A Beautiful Mess


Stephanie cried out in frustration as she heard the doctor tell her to give just one more big push. She was beyond exhausted; she had been in labor for just over 24 hours, this was her longest labor yet and she just wanted it to be over and done with already. She pushed with all the strength she had left and closed her eyes with a happy sigh as she heard the faint cries of her baby.

The hand that had been clinging to Paul's loosened slightly as tiredness started to take over now that the labor was finished. Her eyes opened lazily as she heard a nurse ask if she wanted to hold her new baby boy and she grinned. She and Paul had decided not to find out the sex of the baby and despite the three daughters they already had she had been expecting another girl. A little boy though wasn't a bad thing; in fact she knew Paul would be ecstatic about it.

She held the baby boy in her arms, smiling down at him tiredly as she felt Paul sit by her side, an arm coming around her shoulders. Steph turned to look at him, her heart skipping a beat at the look of pure unadulterated love and joy she could see shining in his eyes. Paul pressed a tender kiss to her temple as he rested a large hand over the swaddled baby in her arms.

"God I love you Stephanie," her husband told her, voice thick with emotion. "And I already love this little boy so much as well," he continued, grinning goofily.

"I love you too," she replied as the little boy in her arms started to cry again.

She shifted him in her arms, rubbing his back softly, trying to soothe him. He continued to fuss in her arms and Stephanie sighed, already too tired to try anything more. Paul, seeing his wife's tiredness and knowing she needed to rest stood up, stretching his arms out to her on the bed.

"Here, let me take him," he told her softly, "I haven't held him yet," he continued, smiling softly at mother and son.

Stephanie despite being exhausted could tell what he was doing and was silently grateful, handing their son over to her husband carefully. She smiled, heart filling with love at the image of Paul, big and strong, grinning goofily down at his son. It had been the same with each of their children before and the sight never failed to make her fall even more in love with him than she already was.

As Paul gently rocked their newborn son Stephanie couldn't help but notice how the baby almost immediately stopped fussing in his father's arms. A little pang of hurt shot through her chest but she shook it off quickly, it didn't mean anything really; the baby was barely an hour old. The thought left her mind quickly as a yawn passed through her lips and she patted the sliver of space on the bed beside her, gesturing for her husband to sit down.

He sat on the edge just barely, gaze still mostly transfixed on the little boy in his arms, "We need a name," he told her, glancing up at her. Stephanie nodded her head in agreement as she settled back on the bed.

"Do you have any suggestions?" she asked, letting her hand linger over his thigh as he held the baby.

Paul nodded, "Actually I do. What do you think about Nathan?" he asked, looking at her hopefully.

"I like it," she nodded. "Nathan Vincent?" she suggested, smiling at her husbands nod.

"Are you a Nathan, baby?" Paul cooed to the little boy, chuckling lightly when the baby waved his fist eagerly in the air. "I think that's a yes Steph," he told his wife.

"Welcome to the world Nathan Vincent Levesque," Stephanie said softly, smiling brightly but tiredly at her husband and son.

AN: So this is my first ever wrestling fic and let me tell you, I never thought I would be writing fanfiction for wrestling. Ever. At all! Haha. But here we are.

Anyway, this story just won't leave me alone, whatsoever. I love Triple H (Paul Levesque) and Stephanie McMahon together so much and I hope after 10 years of marriage, I'm still in as much love as they are. This is a bit short and a little rush but I needed this to happen to set up the rest of the story. Also, this is set in 2012 purely because I like the fact that they had children almost 2 years apart exactly. Little Nathan Vincent Levesque's birthday is the 30th of July; tell me what you think about his name, by the way!

I think that's it for now. I hope you enjoyed and please review! :) LittleTayy.