The diner was full with joy. Shortly after Emma arrived, the line to congratulate her started to grow. Snow and Charming had a little special treatment and could pass by the citizens all the way to their daughter.
"Happy Birthday, Emma!" Snow said grabbing Emma's cheeks and giving her a sweet kiss on each of them. Before Emma had a chance to react, Snow cut her off. "I know! I know we planned the ball and I was sure you didn't want that. I heard about this little party and I could not miss out!"
Charming, noticing his wife's rambling, soon interfered. "She was very sad we had to go against your wishes for the royal appearances". He gave his daughter a hug. "Happy Birthday. It was very lovely of Ruby to make this happen."
Hook, who until now had remained silent, gave the blessing of his word. "I gonna see if there's a bottle of rum to christen that punch. This is very amazing." He said pointing to the table and walking to the kitchen counter. Emma, for the first time, noticing her surroundings.
The diner's ceiling was full with white and red ribbons. "Ruby had to add something with her favorite color", Emma thought to herself. She also noticed the table with beautiful decorated cupcakes, the table's towels were white with little silver swans on it and hanged on the left wall, there were huge letters saying "Happy Birthday Emma." There were also balloons bushes in every and each corner and a line of little snacks and candies along the counter. The diner was somehow full, "who wouldn't want to be in a princess' birthday party?" That made Emma's task a little more difficult.
She found Regina standing beside a table talking with a man. She wore her daily outfit, a tight black skirt, a white blouse, and a brown leather jacked. "What?" Emma spoke silently. Regina was wearing a leather jacket and it was not hers or even Regina's, she would never wear black and brown in the same outfit. She couldn't help it, the green eyed monster took control of her and she wondered who was that man, who the hell does he thinks he is giving Regina his jacket and wh... he is touching her cheek! Now he grabbed her hand! Emma watched as that man walked away and when Regina no longer had a distraction, their eyes met.
Regina made one immediate promise, she would not humiliate herself getting into a line just to congratulate a princess. She watched as Snow and Charming
made use of their royal privilege, who was she kidding, they used their family privilege to reach Emma first and Regina smiled while Snow kissed Emma's cheeks.
In this instant, Robin mentioned: "Are you cold?" Maybe he noticed the little chills and tremors she felt when the lion tattoo and, simultaneously, Emma made their presence known in the room. She had no time to answer when she felt some warmth enveloping her shoulder.
"Thank you", she said, even though the jacket wasn't necessary. She had her own coat, "My coat is behind the counter." She had taken it off while organizing the cupcakes.
"Oh, I'll go grab it for you." He went for the counter, but stopped and brushed his thumb on her cheek.
Regina froze, but smiled when he showed her eyelash on his hand. Robin grabbed the brunette's hand and put the eyelash carefully on her thumb. "Make a wish." He walked away and she stared at the eyelash,what does she need to wish for? What does she want? Her eyes led to another's.
Regina had helped Robin pack his things; he would go back to Fairy Tale Land along with Roland at the end of the week. Today, when Snow opens the portal to Storybrooke, Henry would pass through to be with Regina for his birthday. On the next Friday, Henry, Robin and Roland would be going back and Regina wouldn't know what to do with herself. It was a stressful week, the Mayor was trying to spend it most with Robin and Roland, at the same time trying not to think about the rest of the time she would be alone. However, she needed that time to figure out her life, to be away from everything and everyone and think about her future. Would she be the que... the mayor all her life? Would she live in Storybrooke for the rest of her days? Of course she had to consider Henry, Robin and Roland and E... But maybe, what she needed was time to herself.
Regina was going home early this Friday to be ready to welcome Henry. She locked her office's door and was on her way to the Mercedes when something caught her attention. Ruby was waving at her. She watched as the tall brunette crossed the street and made her way to Regina.
"Regina, I was coming to tell you that everything is ready for tonight. When they cross the portal, you are going to get Henry and take him to your house, that is amazing, by the way. Everyone will be at the backyard and you're going... " Ruby started to recall the plan Regina had already memorized, she was the one who came up with it, she let her mind wander to the decoration and she believed she did a great job.
Regina parked the car in a random street corner and went walking until the docks, the spot where the portal opens every second and third Friday of every month. Her high heels clicked on the pavement and she followed the path of the small crowd who was waiting for their friends or relatives. She made her way to the front, being the Mayor had its perks, although the fear the citizens still held of her Evil Queen phase would always be present. She was dating, but the Mayor was still intimidating and powerful as hell. And especially, the brunette valorized respect and if that wasn't given, then fear was fair enough.
As the portal opened, Regina payed attention to the green swirling turmoil. Henry showed up and she smiled. He was getting so big, he was taller than Regina , although it was difficult to notice at first sight because of her constant use of high heels. He started to grow a beard, those short scratchers hairs that annoyed the crap out of Regina, she probably would have to tell him to shave. But what caught the most of Regina's attention was the hand on his shoulders.
She had no idea Emma was coming to the party. Her visits were rare these last two years (occ: more about that later). Henry got out of Emma's grasp and smiled at Regina making a quick walk towards her. They hugged, when they broke apart Regina put her hands on his face. "You're growing too fast, my little prince." Henry was past the time he would be embarrassed by his mother's affections, he was mature for his age so he was capable of acknowledging that his mom missed him very much and needed to be motherly sweet. That was nice, he was one of the few people on Earth who knew this side of her. "I missed you too, mom."
Emma, then, stepped forward. "Hi."
Henry looked between his two mothers, and tried to command the awkward situation. "So, Mom, I invited Emma to spend this week with us, because it's my birthday and all. And she is..."
"That's alright, dear. Emma is your mother, she has the right to spend your birthday with you too. I am not that selfish to keep you all to myself." Regina grinned, because Henry knew that if she could keep him all to herself, she would. Henry chuckled. "Okay, Mom. Let's pretend this is true."
"Thank you, Regina. I didn't know if you had plans with Henry and when I arrived, he said he would be coming here for his birthday and invited me. I didn't know if you would be okay with my coming, but I didn't want to miss his birthday." Emma explained.
"Arrived?" She didn't want to sound interested on Emma's life, but she had no idea what happened at the Enchanted Forest besides what Henry told her and if Henry was being taken care by the two idiots, she wanted to know. And maybe, she was a little curious of Emma's whereabouts. "And I understand, dear."
"Oh yeah! Mah was traveling all around the realms. She arrived at the castle early though, and that's when she knew that I would be spending my birthday with you and I wanted to spend it all of us together like old times, so here we are." Henry interfered happily.
"This is great, Henry." Regina forced a smile, she didn't know what happened between her and the blonde that changed the way they were two years ago. Maybe it was their new relationships or the distance and the fact that they didn't see each other every so often. "Let's get going." Regina put her arm around Henry's waist and smiled at Emma.
Emma and Regina's eyes met. Emma gave her a little smile and Regina responded with a confused frown and then, smiled back. Emma said a "be right back" to her parents and moved towards Regina, when she was suddenly stopped by Henry. He grabbed her shoulders from behind and tried to climb her back like a monkey, Emma startled by the sudden movement almost fell, making Regina jump and try to reach them. Henry laughed and actually hugged her like a normal person would. He was well aware that he was almost a man and quite heavy, but apparently he and Emma had a brutal game back in the castle that they would try to make the other fall down. Emma had realized that their relationship was different than his and Regina's, but she didn't mind being the cool parent.
"Congratulations, Emma! This is awesome, isn't it? It's almost better than the ball will be, just don't tell Grandma, she would kill me." They both laughed and he continued. "It's pretty cool that Mom planned all this..."
"What? Wasn't it Ruby?" Emma asked confused and kind of hopeful.
"Mom planned the whole thing, she just didn't have the time to decorate and cook everything. Then she asked Ruby, who was really glad to help, so I guess they did a pretty good job." Henry explained.
Emma looked back at Regina, who was watching them smiling. "I should go thank her then." Henry smiled proudly. "Yes, go there. I gotta go talk to Grampa." Henry walked to Charming and Emma to Regina.
"Congratulations, Emma." The beautiful Mayor said as soon as Emma came closer. "I hope you like the party." Emma smiled brightly and hugged Regina. She was surprised, but soon enveloped Emma's back with her arms. It felt so good to feel the blonde's strong arms around her, to feel her body so close, but the contact was lost.
Emma succeed in finding strength to break apart. "Thank you so so much. The party is great. I can't believe you would do all of this for me."
"I can't believe it either." Regina teased.
"Well, you can't resist my charms."
I can't. "Shut up, Miss Swan." Regina tried to build her walls up again, because it was true; she couldn't resist Emma Swan. "Where is Hook?" Emma smiled faltered for a short time, and she hoped Regina hadn't noticed. She did. "He is probably drinking all the rum and being the charming gentleman he is." Emma joked. "He and I..." Emma started. "I don't need to know, Miss Swan. You don't have to explain yourself to me."
"I know you don't me to justify, but I wanted to..." Emma was getting frustrated, she wouldn't want Regina to get the wrong intention of her "arrangement" with Hook.
"Here's your coat." Robin intruded. He held Regina's coat on her front. "Oh! Here's your jacket." She took the jacket off her shoulder and gave it back to him. "Robin, this is Emma. You probably already know who she is. And Emma, this is Robin, he's a friend."
He held his hand for her to shake, so she did. "Pleasure to meet you." He said it kindly. "Nice to meet you too."
Note: As I said on tumblr, .com , I will be posting every Sunday! Today was an exception, because I wrote this in class. Guess I didn't pay attention :/ That's good though, I'm posting it early. :P