I would like to thank you all who have stayed with me through this story! This is the final installment of this story. This DOES NOT mean I will not go back and do some editing. If you have any ideas, please message me. As always:

Disclaimer: "Hello! My name is..." a little girl said to an older woman. "No, no, no child! Someone's already used that phrase! Try again!" the older woman retorted. "Howdy, my name is..." the little girl tried again. "It is almost like taking characters that aren't yours!" the lady complained. "If I didn't have those characters, ma'am, I don't even think we'd be having a conversation." In other words: I do NOT own these characters!

A New System

"Tippy!" Hoggle yells across the corridor, wobbling to the head goblin with haste. "I heard some goblins in the kitchen talking about the three other goblins who almost spilled the beans to the King!"

Tippy ignored the insolent dwarf. She already knew this and had "handled" those three goblins. They were deep in darkness of one of the oubliettes of the labyrinth. She chuckled at how easily she led them to their demises. Pintop didn't even question her when she told them to go clean down the darkened hole hidden under the labyrinth. Tippy could hear Spike babbling about some crazy fuzzy thing down there, and Grady screamed when he tripped over some bones. Oh, how much Tippy did enjoy his panicking the most.

"Tippy! Jareth knows! He knows! He and Sarah caught Flap and cornered him and threatened him with a fate worse than death if he didn't tell them of our plans! It could be minutes before Highness finds you!"

"How about seconds!" Jareth's voice rumbled through the halls. "Tippy, I knew you were behind all of my goblins' disloyalty! I've given you a second chance, and I told you what would happen if you went against me. Any last words before I snap you to your doom?"

"Aye! Time to roll out, boys!" with her piercing battle cry, goblins surrounded Jareth and held pitchforks and swords at him. Jareth wasn't the least bit scared.

"Who do you all think you are? Who do you think I am? Some weak human? Some imbecile? You idiots, I have more power than you all could even imagine! With a hand motion you'd all be dead!" Jareth felt an orb appear in his hand, he was about to conjure up his own sword and indulge them in a fair fight. Twenty little goblins against the Goblin King. And on his sword, he had poison from one of the venomous forest creatures of the labyrinth upon the blade.

"STOP!" Sarah screamed above the ruckus. "We can handle this peacefully! As your future queen, I must be Jareth's better half. Take a seat, now!" her voice enticed and commanded all of the goblins. As everyone sat on the ground, Jareth moved to sit into his throne. "No, sir! Sit on the floor beside me. You're in trouble too!" A slight bit of pride roused up within him, but it was quickly covered by shock that she dared to order him. He sat at her feet, nonetheless. "Now, I want us all to have a discussion! Think of it as an open forum. You all may speak your minds without fear of punishment, except for you Tippy. You've betrayed His Highness and me."

"But—," Tippy stammered but caught herself. Sarah raised an eyebrow at the pudgy little goblin woman.

"Now, what shall we discuss first? Any ideas?" Sarah's voice rang out in a lovely tone, almost like bells.

"You're pretty!" one goblin shouted.

"Thank you, but let us talk about government here."

"I want to be able to have some say in the rules! My family and I have been starving, and yet we work for Jareth and receive nothing but the scraps left over after meals," a trembling goblin stated, trying to sound brave.

"Oh! How horrid! How many of you agree that Jareth should do something about the lack of abundance of food for you all and your families? Please raise your hands." Over half of the room's hands flew up. The poor darlings, Sarah thought to herself. "Then it is settled! I will start a garden and we will distribute food weekly to each household. Anybody else have a concern?"

"Yes. My husband has been in the dungeon for twenty years all for dropping a plate in front of guests! I would like to see more fair rules and not extreme consequences," an older goblin cried out.

"That is just not acceptable! See me afterward and we will release him for you. Who all agrees with the motion to re-assess the laws and punishments?" Each and every goblin's hand decorated the air. "Good!"

Sarah handled a few more of the goblins' complaints, all were quite valid. Jareth had done some very awful things to his goblins, but Sarah was going to fix it. "All of you are invited to our union of marriage this evening in the Gathering Hall. Please dress appropriately." The goblins were dismissed, and Sarah freed some of the family members of wronged goblins. She even threw Tippy into an oubliette outside of the Goblin City. In the morning, the first Goblin Council meeting would take place. She and Jareth will re-write all of the laws of the Goblin City. For now, though, she only needed to get dressed. Off to Jareth's bedchamber.

While finishing up, she heard a knock on the door and responded. "Come in!" Her brown hair flowed down her back in ringlets with an intricate braid holding her bangs out of her face. Her dress almost looked tattered, however it's cream color and ancient lace only added to the beauty of it. She whirled around to face Jareth.

"I did not get to tell you how well you did this afternoon. My goblins have never listened to me like that before." He smiled and leaned in to kiss her cheek.

"You need to appeal to them, and then they are much more inclined to trust you and follow your orders," she grinned. Her face blushed at his compliment, and she could tell that he noticed.

"However, you did try to order me around, precious! And I do not take lightly to orders. You can bet that there is a cell waiting for you after the ceremony. And I promise it will be like nothing you've experienced thus far." His words made her face grow deep red and she couldn't even fathom what else he could do to her. "Love, I'm going to spank that sweet pussy of yours and then decorate and tug at you until you come, screaming and jerking while my cock shoots a load into you. Just you wait, sweet. You'll love it." He winked and walked out of his bedchamber.

Her legs wobbled with anticipation and realization. Her wedding night would be filled with hot, seething, passionate sex. All she wanted was to skip to that part and have Jareth tie her down and lick her most intimate parts. She couldn't bring herself to say the "C" or "P" words, not that she wasn't crude, because they didn't sound right on her tongue. Except for when she was in the depths of sexual arousal as she was in the dream. She shuddered and looked at the clock. Five o'clock on the dot. She needed to head down stairs and marry her childhood crush, her adult companion, her Master.

Jareth didn't know what he was supposed to do. She was late! He wanted to roar until she showed up. He wanted to toss a goblin or two into the bog, but he knew that would do no good and ruin his newfound credibility. Or Sarah's, rather. He looked back toward the staircase and saw a glimpse of her billowy dress. Her breasts were unhindered by undergarments, her cheeks rosy, and her eyes big and beautiful. All the goblins stood when she entered the hall and walked toward Jareth. His own black leather contrasted drastically with the cream of her dress, and yet somehow it all fit. She fit him and he, her. Like two puzzle pieces finally being put together. This was it, their final moment before being joined. He could feel the nerves curling in his abdomen, the tension in his shoulders building. As soon as he held his hand out to grasp hers, all of it left him like a whoosh of wind. He knew that this was where he belonged. She was where he belonged.

"I love you Sarah and I promise to worship you every second of every minute of every day until the day you die."

"I love you, Jareth, and I promise to worship you with every bit of me for every second of every minute of every day for the rest of our lives."

They kissed and sealed the vows in both contract and love.

The kind of love that could be heard all through the castle's walls. The kind of love that wrought pain to the brink of pleasure and then expanded even more. The kind of love that never, ever ends.

The End