A/N: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have found that I genuinely suck at writing fight scenes, so I apologise in advance for how crappy and short this chapter is. I also am not that great at writing in a guys Pov, so again sorry if it sucks. Anyways on with the story.

Chapter 7

Nastu P.o.v

"Lucy!" Loke yelled. Lucy? What happened to Lucy?! Lucy needs my help! I'm all fired up!

"Roar of the fire dragon!" I shouted at the guy I was fighting effectively finishing him off. I turned to find Lucy. Loke just finished the second guy and lying close to him was Lucy.

"What happened?!" I demanded running to Lucy.

" Her magic isn't working, I think. The guy attacked and I think she was trying to call us out, but it wasn't working. I showed up just as one of his attacks hit her and she fainted." Loke explained.

" Lucy... we've got to protect her. You up to it Loke?"

"Yeah she's my wizard and my friend. I'll make sure to protect her. I promised her." He said.

"Ahh! You stupid fairies are going down! Raven moon is going to take your precious celestrial wizard and there's nothing you can do about it!" one of the stupid Raven Moon guys said.

"You're going to have to go through me first!" I said. "Lucy isn't going anywhere with you scum!" I won't let anything happen to Lucy. I made her a promise to protect her future. I can't lose her, I need her. At first she was just some girl I brought to Fairy Tail, and then we formed a team, and became partners. After a while I couldn't stay away from her. I figured I just liked her friendship and being around her, but as time went on I realized it was more than friendship. I'd fallen in love with her. I'm in love with Lucy. I just hope she likes me back, I haven't said anything because I think she only sees me as a friend and I would rather be a friend than nothing at all.

"Natsu! I need some help!" Loke yelled. I looked around and saw that somehow more Raven Moon members were over powering Loke. I ran over to help him protect Lucy.

"Natsu!" Wendy cried running into the room." I'm sorry there were to many."

"It's alright. Can you help Lucy?" I motioned to her.

"Lucy!" Happy cried rushing to her side. Wendy and Charle weren't far behind. More and more Raven Moon members rushed in. Gray and Erza joined the battle after having been overwhelmed back at their stations. Wendy had done to stop to fend off the Raven Moon morons. There are so many of those morons. Where are they all coming from.

"Natsu, Gray! It's him, he can duplicate himslef!" Erza called motioning to a man stnading off to the side. I immediatly went after him.

"Fire dragon wing attack!"

"Ice make lance!" Both attacks hit the mage and he easily went down, his duplicates vanished when he did. That was easy, to easy.

"Natsu." Wendy's timid voice called out. "Natsu, they took Lucy." I froze. They took Lucy? How coud I let this happen? I feel to my knees. I lost her. I failed her. I lost her. I lost her. Lucy. Lucy's gone. They will pay! Raven Moon will pay! How dare they take her. I let out a bloodcurdling roar and jumped to my feet.

"Natsu! We will find Lucy, but we need to report back to Master and make a plan." Erza tensly said. Loke had gone back to the spirit world. Wendy was sobbing, Happy and Charle were trying to comfort her, Gray and Erza were standing tensly looking away.

"You guys can go do that and I'll head after Lucy now." I growled

"No! We all must go back to the guild together!" Erza screamed looking at me She was on the verge of tears.

"I have to save her! I promised future Lucy! I have to save her! I have to. I can't lose Luce.I can't, not again." I fell to my knees. " I can't, I have to save her. I love Lucy. I love her. I can't lose her." I sobbed. Everyone stopped and stared. I just admitted my feelings for Lucy out loud.

"You love her?" Gray slowly questioned.

"Yes. I love her." I solemly said. I stood back up." Like I said before I'm going after her now."

"Natsu. We need to think this through." Gray said. " We need to go back and then save Lucy as a team."

"Gray's right, Natsu. We will save Lucy." Wendy sniffled.

"Wendy she's my mate. I need to go after her."

"And we will. Just not right now."

"No!" I roared.

" Erza now!" Gray yelled, and everything went black.

A/N: Again sorry for it being such a short chapter. Hopefully the next chapter will be longer and better, I am making this up as I go. I usually post the chapter as soon as I've finished writing it. Anyways thanks to everyone who reviewed, I love to hear from you guys.