I was out playing one morning when I saw a strange new creature. It looked lost and a bit scared. I wanted to help it, but before I could say hi it had spotted me and wondered over.

It looked excited to see me. It was weird, it's head looked like it was incased in some kind is see through dome. What it born like that? It seems very inefficient, surely it can't reach it's mouth? This creature may need more help than I first thought.

It moved what I assumed was its mouth. It made a strange squeaking sound and reached out it's hand towards me. Is this noise its name?

I tried to copy the noise and went to shake the creature's hand, but it just made a high pitched squeak and flapped its hands around.

Well at least it's smiling now.

I told the creature my name and asked if there was anything I could do to help it. But it just continued to make strange high pitched noises and waved its arms around more.

I concluded that it must not be familiar with my language, so instead I try to show it I could help. I went over to a grub, killed it and offered it up for the creature to eat.

Instead of tucking in the creature looked at me in surprise. It then went over to another grub, where upon the grub attacked it.

I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. Silly creature, to kill a grub you must attack it from behind.

I went over and try to show the creature how to kill grubs correctly. But instead of helping fight it, the creature just stepped back and let me do all the work.

I sighed; maybe this creature is just trying to get a free meal. So I pick up the grub, might as well take it home for tea. No point in wasting good food.

But as I was about to enter the undergrowth I hear a sharp piercing sound, that makes me jump and drop the grub. I went to pick it back up but I can't. I felt myself being drawn back towards the creature.

I looked over to it and it seems just as surprised as I am that I am coming back.

I could see the thoughts running through its head and it made that horrible noise again. This time I was over taken by an overwhelming erg to dig up one of those large bitter green things.

The creature looked really happy. It looked so delighted, as if it had dug up that thing and not me.

That did it; I had to get away from this creature. It seems to be able to get into my mind and make me do things.

I maked a break for cover, not even stopping to pick up the fallen grub. But just as I was about to climb back into the hive I heard it again.

I tried to resist. To climb up. To escape. But every time I moved I was forced towards the creature.

I called out for my Dad; he'd know what to do. But as I see my Dad appear in the door way the creature made the sound again and Dad starts climbing down, eyes fixed on the creature.

No! Not Dad too! This can't be happening. We were both next to the creature now. It was glaring at us with its big eyes.

It looked around and then made the noise. The noise we will learn to hate. The noise that will take over our lives. The noise that will hunt us day and night until we die. The noise that can control us.

We still don't know who or what these creatures are, but we have hope. We have not seen signs that there are more than the three of them. Nor do we think they can bread.

We tell our children stories of life before the creatures and plant hope in them that we may soon be able to return to that peaceful existence.

Author's note: Inspired by watch Hank Green play Pikim! Pikmin doesn't belong to me.