexis replied.

"But hey, my stay here isn't over just yet." Jaden reminded her. "Why don't we make plans to hang out tomorrow?"

"It's a date." Alexis agreed.

With that, Alexis leaned in and gave Jaden a light kiss on the lips. Afterwards, Jaden opened the door to the guesthouse. As soon as he did, his cat, Pharaoh ran out and went behind Jaden's legs. Before Jaden and Alexis could try to figure out what was going on, they heard the sounds of loud moaning coming from inside. The walls of the house were creaking as well.

"Is… is that my brother and Reggie?" Alexis realized as her eyes widened.

"Yeah, there at it again." Jaden confirmed with a heavy sigh. "It's not even 9:00 yet."

"Okay, you are not staying here tonight!" Alexis told him.

"Well then where…?" Jaden began to ask.

"Come on." Alexis replied as she took Jaden by the arm and led him away from the house. Pharaoh followed close behind the two of them.

Within a few minutes, Alexis had taken Jaden to the small apartment building set up for the teachers and staff on the grounds. It was not a huge building, as most of the staff members lived in the city, but it still had quite a few rooms. Alexis took Jaden to the apartment that belonged to her. Jaden was impressed by how large the space was, and by how clean Alexis had kept it.

"Wow! This is some place you've got, Lex." Jaden complimented.

"I'm sure you're pretty tired after today." Alexis assumed. "You can go use the bed if you want."

"Oh, I can just use the couch." Jaden told her.

"I insist." Alexis replied. "Besides, it looks like Pharaoh's already taken the couch for himself."

Jaden looked and saw that the somewhat overweight cat had already hopped up onto the end of the couch and had gone to sleep. "Well, I guess when you put it that way…. But where are you going to sleep?"

"Don't worry about it." Alexis told him. "I need to go to the office to catch up on paperwork anyway. You just make yourself at home."

"Well, okay then." Jaden agreed.

Jaden awoke on the bed in Alexis' room to the sound of running water. Sitting up a little, he saw a light coming from the door to the adjoining bathroom. After a moment, the sound of the water stopped and Alexis walked into the room wearing nothing but a blue bathrobe, switching the light off on the way out.

Alexis turned her head and quickly noticed that she was being watched. "Oh! Jaden. I… I didn't wake you, did I?"

"Uh, no. I… just kinda woke up on my own." Jaden replied. "I… I can leave the room, if you want."

"No, please stay." Alexis replied as she began to untie her robe. "I was hoping that you'd be awake."

Jaden's eyes went wide as Alexis' robe came off and feel to the ground. From the light of the moon streaming in through the window, Jaden could see every bit of Alexis. She was simply dazzling to look out. Jaden was frozen as Alexis came over and climbed onto the bed on her knees. Alexis quickly leaned in and captured Jaden's lips with her own. Their tongues quickly began to explore each other's mouths as Alexis ran her fingers through Jaden's brown hair.

After a few minutes they broke for air, and Alexis pulled off Jaden's black t-shirt. Their lips met again for a few moments before Alexis moved in to suck on Jaden's neck. It had become clear that she had become the one in charge. A few more moments passed, and Alexis pulled off the blanket still covering Jaden's lower half, revealing that he was down to his boxers. The blonde then pulled off Jaden's boxers, revealing his hardened manhood.

Alexis' eyes went wide upon seeing the hardened rod. "Oh… wow!"

"Is… is something wrong?" Jaden asked.

"No, no. I just didn't expect it to be… so big." Alexis explained.

"Oh…" Jaden responded as his face turned bright red. "So… are we still…?"

"Yeah, I… just need a few seconds to get ready." Alexis answered. "Um… here."

Alexis began to stroke Jaden's hardened erection, causing him to groan and throw his head back. After a few moments of sheer pleasure, Alexis stopped what she was doing and repositioned herself over Jaden. With a move of her hips, Jaden's hardened rod went inside her, causing her to wince. It was taking all of Jaden's restraint not to buck his hips into her. To help take her mind of the pain, Jaden reached up and began massaging large breasts, earning a few moans of pleasure from the blonde.

After a few moments, Alexis removed Jaden's hands from her hips and pinned them down onto the bed before she began to rock her hips faster. Jaden couldn't take it anymore. He began bucking his own hips, causing Alexis to throw her head back and moan louder. Neither of them was sure how much time had passed, but before long they could both feel that they were coming close to the edge. Then with one last hard thrust into each other, the two of them hit their climax.

Alexis collapsed and rolled herself off of Jaden. The two of them starred up at the ceiling as they caught their breath.

"That… that was something else!" Jaden declared.

"Yeah." Alexis agreed. "You know… it's not that late. When you're ready, we can do that again if you want."

"Well, I think I'm ready now." Jaden replied.

"Really?" Alexis responded as she sat up a little. Jaden nodded. "Well, okay."

With that, Alexis moved and got on all fours. Jaden took the signal and got onto his knees. Taking Alexis by the waist, he inserted his hardened manhood into her from behind. Alexis moaned as Jaden bucked his hips into her. As Jaden gradually picked up his pace, he suddenly grabbed Alexis' right arm and pulled it back. Their bodies quickly started to become covered in sweat. Before long, Jaden could feel Alexis' inner walls tightening around him. With one last hard thrust, they hit their second climax for the night. Jaden let go and fell back onto the bed, and Alexis collapsed onto her side.

"Okay… that… that was great." Alexis breathlessly declared.

"…Can we go one more time?" Jaden asked after a moment.

"Seriously?" a surprised Alexis asked.

"I'm game if you are." Jaden replied.

"Okay then. Let me have it." Alexis told him.

Jaden got back to his knees and flipped Alexis onto her back. Grabbing her hips and lifting them off the bed, Jaden inserted his rod and began plowing into her. Alexis threw her head back and grabbed onto the bed sheets. Jaden was mesmerized as he watched Alexis' breasts bouncing up and down with his movements. After a few more minutes, the two of them came to one last hard climax as Alexis cried out Jaden's name at the top of her lungs. When it was over, an exhausted Jaden collapsed back onto the bed.

"You… you aren't hoping for a fourth round, are you?" Alexis asked.

"Nah… I'm pretty much worn out." Jaden replied.

After a moment, Alexis repositioned herself next to Jaden and pulled the covers over them both. With their last ounce of strength, the two of them cuddled up close to each other.

"This moment right now… is perfect." Alexis quietly spoke. "I really do love you, Jaden."

"I love you too, Alexis." Jaden replied. With that, the two of them shared one last kiss before drifting off to sleep.

Within a few days, the time had finally come for Jaden to leave and continue his travels as a pro duelist. Jaden waited on the helicopter-landing pad with Principle Mackenzie as Alexis arrive with Sheila, Tabitha, and Sophie to see him off. Atticus and Reggie had already left two days before to go to a tournament in Brazil.

"Thank you for all your help, Jaden." Principle Mackenzie told him. "I'm sorry your stay here was so troublesome."

"It wasn't all bad." Jaden assured him as he glanced over at Alexis.

"Still, it will take time for some of the damage that woman did to be healed." Principle Mackenzie replied with a sad expression. "In any case, I hope you'll come here to visit again."

"You bet!" Jaden replied.

"Well, I guess this is it." Alexis spoke as she walked up.

"Don't worry, Lex. I'll call you every chance I get." Jaden assured her.

"I will too." Alexis replied. "Be safe."

"You too." Jaden told her before planting a kiss on her cheek.

With that, the rotors of the helicopter began to turn. Jaden quickly got on and kept his eyes on Alexis through the window. The two of them waved at one another as the chopper lifted up into the air. Jaden continued to keep his eyes on Alexis until she became only a speck in the distance.

"You sure you're okay with leaving her like this?" Yubel asked as she appeared.

"Hey, it's not like it's the end for us." Jaden pointed out. "Alexis and I will meet again because it's what we both want. In the meantime, we both have our own dreams to follow. But one day, our paths will become the same."

"So until then, it looks like we're back on the road." Yubel observed.

"Yep." Jaden confirmed. "And right now, I wouldn't have it any other way."


Afterward: Well, that wraps it up for this little tale. I really had a lot of fun working on this story and reviving a concept that I had long since shelved. There are probably a few spots where it could've been better, but it was still a blast. I'd really like to thank everyone who read and or reviewed this story. I really do hope everyone enjoyed it.

Anyway, while this may be the end of Ritual of Doom, I'm not done with doing GX fanfics just yet. In fact I actually have a good idea what the next story is going to be about. I have a few other story ideas too, though they are still in the very rough stages and I may or may not do them. I actually have a poll running on my profile page here on the site to help me decide whether or not to do one of those ideas, so any votes for that poll would be appreciated (poll will be closed by August 11th, 2014). In the meantime though, I'm probably going to move onto other projects. Including probably these two stories that I've more or less abandoned. But the GX Journeys will continue, so stay tuned.

Please review and let me know what you think.