"Luce are you ok?" Natsu was curiously looking at me. Gray and Erza turned to see what was going on. Wendy, Happy, and Charla were already asleep. We were all sitting around the campfire, now patiently waiting for me to tell them what was wrong.

"Oh nothing." I blushed. How could I tell them what I had been thinking.

"Come on Lucy, if something is wrong you should tell us." Erza said.

"No nothing is wrong, I just got lost in thought." I covered.

" Well you shouldn't do that Luce, because you miss out. I just kicked Icebreaths ass for not telling Juvia how he feels about her." Natsu grinned, punching Gray in the arm.

"WAIT! WHAT! What are your feelings for Juvia?" I jumped up.

"Wow, you really weren't paying attention were you?" Gray laughed. "I love her of course, she's a little crazy but I've fallen for her." He smiled.

"Oh Gray that's amazing, but I have to agree with Natsu, why haven't you told her yet and how could you let it get to the point that Natsu had to tell you?" I said. "Hey!" Natsu shouted.

"Sorry, but you're clueless."

"I am NOT!" He shouted, oh if only he knew.

"Natsu, Lucy is right. You are almost always clueless." Erza backed me up and Gray nodded.

"I'm not clueless!" He insisted. We all laughed but let it go.

"I know letting it get to the point where Mr. Hotpants here is giving me advise is bad, but I just don't know how to tell her." Gray said, Natsu scowled at him.

"Oh I'm sure that with Juvia anything you did would suffice, but I still think that it should be romantic." Erza said. Gray and Natsu looked dumbfounded at her words. "Oh I agree Erza!" I smiled.

"Oh Gray, you've got to do something romantic. Like giving her a dozen roses all red, except for one which would be white and you could say in every bunch there's one that stands out from the rest... and that's you." I smiled. "Or you could write her a love letter and leave it with one fake rose that along with your letter could say I'll love you until this rose dies. Or you could stand outside her window and sing her a love song, or play her one over a stereo."

"Wow Lucy, you've got a lot of ideas." Gray chuckled.

"I read a lot and most girls think about the way they'd want to get confessed to." I sighed. Erza and Gray gave me a knowing look.

"So Luce, how do you wanna get confessed to." Natsu looked at me and smiled. Natsu wants to know how I wanna... No way! He's just kidding right? I must've had a look of complete shock on my face because Natsu started to wave his hand in front of my face.

"You ok, Luce?" I nodded yes.

"So?" Erza prompted.

"Um... Well I've given it a lot of thought and there are so many good romantic ways, but I think I want him to come up with his own way and I want to be surprised by how he does it. I think it's sweet to think that he would spend time thinking it up and planning I out and making it his own." I said. They all kinda stared at me. " So um... Erza what about you?"

"Hmmm... I haven't really given it a lot of thought." She said. " But I would want him to be straight forward with me. I would want him to just tell me... no theatrics just his true feelings."

"Aww...Erza that's so sweet and so you." I said. "So Gray what've you been thinking of doing?"

" Well you've both given me some great ideas, but I'm still not sure. Maybe I should sleep on it." He said.

"I think we should all get some sleep." Erza said. We all settled down for bed. Natsu ate the fire to put it out and it instantly got colder. I huddled down into my sleeping bag to stay warm, and before long I fell asleep. I dreamt of what I had been dreaming about for awhile now, I was at the guild and everyone was being their usual rowdy selves except for Natsu. He was acting really strange, Gray said something that would normally send him into a rage, but he would just mumble something and leave. I would follow him and ask him what was wrong, but he would just shrug until I insisted and then he would look into my eyes and grab my hands. "Luce I -" I would always wake up at this part. I could tell he was going to confess but I never actually got to hear it. I opened my eyes at the same part as always and froze. I could feel a warm body pressed against me. I could feel Natsu's warmth on my back and his arms around me. Only our lower bodies were still in our sleeping bags. I shifted a little trying to move away from him. His grip on me got tighter.

"Mmm... Luce..." I thought Natsu had woken up, but then I heard his soft snores. I smiled a little and drifted back to sleep.

"Wake up!" Erza demanded. My eyes shot open at her voice, and I realized that I was still in Natsu's warm embrace. I could feel my cheeks turning red. I tried to get up but Natsu pulled me closer.

"Natsu! Natsu! Wake up! Let me go!" I tried pulling away again. Natsu slowly opened his eyes, he just as slowly realized the position we were in. His cheeks turned red and he let go of me. We both sat up and stretched.

"Sorry Luce." Natsu blushed.

"Eh, you kept me warm so I'll forgive you this time." I shrugged.

"She Lllllliiiiikkkkkeeeesssss him." I blushed at Happy's words. I should be used to it but I can't help it.

"SHUT UPT STUPID CAT!" I yelled as usual.

"Breakfast is ready." Wendy called interrupting us. We all made our way over to the campfire or breakfast. We ate in silence for a while.

"I think I figured it out." Gray said interrupting the silence.

"Figured what out?" Wendy asked.

" How I'm going to confess to Juvia." He answered.

"How are you going to do it?" I asked excitedly.

" Well I'm going to need the whole guild's help." He said and then started to tell us his plan.

"Oh she's gonna die Gray! It's perfect!" I gushed after he finished.

"Jeez dude, how're the rest of us supposed to come anywhere close to that." Natsu pouted.

"I think it's a great plan." Erza said, Wendy and Charle nodded.

"I agree with Natsu." Happy pouted. I giggled a little at them.

"Guys, not all girls want something this elaborate. This is perfect for Juvia but it's not something I would necessarily want or Erza, Wendy, or Charle would want, right girls?"

"Right. I for one would want something a lot simpler. Lucy's right, it's perfect for Juvia though." Charle said and Happy's ears perked up. Natsu was smiling now too, after our encouraging words.

"Alright let's head home." Erza commanded

. ********************************BACK AT THE GUILD***************************************

"I'm going to tell everyone the plan and set it up tomorrow. Lucy, Natsu can you please keep watch outside so Juvia doesn't come in while we're getting ready." We nodded and parted ways. I headed home, I was so excited for a nice long bath.

"Hey Luce!" Natsu ran after me. "Yeah?" I looked over at him.

"Can I crash at your place?" He asked.

"Why? Don't you wanna go home and spend a little time with just you and Happy?" I pondered. HIs eyes turned kinda sad. " I just mean aren't you sick of me yet?" I say trying to make him feel a little better.

"No! Luce why would you even think that? Are you sick of me? And to answer your first question, Happy has been spending a lot of time at Wendy's place with Charle, even when I'm not at your place." He snapped and started to turn away.

"Natsu." I whisper and grab his hand. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. Of course you can spend the night. I might yell at you and kick you out when you show up unexpectedly but I always let you back in and let you crash over." He immediately smiled and pulls me toward my apartment. He climbs through the window while I went through the front door.

"I'm gonna take a bath, you can watch the lacrima until I get out and then you can take a bath, kay?" He nodded and plopped down on the couch. I rushed into the bathroom, I was so excited to soak in the bath. I stayed in the bath until the water got cold. I climbed out and wrapped my towel around myself and looked around for my pjs. Then it dawned on me, I didn't bring them in with me. "Hey Natsu!" I say sticking my head out the door.

"Yeah Luce?" He asks looking over his shoulder at me.

"I forgot my pjs out there, wanna hand them to me please?"

"Sure thing Luce." He goes over to my dresser and looks around. "Uh Luce? This is all I can find." He holds up my skimpiest pj set. Technically it's lingerie, Levy bought me as a gag gift, but it was cute and not super skimpy. Crap, that's all that I had clean I forgot that I hadn't done my laundry yet. I guess that'll have to do.

"That's all that's clean I guess. Hand it over." I say.

"You're really going to wear this? with me here?" He asked looking slightly shocked.

"Well it's all I've got so yeah.

" "O-okay. I'm just shocked that you're okay with this." He handed me the nighty.

"Well I'd prefer to be a little more covered since you're here, but it'll be ok if we don't make a big deal about it right?" He nodded and I retreated back into the bathroom to change. "Kay Natsu, you can have the tub now." I said stepping out from behind the door. Natsu gulped little when he saw me. "You ok?" He nodded and went to take a bath. I went to my desk and wrote a letter to Mom.

"Yo Luce I'm out." Natsu was in the t-shirt and basketball shorts, he kept here.

"Ok, I was just going to start dinner. What do you want?"

"Fire Chicken!" I smiled and got to work "Luce?"


"Um... Could you wear this please?" I turned around and Natsu was holding up the t-shirt he had been wearing.

"Uh... Sure I guess." I grabbed it from him and threw it on.

"Better?" I asked.

"Not really. I think it might be worse." He blushed.

"Natsu? What's going on? You've seen me naked before, why are you acting strange now?"

"Because before we were in a battle and I didn't really think about it but now you're walking around making me dinner, in lingerie and it's all I can think about. I thought that you wearing my shirt to cover you more would help, but no." He blushed bright red.

"I'm sorry, Natsu. I don't have anything else to change into right now though. What do you think we should do?" "I don't know Luce, but we've gotta do something soon, before I do something stupid." I set his food on the table and went back to plate mine up.

"Ok ok, let's think."

"Soon Luce soon." he had this urgency in his voice. I sat next to him at the table instead of across so he couldn't see me as well. " Why are you next to me?"

"So you can't see me as well."

"Oh! Good idea." He said and then we ate in awkward silence. Natsu smiled and looked at me. He immediately blushed. What is going through his mind right now. "You're welcome Natsu. How 'bout we go watch the lacrima?" he nodded and we made our way to the couch. Nothing was on, so we put in a movie. It was Natsu's choice, I picked the last movie we watched. Natsu usually liked action movies, but tonight he chose the horror movie, The Conjuring. I don't do well with scary movies, so it wasn't long before I was smashing my self against Natsu. He was doing his best to comfort me.

"I'm sorry Luce." Natsu whispered to me. I looked up at him questioningly. "I didn't know how much you don't like scary movies." He explained softly. Aw so sweet, this is why I've fallen for Natsu. He is dense, loud, and unruly, but he is also sweet, caring, protective, amazing, and loving. A scream made me jump into Natsu's lap. His strong warm arms instantly encircled me. I cuddled into them. We finished the movie, without either of us changing position. Once the credits started to roll, I got up to change the movie.

"Hey Natsu, I can't sleep after watching that movie, mind watching something else with me?"

"Sure Luce."

"Even a Disney movie?"

"Anything for you." He smiled. Oh Natsu, why do you have to be so sweet? you make me fall more and more in love with you, but I know you don't feel that way about me. Ugg! I put in Beauty and the Beast and went to sit next to Natsu again. "Hey where are you going?" Natsu smiled.

"I'm not going anywhere, I'm going to sit next to you." I said.

"Nope you're still shaking, you are going to sit here." He said putting lap.

"Natsu, no it's ok. I'm ok." I protested, but Natsu shook his head and pulled me into his lap.

"You're cold and still scared, so you're going to set here and cuddle with me." He smiled and pulled me closer. I smiled and cuddled into his warmth. We watched Beauty and the Beast and cuddled. "Luce? Lucy? Come on wake up! Luce?"

"What?" I mumbled sleepily. I must've fallen asleep.

"Luce we fell asleep." Natsu said. I noticed we were both still on the couch cuddling.

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed and jumped up. "I'm sorry Natsu."

"It's ok Luce." He smiled. " I slept like a baby last night." He got up and stretched. He was still shirtless and I still had his shirt on. He looked at me and blushed. "Hey Luce, would you mind changing?"

"Sure." I made my way to my dresser grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom. When I emerged Natsu was dressed too. Natsu headed in to brush his teeth. I started breakfast, just something simple, eggs bacon and sausage for Natsu and toast and cereal for me.

"Mmm Luce smells good." Natsu said and came sniffing over my shoulder. His face was so close, I blushed and looke away.

"Thanks Natsu." We ate in silence for a while. "We better hurry, we've gotta help Gray with his confession today." I say. Natsu started mumbling something unintelligible. "What?"

"Nothing let's go." He smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. He grabbed my hand and pulled me out the door toward the guild. He held my hand all the time usually dragging me around so I should be used to it, but I blush everytime.

"Oh good! You two are here!" Gray smiled as we reached the guild doors.

"We're on guard duty right?" I ask.

"Yep, thank you guys." Gray said.

"It's going to be great!" I smile. Gray went inside to help decorate. He planned for the whole guild to be filled with blue roses. Hew was going to make a special ice rose. The ice rose he would make infront of her if she promises to be his forever , the rose would last forever. Mira was going to have a dinner prepared for them, too. It was perfect for Juvia. Natsu and I sat side by side to keep an eye out for Juvia.



"Are you jealous of Juvia?"

"WHAT? Why would I be jealous?"

"Well because you like Gray..."

"I don't like Gray, at least not like that anyways. He's kind of like a brother."

"Ok so are you maybe jealous that you're not getting confessed to?"

"I'll admit I do wish that the guy I like would confess to me, but I'm so happy for Juvia."

"I'll tell Loki to confess to you then." He seemed down.

"Natsu." He looked at me. " I don't like Loki like that either. There's someone special I like, but I'm afraid he likes someone else so I'll never get confessed to."

"So who is it?"

"It doesn't matter." I smile sadly.

"Natsu! Gray needs your help. Gajeel and I will sit out here with Lucy while you're inside." Levy said. Natsu nodded and went inside.

"So Lu-chan?" Levy started. "You like Natsu don't you?"

"WHAT?" "We heard your conversation Lu-chan."


"You know Flamebrain likes you too." Gajeel said.

"No he likes Lissanna and as long as he's happy I'm happy."

"You really love him don't you?" Gajeel said. "Bunny girl he loves you too, not Lissanna. I've seen it in the way he looks at you and talks about you."

"I don't know."

"Don't know what? Natsu smiled walking out of the guild doors.

"Nothing." I smiled back.

"What were you guys talking about?" Natsu questioned.

"Oh nothing, just the guy Lu-chan likes." Levy said.

"Oh! Who is it? Luce won't tell me."

"Oh it's -"

"LEVY!" I screamed.

"What?" She asked innocently grabbing Gajeel and running back inside the guild.

"So Luce, who is it?"

"I already told you it doesn't matter."

"But I want to know." He gave me his best puppy dog look, the one I usually couldn't resist.

"Nope not gonna work this time Natsu." I said looking away so I wouldn't give in.

"But Luce..." He whined.

"Why do you wanna know so bad?"

"Because you're my best friend, my partner, we shouldn't keep secrets."

"Ok so then who do you like?"

"Oh um... Nobody."

"Yeah ok, I don't believe you." I said, looking away. " I bet it's Lissanna." I mumbled.

"It's not." He said. My head flipped around to look at him. He looked dead serious.


"Yes, why did you think that?"

"Because I heard the story about how you promised to marry her before she disappeared and then the look and way you acted when she got back."

"Oh Luce, I was young when I promised her that, neither of us want that now. Lissanna wants Bixlow now and I have someone else now too. Ok I hopefully will soon once I confess to her." He smiled. I smiled, he doesn't like Lissanna like I thought, but he does like someone. My smile falters. "Luce? You ok?"


"Are you sure?" I nodded and he let it drop.

"So since we're partners and we shouldn't keep secrets. Oh and now I know for sure you do like someone, you gonna tell me who it is?" I smirked.

"Only if you tell me first." He replied.

"I can't."

"Why can't you tell me?" I won't laugh or make fun of you. I promise." He said.

"I still can't, but I promise one day, soon, I will ok?" He nodded.

"Crap! I see Juvia. Go tell everyone she's coming." Natsu hurried inside.

"Hey Lucy."

"Hey Juvia."

"Did Juvia interrupt Lucy's confession to Natsu?"

"Haha no. I can't tell him. He has someone he likes and is going to confess to her soon."

"Juvia thinks it will be Lucy."

"No he loves me as nakama." I smiled saldly.

"Well don't go trying to steal Gray-sama, he's Juvia's."

"I won't, he's nakama, like a brother to me, besides I'll always love Natsu." I smiled. People started pouring out of the guild doors, saying bye and see ya later.

"Why is everyone leaving?"

"Why don't you go and find out." Juvia started toward the guild and I ran towards fairyhills. We had a lacrima set up so we could watch Gray and Juvia. I burst through the doors and tried to find a good spot to sit so I could see but it was packed. I couldn't find a spot to sit. Suddenly an arm shot out and pulled down.

"There you are Luce. You can sit here." Natsu had pulled me onto his lap. I smiled and settled in.