look after you
(Yato ignored the blush on his face)
"Ow! Hiyori - ow - be gentle, gentle!"
"I am!" Hiyori snapped, pressing the damp cloth even harder against the god's skin. "Stop being such a baby!"
"I am not!" Yato cried, hissing in pain as the holy water cleansed his Blight. "It just hurts - badly!"
Hiyori sighed in irritation, and continued to viciously scrub his skin. "Good, you deserve it. What were you thinking - jumping in front of that ayakashi! Honestly! You're lucky you're the only one who got hurt, what if Yukine had gotten injured too?"
"He didn't, though."
"But he could've."
"But he - ow! Okay okay, I'm sorry, sheesh. Happy?"
Hiyori narrowed her eyes at the god. "No."
Yato rolled his eyes, and blew a strand of dark hair away. "I dunno what's the big deal anyways, 's alright now."
"The big deal," Hiyori replied, applying a bit (a lot, in Yato's opinion) more pressure in her scrubbing, "is that you're an idiot, and almost got yourself and Yukine killed."
"Takes a lot more than an ayakashi to take the two of us down, y'know." Yato told her, rolling his head back. "Are you done yet? This hurts like a bitch."
Rolling her eyes (he was such a baby, honestly), Hiyori set aside the wash cloth, and confirmed that any Blight was long gone. "Yeah - it's all gone. You're free to go."
Yato let out a cry of triumph, and stood up, cracking his neck. "I'm heading in - you coming?"
"In a little bit," Hiyori replied, "I'll clean up first."
"Okay." Yato said, turning so his back faced her. "Oi - Hiyori?"
"No need to worry about me - or Yukine. I'm planning to stick around for a while."
There was a pause, and only when Yato was about to step inside did Hiyori answer.
"Worrying about you is what I do, Yato."
(Yato ignored the blush on his face)
author's note: y'all are so sweet! wow i got a much better response to the last one then i ever thought was possible! thank you guys so much, and i hope you liked this one! reviews?