This is the continuation from the last chapter and into the second chapter:

After lunch, the two friends had Mr. Jones for the second half of their history class. They'd been studying World War 1, and Maria wasn't too thrilled about it. Eddie on the other hand thought it was great. He loved anything having to do with killing and war. He often said he wanted to be a soldier of fortune- one who fights for money- when he grew up, and he meant it!

Then there was Maria who completely forgot about the object that she'd put in her backpack earlier since she didn't want to believe that it was real and in her possession. Maria just hated the thought of taking another person's life. It wasn't like she was afraid of blood or the sounds of bones snapping or popping out of place; it was the fact that she took death very seriously.

Ever since her father…

"Oi," Eddie shouted in her ear. "Maria! You comin' or what"? He was standing against the wall next to the door and waiting for her to come with him to their next class together.

"Oh yeah," She realizes that she had been daydreaming. "Sorry Eddie".

He merely shrugs, "Eh, whatever. Come on, we're gonna be late to math".

They incredibly made it to math just before the bell rang and sat down before the teacher was even in the room. Instead of their usual pain in the ass teacher, the class had a substitute filling in, so that was a clear sign to the students that they could do whatever they wanted to do for an entire hour.

Eddie took this time to start showing off to the other boys and girls in the class. Explaining how he'd popped some dude who tried to steal his bike upside the head and broke his hand. Normally, the teacher who usually taught the class would've never allowed such a story to be told in school.

"And I'm sure she'd be appalled to see this…" Maria shook her head as she saw the substitute gather around Eddie with the rest of the students. "It'd give her a heart attack-" Realization hit her like a bitch.

The field. The object. Her picking up the object. The majority of her childhood coming back to also hit her in the head.

Maria quickly moved to the back of the classroom where no one could see her pulling a black book out from her backpack. Her fingers ran over the eerie words that seemed to be clawed on the front of it: Death Note

A chill goes down her spine before a strong feeling enters her system. A feeling that makes her reach into her pencil bag and pull out a pen. Before she even knew what she was doing, her hands had opened up the notebook to a random, blank page. The pen almost makes contact with the paper before she yanks her hand away.

Maria's eyes go wide with realization of what she could've done just then. She remembered from her childhood reading the rules of the Shinigami's Death Note. Of course, she didn't remember all of the rules but she knew that she could've just murdered someone. All it took was a name and a face after all…

"Death Note…" Maria mutters softly to herself. Was this the real thing? It was pretty convincing if it was. "God… is this thing even real"? She studies the book again, and then shook her head. "I doubt it. Like hell I'm going to find out though". She stuffs the book back into her backpack and zips it up tight.

For the rest of the day, Maria stays quiet and secluded at the back of her classes. Half of her was trying to forget about the notebook while the other half wanted to write the names of the people who she hated the most into it. She wouldn't do it even if it was to someone who she hated with a burning passion. Maria just couldn't do this to anyone.

After school, Eddie met her outside next to the parking lot. He usually drove her home after school or they went someone to hang out for a little while.

"It's gotta be a fake…" Maria says to herself as Eddie approached her. She was leaning up against his motorcycle and shaking her head.

"What's a fake"? He asked her. His brow rose as she jumps at the sound of his voice.

"Nothing," She says a bit too quickly. "Nothing at all".

"Hmm…" Eddie shrugs not wanting to pry anything from his best friend. "Alright I'll buy that". He hops onto his bike and motions for her to get on. "Come on, I'll take you home".

Maria gets on the back and wraps her arms around his waist. It may have been a bit uncomfortable with her but it was the safest thing she could do since neither one of them had helmets. Eddie revs up his bike and makes a one eighty degree turn in the parking space before he shoots the two of them out of there like they were riding a rocket.

Taking the short cuts through a few alleyways at high speeds made sure that no cops would be able to clock their speed, and it was the quickest way for Eddie to get Maria home. A sharp left turn into a small suburbia and they were there. Eddie stops in front of a small white house with a black roof.

"That'll be fifty seven dollars for taxi services, miss". He smirks at her as she gets off.

"Just put it on my tab," Maria laughs.

Eddie laughs as well, "Okay. Call you later then"! He shouts as he speeds out of the small neighborhood.

When he's gone, Maria's face goes from a smile to an immediate look of distress. The school day may be over but she was still stuck with this book that may or may not be real.

When she opens the door to the house, the Death Note is still the only thing racing its way throughout her mind. She tries to forget it but couldn't, not even when she was watching her favorite TV shows. It was just so real when something like this shouldn't even exist or at least not in the human world.

Maria's mother didn't notice anything was up with her daughter when she obviously seemed like she was scared half to death, but her brother sure as hell noticed. Tai was her older brother. He was that overprotective brother that could be very annoying but most of the time he was pretty chill. He just shakes his head at their mother and goes to where Maria is in the living room.

"What's eating you"? He asks.

"Nothing's wrong," She mumbles as she slouches in an armchair.

"Yeah there is," He mentions. "You never act this bummed out after school".

Maria rolls her eyes at him, but she knew he'd keep on asking until he got the truth, so she tells him something that would through him off.

"I was thinking about father for most of the day". Maria says, this wasn't a total lie.

His face visually falls upon hearing this. "I see…"

"You know how it is whenever I think about him," She explains. "I end up being bummed like this, Tai".

He nods in understanding and walks over to her. "Just don't go and get all depressed about him again, okay"?

"I do not get depressed"! She says huffily.

"I know," He laughs and tries to kiss my forehead. "You're just my little, grumpy sister"!

"Argh"! She grumbles and swats him away with her hand. "Tai, don't"!

He just laughs and walks back into the kitchen, "Silly," He mocks me.

"Fool," Maria sticks her tongue out at him when his back is turned.

Death Note…

The thought comes back into her mind. Shaking her head, Maria sighs and turns the TV off before making her way up the stairs and to her room. She locks the door and throws her backpack on the bed with the notebook still inside.

"Some comics should get this freakin' thing out of my mind".

She walks over to a bookshelf on the far side of the room and scans over her comic books. She had a bunch to choose from- Batman, Spiderman, Green Lantern, Venom, Dr. Strange, and Hellboy. Hellboy was one of her favorites. Maria spent the rest of the night reading comic books and then putting them back into order when she was done reading them.

Most nights she would normally go to bed by eleven, but her mother just forgot about her, and she didn't notice when it was past midnight. Then Tai saw the light in her room and came up. Maria unlocked the door after he knocked on it twenty thousand times. He pretended to be nag on her about not getting enough sleep and it's a school night but he couldn't get that smile off of his face when he lectured her. He never really minded that I stayed up late.

"You". He says. "Bed. Now. Or I'll never be able to wake you up in the morning".

"Just a minute, Tai," Maria tells him. "I've got to put away the rest of my comics and brush my teeth".

"Alright," He nods. "But make it quick would ya"? He shuts the door and she hears him walk back down to his room.

Maria stuck the comics into their own little box, thought about the Death Note, and put them back onto their shelf. She scrambles into her pajamas and went to brush her teeth. She took her time, brushing carefully, thinking about the Death Note, and it was almost twelve thirty when she got into bed.

She lies back, frowning. Maria feels completely exhausted and realizes that she'll hardly get any sleep tonight. After tossing and turning for an entire hour, she gives up and goes to her backpack. She unzips the bag and pulls out the notebook.

"God," Maria says as she glares at its black cover. "This thing should've chosen a person who'd actually kill someone and not be my burden. Course, then everyone would die thanks to that one person and- Argh! I don't just want to give this thing away or throw it in the trash for someone to possibly pick up! Dammit! What 1-800 number do I call to get advice on this fuckin' thing"? She sarcastically remarks and doesn't expect a reply.

"Hyuk, hyuk, hyuk…"

Maria's eyes go wide. "This is a dream. I am dreaming. I will wake up at school before this all started and be fine. There are no voices in my room other than my own voice".

"Keep on telling yourself that, Maria".

She looks to her side and sees a Shinigami lounging on his side next to her body. She blinks and watches as he blinks right back at her.

"Damn it all…" Maria thinks to herself. "This isn't a dream after all..."

Finally accepting that today actually happened, Maria then proceeds to do what any rational person would do in this type of situation. She freaks out and takes the Death Note and starts hitting it upside the Shinigami's head.

Cause this is what any rational person would do, right? Maybe, maybe not.

Until the third chapter then, good people.