the ride to jail was extremely boring. Sasuke could not flip his hair or else he will get yelled at, and that was his favorite pastime. when they arrived at jail sasuke bounded out of the car. The ninja police continued to excort him all the way to his jail cell.

jail was pretty dank.

he changed his clothes to orange and met his cell mate. he had red hair and glowing eyes and no eyebrows. sasuke begans to feel frightned by this mans outward appearence. "hi im sasuke" He introduced himself. the red haired boy said "hmmph."

"I am Gaara." gaara said

"grawr? :3" said sasuke. They both shook hands. "What are you in for?" gaara looked away at the corner of the ceiling, his stare a million miles away.

"i killed a man with my bare sands."

sasuke nodded and looked down at his feet. this guy was the Real Deal. "what are you in for?" red boy asked?

"I was framed." he swallowed. he choked on his swallowed. gaara slapped his back and asked if he was ok buddy. sausage nodded and tok a seat on the concrete floor. "don't worry about me. i'l be alright. I've survived until now in this crazy, messed up place we call the real world; i think i'll make it to see another day."

Sasuke turned his head to find gaara using their toilet.