A Beautiful Mess


Paul smiles happily as he looks over at his children and his wife playing happily together. It was a sight that he unfortunately hadn't seen for quite a long time but one he was glad to have back. All he wanted in life was for his family to be happy and healthy and he was glad that they were finally back on track with that.

He caught Stephanie's eye, winking at her playfully as he sat upon the lounge. His wife smiled, a blush rising to her cheeks as she dipped her eyes slightly from his gaze. Paul chuckled lightly to himself, he always had been able to make Stephanie blush and even after being together for so long he still managed to do it with just a wink in her direction.

The woman pushed herself up off the ground, making sure all four of her children were interacting harmoniously before moving over to the lounge chair. She practically fell into it beside her husband, his arm automatically wrapping around her as she snuggled into his side. Stephanie pressed a kiss to his cheek, her heart bursting with love as she gazed at him; she would always be so grateful for Paul.

"Thank you," she said softly and sincerely, catching her husband a little off guard at her words.

"For what?" he asked, brows creasing slightly in confusion.

"For everything. For what I put you and our children through...for being there for me. For not walking away from us, even when I kicked you out of our house. I just...I couldn't have gotten better without you and I'm just so grateful to have you by my side. I almost wrecked everything we have and you wouldn't let me. You never stop fighting for me and dear God; it just makes me love you more. I honestly didn't think I could love you as much as I love you right now," Stephanie tells him seriously. Her words were quiet, so as not to alert the children to their conversation but Paul could hear them loud and clear.

"You don't need to thank me. You are my wife Stephanie, those are our kids and I would die to protect all of you. You know that. I love you more than life itself. Don't thank me for being here, for fighting for you Steph, I'd be nothing without you. Where else would I be? I'm your husband and this is our family, please don't ever forget that I love you," he replied softly, lifting her chin to look her directly in the eye.

He needed her to see that just giving up on their life together just wasn't a choice. They had just been through the hardest period of their life together but they had come through it, maybe not unscathed but they had survived it. He would never leave her, not in a heartbeat and though they were healing and happy now, he was never going to stop reminding her of that fact. They were a family and that is how they are strongest - together.

AN: It's been 4 years but finally, this story is finished. I hope you all enjoyed it, I know I enjoyed writing it. This epilogue has been written for 2 years now and I'm just glad I'm finally getting to post it.

Thank you all for reading, reviewing and supporting this story for so long. I appreciate it beyond measure.