Darkness and brightness

Don't combine! Right?

Chapter 3

"Shinobu and Sakura your turn"

Shinobu had dark-blond hair, big gray eyes and he wasn't that tall and he had cat ears, tail, and white-bat wings. These surprise the public; he was a rare Chibtuk, no one before saw or read such weird combinations. While Sakura, she was average size (yet a little bit taller than Shinobu) and had long blue hair and blue eyes that combined it, her ears were like fish's flippers and her hands looked slimy while in between her fingers there was something that looked like transparent paper that maintain the fingers connected to each other. Everyone knew what she was, a Mermaid.

Once they both were on the stage the woman gave them the bracelets and they put it on with no word. The two pass to the same proses with the bracelets like Misaki and Frau but they weren't surprise like they were because they had already seen what would had happen. When they both had finish putting the bracelets the woman order to put down the dome again and to begin the fight. Once the dome was down the huge screen showed Shinobu and Sakura kind and level of power; Shinobu was a white magic user in level 8 and Sakura was dark magic user in level 8.

You have to be fucking kidding me! Shinobu thought while looking at the screen, he knew that even if both of them were in the same level that didn't meant they were really in same strength level. Dark magic was more powerful than white magic in many ways, such as controlling people, controlling the weather, controlling whatever their surrounding is, and their attacks have more effects then white magic.

Shinobu knew he was screwed if he didn't think over his moves carefully, she might be stronger than me but I hope she isn't as smart.

When Sakura looked away from the screen she didn't lose time and immediately started to attack Shinobu with hot water strings, but this, surprisingly, didn't bother Shinobu at all; he simply dodged them all by slightly moving his head and body to the sides. She started to get irritated that she couldn't heat him and tried to use physical force so she started to run towards him with all the intentions of kicking him in the face or in the stomach, but before her foot could had contact with his body, he separated his white wings, creating a tornado of air that sent Sakura flying away to the other end of the arena. But the surprise of everyone was when she use water that started to form on her hands to lift herself up before she could hit the floor and with the same water she cover her whole body! No one in the room understood what she was trying to do but then her body and the water slowly started to disappear! And within seconds her body was completely gone and so was the water, Shinobu was confuse. Big time. He looked everywhere possible to at least get a glimpse of his opponent's presence, but instead he found himself getting slapped right in the face with hot air, "Aghh!" he screamed at the same time he touched his burned cheek. He had no time to compose himself before another wave of hot air slapped him right into his left eye, "Fuck!" he screamed in pain, he covered his eye with his palm and tried to hear his surrounding with his cat ears, and within seconds he heard how the wind move to his right and up, and with his snake eyes he looked up and quickly adjust them to detect hot temperature and that's when he saw her right above him, and losing no time he blew fire out of his moth, just like a dragon would, towards her butt, "AAHHHHH!" she screamed so loud that everyone outside the dome had to cover their ears (well what did you expect of a mermaid).

Sakura had fallen to the ground with a loud THUMP and CRACK! Everyone gasp and saw how Sakuras right arm was twisted in a weird angle and how her life bar was already at 86%. Yet she stood up as if nothing was wrong, "I don't need my arm to beat you," she said to Shinobu who was staring at her twisted arm, "You couldn't even beat me with both of your arms been okay," Shinobu replied, "What makes you think you can still beat me with just one arm?"

"That's why I have a tail!"

"That doesn't work on air"

"Who said I was going to use it on air"

Shinobu didn't understand what Sakura meant by saying that she wasn't going to use her tail on air, her tail only work under water so… there's water everywhere, you just need oxygen to create water, that's why it's called H2O! Didn't you learn anything in chemistry class? how the fuck do you think she was able to disappear, stupid! His dragon side screamed in his head.

He opened his eyes wide at realizing what she meant, but it was too late to react because she had trapped his whole body with a wiped of water that turned into ice right away, making him unable to move from where he was standing. And right after that she extended her good arm and started to cast a spell in another language. Water started to appear in every side of the dome and just in some second it was completely filled up making it impossible for Shinobu to find a way to breath. He slowly opened his eyes and tried to adjust them to the blurriness of the water and quickly started to think of how he could escape, but Sakura had other plans, in a blink of an eye her legs transform into a long blue tail with multiple little white dots that created a single flower in the flapper and started to swim towards Shinobu like a flash. She slapped him with her strong tail making him to loos air and his conscience, no! Keep it together Shinobu! Don't let that bitch win! He thought to himself, slowly again he tried to open his eyes but again Sakura slapped him in the face with her tail, and again and again and again.

Easier said than done, right?

Outside the dome everyone could see how Shinobu's life bar was slowly decreasing, 97%... 95%... 91%. He was losing all senses in his brain and his oxygen was decreasing dramatically, there was no way he was going to survive. she slapped him again with more force but this time instead of his face she slap his throat, making him to let out all the little oxygen he had left. His dragon side was getting angry while his cat side was crying out of pain, we can't let her wean! His dragon said

But it hurts a lot! His cat side cried.

Stop being such a kitten and do something!

W-Why don't you do something!

I'm always the one doing something!

Both sides kept fighting in Shinobu's head, completely forgetting that their body was about to die in any second, would both of you shut the fuck up! He screamed and the one to respond was the dragon, ugh! Would you mine? We are having a conversation here!

C-Can't you see we are drowning!

It's your fault for being so week

We are the same fucking person!

NOOO, we are in the same body but not the same person! If I was in control I would do so much better work!

YOU… YOU. Are. So. Fucking. annoyiiinnnnggg!

Heat started to consumed Shinobu's whole body, it felt like he was on fire. He felt anger and desire of destruction. The water around him started to give out bubbles, just like if it was boiling. Shinobus anger started to consume him even more to the point he became a human torch under water!

The people out of the dome stood up from their seats and cheer up Shinobu to keep doing whatever he was doing. They were all confuse and amaze of what Shinobu was doing, but yet they keep cheering him up. Few of them weren't aware that whatever Shinobu was doing was decreasing, not only Sakuras, but as well his own life bar too.

Shinobu: 54%

Sakura: 33%

Sakura desperately was looking for a way to escape out of the water, but the boiling water didn't let her think properly and she had no strength left in her, she only felt pain and fear of being burned alive. And Underneath her, Shinobu was still burning out of control. His eyes turn bright red, scales started to form on his body and his nails were starting to grow. The fire around him started to grow and started to become even more hotter that the water started to evaporate rapidly, to the point that there was nothing left. But Shinobu couldn't stop it, he was out of control and he was close to becoming a super nova.


Stop it! Make it stop drago!

Give me the control, now!

No! I know what you will do after!

No time for that, give me the fucken control!


"Take him out! He will explode!"

Misaki screamed to the woman with orange hair and in respond he got nothing, "He won't be able to survive even before you pull up the dome!" no respond yet, "Would you want to explain to the principal what happened to one of his Chibtuks? And of why you give a bad experience to the students!" this time the woman gave him a dirty look and gave a signal to pull the dome up. Everyone got scared when they saw the dome moving up and immediately back off, but their surprise was when the heat didn't spread in the room and instead it faded away slowly, living a glowing Shinobu on the ground and as well a burn Sakura that looked more like a cooked fish.

"Don't let the principal know about this and immediately clean this mess," the orange woman whispered to the school's president, Ren.

"Yes ma'am, right away," he gave a signal to the four guys behind him dress in all black to take the two in front of them out of the arena. Right away they ran up to the arena and separated into two groups to pick the two Chibtuks laying in the ground that weren't fully heal.

"Are they dead?"

"What's happening?"

"Was that supposed to happen?"

Questions surrender the whole place, increasing the volume and annoyance of the orange woman, "SILENCE!"

Loudness was replaced with complete silence, "damn, you didn't even us the microphone," Misaki said loud enough for her to hear, "ill take that as a compliment," she said. She walked up the stair and to the middle of the arena, once more, and she said, "The winner is Shinobu, obviously, and because he was badly hurt by his own power Misaki will be the first one to be introduce to his owner." She said with a smirk the last word of the sentence and looked at Misaki. To Misaki's bad luck, she knew exactly what buttons to push to annoy him and she knew very well that he couldn't do anything to defend himself, one of this days I'm going to let you feel my anger. She turn back to the public with the smirk still on her face and she said, "Misaki pleas come up and…" she unfold a paper that no one knew she had on her hand and read, "Usami Akihiko, please come down,"

I can feel hell rising up, Misaki thought as he saw his new owner standing up from his seat.

I AM SO SOORRYYYY! . I haven't updated like in a year and I feel soooo bad Dx

time hasn't been on my side and this computer has been giving me a lot of trouble. all this school year I have been doing essays for my English class so I haven't had time to continue my stories and its even harder to publish because I have no internet at home so I have to go to the library or something and I have to go walking (which I'm lazy to) Right now i'm actually using my friends internet Lol

but no matter what i'll finish my stories!

idk when im going to post the next chapter but I hope soon xD

sorry if my English is bad, but like I have said before, "English is not my first language"

pleas review :3