Resident Evil: Forever Doomed


Lance Fama, an eighth grader at Linwood Middle School, was talking with his friends, Toni and Katie. They were sitting on the bleachers in the gym awaiting the whistle that would tell them to go to their lockers.

"So," Lance said, "wasn't that weird last Wednesday?"

"What?" asked Katie.

"Well, you know, how there was all of those men in suits or whatever."

"Yeah, I guess so." Toni remarked.

R I N G!!!

The three got up and headed towards the doors. They started talking about what they did over Memorial Day weekend. Toni, Lance, and Katie continued to make their way through the double doors which led them into the hallway--

--and they heard screaming just up ahead. The three friends tried to see what was going on, but couldn't because of all of the people blocking them.

I wonder what's going on!, Lance thought, maybe somebody got hurt.

"What's happening to him?" a girl yelled out from the crowd.

"His skin is all discolored." someone else screamed. A low, rumbling moan came out and after about a minute of silence screams arose.


Loud, irritating yells came from outside the large wooden doors.

"What's going on out there?" Mrs. Finkle asked.

"I don't know, but it's getting on my nerves." Lauren replied as she got up and went to the window set into the door. She saw a large crowd of people ranging in sizes. She sat back down, figuring it to be a fight.


What's happening to me? Where am I? I feel like I'm loosing my memory. I can't move. Everything hurts inside. I don't even remember my own name. Jerry, James, Jackson, it's all running through my head so quickly. What's my mom's name? What about my father? Do I have sisters, brothers, what? I'm hungry! That's it, I NEED FLESH! I need. . . . .

The small child arose from the ground and started to move around as if he were drunk.

"Wha-what's happening to him?" a girl from the crowd yelled out. The whole mass of people stepped back in surprise and horror. The child moved around the hall. He groaned, and moaned as if he were in grave pain. He moved his way over to Katie.

"Get off of me!!!" she yelled as the boy grabbed her arm. He lunged his head for her arm, but before he could do anything to harm her Toni shoved him to save her friend. He fell to the floor and struggled to get up.


Jamal stepped out of the crowd of people and decided to kick the adolescent's head, to try and show an act of bravery, but just as his foot was about to reach the youngster's head he grabbed at him and got a hold of Jamal's leg and took a
bite into his ankle. Jamal fell to the ground and started to wail. He now hated this kid, whether he was sick or not.

The bastard had no right to do that, OH MY GOD, I'M BLEEDING!!!! I have to get him back for what he's done to me.

At the thought Jamal kicked the boy in the head with his other foot, and to his surprise the skin on the top of his head started to fall off, revealing a large chunk of skull. Everyone screamed and ran away, except for the three friends.

Jamal tried to get up and run, but his leg was hurt to badly to get up and move. It hurt like shit, that's all he knew. Jamal sat there, staring at the boy, and to his dismay the boy started to crawl towards him. Rotting flesh falling off everywhere, a dark maroon blood trail following close behind him.

"Help!! Someone!!" Jamal screamed and started to crawl away, but before he could move an inch the young child, who once thought for himself, grabbed Jamal and started to devour him. Jamal could feel his life draining with every drop of blood he lost, but he couldn't move. He went to yell for help again, but the child took a big bite on the side of Jamal's neck, and Jamal thought no more. He just lay there staring blankly at the ceiling.


Katie stood in horror. She and the others watched as this boy seemed to be eating Jamal. Once the crowd had cleared, all that was left in the hallway was Jamal and the kid. The small group stood there unbelieving what lay in front. They could hear the sound of nothing--

--nothing and the sound of eating. Oh my God that's disgusting!

The adolescent took his gaze away from his fresh meat and seemed to stare at Katie. Katie could tell all of his features; pale flesh, blood around his mouth, and--

--a piece of scalp missing!?

The image was put together instantaneously in Katie's mind. She stared at him and he stared at her. The once-human creature let out a low moan and tried to get up. Katie ran like hell, Lance and Toni not far behind.


Toni ran along side the others in a panic. She couldn't understand what she just saw. It was unbelievable.

Was that kid actually eating Jamal? Oh my god, that poor kid. Wait, what am I talking about, whether it was Jamal or not an actual kid in Linwood ate another student. I have to be imagining things. When I think about it like this it sounds almost like a game.....

Endless thoughts ran threw her head as she maneuvered down the frantic hallways, turning just about every other second to keep from hitting one of the other students. Kids kept flying past the trio like darting bullets. As they reached the end of the hall, they ducked into the seventh grade house center, which so happened to be empty because all of the staff went to check on the incident in the eighth grade hallway. Lance slammed the door behind them and locked it.

"What the hell is going on here!?" Toni asked in a hard pant, trying to catch her breath.

"I don't know, but I don't like it one bit." Katie said, also trying to catch her breath. They both immediately turned to look at Lance, to see what he thought about all of this.