Jet Force Ares, the Duel-Purpose M75, and Tom O'Neill copyright Tom O'Neill, 2002. A lone animal let out a cry across the lonely planet, expressing grief and loss, but no one heard it over the roar of death, reloading, shells clinking as they hit the ground, and guns emitting bullet after bullet. A lone soldier stood behind a crate holding a newly created weapon, called the Duel-Purpose M75, a machine gun that had a grenade attachment on the bottom of it. The soldier, named Tom O'Neill, held down the trigger of the weapon, taking down hordes of the newly discovered bug. It walked on eight legs, and had two yellow and black crushers sticking out from it. They weren't teeth. They grabbed the victim and crushed them into smaller pieces, then ate them. But that's all they knew. No one had been able to capture one yet.

And now he was there, fighting beside his dead squadron, an expression of rage and fear hidden behind his helmet. He began to back up as they gained on him, inching closer and closer to the rubble of his downed ship. He wouldn't go down, he though to himself. He wouldn't let them. One of the monsters slipped through the gunfire and charged. He pulled the second trigger, and with a bellowing, echoing sound, a grenade flew through the air and landed with a plink next to it. It exploded loudly, the shrapnel flying from it and digging into the creature's skin, killing it instantly. Suddenly, Tom's foot went out from under him, kicking up a spray of dirt and pebbles. He checked behind him for a second. He was standing at the edge of a bluff, looking down at a tranquil lake. His acrophobia kicked in. He looked at the fall in terror. He ran forwards a few feet to escape the bluff. But that small moment was enough for the beasts to charged. Tom yelled in rage, but stood his ground, pulling the trigger. The creatures were going down, but then a noise filled his ears that was so simple yet so terrifying. The click of an empty magazine that was he last one. He looked up and saw the slow approach of his foes. He knew he had only one option.

He dove. He leapt off the bluff with a swan dive, the wind howling in his ears. A creature accidentally followed by getting too close to the edge, and fell with him. Soon, however, the creature slammed into a rock jutting from the edge of the cliff and exploded into pieces. Tom closed his eyes and he hit the water with an inaudible splash from the ears of the creatures on the bluff. They walked towards his dead teammates and devoured them.

Author's Notes: This is the introduction. If I get positive reviews, I will continue.